CentOS 5 :: Unable To Gain Access To Server Locally?

Jun 30, 2009

We have a server were we no longer seem to be able to gain access, neither locally or remotely.When we try to connect via SSH we get a "Connection Refused". We have checked that it's not our standard firewall blocking the request, so it can either be the local firewall (which we disabled when installing) or that the process isn't running.However, when we try to login locally on the machine (as root) all we get is "Login failed". We've tried restarting the machine in single user mode to change the root password, and while we can do this succesfully, it still doesn't give us access when rebooting the machine afterwards.No other users (besides the standard users created when installing) are available on the server, so we can't say if this is a problem with the root account, or with logging on in general.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Gain Access To Libraries I Need To Install Printer / Solve It?

Dec 21, 2010

I am running ubuntu 10.10 on a sony vaio f115. I am trying to install the printers for a brother mfc5460cn. I have used apt-get and aptitude, I have used sudo and sh all to no avail. I always get the same messages: cannot lock administration library (var/lib/pkg/) (11 temporarily unavailable) and cannot get lock/var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 temporarily unavailable)
How do I gain access to these libraries?

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General :: FreeNX Can Access The Session That Open Locally On The Server

Sep 24, 2009

I just tried FreeNX. I work great. I am thinking about uninstalling the vino/vnc on my machine.

However, I'd like to know if FreeNX can access the session that open locally on the server. I tried session 0 and 1, none of them can access the local session.

For default vnc, the connection will let you access the local session on the server. Can FreeNX do that?

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Unable To Get Internet Access To 5 Server

Jan 17, 2009

I've installed centos 5 on an old computer with success and it works great.I can access the web server hosted on the centos server from any computer on the wireless and wired local network. I can also use ssh (putty) and nx client from any computer on the local network (wired and wireless) to access the centos server.On the wireless router I've configured a port forwarding to the wireless network interface on the centos server. I can access the centos server from the outside (internet) through this port forwarding both through http and ssh or nx client.MY problem is that I can't access the centos server from the internet through the wired network interface. Any attempt to view a web page or login with ssh or the nx client will timeout.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Unable To Access Resume Device?

Sep 23, 2011

I face a problem with my server after i rebooted it i got a message on start up tell me that " Unable to access resume device (label=swap-sdb3) " and the system doesn't startup

the error message exactly is

Unable to access resume device (lable=swap-sdb3)
Creating root device.
Mounting root filesystem.
[ 3.305354] EXT-fs (md1) : error : unable to read superplock
mount: error mounting /dev/root on sysroot as ext3 : invalid argument


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Ubuntu Servers :: Setup Access Properly From A Public Address To A Monitoring Server That Works Fine Locally?

Apr 19, 2011

I've spent days trying to setup access properly from a public address to a monitoring server that works fine locally. Everything works from public access until I try to link to a CVS repository. The rancid CVS repository is set up as a separate server (virtualhost). It appears the referring link causes a DNS error (105: Server Not Found) when the CVS repository server is accessed from the public address. Things work fine when accessing via localhost.

Localhost link:


Public link: (this results in 105 error caused by redirection (bold portion of link))



Virtualhost config:
LoadModule jk_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_jk.so
JkWorkersFile /etc/apache2/workers.properties
JkLogFile /var/log/apache2/mod_jk.log


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Server :: Unable To Access Samba Share On CentOS 5.4 From Windows XP Or Vista

Jan 23, 2010

I can't be the first one with this problem. What am I missing?

I have setup Samba servers in the past, just none under SELinux. The last one I configured was a couple years ago, so I wouldn't doubt I'm a bit rusty.

---- Environment summary:
Clean server install of CentOS 5.4 includes SELinux
- lets call this 'server'
- updated samba to 3.0.33-3.15.el5_4.1

Client1 - Windows XP sp4 - WINS configuration uses 'server' noted above
Client2 - Windows Vista - WINS configuration uses 'server' noted above

---- What works / what doesn't ------
Clients can see the server (XP and vista) in network neighborhood.
The following does not work from windows (xp or vista)
net view
net view \server
net view \server-ip
net view \servershare

This does work on the server
smbclient -L \server
smbclient -L \server --user validuser
smbclient -L \client1 --user validuser

---- What I have configured and tried (config/output below) --------
firewall ports for samba are open
SELinux enforcing or permissive
file context is set on share
samba booleans are set

-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -s -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 445 -j ACCEPT
-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -s -m state --state NEW -m udp -p udp --dport 137 -j ACCEPT
-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -s -m state --state NEW -m udp -p udp --dport 138 -j ACCEPT
-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -s -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p udp --dport 139 -j ACCEPT

