CentOS 5 :: Nvidia Driver Rebuild Necessary After (each) Kernel Upgrade?

Oct 6, 2010

I have an Nvidia graphics card,... actually I manage several workstations that run centos and have an nvidia video card. I also have a personal computer with ubuntu and an nvidia network card.

I would like to do a regular automatic update of those Centos workstations. (With a pilot group to test and then a full roll-out). Until oktober 2009 no major difference in automatic updating ubuntu and centos (apart from the differences between apt and yum):

After a kernel upgrade, the systems can not boot into it's Xorg gui, because the nvidia driver must be rebuild (=not recompiled, because this is partially object code, the driver is not opensource).

But from ubuntu 9.10 onwards, the kernel update process checks for the presence of propietary drivers like those of nvidia and does a rebuild on the reboot, so that the system can succesfully boot into the xorg GUI (and gdm or kdm) My question is: Are ther any plans for Centos to do the same, this would relief me from some upgrade hassle for the Centos workstations that I manage. Or does anyone know about a (good) automagic workaround?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Kernel Upgrade Breaks Nvidia Driver?

Jul 19, 2011

I've just installed Lucid Lynx on both my machines in the interest of sitting and waiting for the Unity/Gnome 3 storm to blow over. On the HP (see below), everything works great, and I've followed instructions online on how to upgrade to LibreOffice, upgrade the kernel to 2.6.38 using the kernel PPA, etc.

However, on the IBM, I'm using Nvidia proprietary graphics drivers. These work well on the stock kernel that 10.04 installed (2.6.32-32), but installing 2.6.38 seems to break the driver. If I install the driver first, and then the kernel on top, X stops working and I have to revert to the default, generic driver to get back in. Once there, I cannot install the driver again. The Additional Drivers dialog goes through the motions, but then drops a "systemerror: installarchives() failed" error message.

So, is there a different version of the driver I should be trying to install? I should clarify at this point I tried all three options the Additional Drivers dialog provided me, all gave the same result (version 96, version 173, and version current).

Or should I leave the kernel at 2.6.32? Is there any downside to leaving it?

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Debian :: Unable To Install NVIDIA Driver 195.36.24 After Kernel Upgrade?

May 4, 2010

After upgrading kernel package to 2.6.32-5 NVIDIA installation gave me ERROR:Unable to load the kernel module 'nvidia.ko'. This happens most frequently when this kernel module was built against the wrong or improperly configured kernel sources, with a version of gcc that differs from the one used to build the target kernel, or if a driver such as rivafb/nvidiafb is present and prevents the NVIDIA kernel module from obtaining ownership of the NVIDIA graphics device(s), or NVIDIA GPU installed in this system is not supported by this NVIDIA Linux graphics driver release.

Here is /var/log/nvidia-installer.log:

nvidia-installer log file '/var/log/nvidia-installer.log'
creation time: Tue May 4 11:49:38 2010
installer version: 1.0.7


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CentOS 5 :: Rebuild The 2.6.18.-128.e15 Kernel In 5.3?

Jul 18, 2009

I want rebuild my 2.6.18.-128.e15 kernel in CentOS 5.3? but i have one trouble. When i type make bzImage I see

make[1]: *** No rule to make target `init/main.o', needed by `init/built-in.o'. Stop.
make: *** [init] Error 2

on the screen. It is because kernel sourse codes are not full. I can not search full sourse codes of 2.6.18.-128.e15 kernel.not in src.rpm , not in tar.bz2 etc.

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CentOS 5 :: Rebuild Just One Part Of The Kernel?

Nov 13, 2009

I'm working on the development of a custom kernel (actually just a "small" change in the networking part), from the standard source code (downloaded from kernel.org), on CentoOS 5.3. I'm using the following procedure to build and install the kernel:

2)Modifiy the 4th line of the Make file as follows:EXTRAVERSION = .17CUSTOM
3)make clean && make mrproper
4)make menuconfig
5) make rpm


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Fedora :: Nvidia 8600m Gt Driver Fc12 - Kernel Automatically Will Change To Be A Pae Kernel?

