Ubuntu :: PC Boots To Grub-rescue - Cannot Boot Live Distros From Usb

Apr 27, 2010

got four partitions, one for media storage, one with ubuntu 9.10 32bit, one with crunchbang lite 9.04 64bit and one swap partition. The partition with ubuntu has been formated from ext4 to fat32 (with nothing on it, obviously). Whenever I boot up the pc now, I get an "unknown filesystem" error and a grub rescue> prompt. When I try to boot up a live usb image from my usb stick I either get a "linux kernel not found" message (crunchbang lite 32bit) or "initial menu has no LABEL entries!" error (gparted live usb) which changes to "Could not find kernel image: vesamenu.c32" after a couple of seconds. save my media partition or, more importantly, my crunchbang lite partition (which has one single important file on it, I'd love to recover). If this is somehow not possible, then I'd at least like to get my system usable again by succesfully booting from usb. I'm fairly new to using linux. I tried some grub-rescue commands, but not even the "help" command worked,

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Ubuntu :: Grub Rescue Error: No Such Partition And Can't Boot To Live CD/USB!

Dec 2, 2010

I have a netbook that dual-boots Win XP and Ubuntu 10.04 and accidentally hit the Win recovery mode in GRUB today, but quickly restarted without formatting or proceeding with any recovery. But upon reboot I just see: error: no such partition. grub rescue>

What I have tried so far: Boot to USB Live Disk... It won't, just goes straight to grub rescue.I do ls and it gives me (hd0) (hd0,4) (hd0,3) (hd0,2) (hd0,1) (fd0) error: fd0 cannot get C/H/S values.

set gives me

but if I try to boot it says unknown command so I figured I needed to find the right partition to boot from but I went through all of them with ls (hd0,4)/boot, ls (hd0,3)/boot etc. and every partition comes back "unknown filesystem".

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Ubuntu Installation :: Stuck In GRUB Rescue, Cannot Boot Live Disk?

Feb 20, 2010

I accidently deleted my ubuntu partition, and when boot I get this message:GRUB loading.error:unknown filesystemgrub rescue>I can't get into my bios options either... I just see the MSI splash screen and it cuts right to this error message.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Rescue Prompt Appearing / No Boot / Even From Live Cd

Jun 17, 2011

I had 250gb hard disk with dual boot, xp and ubuntu 10.10.Yesterday, i tried to upgarde my ubuntu 10 to 11 from a live cd....b4 doing so, i used a win software EasyBCD to fix the mbr but it didn't work properly..and i ignored it(my biggest mistake)and deleted the ubuntu partion from the windows device manager. It just displays "Booting from Live CD" for few minutes and again displyas the same above error.What should i do now?Its ok if i m not able to recover my data back...i hv sycnd my docs on the internet.

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Installation :: Chroot Ubuntu Using Live CD To Fix GRUB Rescue Prompt?

Jun 2, 2010

Recently I messed up GRUB boot loader in my laptop installed with Ubuntu which resulted in grub rescue prompt. So I had to boot Ubuntu Live CD to get it fixed. Thought of blogging it, may be useful for some one.

This fix involves two steps. First one is to chroot into Ubuntu installation partition. Second one is to install the grub MBR (Master Boot Record). I am using Ubuntu Lucid 10.04 and Live CD also of same.

Continue reading here: http://karuppuswamy.com/wordpress/20...rescue-prompt/

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Ubuntu :: Grub Rescue Error Unknown Filesystem - Fsck From A Live CD But It Doesn't Work

Sep 16, 2010

Yesterday my computer froze using ubuntu 10.1 so i turned the power off, then back on, now i get this message when trying to boot: error unknown file system Grub Rescue>

I tried fsck from a live CD but it doesn't work.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Rescue Mode - Error: Cannot Find A Device For /boot/grub (is /dev Mounted?)

Dec 16, 2010

I updated yesterday and now when I start my laptop it goes in to grub rescue mode. I have booted from a 'live cd' and thought I could repair grub from there. In gparted however the partition with ubuntu (sda1) is seen as unknown file system, in terminal when I list the partition table it shows up as FAT16 type. When I try a grub-install it gives this error message:


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Software :: Unable To Boot Into GRUB Loader: GRUB Command Shell Boots Up?