***SELinux mode/booleans
# sestatus
SELinux status: enabled
SELinuxfs mount: /selinux
Current mode: permissive
Mode from config file: enforcing
Policy version: 21
Policy from config file: targeted

# getsebool -a | grep smb
allow_smbd_anon_write --> off
smbd_disable_trans --> on

# getsebool -a | grep samba
samba_domain_controller --> on
samba_enable_home_dirs --> on
samba_export_all_ro --> off
samba_export_all_rw --> off
samba_share_fusefs --> off
samba_share_nfs --> off
use_samba_home_dirs --> on
virt_use_samba --> off

# semanage fcontext -a -t samba_share_t �/share/photos(/.*)?�
# restorecon -R -v /share/photos

]# df
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda3 9920624 2070872 7337684 23% /
/dev/sda1 101086 19146 76721 20% /boot
tmpfs 1846656 0 1846656 0% /dev/shm
100791728 202540 95469188 1% /xen
251981556 191716 238989840 1% /share/photos
100791728 192256 95479472 1% /share/alfresco
none 1846656 104 1846552 1% /var/lib/xenstored

workgroup = workgroup
netbios name = server
security = user
name resolve order = wins hosts lmhosts bcast
encrypt passwords = yes
hosts allow = 192.168.0.
hosts deny = 192.168.122.
interfaces = eth0
passdb backend = tdbsam
oslevel = 222
local master = yes
domain master = yes
preferred master = yes
cups options = raw
username map = /etc/samba/smbusers
wins support = yes
log level = 4
guest ok = yes

comment = Photos
path = /share/photos
read only = yes
guest ok = yes

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Fedora :: Can't Even Gain Access With The DVD?

Jul 20, 2009

After installing Fedora 6 (and probably any later version) I find that access to the add/remove section is denied unless I have an Internet connection which I don't have. I just do not see any reason why this is done this way! One can't even gain access with the DVD Is there a way to circumvent this nuisance from the terminal Does anyone know why this is put into the installation in the first place.?

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Gain Root Access?

Aug 29, 2010

I recently installed Ubuntu 10.04 32bit on my laptop. I am trying to learn the command line and also install software via the command line. I type in su and hit enter it asks me for my password and I type that in. The password fails, why is this? I am the one who set this up and installed the OS. Now I am logged in using my normal user account when doing this from the GUI

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Ubuntu :: How To Gain Access To Pdf File

Feb 3, 2011

I am trying to email a .pdf file that I created on a mac system, and I am being told after attaching the .pdf to the email that: Quote: Unable to save your message as draft. There was an error attaching . Please check if you have access to the file I found an evince tutorial on line to try and resolve this on my own, however I am still getting the same error. This is the link: [URL]

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Gain Access To Terminal

Apr 7, 2011

I've recently created a new user's account in Ubuntu because of some difficulties I was having with network communications. Apparently this has affected my ability to get into a terminal because now, when I submit my user name I get the following:

--single "single crack" mode
--wordlist=FILE --stdin wordlist mode, read words from FILE or stdin
--rules enable word mangling rules for wordlist mode
--incremental[=MODE] "incremental" mode [using section MODE]
--external=MODE external mode or word filter
--stdout[=LENGTH] just output candidate passwords [cut at LENGTH]
--restore[=NAME] restore an interrupted session [called NAME]
--session=NAME give a new session the NAME
--status[=NAME] print status of a session [called NAME]
--make-charset=FILE make a charset, FILE will be overwritten
--show show cracked passwords
--test perform a benchmark
--users=[-]LOGIN|UID[,..] [do not] load this (these) user(s) only
--groups=[-]GID[,..] load users [not] of this (these) group(s) only
--shells=[-]SHELL[,..] load users with[out] this (these) shell(s) only
--salts=[-]COUNT load salts with[out] at least COUNT passwords only
--format=NAME force hash type NAME: DES/BSDI/MD5/BF/AFS/LM/NT/mscash/NETLM/NETNTLM/bfegg/DOMINOSEC/lotus5/raw-MD5/raw-sha1/IPB2/nsldap/openssha/HDAA
--save-memory=LEVEL enable memory saving, at LEVEL 1..3

I've always been able to just install my name and password and things worked smoothly. What is this about and what do I need to do to restore my ability to use a terminal?

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Fedora Installation :: Can't Log In As Root To Try To Gain More Access?

Nov 26, 2009

I just upgraded to Fedora 12 on my computer. Now I can't connect to the net. Under network I show the two connections (neither working). The "connect" and "disconnect" AND the "delete" buttons are all grayed out (?). I also can't log in as root to try to gain more access. Probably just a new way of doing things. I was upgrading from F7 so it was a bit of a jump.