Jul 4, 2010

my problem is on installing nvidia driver on fc12 32bit but, first of all, as i understood the pae kernel requires more than 4gb of ram,i have a 2.2 ghz cpu with 2 gb ram,but when i run command:uname -r it answers: [i have fc12 32 bit] when we try to download linux we have a 32bit edition or 64bit edition,do we have an edition which is only for pae? or when we install for example the 32bit edition on a computer with more than 4gb of ram then the kernel automatically will change to be a pae kernel??

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Debian Installation :: Kernel Liquorix And Nvidia Driver / Error Doesn't Found The Kernel Source Tree?

Oct 1, 2010

I installed the latest kernel liquorix (2.6.35) but when i want to install the Nvidia driver downloaded on the Nvidia website (256.53), i have an error message because Nvidia doesn't found the kernel source tree.

I install linux-image-2.6.35-6.dmz.2-liquorix-686_2.6.35-16_i386.deb, linux-headers-2.6.35-6.dmz.2-liquorix-686_2.6.35-16_i386.deb and build-essential. I don't understand why the installation doesn't works.

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Ubuntu :: Nvidia Driver For Pae Kernel?

Jul 28, 2010

This is a followup/secondary question from another post earlier this morning.[URL].. Info: Lucid 10.04, 4GB ram, Nvidia video, home built pc. I'm fairly certain that when I enable the pae kernel this time, I'll get usage of the full 4GB of memory that I have installed.

The problem is, that I did enable the pae kernel earlier this week to test something out, but ran into a problem. It came up in "low graphics mode" (800x600). As you can image, I wasn't real thrilled about that.

I went to System->Administration->Hardware Drivers to get the video driver straightened out. I figured it just needed one compiled for the pae kernel... Well, it didn't find one. Is there one? Is there a procedure to get one installed/compiled, if there isn't one?

I don't know if I want to mess with trying to get the Nvidia drivers working for pae, when I only stand to gain another ~700MB of memory. Currently showing 3.2GB. I'm not sure if its worth my trouble..

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Fedora :: FC12 Kernel 21-168. No Nvidia Driver Available?

Sep 27, 2010

Having just updated various files including the kernel using Package Manager I no longer seem to have the correct version of the Nvidia graphics driver. On previous updates this has been done automatically by the "kmod Nvidia" Metapackage. My last kernel was fc12.i686.PAE and the Nvidia driver for that did get downloaded correctly. Looking on Yumex I cannot see a driver for this latest kernel listed.

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Debian Configuration :: Getting The Xen Kernel And NVIDIA Binary Driver?

May 10, 2011

I'm encountering a problem running X and Gnome from a Xen-enabled Kernel with NVIDIA Binary driver compiled with IGNORE_XEN_PRESENCE=y on debian squeeze

Debian Squeeze : 2.6.32-5-xen-amd64
NVIDIA Kernel from the official package

Boot and module loading are successful, but when X starts, I only get a black screen. I attached here my Xorg.0.log, however it doesn't seems to have any problem.

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Fedora :: Kernel Update Disabled Nvidia Driver On F12?

Dec 26, 2009

i ran yum update which updated kernel to Now after logging in i get a blank white screen. With previous kernel updates i have had no such problem. Anyway, the boot messages are following:


checking for module nvidia.ko [FAILED]
nvidia.ko for kernel was not found [WARNING]
The nvidia driver will not be enabled until one is found [WARNING]
Driver already disabled

I have a GF 6600 video card.

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Fedora :: NVidia Driver For New Kernel

Apr 12, 2011

I just responded to a (packagekit?) prompt to update packages, which included new kernel I use nVidia on my notebook and usually the new driver is installed automatically. This time, the computer would not boot to the stage that the nVidia logo appears, indicating the driver is not present. I edited grub.conf to take me back a version and I am now running under the previous kernel I tried a yum search for kmod-nvidia- and nothing was found. I have enabled these repos:


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General :: Nvidia Driver Is Not Working After Using A Self Compiled Kernel (2.6.38)?