Sep 2, 2009

A failed upgrade, from disk images, of Fedora 10 to 11 resulted in no GRUB bootloader main menu appearing on bootup (no WIN, no LINUX choices from which to boot). I am booted directly into the GRUB command shell...so, no WIN, no LINUX, nothing. And my understanding of GRUB shell commands is very low.I have 2 hard disks, WIN on the first, LINUX on the second. I believe GRUB Bootloader is on the first disk.Sadly, I have no external install media.An old grub.conf hardcopy indicates that root =/dev/sdb2, root (hd1,0), kernel /vmlinuz....olderversion...(relative to /boot),initrd /initrd...olderversion... (relative to boot). and WINDOWS on (hd0,1), with chainloader +1

I need to somehow get past this grub shell, and re-install/re-instate the grub bootloader, so it can boot normally.What grub command(s) must I use? I've played around with the commands, but with no success.I worry that if I can't resolve this, the whole machine may be useless.

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CentOS 5 :: Boot Into Rescue Mode Using Live CD

Oct 16, 2010

I am attempting to work with adding a new hard drive with a default logical volume setup. In order to complete the task, I am instructed to use a live CD to boot the system without mounting the drives using linux rescue. I am using CentOS-5.5-i386-LiveCD-Release2.iso

I have reviewed the centos documentation. When the live CD boots, it starts a count down to an automatic boot. I attempt to invoke the boot options as directed by hitting the tab and adding the words

linux rescue

At the end of the line and hit return to begin the booting process.

Unfortunately, the linux rescue boot option is ignored and the system mounts the hard drive. Additionally, I have checked the boot option several times by hitting the tab a second time and the option is not displayed.

In researching the issue, I inevitably get very similar instructions like:

Quote:The first centos CD or DVD has a rescue mode, just type on the boot screen: linux rescue

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Software :: Pc Boots Live CD, But Won't Boot To Floppy?

Jan 20, 2010

I'm trying to upgrade the BIOS in a Dell Dimension 4300. I found the latest BIOS on the dell support site: version A06. The currently installed BIOS is A02.I installed a 2.0 GHz Celeron -128kb L2, 400Mhz fsb. I looked it up and the mobo supports any 400 Mhz, socket 478 processor. The current BIOS shows the cpu as 00 Mhz, 256k. I read somewhere that the BIOS doesn't have the ability to display "128 kb". The BIOS setup is functioning fine other than this and it ran PartedMagic (live CD).

But it won't boot the floppy with the BIOS upgrade. I've tried 9 different floppy drives that were pulled from working systems. The green LED on the floppy drives all lit up. I tried turning the IDE channels to OFF. I tried changing the boot order. I tried unplugging the IDE cables from the mobo. I tried hitting F12 to bring up the boot selection screen and then pressing "2." to boot to floppy. I tried multiple combinations of these

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Ubuntu Installation :: Want To Boot Multiple Distros With GRUB

Jun 21, 2011

I currently am in an adventurous phase and want to try other distros while still having a reliable, stable Ubuntu installation to fall back on. I'm currently in the process of partitioning my disks, and I realized that I might have trouble booting them, as the most recently installed would control GRUB and clobber any previous GRUB setup. So what I want to know is how to go about managing everything so that only one distro, preferably Ubuntu, has control of the GRUB menu at boot up, and will still recognize the other distros on other partitions.

I plan to have three 15GB root partitions, one swap, and one home partition for each distro.

Would I create a /boot for each distro? Or create one /boot with files from each distro copied there? Or should I do something else entirely?
I just don't want the distros to interfere with each other. Also, I don't want to use VMs for this, because I want to see what a real full-performance install is like for each distro.

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Boot From 'grub Rescue'

Jun 5, 2010

I've got Ubuntu 10.04 installed on one partition, and Windows Vista on another. I was messing around with my partitions, and now I can't boot to either one. I just get an error when I boot up on GRUB which says "error: no such partition", and then a prompt saying 'grub rescue>'. I've read up on other people's posts, and they said that I should reinstall GRUB from a livecd, but that doesn't look like it does anything. It seems that GRUB is trying to boot from hd0,8, and that doesn't exist anymore. I can change the 'root' and 'prefix' variables to the right partitions, but the 'boot' or 'chainloader' command doesn't work. You should be able to boot from 'grub rescue>', because that's what it's for, right?

I just want to be able to boot into Ubuntu, not Windows.

PS: Sorry if I'm specifying way too much information(or not enough), I'm fairly new to forums.

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Ubuntu :: Get Rid Of Grub Rescue And Need Windows To Boot?

