CentOS 5 Networking :: Large Iptables Rule Set?
Jan 10, 2011
Loaded up Centos 5.5 final. Configured iptables to block regions of the world based on networks. An example would be:
My /etc/sysconfig/iptables file contains about 10k entries like this. If I use this, the machine lags hardcore network wise.
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Jun 6, 2010
I am new to iptables. The setup tool on a VPS doesn't work. So, I am learning to insert rules. I have inserted so many and some of them show as duplicates now.
1- I want to know how to remove the duplicates. Is there a file that these rules are store in so I can go in and easily edit it?
2- Is there any other utility that handles firewall in Linux that I am unaware of? or is the iptables the ultimate door guard? This is a plain install of CentOS.
3- Since I believe I opened port 5090 but I think it still might be blocked, could SELINUX be the problem? How can I get my way around setting it to permissive or disable if I don't have access to "setup" command?
4- What is the order of iptables reading? does rule #1 supersede all other rules? or does the last rule supersede all rules prior to it?
5- Do the rules below make a fairly safe system? (except for the duplicates which should be remove) I understand that a safe system is dependent also on the applications that are allowed in this category and I am not talking about those. I am talking about dropping all other inquiries and in general is this how iptables are setup? This is what I currently have:
[root@tel ~]# service iptables status
Table: filter
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
num target prot opt source destination
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Jul 16, 2010
Question (and Google results aren't making this clear): Ubuntu has both iptables & ip6tables installed. 1. If I set a rule in iptables, does that rule also apply to ipv6, or just ipv4?
2. If "no" to above, then it would be prudent to *also* set ip6tables rules as well if I want to maintain an active firewall, correct?
3. Does ip6tables rules have the same syntax and behavior (more or less) to iptables rules - i.e. can I just copy my iptables rules & change "iptables" to "ip6tables"?
4. Any gotchas or issues that I should be aware of?
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Jul 29, 2009
i'm new in linux world i would like to know how can i add the rtp protocol to my iptables rule for Netfilter firewall,but without installing the asterisk server
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Dec 7, 2010
Unsure about IP tables lingo, so excuse me for not looking this up:I have a server, running IP tables, that I do not want to allow any type of outgoing traffic to
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May 18, 2010
This isn't exactly of critical importance, but is there any way to block two entirely different addresses in the one rule, rather than writing individual rules for each of them? For example, if the addresses were and, and I only wanted to block these two.
Or alternatively, if I wanted to block two subnets, say and Can this be done in one rule?
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Oct 29, 2010
my iptables Policy is Drop..my server ports is open just for httpd,ssh .Is there any rule which can allow all connection from a specific program for ex. i want to scan an ip Address ports.as you know nmap connect to every known port to see if that is open or not so, if i want to allow nmap to connect, i need to include all ports for that, or i can allow connection from localhost to outside in all ports .my server is very secure . i dont want other programs (probably a backdoor) use those ports to connect outside i want to know is there any ability in iptables which can rule connections by name of program like "Allow any Connection from /usr/bin/nmap to everywhere " ?
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Nov 16, 2010
Trying to setup my box as a router on Ubuntu 10.04. When trying to setup a NAT rule in iptables 1.4.4 like so:
sudo iptables --table NAT --append POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
I keep getting:
Can't initialize iptables table 'NAT': Table does not exist (do you need to insmod?)
Looking at lsmod, it doesn't look like I have anything NAT related loaded ( I just have iptable_filter, ip_tables, and x_table ). Doing a locate nat, I find a module that looks like it should work. I'm running 10.04.1 LTS - Kernel is 2.6.32-25-generic #45-Ubuntu SMP and it is pretty much stock - haven't done anything fancy... this module looks promising:
but loading it and I get:
-1 Unknown symbol in module
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May 8, 2011
I have 3 network interfaces on my Linux Router :
Interface - Gateway - Type
br0 - - Internet
eth2 - - LAN
tun0 - - VPN (via br0)
What I'd like to do is to route all TCP packets coming from eth2 to tun0 where a VPN client is running on If I delete all default routes and if I add a new route to tun0 like :
route del default
route add default gw
Everything is fine, and everyone on eth2 can reach the Internet using the VPN access. Now the problem is that my VPN client does not allow any other protocols other than TCP. And I also want to allow VPN access only to eth2, no other LAN nor the router itself. use iptables to filter any TCP packets and mark them, so they can be sent to tun0, while any other packets can reach the Internet via br0 ( I found on the Internet that we can mark packets before they get routed. Using the following commands :
iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -j MARK --set-mark 85 -i eth2 -p tcp --dport 80
ip route add table 300 default via dev tun0
ip rule add fwmark 0x55 table 300
First of all, --dport 80 never work... :/ I wanted to filter TCP 80 packets coming from eth2, but none of them seems to be HTTP packets... oO (very strange...). Nevermind, I decided to forget about the --dport option. I use the "iptables -L -v -t mangle" command to see how many packets are marked, and it is working fine, all TCP packets coming from eth2 are marked. Now the problem is that none of them are routed to tun0 they are all respecting the "route -n" rules... and not the "table 300" rule I have created.
