CentOS 5 :: Get A Free 5 Cd/dvd?

Feb 23, 2010

I want to get a free centos version 5. I want to get it free of cost and i am unable to download it from the internet since my downloading speed is very low and it will take me a month or more to download the os.I am a student and i want this OS for learning purpose.

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General :: Install A Centos 5.0 Virtualbox For Free?

May 6, 2011

I want to install a Centos 5.0 Virtualbox for Windows 7 x64. Can someone please let me know where I can go to get that, because I would like to have the virtualbox to further understand how LINUX works. I have taken a course in Redhat Enterprise Linux Computing Essentials, and I enjoyed using LINUX. So that is why I am searching for a 5.0 free download of Virtualbox.

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CentOS 5 :: No Space Left On Device On Xfs Filesystem With 7.7TB Free

Mar 26, 2011

I'm running CentOS 5.2,on a 64-bit x86_64 Linux machine with kernel version 2.6.18-128.el5 smp. I appear to have version 2.9.4 of xfsprogs. I have a 22TB xfs filesystem ,Yesterday, the hard disk is full, today released a 7.7T disk space.But still can not write to new file. software ambience:

[root@Production data5]# uname -a
Linux Production 2.6.18-128.el5 #1 SMP Wed Jan 21 10:41:14 EST 2009 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux


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CentOS 5 :: Xmlrpc-c Server Free String Memory Alloc-ed By Xmlrpc_parse_value

Feb 24, 2010

I have the following function on my xmlrpc server side.

The registration of this function is done as follows from the main function:

The above function makes the server segfault some where on the return path and client gets the response:

Here is what GDB shows when server segfaults....

However if I remove the line "xmlrpc_strfree (node_name);" then server does not segfault and client receives the response correctly. In the xmlrpc-c code it clearly says " Return the string in newly malloc'ed storage that Caller must free." in xmlrpc_data.c::xmlrpc_read_string() which is the function that gets called from xmlrpc_parse_value().

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Server :: Like To Understand Linux 'free' Command With Respect To Cache And Free Memory

Mar 27, 2010

Was wondering if anyone can explain briefly the relationship of "cache" and free memory in the "free" memory command.

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Debian Configuration :: What Default Sources.list That Has Free And Non Free Etc For Squeeze

Jun 16, 2010

During playing around sources, synaptic playing I messed up the default list. I know I should have been more careful. Anyways could someone tell me what the default the default sources.list that has free and non free etc for squueze please? I have been trying to get the default list but I cannot find it anywhere. There are alot of lists out there but nothing tagged like the "default" list.

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Server :: Use System Monitor Via A VNC Connection The Free Disk Space Value Is 20GB Free On The Same Volume

May 18, 2011

I've got a question on free disk space. I'm currently running CentOS 5.5 on in Xenserver virtual environment. We've had an issue with disk space. My question is as follows: - from a ssh connection i run df -h this gives the value of 90% used leaving me with 9GB. If I use system monitor via a VNC connection the free disk space value is 20GB free on the same volume. Which one is correct? I do use SNMP to monitor the same volume and should alert me when < 10% is free I know this works as I set the alert threshold to < 90% I get an alert.

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Fedora :: Installing Free And Non-free Repositories?

Jan 28, 2011

I've just installed Fedora 14 64bit and would like to add new repositories. I read here to do the following command (which as you can see doesn't works) :


$ su -c 'yum localinstall --nogpgcheck http://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/fedora/rpmfusion-free-release-stable.noarch.rpm http://download1.rpmfusion.org/nonfree/fedora/rpmfusion-nonfree-release-stable.noarch.rpm'


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Fedora :: Can't Install Rpmfusion Free And Non-free

Jan 28, 2011

I have installed F14 yesterday but i can not install rpmfusion repository, the problem is that i can not access the url [URL] so i cant download the files:


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Ubuntu Installation :: FREE Support For FREE OS?

Jun 10, 2010

Am I asking too much for a FREE OS? Everybody spend their precious time to help others, that's very helpful.But it seems like there is no support from UBUNTU team,how could we even get through the barrier of not using Microsoft's OSes? No free lunch of course, but it seems to me some issues have never really been solved.I read lot's of people have problem with their WIFI, not just for my OLD USB wifi adapter. I don't have problem with WIFI in XP/Server.

