Ubuntu Multimedia :: Choosing Default Music Player For IPod (Rythmbox To Banshee)
Jan 12, 2010
I recently installed Banshee and would like to set it as my default music player. Currently, when I plug in my iPod, Rythmbox auto loads and then Banshee cannot access the device. Is there a way to go about changing this setup so when I plug in the iPod, it's Banshee that loads it and not Rythmbox?
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Sep 1, 2010
I keep getting this error when I try to run an Audio CD using Rythmbox Music Player.
Could not open location cdda://sro/' Failed to execute child process "sound juicer" (no such file or directory)
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Mar 20, 2011
At the moment I use Rhythmbox to acces my music and my iPod 5G. I would however like to use Banshee, but in Banshee all my iPod 5G-music is displayed under the video folder, while the music folder is empty. Any idea why?And also I have several albums with different artists on them, which gets spread out on i.e. 10 single albums even though they belong to the same album. This happens - as far as I can tell - after I've accessed the iPod from Rhythmbox (which is part of the reason why I wanna use Banshee).
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Feb 6, 2010
Had issues when 9.10 first came out with Banshee not recognizing my MP3 Player (iPod or Sanza). So, I went back to 9.04 as my music is very important. I decided to upgrade recently again to 9.10 and still having issues. Two things:
1. If I start Banshee and then attach my Sanza player, it pretty much kills Banshee. Screen goes dark and I have to kill it. It seems as if I connect my player first, then start Banshee, it picks it up and all looks good. Easy enough to do it this way, but just curious on it.
2. The Banshee is an 8GB and also has an 8GB SD card. In 9.04, this would show up in Banshee as two devices when connected so that I could copy music to/from either the native drive or the SD Card. Now, even when it connects as noted in #1, I only see the native 8GB on the Sanza... there is no SD Card listed, no ability to get to it, and neither of them show up on my desktop (in 9.04, they both showed up on desktop and in Banshee).
I am totally open to getting off the iPod... went out and bought the Sanza (which I love) specifically because of Ubuntu, open formats (ogg), etc. But, haven't been able to use it fully as I would like.
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Jan 5, 2011
(using 10.10) and I just can't get my iPod Touch to sync with my Rythmbox.
When I plug my iPod into the USB port, a message is prompted, which tells me it detected a digital music device and asks me to select a program to access it. Then I select "Rythmbox" and Rythmbox opens.
My iPod's name shows on the left bar, but when I select it, no songs appear, and also I can't drag songs from my library to my iPod.
I aready tried Banshee and Amrok and it didn't work on those either.
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Aug 20, 2010
I am trying to connect my 2nd Gen Ipod to Xubuntu and import my music collection onto the Ipod. I am having real problems with this. Rhythm Box does not recognise the Ipod with the plug-in, I have tried Amarok, but each time I tried to open it, it just crashed, tried sending a bug report but that did not want to work. I have also tried Exaile with the Ipod plug-in but when you go to the device manager you can click on the Ipod but nothing happens. I have tried looking at the Exaile forums but this seems to be a problem for others as well. The Ipod mounts ok, now a bit stuck.
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Apr 27, 2011
I am looking for music player like banshee but do not want mono . Banshee unfortunately requires mono
Obviously have not given all all the deps, but the last 7 odd ones tell you what I mean. If anybody knows of any good music player which has similar functionality as banshee lemme know. Look for two things:-
a. Should be able to play all and any music format (have all the plugins)
b. Should be able to close it and have it in the system tray playing in the background.
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Jul 4, 2009
I am running Ubuntu 8.4 and im looking for a player that will play iPod format songs with an equalizer.
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Oct 21, 2010
I own an ipod shuffle and in ubuntu 10.04 worked perfectly, but after upgrading (I did a fresh install) to ubuntu 10.10 rythmbox recognizes the ipod, but it can't list the items and if I try to reload the list, rhythmbox closes irremediably.
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Mar 26, 2010
For the life of me, I can not get Banshee to work with an iPod on FC12-x64. Mind you , I can browse over to the iPod's data directories and play music directly from the iPod. Banshee just does not recognize the iPod.
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Feb 24, 2010
Ive heard that amarok works but im not sure how to download it.
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Jul 5, 2010
i plug in my mp3 player and nothing pops up. i would like to move songs from my library to my mp3 player. i have no clue what im doing here.
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May 13, 2011
I have no sound after upgrading to 11.04. Sound control panel and test speakers emits no sound. The new music player won't play sounds from music CDs either.
