CentOS 5 :: GDM Theme CentOSCubes Misses Background2 File
Apr 3, 2009CentOS 5.3 x86_64.The GDM theme CentOSCubes misses a background2 file.I guess the file should be in the redhat-logos rpm package.
View 1 RepliesCentOS 5.3 x86_64.The GDM theme CentOSCubes misses a background2 file.I guess the file should be in the redhat-logos rpm package.
View 1 RepliesI backed up .themes from /home, but on trying to install them (files don't show as theme packages) it says "There was an error installing the selected file, index.theme doesn't appear to be a valid theme". Did I backup the right thing?
View 1 Replies View Relatedcan anyone know how to install the compiz-fusion desktop theme on centos-5which is very great experience and fun, like Macos X like look and feel.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to install openldap servers using the following command...rpm -i openldap-servers-2.4.22-7.fc14.i686.rpm
However the files /etc/openldap/slapd.conf and /etc/openldap/slapd.conf.bak are not getting installed.
I have run the "rpm -qlp" on the package and it says that it included both those files.
I have tried installing with the --allfile --noscripts --notriggers and --force options to see if there was something strange removing the file during installation, but the file is still not being installed.
Other files in the package appear to be installed without issue.
How can I get RPM to install these two files (the conf file is critical and it's a bit pointless to install the package without it).
I'm kind of new to squid. I've looked at the proxy server using squidclient and am getting
Seems like a lot of cache misses is this normal?
I know there is stuff in the cache
Internal Data Structures:
It's wierd because misses looks like more than requests. I don't know if I'm reading this right.This is just a proxy on a home network with about 6 clients connected.
I updated my netbook to the last incarnation of slackware-current yesterday.
My problem is now, that it is no more able to start the ash shell of the initial ramdisk i am using. The ramdisk was created with the latest version of the mkinitrd script.
The error message is:
And the error happens when the ash from the initial ramdisk is intended to be started. Simply copying the /lib/libc.so.6 stuff (symlink to the real so and the real so) enables to ash to be started but later cryptsetup fails to load.
The initial ramdisk from mid-January i used before did not have such a problem. What i also see is, that the failing ramdisk has a size of only 16k blocks. The one from mid-January was bigger.
Where can I find a bunch of GDM theme RPM's for CentOS 5.4? All my efforts at Googling only results in Ubuntu (.deb) themes.
View 4 Replies View Relatedthere is any way (via terminal or gediting a file) to use .flac files instead of .ogg in a sound theme file? I am creating a sound theme (several truthfully) and I would like to use the FLAC format if possible.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a new install and I am quite surprised it just misses networking. That is, NO networking. ifconfig comes up with inly lo. Nothing else, most primal. It should use dhcp to connect, bit it fails to create the eth0 interface. Such a fundamental flaw is one I can't work on. Forget looking in network manager in the desktop, that's still being installed, I've checked the basic files in etc against karmic.
idella@squeeze:~$ cat /mnt/lucid/etc/network/interfaces
# Used by ifup( and ifdown(. See the interfaces(5) manpage or
# /usr/share/doc/ifupdown/examples for more information.
# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
When I highlight a word then delete it, the word is erased as expected. But when I highlight a word and begin typing a word to replace it (instead of deleting or hitting backspace), the first letter of the unwanted word does not erase... so I am required to watch my text very closely when editing.
For example: I'll type the word "fungus" and then highlight it and type the replacement word "mold" and when I look at the text, the word is "fmold". Am I the only one with this odd situation?
I did a clean install of 11.04 and I have experienced that my separate X-screen does not have the program-name bar with the minimize, close-buttons etc. It's my third monitor is a separate X and it does not really work since I cant close programs, maximize windows or move them around. I cant even write anything on it. The first two monitors work great as one X-screen, just as they did in 10.10. Ubuntu Classic, no Unity. Two monitors (one X) on a ATI HD6970 One monitor (the X-screen that doesn't work properly) on a ATI HD4870
View 9 Replies View RelatedWhere can i find the default ubuntu 10.04 theme file? (i need it so i can make my mandriva computer look like my Ubuntu computer)
View 4 Replies View RelatedI found an icon theme I want to use. The problem is that it has no index file. Is there some kind of script I can run to automatically generate the index file? Or do I have to go about this manually?
View 3 Replies View RelatedUbuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala.
When I double-click any .theme file I get the error message: "Could not display such-and-such.theme. the location is not a folder."
When I right-click any .theme file there is no option to "Open With", and no "Open With" tab in Properties.
When I create a text file and save it with a random name, I can change the filename extension to wav, jpg, png, txt, or theme, and Properties shows that the OS thinks it is that filetype. But all those filetypes except theme give "Open With" options, and allow me to change the extension again to anything. Once a file has been given the theme extension, it is stuck as a theme file.
I have a theme for Xubuntu 11.04 I would like to install. How would I do it, I have a Metacity-1 folder, a GTK-2.0 folder, and a theme.index file.
View 4 Replies View RelatedFor some reason, from time to time on login, as my normal theme starts to load, it changes to some sort of silver theme (a very basic one), and I am unable to change it over to any other theme. Checking the theme being used, it still says my desired one is set, but it is not. Also, no matter what theme I change it to, that basic silver theme is the one being used. This includes a default icon theme, not the one I prefer.