I posted here and there, and seems like no answer, and I do not get any reply from UBUNTU support team,forgive me if I run out of google's keywords.I just need a simple answer, is my WIFI going to work in UBUNTU with a layman effort? I like linux and UBUNTU had put great effort in providing me such a great OS, but if a basic internet connection will need to spent sooo much time to setup, and it still doesn't work. IS IT WORTH to switch to UBUNTU at all

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General :: Add / Of 3000mb In The Remaining 20380mb Free Space It Showing An Error Message That No Free Space Is Available

Jul 25, 2010

I have 160gb laptop. i installed vista in c primary partition which is 25gb and installed ubuntu in d primary partition which is 20gb. A remainig for my data. Now i tried to install CENT OS by formatting ubuntu. I inserted CENT OS DVD and restarted and i selected to delete my /dev/sda2 which is showing 20480mb and it shown me free space. but i tried to add partion /boot of 100mb it got added. but, when i am trying to add / of 3000mb in the remaining 20380mb free space it showing an error message that no free space is available.

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Programming :: Free-ing Memory - C/C++ - Free()

Jan 29, 2010

Here is the code, which just creates a dynamic array? fills it? and prints.

At the end-point? when doing 'free(digits);' I get a debug messge. But the programm continues to work, or it crashes only on free?

How do I need to change the source-code, not to recieve a message from debugger?

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Software :: GUI Based CENTOS Free Backup Software?

Apr 8, 2010

provide the free gui based backup tool for centos.

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CentOS 5 :: Unable To Create LVM Mirrors - "Unable To Allocate Extents For Mirror(s)"; Free Space Is Available?

Dec 29, 2008

I have fresh CentOS 5.2 installed to 2 sata hdd 1.5 TB size; on every of that hdd is primary raid1 submirror of /boot made with md during install. All other space is lvm place, on lvm living root and swap partitions. And it's work. Now I want to mirror my root and swap, and add other volumes with different raid requirements (raid0 and raid1).

# lvcreate -L10G -m1 -n mir vg0 Insufficient suitable allocatable extents for logical volume : 320 more required Unable to allocate extents for mirror(s).

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Ubuntu :: Looking For Something Free Like Cad?

Mar 9, 2011

I have to design and build a flyable plane in 3 months for an aerospace tech class, and i am looking for something like cad but is free and easy to use, i need to be able to build and view 3D objects

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Fedora :: Can Get A Free Dvd ?

Sep 2, 2010

Whether i can get a free dvd of fedora distribution ordered to recieve at home or not..?

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Fedora :: Use ATi Non-free Drivers On F13?

Jun 7, 2010

Okay so i have switched over from Ubuntu to Fedora13 as Ubuntu has constant hard-lock-ups for me for 3 versions straight now. Using fedora for less than a day and it's working smoothly, customised my look a bit and all that too.Only problem is F13 uses xorg1.8 and ATi's current drivers only support 1.7 and below, is there any way to get it to work with 1.8 by tricking it somehow?

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Fedora :: Where To Get Free Rar To Iso Converter?

Nov 15, 2010

Where can I find a free 32/64 bit rar to iso converter running on Linux?

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Fedora :: Distros Are Available For Free?

Jun 19, 2011

when so many Linux distros are available for free..than why did u choose fedora only.? what features attracted u towards it and what makes it different from others Linux distributions.

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Ubuntu :: Free Svn Server?

Jan 3, 2010

Is there a free svn server online somewhere? I need to get some practice with svn and for keep 'synchronized' working copies of projects between my multiple PCs this would be really handy.Probably it doesn't have Trac as well but if there's one with Trac omg that would be awesome.

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Ubuntu :: Looking For Free GPL Fonts

Apr 23, 2010

Please post

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Ubuntu :: Free Software Only In 10.10?

Mar 7, 2011

Is there a way to choose the Free Software Only option in the Try Ubuntu/Install Ubuntu GUI in 10.10?

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Ubuntu :: Getting The More Free Space?

Jan 27, 2010

I just install Ubuntu 9.10 on my flesh drive with capacity 4 Gb free space now is 300 Mb
but i have found that some folder have colon FREE space and quite big some folders have free space more than 1 gb))here is a question 1: HOW COULD I GET THIS FREE SPACE? does exist any folders which are not needed for system and i can delete?

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Fedora :: Where To Get Free Cd's Of System?

Nov 21, 2010

Where can i request a free Fedora cd's from online..
I could not Download Because my Internet connection speed is very low..

