CentOS 5 Server :: How To Optimize Servers For Older Hardware

Mar 16, 2011

My machine is:

Intel Celeron, 2000 MHz (20 x 100), 400MHz FSB, s478 Northwood core with 128 KB L2 Cache
768 MB RAM: 3 * 256 MB PC133 SDRAM (3.0-3-3-6 @ 133 MHz), DRAM:FSB running as 4:3
Intel Havre D845HV (3 PCI, 1 AGP, 3 SDR DIMM, Audio) (latest BIOS, HV84510A.86A.0050.P15.0305252001)
Western Digital 60GB hard disc, WDC WD600BB-75CAA0
SONY DVD-ROM DDU1612, and some generic floppy


all in all this was a pretty good machine to run Windows XP SP3, MS office 2000 (or 2003), and some mozilla-based browser (Firefox can work OK, but with "K-Meleon 1.5.4" it's fast as lighting). It has enough horsepower to run CounterStrike at 1024*768 and play MiHD movies with just a few ocasional glitches. Plays DVDs or XVID and MP3s without any problems, and they don't seem to use much resources in Task Manager. Sound, graphics and network subsystem work very good, but this will always be a PC133 SDRAM system hence memory bandwidth problems, and not much can be done about that. Machine was used as office + internet box, with some Winamp music playing in the background and as such it was great.

Now I turned it into (dual boot) CentOS 5.4 development server for developing a nonprofit PHP site.Joomla-based contents load slower from this machine on the intranet then on the regular server online. It's not crazy slow (like pentium 1 @ 166 mhz) but it's definitelly not good either. I think it should be able to run much much better, especially when I remember the Athlon T-bird at 1 GhZ with 512 MB PC100 RAM used to be much more responsive while running web apps on Mandrake 9 (when it came out) with KDE WM, while this cellery runs just server in init 3 (no Xorg or Gnome, just command prompt).

Please advise me how could I enhance the speed of the system. CentOS 5.4 was installed with all settings on default. Everything worked plug'n'play, didn't need to install anything extra. Machine primarily runs Apache2 with PHP and MySQL, SSH and SFTP daemons, not much else I guess. No GUI, mostly it runs headless anyway. I'm mostly annoyed by the way it serves pages, it's like it takes up to 6 seconds to precache some complex PHP page and then poof! whole page appears at once. I'd much rather if it served the contents of the page part by part, gradually filling in the details. I'm not sure if (and how) that can be achieved though. I'd like to optimize servers (mostly Apache) and maybe net config to run smoother and faster.

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Server :: Optimize Apache 2 In Centos 5

Mar 28, 2010

I saw many people were talking about how to optimize apache and mysql here and also in other forums and blogs. I am currently hosting some sites and some IRCD processes (a tiny network)in a dedicated server with spec:


Intel Dual Core 1.6GHz E1200
160 HDD
10Mbits port

We got about 30,000 to 40,000 page views per day. I would like to ask people here about the opinion of apache and mysql optimization based on this server spec and current number of page view.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Best Server OS For Older Computer

Mar 7, 2010

I want to have a server that will work well with these specifications:

2.40 GHz Intel Pentium 4
512MB of Dual Channel DDR2 RAM
And I am going to buy a new Hard Drive for it

Any recommendations? I will be installing Wordpress and will probably set up an IRC server and VPN and things like that.

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Server :: How To Optimize Samba Performance

Jan 4, 2011

I have installed a linux server, centos gui server with Raid1, his role will be only a file server. I installed samba and configured it. The file system is EXT3. the server got 4 gigs of memory.There is a program in windows that writes files to the share.I searched and i found that there is some commands that you add and they boost the performance.

I got complains that the writes are not fast enough. Before me another IT guy configured the file server and it was faster, what he told my customer that he changed some command of cache but i dont know exactly what he did. I have been asked to find how to boost the performance.Please give me more commands to try to boost the performance of Samba or tell me if i need to change anything..

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Cron Jobs - Optimize Database Then Enable Apache Server

Sep 15, 2010

My server... its CentOS (redhat alike). I need to make the server disable apache server then run mysql command to optimize the databases then re-enable apache server in a specific time daily. Is it possible?

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Server :: Install "X Server" Subsystem To Optimize Performance?

Jan 10, 2010

little offtopic: GNome is really needed on server OS ? I do not install "X Server" subsystem on server, to optimize performance of server.

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CentOS 5 :: Older 32 Bit Programs In Centos 64bit?