ALSA info is at: [url]
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Feb 1, 2010
I'm using kubuntu 9.10 and I know there was a thread a while back about someone having the same problem with ubuntu. Unfortunately I can't get the ubuntu solution to work with kubuntu
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Feb 21, 2010
after upgrading to Ubuntu 9.10 banshee does not see my Ipod anymore, which is a nano video 3g one. Rhythmbox works though, gtkpod not. I thought I had to install libgpod-dev and libgpod2, but the second library is not available anymore in synaptic. I have installed libgpod4, libgpod-common, -dev.
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Nov 8, 2010
I am trying to configure mpd (music player daemon) to access my music files that are stored on a windows server (NAS).
In the mpd configuration file I have to point to the directory in which the music is.
How do I do that? Is it something to do with mount?
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Apr 19, 2010
I've had an awkward problem lately: every music player I use wants to instead of play music from my USB external hard drive, stream music from it. I have no idea why it suddenly started doing that. It may have been an accidental key-combo I pressed, thinking I had another window targeted and didn't bother pressing it again for my Totem music player. So I closed out of Totem in hopes that Rythmbox would work like totem used to. Well, it doesn't. It wants to stream music now.The problem with the streaming music is trivial, but here it is: I have a playlist with a little over 300 songs. I have Totem set to shuffle and repeat my music. Streaming music with it makes it just stop randomly after a few songs, and when I try to pause music and play it later it takes a good 30 seconds before it kicks back in at the beginning of the song.Like I always ask because I don't know enough to give back to the community yet, can anyone help me? Thanks.
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Jan 13, 2010
after upgrading to Karmic I started having problems with ipod and banshee.I have found out this a known problem. You can check it at the banshee siteQuote:There is a known issue with iPod not being recognized by Banshee on openSUSE 11.2 and Ubuntu Karmic.mainly because of switching from HAL to device kits, as done with Ubuntu Karmic 9.10. Related bug is #586508 "Underlying distros moving from HAL to DeviceKit breaks Podsleuthslity to mount device"More details are available atAt the timehis writing a possible workaround is reported to be the following:Quote:[...]all I would have to do is disconnect the ipod andmake sure that banshee is closed. Then open up terminal and run
killall -9 nautilus
Then plug in the iPod and wait about 30 seconds, then run nautilus again by hitting Alt+F2. After I ran this and opened up banshee my iPod worked like a charm
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Jan 19, 2010
I am trying to get working properly with Ubuntu. Currently I am trying to get it to work with Banshee.Originally, my girlfriend connected it to iTunes running under Windows, and configured it and loaded music, photos and podcasts onto it. Unfortunately for her, the Windows machine had a hardware failure, and there is no other PC running real Windows for her to use. I have some Windows Virtual Machines on my Ubuntu server, but there are known problems passing through the iPod USB connection to a KVM Virtual Machine.
I tried iTunes under Wine (using the PlayOnLinux software to install and configure), but that also doesn't work (also apparently a known problem).So I am left with getting the iPod working with real native Ubuntu software. I tried Rhythmbox, but that doesn't seem to support writing to an iPod. Then I tried Banshee, which claims to be able to do it all.Banshee can connect to the iPod, and I can load music and videos onto the iPod, but:Banshee cannot see any of the music already on the iPod (loaded with ITunes),The iPod cannot see any of the files (music or video, nor any new Playlists) loaded by Banshee. The files are there (I can see them by browsing the iPod device with Nautilus), and they are certainly taking up storage space, but they do not show up when using the iPod directly.It is as if there are 2 iPods: the real iPod, and a virtual iPod accessed by Banshee.
I am running Banshee 1.6 Beta 3 (1.5.2), on Jaunty (9.04).When I first connected the iPod to Banshee it told me that, because the device had been used with a new version of iTunes, the media catalogue would have to be rebuilt, to which I agreed. I am starting to suspect that there are now 2 media catalogues on the iPod, one being used by Banshee, and the other by the iPod iteslf.
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Dec 10, 2010
I am running 10.10 and using Banshee. When I go to sync my Ipod Touch 3rd Gen (8GB), it syncs fine in Banshee or appears to but on my iPod, it still shows the "Sync in Progress" for hours afterward. If I cancel the sync from my iPod, some of the music won't show up.
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Dec 27, 2010
Banshee will recognize iPod shuffle 4th gen. It will let me drag songs to iPod and they show up in Banshee as being on my iPod. When I disconnect iPod and hit play, the voice over tells me to please load songs from iTunes.