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General :: Inconsistencies Between Top And Free

May 14, 2010

Noticed a few discrepancies in the reports generated on my VPS:

Not sure why but the top command gives an extra 3MB for both used and free memory.

Also, notice that there are a total of 29 rows of information returned by the top command for the httpd process. Each row indicates they took an average of 3.5-3.6%. Well, 29 * 3.5 = 101.5%.

How can this be possible for two things:

1) The number greater than 100%.

2) The number doesn't correlate with the memory usage details returned by the top and free commands.


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General :: What Does Free Memory Mean In Top

Aug 5, 2009

I would not exactly consider myself a newbie but this is a bit of a newbie question so here it goes.

When I run top I see used memory and free memory. When I first boot the system there is lots of free memory in about a day or two that memory whittles down from 2GB of Free mem(of 4GB) to 20MB and then maintains 20-50MB of free memory. This seems to be consistent across different servers. At first I thought there had to be some major memory leaks but it just seemed to prevalent to not have been noticed before.

I found a better way to gauge memory usage is the use of the free command. Now I am confused though, what is Free memory as it is defined and monitored in top?

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General :: Why Is Available Space Less Then Free

Nov 29, 2010

Gnome-system-monitor. "File systems" tab. There are free and available columns. And available is always less then free? Why?

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Server :: Any Way To Free Up Space?

Aug 16, 2011

I have a RHEL server and it's /boot only has 7MB free space on it, 122MB total size. Below is what's in the folder.Is there anything i should do to clean it up?

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Server :: How To Free Up The Size

Mar 20, 2010

I use Redhat EL 3 server , I found that the / directory is nearly full , then I remove the file in it .Now ,the files are removed , but I found that the / directory size is not changed , I sure the files are under / directory , it is strange that sometimes this problem do not happen , I usually reboot the server then the size will be reduced .

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Software :: Free Arc For Compression - How To Get GUI

Nov 8, 2010

I have just installed Free Arc utility for compression from : [URL] and it works smoothly but in command Line mode.

a add files to archive
c add comment to archive
ch modify archive (recompress, encrypt and so on)
create create new archive
cw write archive comment to file
d delete files from archive
e extract files from archive ignoring pathnames
f freshen archive
j join archives
k lock archive
l list files in archive
lb bare list of files in archive
lt technical archive listing
m move files and dirs to archive
mf move files to archive
r recover archive using recovery record
rr add recovery record to archive
s convert archive to SFX
t test archive integrity
u update files in archive
v verbosely list files in archive
x extract files from archive

-- stop processing options
-ad --adddir add arcname to extraction path
-aeALGORITHM --encryption=ALGORITHM encryption ALGORITHM (aes, blowfish, serpent, twofish)
-agFMT --autogenerate=FMT autogenerate archive name with FMT
-apDIR --arcpath=DIR base DIR in archive
-baMODE --BrokenArchive=MODE deal with badly broken archive using MODE
-cfgFILE --config=FILE use config FILE (default: arc.ini)
-d --delete delete files & dirs after successful archiving
-df --delfiles delete only files after successful archiving
-diAMOUNT --display=AMOUNT control AMOUNT of information displayed: [hoacmnwrfdtske]*
-dmMETHOD --dirmethod=METHOD compression METHOD for archive directory
-dpDIR --diskpath=DIR base DIR on disk
-dsORDER --sort=ORDER sort files in ORDER
-ed --nodirs don't add empty dirs to archive
-envVAR read default options from environment VAR (default: FREEARC)
-epMODE --ExcludePath=MODE Exclude/expand path MODE
-f --freshen freshen files
-fn --fullnames match with full names
-hpPASSWORD --HeadersPassword=PASSWORD encrypt/decrypt archive headers and data using PASSWORD
-iTYPE --indicator=TYPE select progress indicator TYPE (0/1/2)
-ioff --shutdown shutdown computer when operation completed
-k --lock lock archive
-kb --keepbroken keep broken extracted files
-kfKEYFILE --keyfile=KEYFILE encrypt/decrypt using KEYFILE
-lcN --LimitCompMem=N limit memory usage for compression to N mbytes
-ldN --LimitDecompMem=N limit memory usage for decompression to N mbytes
-mMETHOD --method=METHOD compression METHOD (-m0..-m9, -m1x..-m9x)
-maLEVEL set filetype detection LEVEL (+/-/1..9)
-max maximum compression using external precomp, ecm, .....

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