Aug 4, 2010

Yesterday I made a thread about going back to Windows as I'm giving this laptop to a friend. Anyway, after I finally got Windows to re-install I'm now stuck with "grub rescue" instead of the OS booting. Is there anyone who knows a way I can get rid of grub rescue and get Windows to boot?

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Ubuntu :: Stuck At Grub Rescue And Can't Boot Fom Cd

Nov 26, 2010

I lost power during my Ubuntu update and when I powered back up ubuntu was broken. Now the stupid bit. My hdd was partitioned into 3 bits, vista os, data, and ubuntu. In vista I deleted the ubuntu part and merged it with the data part. Now when I power up my computer it goes straight to a black screen that says...
error : no such partition.

grub rescue> I have looked through the forums for an answer to my problem but to no avail. When I put the ubuntu live cd in and turn back on itjust goes to the same screen. I'm a novice to the world of computers and need any help you can offer.

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Ubuntu :: Grub Rescue > No Content In /boot

Feb 20, 2011

I installed Ubuntu server with software raid 5 and all went well. Then I figured I should test the raid by these instructions [URL] As a result mdadm would create /dev/md0 with 3 drives and 1 spare. Confused on this matter I just reinstalled Ubuntu. Now, I'm greeted with a grub rescue prompt at boot. Running set displays the correct parameters and ls (md0)/ shows the content of /. However, ls (md0)/boot/ shows no content what-so-ever. If I boot from the livecd there are all the files needed in /boot. I've tried running grub-install on all the drives without results.

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Hardware :: Grub Rescue - Why Can't Boot Up Into Ubuntu

Apr 21, 2011

Month or so ago I ran into BusyBox, so while reinstalling Ubuntu 10.04 onto to that first FreeBox HD from a live CD, while manually adding & editing a new partition with free space to put Ubuntu into, I must have accidentally edited pre-existing partitions possibly deleting everything off of that HD. After reinstalling, I went into the terminal & ended up trying to recover or restore the partitions that I thought were lost or deleted or struck sick (since it had BusyBox). But that broke it. Now, after breaking that first HD of mine, when booting, I run into the following at startup:

error: no such partition.
grub rescue>

Right now, I have that first HD as my slave HD I can no longer find this HD, I can't load into it. It might have died because it was making noises the last several weeks. But just yesterday when trying to get into this same first HD from Ubuntu, I'd receive this message:

Error mounting: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb1,
missing codepage or helper program, or other error
In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
dmesg | tail or so

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Installation :: Multibooting Multiple Distros With A Separate / Boot Partition For GRUB

Mar 27, 2010

Noobish question on multibooting multiple Linux distros. I have four of the current major Linux distributions. Each has been installed and run individually (no other Linux distribution installed) in a dual-boot configuration with Windoze. No problem.

What I want to do is install all four Linux distributions and multiboot them. Reading the internet it would seem this is a simple task with GRUB. The short version being - install a Linux distro with a separate /boot partition for GRUB and use GRUB to boot the other Linux distros from the GRUB boot menu.

So I installed one of the Linux distros with a separate partition for /boot. The distro installer installed GRUB in /boot and correctly setup a dual-boot configuration with Windoze. GRUB was installed to the MBR. Next I installed a second Linux distro in its own root partition and told the distros installer NOT to install GRUB to the MBR, but rather, to the boot sector of the root partion of the second Linux distro. Installation was uneventful (and I could access the second Linux partition from the first installed Linux distro, things looked ok). Then I added to following to the installed (MBR - /boot) GRUB's menu.lst:

Code: title lixux distro 2
root (hd0,7)

chainloader +1 After which I rebooted the system and the new entry for the second Linux distro now appears in the GRUB boot menu. I selected the second Linux distro from the boot menu and got the following GRUB error: Error 5 : Partition table invalid or corrupt

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Ubuntu :: Grub Rescue On Boot Up After NTFS HD Format

Feb 15, 2010

I had to format a partition of my NTFS hard drive using the Disk manager and the next time when I try to boot my computer I get a message Grub rescue.

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Ubuntu :: Boot Windows From Grub Rescue Prompt?

May 13, 2010

i have dual booted ubuntu with windows. but after a few days i realized that ubuntu was too slow for my system and then decided to uninstall it and planned on installing it later. So i deleted the partitions on which ubuntu was installed. I rebooted the system and the grub rescue promt appeared, i already knew the work around was to restore the windows MBR using the live cd i used to install ubuntu or the Windows installer. But the main problem is my DVD suddenly stopped working . So my question is, can i boot windows using the promt? is there any commands? or can i uninstall grub using the rescue promt?