Mar 19, 2011

About a month ago, I decided to go deeper in my Linux knowledge. I've been reading a lot and found out that Arch linux would be my learning distro. As I was installing Arch, it was a pain at first but I really learned a lot which I would never ever learn with Mint. Now I decided to take a step further is which "compiling your own kernel".


Everything was smooth in my Arch for a 2 weeks until I decided to compile my own kernel. I currently have a Nvidia GTX 460 1GB card.

BTW, the method I used to install nvidia with 2.6.37 was

pacman -S nvidia nvidia-utils
and that worked with all of the .37 kernels (-1 -2 -3 -4) which was download from kernel.org.

When I compiled the .38 (using the same .config of .37), it just boots up to the terminal (not loading gdm). However, I could still login by typing my username and password. So I've checked dmesg of both .37 and .38 and noticed that the Nvidia driver is not loaded in .38.

I tried reinstall it by running pacman and it doesn't do anything. It was thinking of uninstalling nvidia and nvidia-utils but there are so many dependencies conflicts (like screensaver, compiz, etc).

Since, I didn't want to mess up my .37 install, I just grabbed an old HDD and installed from scratch again. This time, I compiled the .38 kernel first (without gui) and then installed nvidia nvidia-utils. It was the same problem.

With this observation, I'm concluding that the nvidia and nvidia-utils from pacman is not compatible with .38.

I've read that I have to wait for nvidia to release a driver that will be compatible with the .38 kernel. Is that true? Does it mean I have to wait for nvidia/nvidia-utils to be updated from pacman? How would I know when it is updated?

I've also read about nouveau, but I guess that is not for me because it doesn't support 3D.

Is there a work around for me to use nvidia/nvidia-utils with .38?

Is nvidia and nvidia-utils proprietary drivers? What is the difference with these two and the one you download directly from nvidia?

First of all, I apologize for the bombardment of questions. As you can tell, I'm so clueless on how nvidia drivers work on linux in general (since it was spoon fed by mint) and I really would love to learn about this is a deeper level. Could someone please explain to me (LAYMANS terms) how nvidia works (and possibly a solution to my issue).

EDIT: Additional info - I have a netbook that also runs arch. It uses an Intel GMA integrated video chip which I used "xf86-video-intel" from pacman and I believe since it is open source, it works with .38 fine. So does that mean if you use an open source driver, it will work with all other kernels?

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Slackware :: Steps In Setting Up A New Kernel With Nvidia Driver?

Oct 25, 2010

I'm running Slack64 13.1 and I'm in good shape with the 33.4 kernel, but if I upgrade the kernel to 35.x what do I need to do to get it working with my Nvidia 7300GT? I have the nvidia installer, NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-260.19.12.run. Do I just do from the stable repo

slackpkg upgrade
then boot to run level 3 and run NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-260.19.12.run? Thanks for your help.

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Debian Configuration :: NVidia Driver Fails With Built Kernel?

Jul 30, 2011

I've posted here before (viewtopic.php?f=5&t=66322) about problems arising from my attempts to get an nVidia driver to work with my custom kernel. Now those problems are all fixed, and I'm back to where I was: the built kernel boots fine, but the nVidia driver fails.

The custom kernel is as near to the stock one as I can make it, I'm just trying to find a working build process at present, before trying to build a later-version kernel.

I used sgfxi with "-! 40" to build the nVidia driver for my custom kernel; it reported that everything was fine.

With stock kernel - 2.6.32-5-amd64 ...

Extracts from /var/log/Xorg.0.log:
X.Org X Server 1.7.7
Release Date: 2010-05-04
X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0

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Fedora :: X Doesn't Seem To Start After Kernel And Nvidia Driver Update?