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Nov 22, 2010
When I first plugged my ipod in, it said that it was too new to read, so I ran the update with banshee. Now it shows all of the files, but whenever I try to add or remove a file from my ipod, it say that it's preparing to synchronize, but just sits there. How to make it actually sync?
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Sep 6, 2010
I've been using banshee for a couple weeks. And it's worked great up until now. This happened one other time, and I reinstalled ubuntu, and it worked fine. Now it's not working again. What's happening is, I plug my ipod in, and banshee recognizes it. But when I try to put music onto it, it says it's syncing, and then I disconnect, and the music isn't on there. I updated podsleuth, but that didn't seem to help.
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Nov 13, 2010
(New thread due to significant change in info)5th gen iPod is recognized, but will not load files into banshee. It is the latest version of banshee. My ipod (named SON2) shows up in the menu, but when selected it hangs on "Loading SON2" and showing that it's busy...but this goes on without end, no files ever get loaded. Also, banshee doesn't recognize any music or video on the ipod, only "other". Steps taken so far:- A complete removal and reinstallation of banshee has had no effect.- Installed latest version of podsleuth, no effect- Previous had "automount" in nautilus preferences unchecked, rechecked - no effectPossible signs of danger:Running Banshee from Terminal output (CLICK HERE FOR NOPASTE OUTPUT)- skipping my song errors, at the bottom 4 warnings occur, followed by a number of failures which I don't understand
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Sep 9, 2010
I just started using fedora 13 and would like to know how to set Amarok as your default music player.
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Feb 16, 2010
I've started using Banshee to sync my ipod lately. There are a few issues with it that I can bear - having to killall natutilus every time I reconnect my ipod being one. But I'm getting a bit peeved with Banshee being apparently incapable of syncing my album artwork correctly. It downloads the correct artwork perfectly within banshee, but at the minute about half the albums on my ipod have REM Monster cover art beside them. Is there any way I can force Banshee to reset the artwork?
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Mar 11, 2010
I use Banshee 1.5.4 on Ubuntu 9.10 with a 2nd gen iPod Shuffle. I was thrilled when I plugged it in to see that everything worked right out-of-the-box but then I found that there's no way to manually order songs, Banshee always put an arrow in a column for you.
If you don't know much about the Shuffle, it lets you flick between 'sorted' and 'shuffled' mode. In sorted mode it plays songs in the order they are arranged in the music playlist. I like to keep classical and relaxing songs at the top of my playlist for when I can't sleep but Banshee won't let me manually organise my songs so I can't do this.
Peculiarly, when you drag songs to the Shuffle individually, though they will show up as being sorted, when you go to play them on the Shuffle they play in the order in which you dragged them. I was planning to just drag and drop over each song individually but I think there must be an easier way... I'm probably just missing something. P.S. Here's a screenshot to clarify. I synched the songs over in the order of Blur, Gorillaz, Air and Muse but they don't show as such
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Nov 13, 2010
I really, really like Banshee and I really, really don't want to use gtkpod or rythmbox
Overview:I have a 5th gen video ipod which I'm trying to load onto my banshee.I was able to do this in the past, but since the upgrade to 10.04 (WHICH IS AWESOME!!) I've been S.O.L. Previously, I had to change some settings in order to get the ipod to sync w banshee, and I'm wondering if that's why I'm blocking it's native ability to sync. I'm trying to remember what changes I've made,but it's been awhile...
Breakdown: - in order to mount the iPod, I have to go to Places>Ipod and select it from the list
- I then open banshee, and the ipod is recognized in my menu
- when I go to load it, it says "loading ipod", which goes indefinitely and never ends...
- in addition, it does not recognize any music/video is on my ipod - only 11.9gb of "other"
...and that's it. I would love to load my new music
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Dec 6, 2010
A friend of mine has a 1st generation iPod touch, and wants to switch completely to linux, but is concerned how the songs currently on his iPod will be handled when he switches. He has many songs that are only on the iPod; he has purchased them from the iTunes store directly on the device, not through iTunes on his computer.
When he syncs his iPod with Banshee, will Banshee merely copy the songs onto his linux partition? Is there any chance that Banshee will remove the songs from his iPod? He obviously dosen't want to lose any of his music. A slightly lesser concern as well... will Banshee be able to play these protected files?
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Aug 18, 2010
i am trying to install banshee from source and from apt.......but after install it doesnt show up on menu didnt try rythmbox but help with any one of them is fine.....
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