CentOS 5 Hardware :: Specifying PCI Video Card For IBM XSeries 330 Server?

Jan 28, 2010

I need to use the PCI slot to deliver SVGA video for testing purposes. I am assembling 20 units for a test station. All the PCI video cards I have tried leave artifacts (isolated pixel clusters of different colors or vertical lines), and cannot be set to SVGA (1024 x 768) resolution. PCI card that I can still purchase that will provide clean video? Are there video settings I am missing that need to be changed?Is there a primer on video cards with CentOS 5.4 available for the uninitiated?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Installation Fails On IBM XSeries 440 Server

Jul 7, 2011

I am trying to install openSuSE 11.4 on my IBM xSeries 440 Server and I am not having much success. I am getting to the welcome screen and installation menu screen fine, but when I select the 'install' option it loads the Linux kernel up to %100 and then just goes to a black screen from which the only escape is a reboot, the same thing happens when I select 'check installation media' and 'Firmware test'. I have tried the 'no ACPI' and 'safe settings' setting and still no luck.

I have successfully installed Windows server 2003 Enterprise edition on this machine so I know the hardware is ok.I suspect it could be a driver issue, but as I am very new to Linux and server installations I am grasping at straws.

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CentOS 5 :: No GUI - Screen Is Black - Video Card

Nov 16, 2009

I'm install CentoS 5.3 but I've not a GUI... when I swith , screen is black... maybe problem in Video Card... I'm download this driver, but I don't know how to install ... Driver is NVIDIA-Linux-x86-190.42-pkg1.run - how CentoS 5.3 work in 256 mb card...

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Dual Monitor Video Card - NVidia Quadro FX 580?

Nov 24, 2010

I have repeatedly installed CentOS 5.5 64-bit on a Dell T3500 with an nVidia Quadro FX 580, in an attempt to get dual monitor support to work to no avail. Everything works fine when just one monitor is plugged in and I do not try to enable or plug in a second monitor. I have installed the Dell DKMS, and the Dell recommended drivers (from Dell site) on one installation, I installed the nVidia drivers (from nVidia site) on another, and have tried with what CentOS loads by default on another. The results are the same every time: When I reboot as directed I get a black screen. I can recover by hard shutdown and unplugging one of the monitors, but that doesn't solve my problem. Has anyone had a similar experience, or have any helpful guidance? I am not very Linux savvy. This is for multiple machines in a corporate environment.

Information for general problems.

== BEGIN uname -rmi ==
2.6.18-194.26.1.el5 x86_64 x86_64
== END uname -rmi ==
== BEGIN rpm -q centos-release ==
== END rpm -q centos-release ==


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Hardware :: Video Card Recommendation For Low End Server?

Sep 13, 2010

I am searching for a recommendation on a video card replacement for my home server. I currently have a BFG Geforce 7300GT and looking for simpler, less power hungry videocard. It is running slackware 13.1 and XFCE as the DE but I dont normally have the X server running because there is no monitor attached to the machine... Only if I have problems I can hookup a 15" LCD. No hardcore computation, no video/graphics programs, like i said, mostly VNC sessions (if need be) and networked services and mainly used for storage (NFS).

The machine has roughly the following components:
MSI k9n platinum mobo
Athlon 64 x2 CPU
1GB ram
3X 1.5TB SATA2 HDD's


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Hardware :: Good Video Card In Remote Server?

Jul 2, 2009

I just got a Proliant server and I loaded it with 4 cpu and 12Gb of ram. I use it only remotely and I am interested on using graphic software like FEM pre-post-processing and video generation. I am not sure if it will make sense to buy a video card more powerful as there will never be a monitor plugged into that card. Who does the video processing when I do rendering remotely through ssh -X or vnc? Is the server or the client responsible for that process?

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General :: Installing Red Hat 5 On IBM XSeries 346?

Feb 22, 2011

I'm trying to instal RH 5 64 on an IBM x346. In the BIOS I enabled host raid (could not see disks if disabled) and setup a RAID-1 (mirror) 2 HD's. I have then proceeded to install RH 5 (using the GUI) on to the mirror which appears to have installed fine. When I reboot the system is seems to boot to the OS but the screen is black with a few thin white lines appearing on the screen. I thought this may be related to the on-board graphics soo I installed it again on another x346 (except this one had more memory). Upon rebooting this post install I am presented with the Error booting OS.