Oct 29, 2010

I'm running Fedora 13 x64 and updated the kernel to the latest version ( to I use the proprietary nvidia drivers (currently 260.19.12) so I had to compile the kernel module against the new kernel sources and reinstall the driver. The process was apparently successful, but when I try to start X nothing happens, it's as if the computer had been suspended, my monitor acts like it isn't receiving any input. I have full runlevel 3 access, and the system seems pretty much fine up to that point. Nvidia's own sanity tests which are built into the installer reported no problems with my driver.

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Nvidia Driver Seems To Hang Kernel Before Its Even Loaded?

Nov 18, 2010

I used to have FC11 installed with the nvidia supplied binary driver. Worked fine, very stable. Trying FC12 and FC13 live CDs caused a hang, so I stuck with FC11. FC14 live CD did boot so I backed up my own files and did a clean FC14 install. Upgraded to get kernel, installed the nvidia driver from RPMFusion (260.19.21) and had a working system! Now, after a cold boot, the kernel always hangs during boot. Tried a number of kernel boot option (apci=off, noapic and a few others too). The hang is not always at the same place. The earliest it has hung is after:Disabling lock debugging due to kernel taint

Sometimes its a few lines later at:NVRM: loading NVIDIA UNIX x86_64 Kernel Module 260.19.12 ...(which would seem to imply that the hang can even occur a step or two before the actual driver is loaded!)

Sometimes it keeps going for a few more seconds and randomly hangs during some other driver load.

Without a specific nvidia driver the system always boots ok, so I'm pretty sure its the nvidia driver but I just can't seem to get a handle on this in a reproducible way. Sometimes, when I have make some other change, it will boot and work ok, but a reboot locks it up again (for example, in case it was SELinux, I disabled it and on the next reboot it booted and worked ok. Then, next boot, it wasn't working again). When I make changes, I reboot using the previous kernel, make the changes and reboot, with an occasional success. Once I start rebooting using the latest kernel, it always hangs.

I'd love to get a solution to this, but even some advice on debugging this would be appreciated!

I'm using 8600GT, 256Mb, PCIe card in a MA69VM motherboard with 3Gb of RAM.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Nvidia Driver On 11.1 Missing Kernel Source?

Aug 20, 2011

i would like to install the newest nvidia driver NVIDIA-Linux-x86-280.13 on my Suse 11.1 with kernel. kernel-pae-

however the nvidia driver installer claims that kernel source and devel are missing and I don' know how to get and install them for this kernel.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Prepare Kernel For Instalation NVIDIA Driver?

Jul 16, 2010

I would like to install above mentioned driver. I need to prepare kernel for this instalation, but this information I didnt find on openSUSE pages. I add openSUSE 11.3 KDE

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Ubuntu Installation :: NVidia Driver - Cannot Install Kernel (No Access)

Jul 18, 2010

I've been trying to install the latest driver NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-256.35.run. I do ctrl+alt+f1 and login, then sudo sh ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-256.35.run and it gives me the license agreement, but after I accept and right after it gets to 100% it says it can't install the kernel or access or whatever. Has anyone done this installation and had the same problem but figured it out??

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Nvidia Driver Not Working With Kernel 2.6.35-27 / Getting Error?

Mar 11, 2011

I am running the newest Nvidia driver from nvidia.com, version 260.19.44. The built in proprietary Nvidia driver does not work properly.

Recently ubuntu was updated to a newer kernel from Under the driver is working. Under the desktop is not starting, and I can login to a 'console'. After login i try to run startx, and gets some errors. See attached Xorg.0.log.

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Slackware :: 13.37.0 NVIDIA Driver - The Kernel Source Cannot Be Indetified/found

Jul 25, 2011

I have made a full install of Slack 13.37.0. When I try to run the installer of the NVIDIA GF 8400GS card (NVIDIA-Linux-x86-180.29-pkg1.run) downloaded from [URL], I receive an error message. It says that the kernel source cannot be indetified/found. /lib/modules/ and .../build links to /usr/src/linux-, which contains the full kernel source (can be compiled), including the header .h files in include/linux. The same NVIDIA installer can be run successfully on my previous Slack 11.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: 11.2 - Recent Upgrade Of NVidia Driver?

