CentOS 5 Server :: VMware Service Not Running

Feb 5, 2010

I just did a basic service install of Centos5 and added the RPM package install of VMware-server 2.02. but I don't the VMware service is running (based upon the flowing screen:

[root@centoshost1 vmware-mui-distrib]# ps
2925 pts/0 00:00:00 bash
22378 pts/0 00:00:00 ps

So how do i start the VM service?

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Software :: Error On Running Vmware On Centos 5,5 64 Bit?

Jan 29, 2011

I receive sequence of the following errors on CentOS 5.5 64bit when I want to install vmware worksatation 7I searched a lot but gain nothing Code:First this error appear:"Too many virtual machines are running."After that this error :"The maximum number of running virtual machines is 64."and at end :"Unable to change virtual machine power state: Cannot find a valid peer process to connect to"Code:Do you agree? [yes/no]: ySystem path prefix. Please note that choosing a path other than /usrmay result in missing icons, application launchers, and other desktopintegrations [/usr]: System lib directory [/usr/lib]:

Architecture-independent files [/usr/share]:
User level binaries [/usr/bin]:
Super user level binaries [/usr/sbin]:


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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.4 As VM Running On VMWare Server 1.0.10 Under WinXP

Aug 15, 2011

I am trying to install openSUSE 11.4 as a virtual machine running on VMWare Server V1.0. VMWare Server is running under WinXP 32bit.

I configured the VM with the following settings:

10GB disk
512 MB Ram

The installation starts from the DVD after inserting the disk. OpenSUSE setup appears, i do not touch the default resolution 800x600. Every thing is looking good. After setting the language, the installation process continues. Then a problem with the screen/resolution/graphical adapter appears. After a while I cannot read anything from the setup screen, everything is unreadable. I remember I had those problems already with 11.3 but I did not follow this issue an took openSUSE 11.1 instead. With 11.1 I could follow the installation instruction till the end and I got a running system.

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Ubuntu :: Partition Recommendations For Server Running VMware ?

Mar 28, 2011

I presently have an Ubuntu server 64-bit running VMware Server 2.0 in a test lab. The server was created using the default partitioning method during the installation. So I have what I think is just one huge 300GB partition along with what I hear is a uselessly large swap partition.

I keep reading that theres an advantage to creating dedicated partitions, especially for the the VM datastore.

If the advantages are true then I would like to re-partition the drive.

What partitions should I define and how big should the be?

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CentOS 5 Server :: Building VMWare Virtual Machines From CentOS Mail Servers?

Oct 12, 2010

I have a few mail servers, a mail log server and a web server running on Centos 5. Now I have a task: to avoid accidental crashes on the production servers while installing updates, my boss asked me to do clones (these clones will all be VMware virtual machines) of the servers (EXCLUDING the actual e-mails and log contents) and then to run those clones on VMWare Server. This way, first I will install and test updates on the clones and - if they will be running without crashes - I will apply the updates on the real production servers themselves.

I have already installed VMWare Server 2.0 I have a few questions: How do I build the virtual machines to exclude the actual mail files and mail logs? Can I use VMware Converter for this purpose, or do I have to use another program? How do I actually do this cloning? Is there a tutorial on how to do this?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connect To Server When VMware Is Running Windows?

Jan 15, 2011

I have a private server which I stream media from, but since I've installed VMware running Windows 7 and set up Windows to used a bridged connection, so I can access the network drives in Windows. Now that I have done that, I cannot connect to my home server unless I have VMware running.

I only want windows running when I need it, but I need access to my server at all times.

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CentOS 5 :: Unable To Install Centos 5.5 X86_64 On Vmware Server 2.0.2?

Nov 6, 2010

I have an i5 Thinkpad running Windows 7 64-bit. VT is enabled in the BIOS. I have installed vmware server v 2.0.2 but am unable to install Centos 5.5 x86_64 as a guest OS. The steps that I followed are as follows:1. Created a new VM, specifying RHEL 5 64-bit as the intended guest OS (per vmware documentation - Centos is not available as a selection2. Downloaded all 8 iso files for Centos v5.5 64-bit3. Modified the CD/DVD drive to 'connect at power' and use an iso with the path pointing to the x86_64 iso 1 of 8When I power up the VM, the console window displays 'ISOLINUX 3.11 2005-09-02 Copyright (C) 1994-2005 H. Peter Anvin' and nothing else. The installation splash screen never appears. As a test, I downloaded the first of 7 iso files for the 32-bit version of Centos 5.5 and pointed the CD/DVD drive to that iso. In that case, the installation starts as expected. I would really like to get the 64-bit version installed and running.

