CentOS 5 Networking :: IPTABLES - Should This Rule Take Care Of Port 5090?
Jun 6, 2010
I am new to iptables. The setup tool on a VPS doesn't work. So, I am learning to insert rules. I have inserted so many and some of them show as duplicates now.
1- I want to know how to remove the duplicates. Is there a file that these rules are store in so I can go in and easily edit it?
2- Is there any other utility that handles firewall in Linux that I am unaware of? or is the iptables the ultimate door guard? This is a plain install of CentOS.
3- Since I believe I opened port 5090 but I think it still might be blocked, could SELINUX be the problem? How can I get my way around setting it to permissive or disable if I don't have access to "setup" command?
4- What is the order of iptables reading? does rule #1 supersede all other rules? or does the last rule supersede all rules prior to it?
5- Do the rules below make a fairly safe system? (except for the duplicates which should be remove) I understand that a safe system is dependent also on the applications that are allowed in this category and I am not talking about those. I am talking about dropping all other inquiries and in general is this how iptables are setup? This is what I currently have:
[root@tel ~]# service iptables status
Table: filter
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
num target prot opt source destination
Question (and Google results aren't making this clear): Ubuntu has both iptables & ip6tables installed. 1. If I set a rule in iptables, does that rule also apply to ipv6, or just ipv4?
2. If "no" to above, then it would be prudent to *also* set ip6tables rules as well if I want to maintain an active firewall, correct?
3. Does ip6tables rules have the same syntax and behavior (more or less) to iptables rules - i.e. can I just copy my iptables rules & change "iptables" to "ip6tables"?
4. Any gotchas or issues that I should be aware of?
I'm trying to open up some ports to connect via vnc to a server running Centos 5.5. I've edited /etc/sysconfig/iptables everything *looks* fine, but I still can't seem to get access to the port I've opened (I added some newlines for clarity between commands):
i'm new in linux world i would like to know how can i add the rtp protocol to my iptables rule for Netfilter firewall,but without installing the asterisk server
Unsure about IP tables lingo, so excuse me for not looking this up:I have a server, running IP tables, that I do not want to allow any type of outgoing traffic to
This isn't exactly of critical importance, but is there any way to block two entirely different addresses in the one rule, rather than writing individual rules for each of them? For example, if the addresses were and, and I only wanted to block these two.
Or alternatively, if I wanted to block two subnets, say and Can this be done in one rule?
my iptables Policy is Drop..my server ports is open just for httpd,ssh .Is there any rule which can allow all connection from a specific program for ex. i want to scan an ip Address ports.as you know nmap connect to every known port to see if that is open or not so, if i want to allow nmap to connect, i need to include all ports for that, or i can allow connection from localhost to outside in all ports .my server is very secure . i dont want other programs (probably a backdoor) use those ports to connect outside i want to know is there any ability in iptables which can rule connections by name of program like "Allow any Connection from /usr/bin/nmap to everywhere " ?
Code: Can't initialize iptables table 'NAT': Table does not exist (do you need to insmod?)
Looking at lsmod, it doesn't look like I have anything NAT related loaded ( I just have iptable_filter, ip_tables, and x_table ). Doing a locate nat, I find a module that looks like it should work. I'm running 10.04.1 LTS - Kernel is 2.6.32-25-generic #45-Ubuntu SMP and it is pretty much stock - haven't done anything fancy... this module looks promising:
Code: /lib/modules/2.6.32-25-generic/kernel/net/ipv4/netfilter/iptable_nat.ko but loading it and I get:
I'm using a Debian servers, as router/firwall.. I've two ethernet interfaces into the server, one for wan and one for lan. The i use SNAT so my LAN clients can access the internet throgh the debian router. That is working... Now i want to be able to access servers on the LAN site from the WAN site, and i wanna use port address translation (PAT). I have a FTP server running on a lan server, so i'm trying to portward port 21.
When people try to access my FTP from the WAN site, they are redirected to the local FTP server, and they are promted for crendentials, but when the credentials are typed, and the local ftp server should answer the wan request, the connections dies.
The wan clients are being promted for credentials, so they are redirected to the local lan server, but after that the connections dies, so i think there is some kind of nat problem, when the local lan server is trying to respond to the wan request..
I have a mail server on which I would like to block port 25 on my eth0 for everyone except our external spam filter. the problem is that I want our users to be able to connect via port 10025 which is forwarded to port 25, which then is blocked...
I'm trying to open port 119. I already have a few ports open. I've used webmin to open both incoming and outgoing ports. iptables --list --numeric gives me:
br0 - - Internet eth2 - - LAN tun0 - - VPN (via br0)
What I'd like to do is to route all TCP packets coming from eth2 to tun0 where a VPN client is running on If I delete all default routes and if I add a new route to tun0 like :
route del default route add default gw
Everything is fine, and everyone on eth2 can reach the Internet using the VPN access. Now the problem is that my VPN client does not allow any other protocols other than TCP. And I also want to allow VPN access only to eth2, no other LAN nor the router itself. use iptables to filter any TCP packets and mark them, so they can be sent to tun0, while any other packets can reach the Internet via br0 ( I found on the Internet that we can mark packets before they get routed. Using the following commands :
iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -j MARK --set-mark 85 -i eth2 -p tcp --dport 80 ip route add table 300 default via dev tun0 ip rule add fwmark 0x55 table 300
First of all, --dport 80 never work... :/ I wanted to filter TCP 80 packets coming from eth2, but none of them seems to be HTTP packets... oO (very strange...). Nevermind, I decided to forget about the --dport option. I use the "iptables -L -v -t mangle" command to see how many packets are marked, and it is working fine, all TCP packets coming from eth2 are marked. Now the problem is that none of them are routed to tun0 they are all respecting the "route -n" rules... and not the "table 300" rule I have created.
