CentOS 5 Server :: Placing Upload/download Limit To Each Ip Using Squid?
May 18, 2010
I just want to place upload/download limit to each ip address ( say 20MB per day for each ip or specific ip) using squid proxy i tried through delay pool but it control only download/upload speed not place any download/upload quota restriction. following are my codes I have 1Mbps line
delay_pools 2
delay_class 1 2
# here 700kbps(87Kbytes) Net-Total usage limit, with 50Kbytes per user
I also used
"reply_body_max_size" parameter to control upload limit.
"request_body_max_size" only restrict download based on size.
how to setup quota ( download quota per day per ip)
I have already tried trickle and wondershaper. I need a program that can limit the speed of download/upload of an already running program. Similar to the how NetLimiter in Windows limits already running processes. Using Linux.
i have been trying to complete the following project1) Configure a FTP server where we can upload and download files.........2) server must run at 9 pm & stop at 9 am automatically ............although the first task was easy ,i have no idea how to accomplish the 2nd task(not to mention I'm a new user)
Is there any way of limiting total download from a particular ip in a month with the help of squid proxy. Through delay pool I beleive we can limit the download speed.But I want total download limit for particular ip or user
I m using squid 2.7 Stable 9 and Dansguardian, i have compiled both squid and dansguardian, i have enabled follow_x_forwarded_for in squid to make clients IPs visible to squid, i have also set x_forwarded_for=on in dansguardian, this is working fine and clients ips are visible to squid. Now i want to set down-loadable file size limit upto 50 MB in squid by using the acl reply_body_max_size 52428800 allow mynetwork for every user except few users the above acl is not working properly. mynetwork is our private network which is
When i set the acl reply_body_max_size 52428800 allow localhost . it works fine but only for localhost. I want to allow upto 50 MB down-loadable file size to every user in my network except a few users whom will have access upto 500 MB down-loadable file size.
How to set download limit using SQUID? I want to specify the download limit for a particular list in MB. Is it possible to limit bandwith for some group of machines in network?
How to set download limit using SQUID? I want to specify the download limit for a particular list in MB. Is it possible to limit bandwith for some group of machines in network?
i have VPS server and i installed Xserver on it and all ok i created new user for my client but i need to limit his access to the following
he can download and upload to his home file " browser by Firefox" he can't install or use any application "just the one i installed it" he can't see the file system or browser it !! if i can give him specific space on harddisk would be better he can extract and compress files he can't edit the settings ....
i have another sensitive folder and setting i don't want him to see it so how to limit his access?
I'm using Squid in our company network, to block access to certain websites. Some websites are blocked for all computers, except for a few. These computers are grouped in an ACL, in squid.conf
Since the group contains only a few computers, this is no big deal and it works fine. But now we wish to expand this to more computers and regulate access to certain websites per computer more detailed. This means that the ACL list in squid.conf will grow significantly and I don't think that is a good thing.
The best solution would be to move all the ACL's from squid.conf, into a MySQL database. However, I have no idea how to do that.
As far as I know, I need external_acl_type to do this.
I would like to ask some help and tutorial for setting up and how to configure squid proxy server in my (Home PC Server). I am a newbie in Linux Centos. I already installed in my system the CentOS 5.5 . Now, I want to configure it as my internet server, all of my 4 system running in Windows including the laptop I want to connect through my CentOS pc with username authentication. I assign all IP address by static. see tthe attachement in my set up. [url] I just want to know what I need to change and add in my squid config file. And how can I configure properly my CentOS with 2 LAN card as internet server.
I have a linux box running between my router and my LAN. My connection speed is 10MB download and 1MB upload. The issue is that whenever someone starts to upload something, it is like my connection is down. No one else can open websites, read emails etc.Is it possible to place a limit for upload, maybe 50kb/s? This way, people won't use the entire upload speed available.
i have been studying linux for 3 month ,so i have solved some problems related with server part.The problem i have is the squid access.Can I allow some IP's to download files on squid.I mean i already give access to download by reply_body tag,andwant to give permission only one specific IP for unlimit access to download.Is there any solution
I`m looking for some php script or maybe some nice GUI to vsftpd. There problem is that in our company very often we have to create download links for our clients.
Do You know any nice free linux software which could be administer by web panel ? Command nice is nice but its painfull if admin is on the holiday...
I have a large file (deflated size: 602191947)that is not saved in my Ubuntu One account. On sync'ing the file is being uploaded, and eventually reaches 602191947 - and then nothing more happens to this file - but sync'ing the following files in the queue goes on with success. I have tried manual upload with the same result. The file is still being marked as 'uploading' even after several tries and log ins/log outs, and reboots. So I was just wondering whether there is a file size limit - can't seem to find information regarding this.
There is a ps3 in my house which i play with an online connection, i also download alot of stuff. so i want to limit the upload speed of the ps3 to give my downloads more speed. i have verizon fios.
I use vsftpd. I would like to know if there is a way to limit the upload speed. Only the upload speed so the "anon_max_rate" and "local_max_rate" don't do the job. Someone told me about the trickle but I expected a more recent application.
I've setup a Lamp Server for Testing, The Lamp Server is Up & Running on CentOs 5.5
I am now trying to setup a VSFTP server where local users can upload files to there home directory so that Apache can serve web pages straight from the directories of system user home/accounts giving users the ability to run their own web sites which are hosted off the main server [tutorial here: [url]
So far i have been able to serve/display index.html files from the users home directory [url] but so far i cant upload files to any user home directory, every time i try to upload a file with filezilla i get this error message: 553 Could not create file. Critical file transfer error
I have searched online for similar problems like mine and so far i've tried alot of the solution but none seem to work. I'm confused, dont know where i went wrong, i put the users in a group called ftpusers and here are the permissions on the users (test, ftpuser & testftp) home directory. have a look an tell me where i went wrong :(
Also the root directory where the web pages are served from is called public_html here are the permissions
Here is my vsftp.conf file can someone check it to see if i made any errors in there:
After few hours working I can connect to ftp.And download files from the server.But I can not upload file or create directory.I checked my configure file several time could not figure it out.
I'm configuring a new public mail server running Centos 5.5 and Sendmail 8.13.8. I would like that the sendmail configuration is correct. The server will handle many domains using Virtualmin. Everyone can send mail only if authenticated, which I already tested.
How can I upload configuration file? I receive an error if try to upload a zip file.
i have centos os squid 2.6 version,i have to configured squid to restrict some ip to 10 kb upload for that i set request_max_body_max_size but this directive is applicable to all ips but i want to limit uploading for some paricular ips.