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CentOS 5 Server :: A New Service Appears After The Entire Server Was Replaced

Mar 29, 2010

I noticed that my VPS was rebooted recently and a new service appears

[root@localhost ~]# pstree

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CentOS 5 :: Timedrift In Vmware Server?

Jun 25, 2010

Be it with different options to grub.conf... different options to vmware .vmx file ...

Configuration: host box that have an Intel Quad Core CPU Q8300.

Host is CentOS 5.5 64bit, VmWare 1.0.10, guests are CentOS 5.5 32bit (and an Ipcop test box that have 2.4.x kernel)

Considering the 3 CentOS 5.5 32 bit guests (same config for grub and ntpd), I have 1 VM that usually havent' any timedrift, the remaining 2 VMs gain about 15 mins every hour (!!!). constantly, indipendently from load or Similar problem for the IpCop VM.

I need to disable ntpd daemon and put a cron job because ntpd seems not work (but manual ntpdate work, so no fw problem). Sometime is one of the VM that have no driftime problem; after some host reboot, is another. No matter how I configure it (apparently). The VM's hwclock have little or no drift, the system clock have the drift ... I can't find any logic on this ... Some months ago I use Vmware Server 2.x, but switched to 1.x for the annoyng glib problem and the not appreciated new interface. Initially no problems, next (little time before updating the host from 5.4 to 5.5), problems started ... so no apparent ralations with update from 5.4 to 5.5.

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CentOS 5 :: Run 5.5 Guest On Vmware Server 2.0

Jan 11, 2011

I have a new public mail server running under Vmware Server 2.0 installed on Windows Server 2008. I'm not satisfy about performance, virtual machine has got 3gb of ram and 2 virtual cpu. Physical machine has got one intel xeon cpu 2.4ghz quad core, 8 gb of ram and 3 hdd 500gb raid5. I already set this option: Fit all virtual machine memory into reserved host RAM. How can I increase performance? Are there any kernel build for virtual installation?

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Server :: How To Start SSL Service In Centos 5.5

Feb 7, 2011

I am in the task of migrating old linux to new linux which centos 5.5. while moving out all apps ,data etc.I need to configure SSL in apache.I have installed mod_ssl with apache 2.2. i went though some docs to configure with certificate that I have . Not sure how to start the service in 2.2. The apache/SSL was configured in my old server which apachectl. SO after importing certificatr , I do ./apachectl startssl to take in effect. In my new server , the http service is /etc/init.d/httpd, not sure how to start SSL service in centos 5.5.


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CentOS 5 :: Accessing X Server As A Service?

Jun 3, 2010

I have a webservice which runs under Apache Tomcat. The service is started via a script in /etc/init.d. During the course of the Web service processing, the software must make use of the two NVIDIA GPUs on the computer to do some graphics processing. When this system is booted but not logged in, the web service is accessible but the software cannot access the software cannot access the X server to do it's processing. However, when I am logged in, the user can access the X servers and run correctly. I have tried various solutions but I always have to be logged in to run the software. I seem to have permissions problems but I'm unsure how to resolve them

Is there any way to grant permissions to root (the tomcat service is started as root) to allow it to run the software without logging in?

I am running CentOS 5.4 with Gnome display manager.

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CentOS 5 :: Stop The X Server Service ?

Aug 9, 2010

I been trying to install the Nvidia driver for my recently installed centos desktop but I could not find the services that I can stop. I have a gnome. did try gdm, xdgm etc etc but no luck how do I stop the x server service ? so that I can install the driver.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Install Vmware Server On CentOS 5.5?

May 27, 2010

I have installed CentOS on a VMwareWorktation and that CentOS, i also install VMware Server (suscess) and setup a guest OS that,

but i start this Guest OS, an error show "You may not power virtual machine in virtual machine"...

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Server :: Centos 4.8 (Vmware) Kernel Panic?

Mar 29, 2010

I have a Centos 4.8 linuxbox running in VMWare ESXi 4 and the kernel is 2.6.9-89.0.11.ELsmp. Recently, this linuxbox is quite unstable, it has kernel panic once a week... But we didn't have any configuration changes on it. And I have attached the kernel panic console screen and lsmod for the server.[URL]...

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CentOS 5 :: Vmware Server 1.0.9 Won't Start After Upgrade

Oct 28, 2009

I performed a system update yesterday to CentOS version 5.4. Now I cannot get vmware to start. I get the error "VMware Server is installed, but it has not been (correctly) configured for the running kernel. To (re-)configure it, invoke the following command: /usr/bin/vmware-config.pl." I tried running vmware-config but that did not resolve the issue. I saw the bug related to 2.0.x (after the update), but that does not seem to apply to 1.0.9.