Oct 12, 2009

I have 2 older 32 bit programs that I have to run in Centos 64bit. I have seen that in Centos-64-bit there are both 64-bit libraries than 32-bit These programs seems to work properly but is it necessary to do anything else?

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Server :: Unifying Permissions Between Two Servers - CentOS - Webmin/CentOs - Cpanel - And Rsync

Jan 1, 2010

I have two servers, both running CentOS, but one running Cpanel as the control panel and the other running Webmin.

I would like to sync the web folders using rsync. However, when I sync the files from the Cpanel host the permissions look as follows:


But that doesn't work on the Webmin server which needs the following:


It seems the Cpanel install has the group as 'nobody' whilst webmin has it the same as the file owner. I can fix this by running:


But as the file transfers will be frequent, I don't want the files to be inaccessible until chown is run.

So, what I really want to know is - how can I change things on the 'webmin' server so that files with ownership owner:nobody will run?

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CentOS 5 Server :: Building VMWare Virtual Machines From CentOS Mail Servers?

Oct 12, 2010

I have a few mail servers, a mail log server and a web server running on Centos 5. Now I have a task: to avoid accidental crashes on the production servers while installing updates, my boss asked me to do clones (these clones will all be VMware virtual machines) of the servers (EXCLUDING the actual e-mails and log contents) and then to run those clones on VMWare Server. This way, first I will install and test updates on the clones and - if they will be running without crashes - I will apply the updates on the real production servers themselves.

I have already installed VMWare Server 2.0 I have a few questions: How do I build the virtual machines to exclude the actual mail files and mail logs? Can I use VMware Converter for this purpose, or do I have to use another program? How do I actually do this cloning? Is there a tutorial on how to do this?

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CentOS 5 Server :: Improve Server Speed On Servers With Heavy Load?

May 4, 2009

There is a tool appeared in repository called ktune; The purpose is to adjust some sysctl.conf settings to improve server speed on servers with heavy load. What is this tool for if one can achieve the same with the configuration file added to system startup? Or ktune is just such file?

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CentOS 5 :: Delete Files Older Than 7 Days?

Jan 26, 2010

I've been trying to delete all files older than 7 days in a directory temp1.I have try different ways but nothing happend:

find /temp1/* -mtime +7 -exec rm rf
find . -mtime +7 -exec rm rf
find /temp1/* -mtime +7 -print -exec rm{}

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CentOS 5 :: Exchange Older Distros GRUB With 5.4's One

Feb 6, 2010

I'm using Ubuntu 9.10's GRUB. Now i wish to exchange it with CentOS-5.4's GRUB I didn't install GRUB during CentOS installation. Searched through Google and CentOS wiki find all about rescuing GRUB.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Automatically Delete Files Older Than 6 Months In Folder

Mar 27, 2010

I have server running ubuntu. There is folder /var/netflow and I have there files, which creates every 5minutes new ones(monitoring traffic on network). And I need to delete files older than 6 months manually. Can you help?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Rotation Part Is Not Removing Files Older Than 90 Days?

Dec 3, 2010

Seem my rotation part is not removing files older than 90 days. Anybody know what is wrong?

#navigate to the desired backup location
cd /public/backup/linux
#dump the MySQL entirely, output file is dated
mysqldump -u root -pmt1jxz68f2 --all-databases > "`date +%Y%m%d`.sql"
#backup the web folder


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CentOS 5 :: Why Is Kernel Much Older Than Current Stable Version?

Jan 21, 2010

I just ran "yum update" to download the latest kernel from the repository, and noticed that it's 2.6.18-164.11.1 while the latest on www.kernel.org is of curiosity, why is there such a discripency between the two? Lack of resources to test and build binaries?

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Just Installed CenOS 5.4 On An Older GATEWAY?

Feb 3, 2010

The install actually seemed to go pretty smoothlyIt's a dell pentium4 with 128mbyes it installed textuallyI start the gui with 'startx'but the question I have is for the more experienced CentOS people.when I login as rootI am trying to figure out how to get my machine onto the internet.I had figured the OS would have NO problem with a Linksys 10/100 pci cardsince the OS has the latest drivers and all.The system reports the NIC as a "ADMtek NC100 ethernet" card (eth0)it also reports that the status is "ok"Now, I've seen the NIC when it's plugged into a hub (during the O/S install)and it DOES make the hub's light flicker when it tries to "talk" to it.but when I have it plugged into my Cable Modem (for internet) it's not doing anything.