My desktop has been down for more that two weeks

Ubuntu version: 10.04

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Boot Anything / Grub Rescue Prompt

Jun 19, 2010

So I had Ubuntu Server installed and I decided to make some new partitions using gparted via a live usb of Ubuntu desktop. And so I think messed up pretty badly. Ubuntu Server won't boot and I get the following error followed by a grub rescue promt:

Code:Diskette drive 0 seek failure
error: file not found grub rescue >
To me, it seems like some boot files may be missing if not the whole system. After I made the partitions, the live USB of Ubuntu was still working fine until I rebooted.So here is the bigger issue, I figured I would just reinstall everything all over again, but instead I can't.

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Ubuntu :: Boot - Error: No Such Partition: Rescue Grub?

Jul 8, 2010

then my computer starts black window opens error: no such partition grub rescue>


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Ubuntu :: Cannot Boot - Ends With Grub Rescue Error

Sep 10, 2010

I just installed Ubuntu on a computer but it can't boot, it ends with a greb-rescue error.
What shall I do? Here's my fstab and my sudo blkid. I did an ubuntu side installation with xp.

# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# Use 'blkid -o value -s UUID' to print the universally unique identifier for a device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name devices that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).
# <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
proc /proc proc nodev,noexec,nosuid 0 0
# / was on /dev/sda5 during installation
UUID=3a307ad3-99a9-4301-8ad0-f601ef9d157c / ext4 errors=remount-ro 0 1
# swap was on /dev/sda6 during installation
UUID=5b3ff501-f07c-4c2e-ac2d-a238b599cbe2 none swap sw 0 0
/dev/fd0 /media/floppy0 auto rw,user,noauto,exec,utf8 0 0

/dev/sda1: LABEL="System" UUID="26AC3F75AC3F3E9D" TYPE="ntfs"
/dev/sda6: UUID="5b3ff501-f07c-4c2e-ac2d-a238b599cbe2" TYPE="swap"
/dev/loop0: TYPE="squashfs"
/dev/sda5: UUID="3a307ad3-99a9-4301-8ad0-f601ef9d157c" TYPE="ext4"

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Boot From Internal Or External HD - Grub Rescue

Sep 30, 2010

I cant boot from my External HD with ubuntu installed.
I get this message:
error: file not found. grub rescue>

In an attempt to fix this problem, I tried using the following sudo command:
sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt
sda5 does not exist, I tried 4, then 3, then 2, and it worked, but that was a partition of my internal HD containing windows 7.

I also typed in:
sudo grub-install --root directory=/mnt /dev/sda
not I get the following error when I try to boot from my internal HD:
error: no such device: 57288a24-5d12-4fb1-b27e-eb09a1f9b7c6. grub rescue>
Is there a way to get grub to boot into windows 7 again?

When I type:
sudo fdisk -l
I receive a list of my drives and their partitions, This is my assumption as to what drive is

/dev/sda1 = Vista loader, for Windows 7
/dev/sda2 = Windows 7 (At least I hope its still there.)
/dev/sdb1 = Bootable Flash Drive.
/dev/sdc1 = External HD.

The text from the terminal is as follows:
Disk /dev/sda: 320.1 GB, 320072933376 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 38913 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x8da4c52c

Device, Boot, Start, End, Blocks, Id, System.
/dev/sda1, 1, 1355, 10877952, 27, Unknown.
/dev/sda2 *, , 1355, 38914, 301961224, 7, HPFS/NTFS. (The commands changed this from FAT32)
Disk /dev/sda: 8054 MB, 8054636032 bytes
8 heads, 32 sectors/track, 61451 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 256 * 512 = 131072 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier:0x00000000

Device, Boot, Start, End, Blocks, Id, System.
/dev/sdb1, *, 1, 61452, 7865839+, b, W95 FAT32.
Disk /dev/sda: 250.1 GB, 250059350016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 30401 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 =8225280 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier:0x0000a613a
Device, Boot, Start, End, Blocks, Id, System.
/dev/sdc1, *, 1, 30402, 244197376, 83, Linux.