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CentOS 5 :: Can't Install On Vmware Esxi 4.0 Server?

Nov 24, 2009

I can't install centos 5 on vmware esxi 4 server.I use the netinstall cdrom and I get the splash screen with the kernel menu.After this, I can choose a language but then I get this error: "The CentOS CD was not found in any of your CDROM drives. Please insert the CentOS CD and press OK to retry."

I have tried it with the image on the datastore, a unc-path and as physical cdrom.I have tested all modes in the vmware cdrom settings (passthrogh IDE or Emulate IDE) - nothing helps.

Console 3 shows me:
loaded mptbase from /modules/modules.cgz
loaded mptscsihfrom /modules/modules.cgz[code]...........

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CentOS 5 Server :: Can't Click Button On Vmware 7?

May 16, 2010

When I install CentOS 5.5 into vmware workstation, My mouse can move but unable to click.

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OpenSUSE :: VMWare Workstation 7 Error "Before You Can Run Vmware, Several Modules Must Be Compiled And Loaded Into The Running Kernel"

Sep 21, 2010

im running suse 11.3_x64 clean install along side with Win7 Pro _x64 had a big fight installing Vbox 3.2.8 PUEL edition but i need to test some VMWare products like 'VMWare vShpere (ESXi 4..0.1 - which i couldn't install in a vm in Vbox) ' before putting it in production enviroment in some of my clients. version: VMware-Workstation-Full-7.0.0-203739.x86_64 The installation of vmware was quite simple with no errors. the problem kicks in after the first reboot when i try to run it. before installing vmware i installed the following:


When i try to run vmware workstation the 1st error kicks in: Before you can run vmware, several modules must be compiled and loaded into the running kernel:


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General :: Vmware Server 2.0.2 Installation On 12 - Making Sure Services For VMware Server Are Stopped

May 19, 2010

I have installed fc12 on my core2due machine, and I have installed the vmware server on it, its rpm is installed successfully with out any error, after that a message is displayed

The installation of VMware Server 2.0.2 for Linux completed successfully. You can decide to remove this software from your system at any time by invoking the following command: "rpm -e VMware-server".

Before running VMware Server for the first time, you need to configure it for your running kernel by invoking the following command: "/usr/bin/vmware-config.pl".

I tried this command and find the this message

[Akram@localhost Downloads]$ su -c "/usr/bin/vmware-config.pl" Password: Making sure services for VMware Server are stopped.

None of the pre-built vmmon modules for VMware Server is suitable for your running kernel. Do you want this program to try to build the vmmon module for your system (you need to have a C compiler installed on your system)? [yes] yes

Using compiler "/usr/bin/gcc". Use environment variable CC to override.

Your kernel was built with "gcc" version "4.4.2", while you are trying to use "/usr/bin/gcc" version "4.4.3". This configuration is not recommended and VMware Server may crash if you'll continue. Please try to use exactly same compiler as one used for building your kernel. Do you want to go with compiler
"/usr/bin/gcc" version "4.4.3" anyway? [no] yes

What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running kernel?[/usr/src/linux/include]

Now it asks me in last lines that "What is the location of Directory of C header files that match your running kernal?"

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Server :: 389 Directory Service Setup On CentOS 5.5

Feb 1, 2011

I am trying to accomplish an objective, I need to get 389 Directory server installed in the process however is it possible to just have email addresses of users in the LDAP server? I have a primary domain, example 'abcefg.com' with about 3,000 users and several hosted domains like 'xyz.com' and 'mno.com'. The end goal is to speed up email processing, so instead of the Barracuda asking the email server(s) if a user exist it queries the LDAP.

Is there a way to configure 389 Directory Server to contain just the email addresses of the end users to allow the Barracuda to poll the LDAP server to verify the email address is valid. The rest of the authentication like password is handled by the email server. So in the end the LDAP server would just contain the email addresses (live) and the Barracuda would query the LDAP asking if joebob@abcefg.com exist if it does carry on. If user xxeedd@abcefg.com does not exist drop it and go on.

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CentOS 5 Server :: H/A Samba Service - Won't Authenticate?

Feb 17, 2009

Set up a new cluster service for a cifs share. Has these properties:

Service name = cifs_cases
Autostart is checked
name=cases type=GFS Scope=shared


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CentOS 5 Server :: Set A Service To Start Up Automatically?

Apr 24, 2010

Ok, so I have installed apache 22, mysql5.0 and proftpd1.3. When I reboot my server, the above applications do not start up automatically, and I have been trying to figure out how with out much success. know that I need to make some changes inside the init.d directory on my CentOS Server.I am running CentOS 5.4 x86_64 build.I really am not sure how to accomplish the task or where to start.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Service Not Starting On Bootup?