Jun 19, 2011

I'm using a Dell Precision M65 portable workstation, often plugged to a docking station and with an external monitor attached. The graphic card is an nVidia Quadro FX 350M. I've been using openSUSE 11.2 until recently (with KDE 4.3.5). Then, during a routine update, the nVidia driver was upgraded from version 260.19.44 to 270.41.06. Desktop effects stopped working, and even after disabling them, some applications (presumably relying on direct rendering) do not work properly. I decided then to install openSUSE 11.4. The problems remain, with the additional issue that I can't switch anymore between the external monitor and the laptop display. I've tried several options using nvidia-settings; the original configuration when the system was working was "TwinView", "Cloned".

Direct rendering is still on:
phoebe:~ # glxinfo | grep -i rendering
direct rendering: Yes
but glxgears, for instance, while giving very high FPS, produces only a black window instead of the usual rotating gears.

The problem seems similar to the one cited here:
openSUSE:Most annoying bugs 11.4 - openSUSE
However, in my case, it appears with a driver newer than 270.29, so I am not sure this is the same issue. I also tried to follow the advices given here:
SDB:NVIDIA troubleshooting - openSUSE
without success.

I also noticed that my card (Quadro FX 350M) is no longer in the list of supported cards for that driver (the closest I could find is Quadro FX 360). But, again, it may not be relevant for this issue. So, at this stage I'm considering downgrading to the previous version of the driver (260.19.44). Before doing that, however, I thought to check for configuring options I may have missed.

Summary of HW/SW:
Model: Dell Precision M65
CPU: Intel Core2 CPU T7200 @ 2.00GHz
Graphic Card: nVidia Quadro FX 350M
Driver: NVIDIA 270.41.06
OS: Linux i686 [openSUSE 11.4 (i586)] + KDE 4.6.00 (4.6.0) "release 6"

The problem started with:
Driver: NVIDIA 260.19.44
OS: Linux i586 [openSUSE 11.2 (i586)] + KDE 4.3.5
and were absent with:
Driver: NVIDIA 260.19.44
OS: Linux i586 [openSUSE 11.2 (i586)] + KDE 4.3.5

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OpenSUSE Install :: Messed Up NVidia Driver After Upgrade

Jul 26, 2010

I did an upgrade of Nvidia(Latest version v.196) and KDE-base4 to KDE 4.4.4(I think) in Yast2. Now when I reboot the X doesnt start. I claim it can't find any nvidia-module. I thing the upgrade of Nvidia v.196 failed, so I need to know how to reinstall Nvidia in console(CLI). It only boot up in cli. I thought it is so simple to just download the latest driver and install in CLI, but my NetworkManager doesnt start eighter so I don't have any network.

OpenSUSE 11.2 64bits
KDE 4.4.x
Nvidia NV140 Quadro 512MB

I guess my mistake was to upgrade both KDE and Nvidia in the same operation.

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Ubuntu :: How To Upgrade To Lucid With Non-Canonical NVidia Driver

Apr 28, 2010

I've been using an NVIDIA driver from NVIDIA's site (190.53) for a while. Now I want to upgrade to Lucid.
1) Is it recommended to uninstall this driver prior to upgrading to Lucid?
2) If yes, how do I go about this? Please be specific, since I don't want to presume anything and make a mistake.

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Ubuntu :: No NVidia Driver Listed After Upgrade To Maverick

Oct 10, 2010

I just upgraded from Lucid via update manager. I removed the video driver before upgrading like it was recommended in some posts but now i can not get it back. If I go to System>>Administration>>Additional Drivers nothing is listed. I tried installing the driver from Software Center but i could not enable desktop effects. After it was installed form SF it was displayed in Additional Drivers as installed but NOT in use.