Does the network utility work differently from 7? Am I now rootless? It would seem that my wifi card sees the net as I can see the routers out there, but can't connect. I'm sure I'm using the correct WEP.

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Ubuntu :: Only User Cannot Gain Sudo Access

May 11, 2010

I'm the only user, can login (meaning I know my pass). But cannot Sudo. I'm on Ububtu Studio, the latest release. Doesn't make any sense.

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Ubuntu :: Gain Access To A Failing Partition?

Dec 18, 2010

I'm working with a laptop that will not boot into windows (the sole partitionI'm working on a laptop that recognises that a windows partition is present in ubuntu live CD but will not mount it so that I can gain access to the system to recover files. I get this error:

Failed to mount: '/dev/sda2': input/output error
What I want to know is how to force mount the partition so that I can gain access or any other method that will allow me to recover those files

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General :: How To Gain Access To Root Filesystem?

Feb 1, 2011

When i installed ubuntu. I made a seperate partition so that i could copy an ISO image onto it of an up-to-date version of ubuntu. I wanted to then boot the ISO up so i could install the new version that way. I've already tried doing it through the update manager but it'll download, almost be done with installing and it freezes on me. so i figured this would be easier. However i do not know how to gain access to the other partition to copy the ISO image. Please help.

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Software :: What To Block On Network - Using The VPN Cannot Gain Access ?

Apr 26, 2010

I have got openvpn running on my system with certificates and open to the IP addresses 17.xx.xx.x on the server.

What should I definitely block off from the system so that anyone using the VPN cannot gain access and how should I go about this in the firewall?

I'm guessing to block off intranet access to the webserver.

I have mysql and some mail programs running as well - how can I block those off?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Could Not Gain Access To /dev/sound/dsp For Writing

Feb 9, 2010

I have installed transcriber from the ubuntu repositories the version is listed as

I am trying to use this program on Ubuntu 9.10 (64bit), and when attempting to play the audio file (standard mp3 format) I get the error message:


could not gain access to /dev/sound/dsp for writing

Everything else I have tried for sound works fine and The mp3 file I'm transcribing plays fine in any other application eg movie player and rhythm box etc.

the full error message is:

Could not gain access to /dev/sound/dsp for writing.
Could not gain access to /dev/sound/dsp for writing.
while executing


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General :: Gain Access Rights To USB Hard-drive?

May 31, 2009

When booting PartImage from a USB SysRescCD, at the PartImage 'root@sysresccd / root %' prompt, I try each of the following three commands:- touch /media/partimage- chown root /media/partimage- chmod 666 media/partimageAnd each time, I receive the following error message: 'Changing permissions of 'media/partimage': Read-only file system.'The attempt is denied.How can I grant PartImage root access rights to this directory?

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Fedora :: Can't Gain Access To Samba In Printer Setup / Make It Possible?

Aug 23, 2011

When trying to install a new printer I can't get the samba to show under the network printer list. I even tried the "localhost" method & it still doesn't show. Samba is running fine & I can navigate to my shares. Even running the printer config. in the terminal result in no errors & no list.

Anyone have any ideas? This is the first I've encountered this... not even to sure what to google.

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Ubuntu Networking :: What Could Do To Reset Password Or Gain Access To Router?

Jan 14, 2011

I have a friend that recently moved to Linux. She had started out with Ubutnu 9.04, which was giving her a lot of Issues along with being no longer supported, so I recommend Linux Mint 10 to her, since she wanted something closer to Windows. I instructed her on how to do a clean install. Linux Mint installed ok, but when she was about to set up wireless to get on the Internet, she realised that she had forgotten her password. She called her network (Belkin) for assistance to retrieve it. She was told that Linux is not really supported; however they gave her this address to access the router: from her browser which did not work. So there was nothing further they could have done since she couldn't gain access to the router. She is currently only able to use Ethernet connection to get online.

What could she do to reset her password or gain access to the router? I didn't want to tell her to reset the modem in case it will leave her with no internet and no way to setup her router.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Gain Access To Encrypted /home Directory?