Eventually I would like to fix the error I get when I boot from the external, I would like to to boot to ubuntu, but for now I am concerned with getting my internal HD to boot windows 7. Where I originally found the terminal commands to begin with. I think sda5 is where linux was installed in the example I found, and didn't realize it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Rescue Preventing USB Boot

Dec 15, 2010

So earlier today I was running out of space on my regular Windows 7 partition and I played around with extending it. I ended up somehow deleting grub and messing up my entire system. I've spent the last 2 hours looking for the answer to this and everyone has been saying to boot from a live disk and fix it that way.

Well, I've tried everything, the only way I can boot right now is via USB and it will NOT allow me to. I checked on other computers and even re-installed and formatted by external hard drive to try and get it to work and it refuses. I've changed my BIOS to boot from USB so I have no idea as to why this is happening. Also, I've tried using the "ls" command to find my partition via "ls (hdX,Y)/" and all of them come up as unknown filesystems.

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Grub Rescue (won't Boot) When External Hdd Is Connected

Jun 12, 2011

I have grub 1.98 and it boots fine with out my usb hdd connected but brings me to grub rescue when it is.

It takes me to grub rescue and tells me that it cannot find device: "UUID"

This UUID is not even the UUID of the drive that I cannot plug in if I want my computer to boot to grub.

Here is blkid with the usd hdd plugged in after boot:

/dev/sda1: LABEL="System Reserved" UUID="BA56FD4B56FD0941" TYPE="ntfs"
/dev/sda2: UUID="E23E02D93E02A71F" TYPE="ntfs"
/dev/sda3: UUID="9579da2d-5ba0-407c-a95d-9f134a1417f3" TYPE="ext4"
/dev/sda5: UUID="caefabd7-c8f0-4fca-8005-d682ae939b91" TYPE="swap"


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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Rescue And Error Reading Boot CD?

Apr 10, 2010

I have a SONY VAIO CW26 laptop. I got a Windows-7 version prepacked with the laptop.I installed Ubuntu Karmic 9.10 over a new partition that i created using the inbuiltfacility in windows7. Both the operatings systems i.e windows7 and ubuntu karmic 9.1 were working nicely.Today i created 2 more partition within the partition inside windows.Once I rebooted after creation of the new partitions my laptop is just showing a black screen with following message.

GRUB loading.
error: unknown filesystem
grub rescue>_


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Ubuntu :: Full Installation But 10.04 Wont Boot Grub Rescue?

May 24, 2010

I just did a full installation of lucid erasing karmic. installation is completed but when I boot I get grub rescue. I also have WIN7 installed.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Boot From Flash Drive 10.10 Grub Rescue?

Oct 24, 2010

First time poster and recent Ubuntu adopter. I recently installed 10.10 on my main HD alongside a separate windows (xp) partition (it worked perfectly). Then I decided to get fancy and installed 10.10 to a flash drive directly from a live cd. I attempted to boot from the flash drive, and got a black screen with a blinking underscore for about 10 minutes, then I forcefully rebooted. Now, whenever I attempt to boot at all from my main HD I get "error: no such device and a ton of misc numbers. And the flash drive will not allow me to boot from it. Currently, I'm working within the Live CD.

I have a few projects I need to complete with Dreamweaver inside XP, so recovering it completely would be nice.

Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010
============================= Boot Info Summary: ==============================
=> Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks on the same drive in partition #1 for (,msdos1)/boot/grub.
=> No boot loader is installed in the MBR of /dev/sdf


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Ubuntu Installation :: Deleted Partition - Get Grub Rescue When Boot

Jan 17, 2011

I set up my Dell Inspiron Laptop as Dual Boot -> Xp / Ubuntu 10.04. - all worked well. I had 2 installations of XP on this machine and I removed one - all worked well. I then went into XP and deleted the partion (4) that the old XP had resided on (using Easeus Partition Master) All NOT working well !! Now when booting the machine I get grub rescue> I did ls and got ....


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Ubuntu Installation :: Uninstalled, Cant Boot XP, Stuck At GRUB Rescue?

Feb 2, 2011

I was dual-booting XP and Ubuntu 10.10 for a while, but as I never used Ubuntu it was just taking up space, so I figured I'd get rid of it. I used a partitioning tool from inside XP to remove the Ubuntu partition, forgetting that I used GRUB2 every time I booted to select which OS to load. Now when I start my computer I get stuck at the "grub rescue>" screen.After searching for solutions to this problem all of them said to either use the Windows XP CD to fix the Master Boot Record or reinstall Ubuntu, but I dont have my XP CD and there isnt enough room on my hard drive anymore for a Ubuntu install. Is there anything else I can do to fix this?

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