I have a fresh installation of CentOS 5 I'm using for a server, and I'm having issues with port configuration. I have iptables running, and it started with no /etc/sysconfig/iptables file. I added a few basic rules (port 53, port 10000 for webmin), saved the file, and restarted the service. I tried connecting to webmin, scanned ports, and traffic was blocked. I set iptables to allow all traffic and restarted the service, and it still showed basically every port as being blocked. It seems port 80 and port 22 work for some reason, even when I tell iptables to block all ports.
I'm not sure what's going on here. Iptables is reading the /etc/sysconfig/iptables file, and if I use lynx localhost:someport it responds as it should according to the file. However, if I try connecting by IP, it's like there's some other firewall or something running that does whatever it's configured to do.....
iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport -j ACCEPT iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport -j ACCEPT iptables -A FORWARD -p udp --dport -j ACCEPT iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp --dport -j ACCEPT
and the rules are placed in iptables, i can see them when I do iptables -L. But when I do netstat -an | grep 161 I can see that port 161 (SNMP) is not listening. Why?
I set up a vnc connection to my machine the other day and while doing that checked out any open ports.To my astonishment my ftp port is open, although I double checked the firewall and there's no check in the checkbox for the ftp port. I didn't add a "other ports" rule or anything as well.So, how would I be able to fix that?
I guess this is the right place to put questions about iptables, so forgive me if it is not.I have a MySQL database which I need to allow connections to: 1 - the internal network; 2 - the web server (Apache) connections;3 - A user who is out of this network in a range of dynamic IP.Let's suppose the range IP for this user is and the server; where is MySQl and Apache is This user will use the windows client MySQL tool to make connections into this database.
So I think these rule below allow connections to the internal network and apache: iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -m state state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT iptables -A INPUT -i eth1 -m state state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
I'm looking for a way to add a rule that would whitelist my ip address when I login with SSH. I can grab the IP out of the SSH_CONNECTION variable, however I'm not sure how I could add it into iptables with my non-root privileged user. I've got root access, but I want the process to be automatic. I considered sudo, however I don't want normal users to be able to modify anything about iptables, though perhaps there is a trick about it that I don't know which would only allow it in the /etc/profile or the like
I am running a voip server on port 5060. I want to hide this to all the robots scanning the net permanently - I know this is not enough security - it is just to prevent them from wasting by bandwidth testing all usernames until fail2ban stops them !
I'd like to have port 5060 accepting requests only from 'trusted' hosts, while others (client with dynamic ip) use port 5065 - thus, port 5060 will only appear open for some trusted partners and the bots will skip to something else.
I have setup the iptables rules succesfully to accept only trusted hosts.
-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -s 93.x.y.z -p udp -m state --state NEW -m udp --dport 5060 -j ACCEPT -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -p udp -m state --state NEW -m udp --dport 5060 -j DROP
I've added a PREROUTING NAT rule that change the port from 5065 to 5060 for others - but then, this gets caught in the INPUT rule as port 5060 -A PREROUTING -p udp -m udp --dport 5065 -j DNAT --to-destination
This works so well that the packets coming on port 5065 are translated to port 5060 and get caught in the DROP rule...
I have a CentOS box which is Internet Facing. It has 3 LAN's connected to it which are for virtual machines.
I want to port forward port 445 to a machine on one of the LAN interfaces. I have tried various ways to get it done, but still cannot access that port from the interface. I definately know device hosting port 445 is live, as I can ping it from the CentOS box and use lynx to access it! (It's a web server)
I've been Googling about port forwarding iptables and even though there's result and I've applied it in my script, I can't make iptables forwading request to another machine so I decided to ask help.
eth0 is my Internet Interface ( is the public ip) eth1 is my Lan Interface eth2 is my DMZ Interface
There is this server where in I want to use port redirection using iptables. For port redirection I have used nat table with PREROUTING chain and REDIRECT option. Like:
Code: iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport pop3 -j REDIRECT --to-port 8110 It just does not work. I have tried to redirect other ports as well but nothing works.
I have a server running debian squeeze and kvm to virtualize a Windoze box. It's setup to use NAT. This is because of limits on the network by the admin and unfortunately, there isn't a way to get around this.
Do I have to create a rule for: Code: $IPT -A fwalert -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN,ACK SYN,ACK -m conntrack --ctstate NEW $RLIMIT -j LOG $LOGLIMIT --log-tcp-options --log-level 4 --log-prefix to drop rather than log if my table has a default policy of drop with : Code: $IPT -t fwalert -P DROP
I need to forward a port to use dtella. I'm using Fedora 10, using iptables for my firewall.
I'm currently trying to forward it from terminal with this command:
Code: sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p udp -i eth0 -d [ip address] --dport 11823 -j DNAT --to this is what I get from iptables -L Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT) target prot opt source destination ACCEPT all -- anywhere anywhere state RELATED,ESTABLISHED