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Hardware :: High-resolution Video With 2 MB Graphics Card- Play 480p Video ?

Jun 24, 2010

I've been playing around with Damn Small Linux 4.4.10 on my Dell Inspiron 3000 laptop for quite a while now, and this is the first time I've been downright stumped. To make a long story short, I'm trying to play 480p video on a machine with a 233 MHz Pentium processor, 112 MB of ram, and a Neomagic MagicGraph 128XD graphics card (NM2160). Crazy? Maybe, but I don't think so. I'm using MPlayer set to Xv mode with the XFree86 4.3.0 server, and so far, I've been able to get it to play 360p mpegs with minimal stuttering. However, MPlayer crashes with 480p. This is because the 128XD only has 2 MB of memory, which, after the 1024x768x16 screen takes its share, doesn't leave enough room for a 640x480 overlay.

The creators of MPlayer are aware of this limitation, and suggest adding the following line to my XF86Config file: Option "OverlayMem" "829440"

As I understand it, this is supposed to extend the video card's frame buffer into system memory, thus allowing the higher resolution video to play. However, it doesn't work, based on this output from my XFree86 log file: cannot reserve 829440 bytes for overlay...

Some other suspicious-looking lines from the log file:

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Ubuntu :: Video Card Swap - Screen Using A Default Video Driver

Jan 25, 2011

If I take out the existing video card and put in another one of a different type (but not a different brand), how does Ubuntu behave? I know what Windows typically does. Windows starts up the screen using a default video driver which is at least 1024 by 768 and then asks you what this new bit of hardware is and asks where the drivers are. I'm pretty sure Ubuntu has default drivers of its own, but I don't know what their resolution is.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Video Card Not Getting Past Video BIOS On Boot?

Mar 22, 2011

I recently bought a video card for my pc. I had it running pretty nicely on Ubuntu10.10, I started windows and later restarted and after that it wouldn't get past the Graphic cards bios. this is rather odd isn't it? I suspect it maybe dead or that my motherboard bios is stuffed but i reset that too and it still wont go.. The specs are Pentium4 Proccesor 1gb ram motherboard 661gx-m7 Nvidia GeForce FX5200 DDr128mb

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Ubuntu :: Removed Video Card To Switch To Onboard Video / Cannot Start Kdm

Jun 19, 2011

Got a bit of a problem where xorg can't start kdm. I pulled out a dying AGP card to try and switch to onboard video, and I think the previous configuration is gumming up the works.I've been running this system for quite a while, as you'll be able to tell from the version numbers.Would like to avoid having to transport my Amarok databases to a new server. I make heavy use of the song ratings and whenever I try to transport the database from the old system to a fresh build I have to spend hours relearning sql commands.Any ideas how to either fix the resolutions on the ATI or (preferably) get KDE to start on the onboard graphics?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Video Card Died New Card Boots To Black?

Jul 15, 2010

My video card developed problems, so I followed the suggestion in this thread:

Quote: Boot into recovery mode, then choose root, for a command prompt and enter
Code: dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg

but my ubuntu 10.04 32-bit system still won't boot. Shortly after the ubuntu logo comes up, before the login, my screen goes black and there is no more video signal. What else can I do to reset the video configuration? The card only has this info on it: I could put the card back in the system, reboot, and then pre-configure the system to drop to the intel 865G on-board video, but the msi card has intermittent problems and will spontaneously re-boot several times during the first ten minutes of turning on the system.

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Server :: CentOS With MPEG-4 / H.264 Support And DVR Card

Feb 12, 2011

I have a dvr card that is a Softlogic 6x10 line of MPEG-4 codec card that uses mpeg 4. This is the driver that they recommend that I use but it is for ubuntu. Is there a Centos 5.5 equivalent? [URL]. This is the card: [URL].