Jul 19, 2010

I have a service I've made an init script for, and it's added to chkconfig, which shows it "on" in all the correct runlevels. When I start or stop this service using the "service" command all is fine, but it does not start on it's own at bootup. I am currently at a loss to determine why it is not starting. Here is the script:

# chkconfig: 2345 95 10
# description: Start or stop home automation


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CentOS 5 Server :: Named Service Cannot Be Start?

Oct 9, 2010

i meet problem on named service, i want to configure my DNS with bind...after i /etc/init.d/named statusThis shows :"rndc: connect failed: connection refusednamed is stopped"

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CentOS 5 Server :: FTP Service For Virtual Web Hosting?

Nov 3, 2010

I have just finished bulding a virtual web hosting server on my CentOS-5.5 x86_64 linux box with several websites hosted and its working fine. Now I have to build and FTP service in this webhosting server so that i can create indviudal login for each website and provide access to thier respective web directory only. This is where I am stuck. I have been trying to find out some docs and instructions to achieve this but in vain.

What I need is to configure an FTP service in the web server so that individual owner of websites can login to thieir respective web directories only and upload and download files as well as create, delete and modify the contents of their web directory.

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Server :: Cluster Installation In Vmware Workstation With Centos

May 5, 2011

I just wanna simulate HPC and and other kinds of clusters in VMware workstation 7.0 , in my HP 520 laptop which is dualcore and 3Gb RAM. So can u please help me out regarding this.. I am interested to work in clusters. I am new to this hpc and other clusters..please can any one gve me document on cluster installation and configuration. I would be grateful to them.. I am using Centos OS.

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CentOS 5 :: VMware Server Only Detects 1 Of 2 Quad Core CPU?

Jan 22, 2010

Sadly, I google'd the heck out of this and even the vmware community has no answers. So, I decided to turn to the experts and see if you can provide a better solution than [URL]. The system sees both CPU's and all of the cores (cat /proc/cpuinfo). I have tried with HT and without HT (I never run HT anymore; seems to hurt performance in my workloads). I've tried the recent and newest kernels for CentOS 5.4 and still have no luck. There seems to be lots of people having this issue, but no real solutions.

Dell PE R710 with 2x Xeon CPU X5550
kernel 2.6.18-164.11.1.el5 #1 SMP x86_64
Fresh CentOS 5.4 install

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CentOS 5 Server :: Creating New Service Scripts - PidFile?

Mar 17, 2009

I am new to linux, running a brand new centos 5.2 server. One application I want to use it for is to serve as a network host for a game my friends and I enjoy. Normally, to run the game in host mode you call the binary and pass it a port number (along with other options). To host a second instance of the game, same thing different port, you get the idea.

After doing that the binary runs in your window and dumps to stdout, so if you want it to run 24/7 you have to come up with your own strategy like nohup. Fair enough, now, I'm trying to coax the game into restarting automatically upon reboot. The most correct way to do this seemed to be to write a script for init.d so that's the road I traveled down. Now, to strain the metaphor, the pavement has ended and I'm stuck in the sand.

Here begin my questions:
I've been following the structure of other init.d scripts and I notice they all seem to call the function daemon() (contained in /etc/init.d/functions) to start their services. Looking at the structure of daemon() I see that you can pass it a user and a pidfile. The user part seems to work fine, but no pidfile is created. Let me be more specific.

Like the other scripts, I explicitly touch /var/lock/subsys/game-port on startup, which works fine. However, all of those other services seem to have a pidfile in /var/run and mine doesn't. They don't create it explicitly in their init.d script therefore I assume that some other process is creating the pidfile. At first I thought it would be the call to daemon(), since you have the option of passing it --pidfile, but that doesn't seem to work.

Are the services themselves creating the pidfile? If that's the case then I have more complications because the game binary apparently doesn't do this. Second question but probably related to the first. None of the other init.d scripts I looked at seem to do anything special to detach their services from a particular terminal session, therefore I didn't think that I would need to either.

Again I thought this was something the call to daemon() might accomplish, but either I'm wrong or I'm doing something wrong. I can probably work around this with nohup or appending '&' or something, but I'm just curious that other services like crond, sshd, named, etc., don't seem to do this. Are they determining this behavior from within the binaries themselves? I hope this is clear, as I said I'm new so I may not be getting all of the terminology correct.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Implementing A Java Program As A Service?

Jul 23, 2009

I've a java program which needs to be executed regardless of whether a user is logged in or not. Currently I've a shell script which executes the java program. I login to the server and run this shell script when the server is rebooted. I would like to start this script automatically preferably as a service so that I can stop and restart this service whenever I update the java program.

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