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Dec 20, 2010
I guess this is the right place to put questions about iptables, so forgive me if it is not.I have a MySQL database which I need to allow connections to: 1 - the internal network; 2 - the web server (Apache) connections;3 - A user who is out of this network in a range of dynamic IP.Let's suppose the range IP for this user is and the server; where is MySQl and Apache is This user will use the windows client MySQL tool to make connections into this database.
So I think these rule below allow connections to the internal network and apache:
iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -m state state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -i eth1 -m state state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
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Feb 23, 2010
I'm looking for a way to add a rule that would whitelist my ip address when I login with SSH. I can grab the IP out of the SSH_CONNECTION variable, however I'm not sure how I could add it into iptables with my non-root privileged user. I've got root access, but I want the process to be automatic. I considered sudo, however I don't want normal users to be able to modify anything about iptables, though perhaps there is a trick about it that I don't know which would only allow it in the /etc/profile or the like
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Apr 20, 2010
Do I have to create a rule for:
$IPT -A fwalert -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN,ACK SYN,ACK -m conntrack --ctstate NEW $RLIMIT -j LOG $LOGLIMIT --log-tcp-options --log-level 4 --log-prefix
to drop rather than log if my table has a default policy of drop with :
$IPT -t fwalert -P DROP
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Apr 5, 2011
My firewall , wich is an Ubuntu server 10.10 , have 3 interfaces:
eth0( to the DMZ
eth1( to the LAN
eth3( to the Internet
-The DMZ have one web server with a static address (
-My LAN address range is ( managed by a DHCP server in the same firwall machine.
There are some of the rules that I need to set up :
-Allow HTTP between the LAN and the internet
-Allow HTTP between the web server in the DMZ, and the internet.
Is there a way to tell the firewall , to redirect all incoming HTTP requests only to the web server in the DMZ ?
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Mar 4, 2011
I am using squid on my fedora box as a proxy server.By default the iptables (Firewall) service is on.To allow web pages to my client machines i stop the iptable service.
#service iptables stop
By doing it client computers start browsing.kindly how can I add a rule so that without stoping firewall client compter work fine.my perver IP address is
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Mar 22, 2011
I have configured a sendmail MTA for incoming mails in a network and by using IPtables i have redirected the traffic internally to other port where one more SMTP by a application is running.Iptables rule:iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 25 -j ACCEPTiptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 25 -j REDIRECT --to-port 25000My sendmail config is as below.
define(`SMART_HOST', `relay:host.subdomain.mydomain.com')dnl
dnl # define(`RELAY_MAILER',`esmtp')dnl
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Feb 23, 2010
I'm not an iptables expert. Anybody know how to create a rule/chain that will log info similar to what tcpdump -s0 would do?
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Jan 3, 2011
how can i drop igmp port 0 packets with iptables rule? my log file is full of this router advertisement.
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Nov 26, 2010
The iptables has every rule set correctly, the users in the subnet works great, but I have the following issue.every user connect to a mysql running on the internet through the port 3306, the forward and masquerade do the job. Now I have a user in the outside, and he wants to connect to a mysql in a certain machine (Not the gateway), prerouting rules solve my problems, but all the packages from the inside users goes now to that certain machine. I would like something like if the package passed trough masquerade don't pass trough the prerouting rule, and if it come from the outside (Not a package that come from a petition from the inside) pass trough the prerouting rule.
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Jan 24, 2011
i've got a select based application that wants to support a large number of mostly idle connections. the code is java and works on windows, suse enterprise linux, mac os x. it does not work on centos 5.5 (32-bit, 2.6.18 kernel, 1G of memory).
i've read and followed the directions in various articles about tuning linux for large numbers of connections (including the C10K problem), and gotten the number of sockets up to 3200.
these didn't make any apparent difference:
on windows, i can get up to around 78,000.
on suse enterprise linux (a few years ago), i got up to 90,000. that's where i got bored and stopped.
on my mac laptop with os x (snow leopard), i got up to 10,500.
i have used ulimit -n 10240
my current goal is 10k sockets.
the test is that i'm opening one socket at a time until it fails. when it fails, many of the sockets which have already been opened also fail, in one giant cascade. sounds like a buffer / memory problem.
each group of 64 sockets gets a thread to manage select calls for them. thus i'm only using around 61 threads total when it fails.
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Apr 7, 2010
When I try something like, I get:
iptables -A FORWARD -p udp -m length --length 39 -m u32 --u32 '27&0x8f=7' --u32 '31=0x527c4833' -j DROP
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
So I re-compiled the kernel enabling WAN Router, and all the subsections. Downloaded latest iptables, removed the RPM one, installed the iptables from source.. Guess what, same error!
PS: iptables -m u32 -h works, it displays a page of info.
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Aug 5, 2009
I have a strange problem with IpTables.after a server reboot, the complete rule-list of iptables is empty. After a manually start, all my old rules are there again.I checked chkconfig if autostart of iptables is enabled:chkconfig --list iptablesiptables 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off
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Aug 13, 2009
I'm at my wits end at this point.