This is what appears in lspci:
PHP Code:
03:06.0 Multimedia video controller: Unknown device 9413:6010

I found this on the net: [URL] and installed
PHP Code:

I get this error when I run a modprobe budget_av:
PHP Code:
modprobe budget_avWARNING: Error inserting videobuf_dma_sg
Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)WARNING:
Error inserting v4l1_compat (/lib/modules/2.6.18-194.32.1.el5PAE/weak-updates/video4linux/v4l1-compat.ko):
Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)WARNING:
Error inserting videodev (/lib/modules/2.6.18-194.32.1.el5PAE/weak-updates/video4linux/videodev.ko):
Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)WARNING:
Error inserting saa7146_vv (/lib/modules/2.6.18-194.32.1.el5PAE/weak-updates/video4linux/saa7146_vv.ko):
Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)FATAL:
Error inserting budget_av (/lib/modules/2.6.18-194.32.1.el5PAE/weak-updates/video4linux/budget-av.ko):
Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)

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CentOS 5 :: Install Server On A 4GB SD Card (SD To IDE Adapter)

Jul 28, 2010

I will install CentOS as Fileserver and XEN as Dom0 on a 4GB SD Card. The SD Cart is in a SD to IDE adapter(?). All other files (for example the Xen hosts) come on my 6TB Raid. I need only the basic system, samba an xen on the SD Card. How can i do this? Whats is the best partition table? How can i mount the Raid first on start up(for access the needet files to start Centos and services)?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Video Card Crashing When Using Video Editor?

Jun 12, 2010

My system: Pentium 4 3.6 GHz, 3 Gb DDR ram, GeForce 210 video card, Ubuntu 10.04.

I have previously used Cinelerra-cv (on Karmic) and recently Openshot (on Lucid) with not much trouble. I have been sampling other video editors (Kdenlive, avidemux, kino etc). Now I have my video card crashing whichever I use, mainly when trying to load clips. I have disabled Compiz, uninstalled all video editors and then reinstalled one at a time. I still get early video crashes whichever I try.

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Networking :: Gigabit Network Card For CentOS 5.4 Server

Feb 11, 2010

I am looking for a gigabit network card for my centos 5.4 server. I am looking for something known to work well with linux. I have been on the bestbuy site and I found a DLink (DGE-530T) card with support for linux from the vendor but after reading feedback from users with that card I am not so sure it is linux friendly. I am now thinking of buying online.

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Compatible PCI SATA Card For Home Server

Feb 25, 2009

I have a CentOS box set up as a small home server right now. It is running a Apache Server. A SVN server and is going be a file server for all my friends. The problem is that it I need to add more SATA ports. RAID is not a big deal to me so the card can be a simple add in card. I am limited to PCI because the board does not have any pci expres slots. I am also interested in what hard drives that card would work with. I am hoping to keep them to 500 Gigs min. The motherboard has two built in SATA prots but I don't use them have had bad luck with them in the past

AMD Athlon 64 3400+ cpu
MSI K8N Neo Series motherboard
3 IDE Hard Drives
1 CD Drive
CentOS 5

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CentOS 5 :: Use Server For Logging Incoming Phone Calls Using An AVM Fritz-Card?

Dec 1, 2009

I want to use my CentOS-Server for logging incoming phone calls using an AVM Fritz-Card.It should also be possible to notify clients (Linux and Windows) on incoming calls, or there should at least be a web-frontend.Is there any software like that in the CentOS-Repository available?Or is there another software like that, that is easy to install? I already asked google (an i will go on), but I couldn't exactly find what I want.

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CentOS 5 :: Will 5.3 Support My X3100 Graphics Card And Bcm 4311 Wlan Card

Mar 30, 2009

very much like everybody i am also waiting for centos 5.3, because 5.2 could not sit on my notebook due to obvious driver issues. would anybody tell if centos 5.3 support my x3100 graphics card and bcm 4311 wlan card?

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Lspci Shows Lan Card But Lan Card Not Working

Jun 15, 2010

If i run lspci it shows lan card model, but lan card is not working. How do i check my lan card driver is installed or not?

Is there any way to list all installed drivers with hardware information like we have device manager in windows.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Choose Eaton EX RT 11 Plus Eaton Network Management Card Minislot?

Sep 13, 2010

I have a couple of servers which runs CentOS 5.5 and CentOS 5.4. We have decided to buy a UPS and we choose Eaton EX RT 11 plus eaton network management card minislot. I have read on the site of Eaton that they have two applications which could gracefully shutdown my servers - LanSafe and NetWatch. My experience with UPS and those applications is zero so I`m here for some advises? Do you prefer NetWatch over LanSafe?

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OpenSUSE Install :: IBM XSeries 342 Successful Install?