The only option that seems to fix things is a restart, and the hope that on this login it won't mess up like before.I am using Natty, from a fresh install, with Ubuntu Classic as my desktop, and have reinstalled things more than once to try and fix a few of the Natty-related issues, but this one keeps coming back.
What does this error mean i try to save it and get this? Irssi: Error saving theme to /home/perlsyntax/.irssi/default.theme: Permission denied
View 3 Replies View RelatedIm trying to use a downloaded theme (from [URL]) om my FVWM window manager, but the theme depends on various programs that isn`t in the Fedora repository. Namely habak, trayer and rox-filer (the last one is optional though). Is there any way to download these programs and install them independantly?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI updated my laptop from F12 to F14 via preupgrade. After doing so, the standard mouse theme was active. So I installed the one I like again and set it as mouse theme. For some reason it is now a mixture of the one I installed and the standard theme. If I open a place in nautilus the displayed symbol is the right one while waiting, if I open something in control center I get the standard icon. Same problem with drag and drop, I always get the hand from the standard theme. I also tried the former standard theme Bluecurve and it was the same problem.Can anyone tell me what goes wrong with the theme? What has changed in F14, that the older themes won't work?
View 3 Replies View RelatedSince I updated my system a couple of days ago, qpdfview uses a generic theme instead of the Gtk theme. Apparently by adding
Code: Select allexport QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE=gtk.
to /etc/profile all QT5 apps should use the gtk theme but for some reason this doesn't seem to work.
Adding -style=gtk to the launcher options works but I want to change the theme setting for all QT5 apps.
i am using opensuse 11.4 and i reinstalled it 4 days before.i have changed the cursor theme,login theme etc.after the reinstall i forgot how to change them.so please tell me how to change cursor theme,login theme,boot splash?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI was messing around in the Window Manager Theme settings area and changed the theme to another one and I was immediatley logged off and now I cannot log back in. It seems like X is having a hard time displaying whatever theme I chose.I want to manually switch back to Albatross but I am unsure of where that setting is stored. Where is the configuration file for these themes stored?
View 4 Replies View RelatedIt doesn't matter what theme I use, the AWN file browser launcher applet always looks the same...I strongly dislike inconsistencies.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI enjoy using vim from lxterminal with the black background, as well as awesome with its dark theme. I configured xfe manually to be darkish, and i use darklooks as a GTK theme to suit it as well. I could say all my desktop looks pretty dark, which my eyes thank me for. I also use redshift.But problems come along when surfing the web. Most web pages (including this one) have very bright styles. They are not the problem themselves, but switching from my windows hurts my eyes since it's a quick change to a much brighter screen.What would you do, either:
1. Use everything with a brighter background and putting the screen brightness a bit lower. (changing the GTK theme to clearlooks, using lxterminal with a white background, etc.)
2. Use some color theme with uzbl so that pages would look much darker. (like when you set manually the text and background colors in Firefox/Iceweasel)
I would myself go with the second one if most pages wouldn't look that bad when modified that way. For example, many pages use non-transparent images with white backgrounds on white pages, so if you change the background to black not only it looks horrible but it too is a mess.
I want to use gtk-theme-switch to change my theme in openbox (would rather not use any gnome/kde/etc.. tools for this), but after installing it I cannot get it to run:
tr@linux:~$ sudo apt-get install gtk-theme-switch
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
I installed a theme in emerald, and it didn't do anything, like, it had no effect on my windows or anything. So i did some searching and the only thing i could find was to run "emerald --replace" in the terminal, and it worked, but if I exit out of the terminal, it reverts back to the old theme.How do I keep emerald's theme, even after I exit the terminal?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am using archlinux with gnome 3. I am trying hard to change my icon theme to human but it just doesnt change. ~/.gtkrc-2.0 [URL]. I tried lxappearance too. After I click on apply and close it gnome kinda restarts and when I open nautilus it shows no change. I had tango icon theme so I deleted that dir from /usr/share/icons. Now it has switched to the default gnome icon theme. How do I change it to Human icon theme?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm running Fedora 11 x86_64 (GNOME) and I'm having a problem installing ANY themes from http://art.gnome.org. Any time I try to install a theme I get an error that it's "appears to not be a valid theme" When I first click the install button and navigate to my theme packages, I don't see the [dot] theme file, which is a red-flag. I change to "All files" and I tend to see an "index.theme". Is this the correct file?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI was ubuntu 10.10 user and i installed macubuntu theme there but recently i upgraded my ubuntu to 11.04 and now the macubuntu theme is still exist. But i don want to make it avail anymore. how can i remove the theme from ubuntu 11.04 to use default theme of 11.04?
View 1 Replies View Relatedreally wish to customize my GDM for ubuntu 11.4 but failed to do so.....therefore i decided to use alt. such as SLiM.....I could install it properly in virtualbox but when i went to do it on my real ubuntu 11.4 ......the screen stops at plymouth theme or goes blank after loading plymouth theme......then i read further more blogs and made changes and now even if i configure SLim the GDM starts no matter what i do .........
PS : I am new to ubuntu and dont have any knowledge about scripting programming and stuff....