CentOS 5
APF 9.7
Webmin 1.4.80 (yes i can be a gui noob at times)
I'm currently running a dedicated server that hosts a couple of sites and runs a game server or two. I was using iptables on its own for a while, but recently I'm a target of all sorts of attacks (typically aimed directly at the gameserver on port 7777. UDP flood attacks, etc). I'm also seeing an spike in foreign spam, SSH brutes, and a few people in Turkey thought it would be cute to download files over and over and over I have decided to start banning entire countries, using the subnets listed here [URL]... I'm trying to block Central and South america (189,190,200,201.x.x.x), China, Ukraine, Turkey, Iran, Spain and Italy. I do this because a majority of the traffic from those areas are usually up to no good.
I installed APF so I could easily add these ranges in deny_hosts.rules and be done with it. I added the ranges, which turned out to be too many, and the system tanked. I decreased the amount of ranges to just 4:
Restarted APF and it loaded fine. Do an apf --list and iptables --list and it shows those 4 ranges as blocked. The only issue...I have people from 190.x and 200.x connecting to the gameserver and PLAYING. Its as if the firewall isnt there. Also, adding those ranges to /etc/hosts.deny (or whatever) doesn't block them either.
I add one of my own ips and I get blocked instantly. WTF?? I look in the iptables for webmin, and it shows an empty firewall. I do iptables --list and it shows the ranges I added in APF. I'm looking at building (or whatever its called) an fresh iptables with the geoip module added in. [URL]...
I've never done anything like this, and I don't want to kill the box. I also don't want to spend the effort if 1) something is wrong with my system to begin with and 2) the geoip module doesn't work. geoip module aside....how exactly should i configure the firewall? Empty iptables completely and then rely on APF for everything? Oh and heres another tidbit: I tried this before 2 years ago and it used to be that anything I put in APF would show when i looked at iptables using the webmin module. Thats no longer the case now. That was also on CentOS 4 when it did that. I don't know if moving to 5 is whats preventing it now.
In a nutshell, I'm new at this and I'm being inundated with terrible people trying to do terrible things and I'm ready to just give up. Can someone just give me a quick rundown on:
1) how to test that my firewall is actually firewalling
2) how I should configure the/a firewall on this CentOS5. Not too specific, I just want to know if I should empty iptables then load apf, should i not bother with APF (i like it when it works), is there a specific order of doing things?
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Jan 23, 2010
The problem I am having is that iptables won't load the required modules for my firewall rules.
iptables -F
iptables -P INPUT DROP
iptables -P FORWARD DROP
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Mar 11, 2010
I have big problem with correct settings of iptables as a router. My network topology (UTM Hardware router)>eth0 with apache ftp and transparent squid 8080)--->eth1 with dhcp)
I have problem with hanging connections through squid which are very slow or connection failed. Sometimes i received DNS timeout error from squid stable 2.6 21
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Mar 30, 2010
I'm trying to redirect the requests from port 80 to ports 8080 and 8081 through iptables because I've got two services which need accept requests from the same port(80):
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 8080-8081
The problem is that the second port (8081) never gets a request, just the first one.
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Sep 5, 2010
How I add this " iptables -F " to my Servers boot I already asked this from my Provider, but it seams he forget each time I ask.
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May 5, 2011
I have the requirement that if our website receives 20 or more requests within 60 seconds, to block the offending IP address for 5 minutes, then allow them access again. My only certain mechanism to do this is iptables. I wrote the following series of commands:
iptables -N RATE_CHECK
iptables -N DOSAttack
iptables -N RemoveBlock
I am limited in my testing, but the little I have been able to test seems to be having no effect. will the above commands have the desired effect.
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Apr 28, 2009
To expand: I'm trying to set up a box with l7-filter, and I need to patch and compile iptables as part of the process. I ./configured it with the prefix= argument so it would install into /sbin instead of /usr/sbin, and I did a yum remove iptables before installing it so as not to get in the way of the original iptables, but I'm wondering if this is really necessary - it's kind of annoying, because removing the original iptables removes the init.d script, deregisters the service, etc. If I don't, is it possible that iptables might get overwritten in a system update or something, or will yum see that I've got a custom/newer version in there and leave it be?
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May 9, 2009
I have CentOS 5.2 just installed and massively updated with yum -update command. Than I tried to configure firewall. After changes via system_config_securitylevel_tui (open ssh, http, ftp, and 3306:TCP ports) iptables service can't start with message
> /sbin/service iptables start
Flushing firewall rules: [OK]
Setting chains to policy ACCEPT: mangle filter nat [OK]
Unloading iptables modules: [OK]
Applying iptables firewall rules: iptables-restore v1.3.5: Couldn't load match `TCP':/lib64/iptables/libipt_TCP.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Error occurred at line: 18
Try `iptables-restore -h' or 'iptables-restore --help' for more information.
I erased the iptables service and installed it again with yum. How can I make this service work?
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Jun 26, 2009
if am using --log-prefix "BANDWIDTH_OUT:" --log-level 7 to capture packets, I think is there a way to view these?
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