Jan 27, 2010

Has anyone successfully installed opensuse (any version) on an xseries 342? (Single 1.13Ghz cpu, 512Mb, 2 x 18.2Gb scsi, Serveraid-4MX raid controller).Any problems? Does it detect the scsi controllers and raid controller? I'm d/ling the serveraid support cd right now. It contains the raid bios and the support files for suse linux enterprise server. Will they work with opensuse? I have opensuse 10.1 on 5 cds. I can't find anywhere to d/l 11.2 in cd isos, only as 1 large dvd iso, which is no good as the 342 only has a cd reader, and it's a pain splitting dvd isos to cd isos.

I'm hoping to turn this old beast into a web server, preferably running LAMP (apache2 etc). I've already got a Poweredge 2550 running Ubuntu 9.4 server, but the IBM is a different kettle of fish, with Ubuntu crashing during install because of their disc naming conventions. I'm hoping opensuse should be ok as the IBM has support for SLED. It's either opensuse or fedora, which I'm not a great fan of.

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: CentOS Doesn't Save Video Refresh Infos

Dec 9, 2009

My CentOS installation correctly recognize my video card and my monitor if I go to System->Preferences->Screen Resolution and set monitor refresh rate to 75 hz, everything works fine, but if I reboot, at startup refresh return to 60 hz.How can I save refresh rate value?

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Cannot Get CentOS 5 And Agere Et131x Network Card To Work?

May 1, 2009

I just have CentOS installed and cannot get the Agere et131x network card to work.I have tried the following:Reboot the computer and still did not see the network hardware.



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CentOS 5 Networking :: Can't Connect With Ethernet Card Intel 82801CAM (Centos 5.5)?

Sep 13, 2010

I've installed from the CD the Centos version 5.5. When I try to connect to Internet I can't because I received some errors. I've the Intel Corporation 82801CAM (ICH3) PRO/100 VE (LOM) Ethernet Controller also a wireless slot (I've the wireless card DWL-G650+) When I turn on the pc and I go to "Ethernet Device", I see set: peth0 (Intel Corporation 82801CAM (ICH3) PRO/100 VE (LOM) ETHERNET CONTROLLER) and also set "Bind to MAC address": fe:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff I've set manually the IP address (I'm under router). Status is "Active" but can't go on the Net. When I change to "eth0 (Intel EtherExpress/100 driver)...sometimes become "Active" an other times said that the MAC address is different or to check the cable because can't find the IP. What can I do?

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Ubuntu :: Which Video Card To Buy?

Nov 22, 2010

I want to upgrade from my 128M video (on board) to a 512M card. Since so many problems seem to revolve around video cards, which one manufacturer would be likely no cause me little or no grief installing and running?

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Atheros L2 Fast Ethernet Card Isn't Centos 5

May 4, 2009

I am using asus p5ld2-x/1333 motherboard,I installed the centos ,Centos saw other drivers but didn't see ethernet card.I am not connection the internet.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: CentOS Does Not Acknowlege Hawking RT-73 USB Network Card?

Aug 25, 2010

I just upgraded from Ubuntu 9.04 64-bit, to CentOS 5.5 64-bit and my RT-73 USB network card doesn't seem to want to function. It always worked fine in Ubuntu by default (plug and play). Is there some setting I need to make to get this working?Even BT-3 (which is quite old) recognizes the RT-73.

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Server :: Going To Take The Dtv Card Out And Replace It With Anothe Rj45 Card?

Feb 17, 2011

I have just purchased a HTPC - cheap purchase pre-built from ebay - ideal size - small box - not too out of place in the lounge.The HTPC has one rj45 connection built on to the mobo, with a wireless card + aerial in the back (wireless broadband) and I am going to take the dtv card out and replace it with anothe rj45 card.I intend to run ubuntu server 10.10 on the server and I intend to connect my sky broadband through the server to give me the security of a server based firewall and the security of the server as a whole.

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Can't Get KNC-One DVB-C Card To Work On Centos 5.5 X86_64?

Jul 4, 2010

i like to use my DVB-C Card KNC-One on Centos 5.5 x86_64. But i cant get it to work. on a 32 Bit Centos this is working like a charm. I tryed several different kernels together with the video4linux-kmdl

At the moment i am using this kernel: 2.6.18-194.3.1.el5.centos.plus


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