During the install I SAW the NIC making the hub lights flicker... so I know the interface WAS doing "something".but nowwhen I go into the gui and I try the NetWork Admin , and I try to "activate" the card.Nothing.Am I NOT doing something that I SHOULD be doing?fconfig? (at the command line?) ifup? I would have thought I'd "activate" it with the gui ok...I'll keep poking around.I'm just a little surprised is all. Ubuntu 8.1 had no problem "discovering" and using a wireless Linksys cardTHIS operating system is even newer

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CentOS 5 :: Install An Older Version Of PHP From Remi Repo?

Jul 20, 2010

Ive got the Remi repo all setup along with yum priorities. I know how I would go about installing PHP 5.3 but for Drupal 6.x version 5.2.x is more compatible. I see php 5.2.13 in the remi repo archives. How should I go about installing it? just wget the rpm and install?

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Server :: Monitoring Users On Servers - Centos 5

Feb 28, 2010

I'm looking for some sort of a way keep track of all of my users that are logging in to my server (centos 5), what I mean is this: at our firm we outsource some of our work (programing), now all of the developing is done under our servers, what I'd like to find is a way of taking all of the users log on time and display by days/weeks/months - so I could see how much did everyone had put in. Another thing that I'm looking for is a way to monitor an ongoing session and record user activity, now I've seen ObserveIT, but it doesn't support Linux agents as of today.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Setting Up SMB And AFP Failover Between Two Servers

Feb 15, 2011

My question is about setting up SMB and AFP failover between two servers. The plan is to have two servers both running CentOS with one acting as a primary node and one as secondary failover node. I have never set anything like this up before. In the past I have always worked with SAN's primary XSAN/StorNext. Both of which handle failover pretty much automatically. Unfortunately there isn't the budget on this job to install a SAN. Also this is only for temporary use for a week in a production office.

My thoughts where to run the two servers and use rsync on a cron tab to keep the data synchronised between the two. In an ideal world clients would log on to the primary and if that fails, seamlessly moved over to the secondary. I'm guessing however this is not possible outside of a SAN environment. So keeping the two servers synced and the clients manually moving over to the secondary manually is, I'm guessing, my only real option.

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Server :: Clustering Mail Servers (CentOS/Amazon EC2)?

Feb 23, 2011

I'm looking to set up a clustered mail server, I kind-of know how I'm going to do it but wanted to check if there was a better way. So we have 3 mail servers, running as EC2 instances on Amazon AWS. We were going to achieve clustering by giving all three a shared EBS storage device to store the mail. The mail would be received by any of the three servers (Via postfix) and could be retrieved from any of the three servers (via dovecot). For receiving mail (SMTP), the domains would have 3 MX records pointing to each of the servers but for sending and retrieving mail (SMTP and POP3/IMAP) the three servers would have one DNS A record with 3 IPs associated (I know when using this method for web-servers, the load gets distributed among the IPs under that record but I'm not sure if this will work for SMTP/POP3/IMAP).

What we want is to have 3 servers that share the load equaly but are completely redundant for all services (POP3, IMAP and SMTP). We also need to be able to scale upwards so if we need to add more servers we can do easily. Also the servers must be perfectly synchronized at all times.

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Server :: Deploy Centos 5.5 Through Pxe Agent On Multiple Servers?

Apr 14, 2011

We have to install centos 5.5 in approx 60 servers and we want to have a server in which we can create an image of 1 server and deploy it on all other severs through pxe. Mainly all servers will be having raid 5 or raid 1 configured. So the utility should be having the raid support.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Way To Allow Two Servers To Use Same File System On SAN Using ISCSI?

Mar 9, 2010

What is the correct way to allow two servers to use the same file system on a SAN using iSCSI?Is it GFS on the two servers?

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CentOS 5 Server :: DNS : Connection Timed Out; No Servers Could Be Reached?

Mar 28, 2011

I have 2 different networks :the first one is gateway machine (eth0), and the second is a private machine (eth1). So, I've configured the iptables and forwarding stuff and when I try to ping [url]..... on the gateway machine, it works, while it doesn't work on the private network. Note: I am using VmWare 7, CentOS 5.

I could say that the problem in DNS:because when I use this command in the private network machine: [url]...., it says connection timed out; no servers could be reached ,while in the public one, it works properly.....

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Server :: Change Ssh Port On The Servers Including Centos And Ubuntu?