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Unity After Upgrade To 11.04 (NVidia Driver)

May 5, 2011

I was running 10.10 with an Nvidia Quadro FX1500 and was able to get the effects (Compiz) working after following the manual driver install (found here) and editing my xorg.conf file. After this upgrade, Xserver (my desktop) wouldn't even launch. It just kept going into a terminal for log in. Not bad - better than not being to do anything at all. I removed all my nvidia drivers

sudo apt-get remove --purge nvidia-*
and then created a new xorg.conf file (and later moved to /etc/X11) using

Xorg -configure

That now allows me to log in to my desktop. However - no Unity. I've read that some people have had luck with the Nvidia 173 drivers, but not here. When I downloaded the current nvidia driver for my card (Quadro FX 1500) from nvidia, and went to install it manually using (from the directory where the download is)

sudo sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-270.41.06.run

Eventually, it errors out with this: The compiler used to compile the kernel (gcc4.4) does not exactly match the current compiler (gcc4.5). For the record, I can't boot from a thumb drive ("boot error") or CD (both were created and tested on a Windows 7 machine.)

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Slackware :: Xorg Segfaults With NVidia Driver After Upgrade To 13.1

Jun 5, 2010

Upgraded from 13.0 to 13.1 following the instructions. Downloaded latest nvidia package (NVIDIA-Linux-x86-96.43.16-pkg1.run) for my geForce4 MX 4000. Compiled and installed new module (old one was 96.43.13).

Xorg fails to start with this:
X.Org X Server 1.7.7
Release Date: 2010-05-04
X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0
Build Operating System: Slackware 13.1 Slackware Linux Project
Current Operating System: Linux mercury #1 SMP Wed May 12 21:39:37 CDT 2010 i686
Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=Linux ro root=805 vt.default_utf8=0 3
Build Date: 05 May 2010 01:54:53AM

Current version of pixman: 0.16.6
Before reporting problems, check [URL]
to make sure that you have the latest version.
Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting,
(++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,
(WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.....

0: /usr/bin/X (xorg_backtrace+0x3b) [0x80a1e6b]
1: /usr/bin/X (0x8048000+0x57b75) [0x809fb75]
2: (vdso) (__kernel_rt_sigreturn+0x0) [0xffffe40c]
Segmentation fault at address 0xc

Fatal server error:
Caught signal 11 (Segmentation fault). Server aborting
The "nv" driver works.

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CentOS 5 :: Can't Install Nvidia Drivers (Unable To Load The Kernel Module "nvidia.ko")?

Jul 28, 2009

So I have been trying to install these drivers forever and after going through a million forum posts and Google searches I have been unsuccessful. The process I have been trying starts as such: I hit ctrl-alt-f1 and then login as root. i then change to run level 3 by doing /sbin/init 3. After that's done I cd to desktop and do sh NVIDIA-LINUX-x86-185.18.29-pkg1.run --kernel-source-path /usr/src/kernel/2.6.18-128.2.1.el15-i686

If I don't give it the source path it can't find the source tree. Eventually I get the error: ERROR: Unable to load the kernel module 'nvidia.ko'. This happens most frequently when this kernel module was built against the wrong or improperly configured kernel sources, with a version of gcc that differs from the one used to build the target kernel, or if a driver such as rivafb/nvidiafb is present and prevents the NVIDIA kernel module from


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Debian Configuration :: New Kernel And Headers Not Allowing NVidia Driver To Install

May 19, 2010

I've built a new kernel (2.6.34) on our workstation at work. It boots and runs beautifully, but there is one minor problem. I created the kernel as a Debian package along with the kernel headers. Upon installing both and attempting to build the nVidia driver for said kernel, the installer tells me that it cannot determine the version and quits. This happens even if I manually specify the path to the headers. What's going on here, did I miss something during my compilation of the new kernel?

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