Jun 6, 2011

I had errors pop up when I tried updating my 10.10 to 11.04 so I ended up having to do it from a Live USB which installs it over everything (fine by me).Unfortunately I forgot I had an encrypted /home directory. So various messages and stuff came up when I tried to log in.nfortunately I don't remember what my encryption passphrase is offhand, so I moved it to a slightly different folder name and had to have a new directory created for my username.It's still there, but how can I try to open it trying the various versions of the passphrase I think it may be? Can I double-click it and try?Also, in the future what is the best way to handle a "fresh" install that I want to connect to my encrypted /home directory?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Access SSH Remotely But Can Locally

Oct 10, 2010

I've got an SSH server setup on my box which is running locally fine. I can connect to it through my local laptop but when I try to connect through the internet either via my IP or using the DynamicDNS I have setup both get an operation timed out message.I've got firestarter running with an inbound policy to allow connections from any host to port 22. I've also gone into my Netgear router and selected to forward any inbound connections to port 22 to the IP of the box that's got the SSH server on it.

Even with all this the connection just isn't being made. I've also tried temporarily setting the DMZ option on the router to forward all inbound connections to the IP of the Ubuntu box but still get the same Operation time out. Is there any other options that wouldn't allow remote connections via SSH? Or am I missing something hugely obvious here? Maybe it's possible to connect to SSH via a different port or something?I'm running Ubuntu 10.4 and have installed openssh-server via Synaptic. Would be great to get this working so I can use it as a tunnel from work and access the VNC, which I've been told should be done via SSH anyway.

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Slackware :: Unable To Gain Authorization For Org.kde.kcontrol.kcmkdm.save (KDE 4.6.3)

May 19, 2011

Im running KDE 4.6.3 build from source. Everything works, but when going to system-settings, trying to change some stuff at Login Manager, for example AutoLogin to enabled, I get the following error:


polkitd(authority=local): Operator of unix-session:/org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Session1 FAILED to authenticate to gain authorization for action org.kde.kcontrol.kcmkdm.save for unix-process:21517:43051441 [/usr/bin/systemsettings -caption System Settings --icon preferences-system] (owned by unix-user:robert)

I get the prompt to authenticate with a user, and of course I get user root and user robert, but when I select user root, it automatically closes with error: Unable to authenticate/execute the action: (code 4) and then of course I get the above error in /var/log/messages. I know this issue is somehow related to polit setup and/or KDE, but can't figure out what. Please if someone has some ideas, let me know

NOTE: The system is slackware-current, 32bits.

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Ubuntu :: Using Web Min To Access Server \ Unable To Access Email Account From A Web Page?

Sep 12, 2010

ok so i ran into a problem, im using web min to access my server, and im setting up postfix and, dovecot first problem is i want to be able to access my email account from a web page, with log in, so my question is how can i do that?

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Networking :: Unable To See Shares On Samba Server - No Authentication Access Desired (open Access)

Jun 12, 2009

I've been running a Samba server under RedHat 8 for five years without a hiccup. I want to cut over to a F10 box but cannot get shares accessible. smbclient attempts fail over NT password error. SELinux is disabled. Server is visible on the network. Users require no password access to shared data.

smb.conf follows:

# Samba config file created using SWAT
# from UNKNOWN (>)
# Date: 2009/06/12 14:15:15


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CentOS 5 Server :: Named And Access Rights / SELinux - Access Denied

Aug 24, 2010

I configure named and stumble upon the following problem: named is serious about user rights, every config file named uses should be named:named. I set rights to named:named as follows, but they get changed to root:named when I restart named as root. The same thing happens with SELinux context. This results in access denied type errors.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Cannot Access VMware Via Infrastructure Web Access

May 9, 2011

I've recently installed CentOS 5, because I needed a good OS to run VMware Server. Just a heads up, I'm not very familiar with RH/CentOS distros, I usually use Arch Linux. My VMware install went fine, config is standard settings. Now I'm trying to access the VMware Infrastructure Web Access using port 8222 (http) and 8333 (https), but it's a no go. I'm connecting from another machine on the LAN, as the CentOS box is headless. I restarted the vmware services, and they seem to be launching fine. I don't know much about VMware though. I verified with netstat and ports 8222 and 8333 are listening.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Find The Server Of Country A Gain

Dec 10, 2010

i had a problem in software sources so i changed the server to main server now i can't find the server of egypt in the list of servers

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General :: Unable To Logon To RHEL5.5 Locally As A User?

Feb 15, 2011

logon to my RHEL as a user. I am able to logon in as root locally.

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CentOS 5 :: Unable To Access Logs?

Dec 8, 2009

I set up freenx server and set up a client on same machine and now when I go to my logs it crashs and bugzilla save before it can crash. I go to send info and the page says bugzilla wont work and gives a 999 code need newer gnome??

**this is when I go to the logs page

Distribution: CentOS release 5.4 (Final)
Gnome Release: 2.16.0 2007-02-18 (CentOS)
BugBuddy Version: 2.16.0


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