Mar 10, 2010

i need to change ssh port on the servers including centos and ubuntu when i make changes to /etc/ssh/sshd.config and change the port to something else restart sshd then i can determine that port 22 is not working but ssh does not connect to new port it says "no route to the host"

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CentOS 5 Server :: Winbind UID GID Maps Are Not Correct From Two Diffeernt Servers

Apr 8, 2010

Centos 5.4 64bit fully updated. What I am doing is vsftpd is setup and nfs shares are mounted to a NAS server which is running openfiler 2.3 fully updated. openfiler is winbind to AD and pulling users and groups over.

I have it confirmed working when a ftp users connects the username/password is authenticated against AD which works. User can login and is directed to the users folder on the nfs share.

Openfiler shows me UID and GID numbers for users and groups, centos also shows me UID and GID but they are different which is causing permissions/quota's to not work right.

Both servers are setup with krb and winbind, openfiler has a more recent version of winbind.

Here is an example...

AD Users are

user UID of 160010 as an example
user1 UID 160011

When user logs into the vsftp server it works and chrooted into the directory for that user. When user uploads files I can upload but the UID in the ftp client shows 1600011 which is user1 UID

logging into windows to that share shows in the security tab that user1 uploaded the files.

Centos is mapping user as 160011
openfiler is mapping user as 160010
windows is showing the user1 in the security tab.

So it appears that centos is not mapping the right numbers to the right users and groups.

If you need details please ask for it and I will provide.

Both configs are nearly a match and I have made small changes to the config files smb.conf but it failed resolve these issues to work so I reverted back. kinit works with authentication, getent works, wbinfo -a and -u works. wbinfo -u user shows different results on both servers, but authentication works user/password and I tried a different password to test.

Is this a known bug or a silly misconfiguration? I had authentication GUI tool configure the winbind stuff so its all fairly standard on the centos machine and the openfiler gui configure winbind configs.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Repository Of Older Versions Of Server Do Not Work?

Jun 3, 2011

I installed Ubuntu Server 8.10, 9.04, 10.04, until I discovered that the packages of these versions to upgrade and install graphics settings are not available, then install the current version is 11.04 and there I found that repositories responded and set me right. Then the repositories of previous versions are not available? When I install the current version on all packages that I need to back packs and save it for if I need it later.

How do I get the packages and put together a repository itself if others were dashed this is still operating, and maintenance would be needed?

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Server :: APACHE VirtualHost Not Working On Older Slackware Machine

Jan 25, 2010

I am trying to add a virtual host to my machine by name to the IP here.It absolutely refuses to work.it is a mess server I hope to upgrade soon, but it has 2 versions of apache running together on it.The first one (php3) just proxies all the requests from 80 to 8080 which has another instance of apache running php5.I don't know what else to do, it keeps defaulting to the host header error virtual host.

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Server :: Older Distributions Won't Recognize Newer Mother Board IDE DMA

Aug 25, 2010

I run an ISP with various servers such as mail servers.Once something works I let it run forever. Thus I have a mail server running FC5 on a Mach Speed pm400 via chip set motherboard.Recently the motherboard died, and I had to use a back up board to get it going again.I am now out of back up boards and need to purchase a new set for the future.However the mail server software will not activate the IDE DMA on these newer boards because the chip set drivers are not in the last kernel package that yum would download for FC5.

1.) Is there an easy fix to this problem to get the DMA working?

2.) Do I have to download and compile a latest kernel (2.6.x) to get the right drivers?

3.) Since FC5 is fully modularized, is there an easy way to create a similar kernel from a download without having to manually turn all the modules on?

4.) CAn I simply use the original .config from my existing kernel in the new one?

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Server :: Script To Delete Files Older Than X Days Fstab Has Noatime Enabled?

Jul 26, 2011

I have set up a simple find and delete script for files older than X days. The problem is that some of the files that are send in this share are transfered from an archive server and creation/modified date remains the same when copied and the age of them could be a year ago or older and they get deleted over night by the script.For performance reasons the raid is mounted with noatime in fstab.Do you see any solution to this problem except enabling atime?I'm thinking at some more advanced script that writes the list of added files once a day and marks them for deletion after some time.

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Ubuntu :: Optimize For Speed?

Jun 25, 2011

i didn't know where to post this so i decided on "General" section. I'm working with kind of an "old" computer, low HDD and graphics, but decent amount of RAM and good processor ( for an old computer, and it was bough for company use ) So i want to speed things up a bit, i don't mind waiting a bit longer when GIMP is loading, but FireFox is giving me issues, loads slower, and internet isn't as fast as its suppose to be, i started playing a game on facebook recently and it was fine, but lately it takes for ever to load and do things in it, i tweaked some options in it, and its better, but now when i click response time is slower ( altogether is quicker but still not enough )
Is there anything i can do?

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