Fedora :: No Keyboard Shortcut To Launch A Terminal?
Nov 30, 2009
I generally use gnome but with latest hulla-boo about graphics tempted me to check kde. where i found following problem to configure:
1) no keyboard shortcut to launch a terminal
2) my laptops dedicated volume control is not working
3) gnome package manager is not there, though i can use yum
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Dec 16, 2010
Is there a way to possibly launch a terminal by using a keyboard shortcut?
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Apr 7, 2011
I am trying to start a script via a keyboard shortcut.The trouble is, it runs fine when i start it from the terminal, either by opening a terminal and starting it there or by "double-click", but when I use the shortcut it loads, but doesn't work properly. This is probably because it asks for user input, which would be put in the terminal window.Is there a way to start a script in a terminal window by default?
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Dec 13, 2010
I use ctrl + shift + s to launch synaptic in KDE. That works wonderful and it is standardized on all my systems. I want to define the same in gnome, so that it does not matter if I'm in gnome or KDE.Where can I do this?Now before you start mentioning, I am familiar with keyboard launchers like launchy or gnome do (but have to admit that I don't know that much what gnome do does in all extents), so I am not looking for a program that launches an app after typing a few letters. I want exactly that keyboard combination, everything else will not do it.
I just mention that, because it happens all the time that I see in my posts that I ask:
How can I do B with Y? I don't want to use Z. (specifically asking the question) and then hear as an answer: you can do B with Z!And I am always tempted to answer: That is not what I asked, I asked something specific and got an answer that does not concern it.
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Feb 2, 2011
I would like to make a keyboard shortcut to execute the following command:
Code: /usr/bin/xdotool key XF86MonBrightnessDown The command, when run from a terminal, works perfectly. However, when run via a keyboard shortcut, the command fails to execute. how I can execute my command with a keyboard shortcut. I am running Ubuntu 10.10 Netbook Edition with Unity-2d.
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Apr 11, 2011
I'm using Xubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx, and I'm trying to setup a keyboard shortcut for xfce4-terminal. I've read a million threads and articles telling me how to do it (go to settings >> keyboard >> application shortcuts tab and click add), but when I open that interface there is no "add" button, although the interface is a table that impliesn in its appearance that things can be added to it.
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May 22, 2011
I've recently upgraded a laptop of mine from 10.10 to 11.04 (Natty), and am having a few issues with it. I don't know how many of these are related to using Unity and how many are just due to the upgrade, but one of the main bugbears is keyboard shortcuts. I have always set the F12 key so that it opens a terminal window. I did this through the settings > Keyboard Shortcuts interface, but although I can (apparently) set this in Unity, it doesn't work. The setting is there, listed, but pressing F12 doesn't open a terminal. Neither does it if I set it to any other key.
I can create a new entry, to start xterm with F12, which works fine but this isn't quite the same as a terminal (it appears different on screen.) I also discover that CTRL+ALT+T doesn't open a terminal window either (as is suggested in a very useful list here: [URL] Have I missed something? Or am I being thick? (Quite possible ... )
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Dec 20, 2010
is it possible (and how) to create keyboard shortcut/binding that would give window-focus back to Tilda terminal? Currently, it is necessary to LMB-click inside Tilda (or at least drag mouse-cursor over Tilda) to resume typing.
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Mar 23, 2009
I am using Firefox in RHEL 5.0. I have a application which needs to load some jar files to the firefox browser, for which I am adding the path in LD_LIBRARY_PATH in ~/.bashrc.The issue is when I launch the firefox through a shortcut, the LD_LIBRARY_PATH is unset, and it just sets it to Firefox specific libs.Additionaly if I run firefox through command line it sets it perfectly fine, and appends the Firefox libs to the already set LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
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May 12, 2010
I have a java program that needs to be launched with root privileges (from an account that doesn't have root privileges) from a desktop shortcut. The command would look something like this: java -jar /file/location/whatever.jar I've searched and searched and can't figure out how to do this. EDIT*** I would like it to pop up and ask for the root password before it launches the application.
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Sep 10, 2010
I was wondering is there a way to bind say "F5" to the command sudo apt-get update so I can press one key to write this into the terminal?
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Nov 8, 2010
I'd like to change the keyboard shortcuts for switching between workspaces. I have compiz enabled. In Ubuntu I see entries for these keyboard shortcuts in the Keyboard Shortcuts preferences app. They are not there on my Fedora 14 system. How can I add them?
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Jan 28, 2011
If I change the keyboard shortcut for Open a Terminal in System > Preferences it will not stay in there if i log-out or reboot. When i log back in the shortcut is set to disabled, and I have tried different key combos and they give the same result. I am using Fedora 14 btw and hopefully you guys know of a solution. I tried making a custom command also using the gnome-terminal command but the terminal launches with a different directory other than my home directory when using that method.
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Aug 10, 2009
how to get a shortcut for opening a terminal as root? I mean something I could put in my gnome panel and then just click and get a dialog asking for the root password. Or maybe just open the terminal and automatically do "su -" (maybe this is easier actually). In Debian/Ubuntu this can be achieved doing "gksu gnome-terminal". In F10 I got it done using beesu, but it doesn't work anymore in F11:
Code: $ beesu gnome-terminal
(beesu:17788): Gdk-CRITICAL **: gdk_x11_atom_to_xatom_for_display: assertion `atom != GDK_NONE' failed
(beesu:17788): Gdk-CRITICAL **: gdk_x11_atom_to_xatom_for_display: assertion `atom != GDK_NONE' failed
Failed to contact the GConf daemon; exiting.
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Jun 7, 2011
so i want to have an embedded terminal on my desktop. alltray --borderless --skip-taskbar --sticky Terminal --hide-menubar --hide-borders --geometry 60x600+10-10 seems to work, however, its just on one desktop and it's appearing in the panel, despite my
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Sep 1, 2010
I'm new here, but certainly not new to Linux. Some of you may recognise my screen handle from other forum groups. Sadly my other communities seem to be dying and this one is going strong so here I am! I'm sure there's something I'm doing incorrectly, but here's my scenario:
I have a pair of shell scripts that launch SSH sessions with different forwarded ports, and use them multiple times each day. I'd like to drag the shell script directly onto the top Ubuntu Bar where shortcuts go and be able to use it. Or, even better, put all of my frequently used shell scripts in a "drawer". I know that I used to be able to make a shortcut, and set its path to "gnome-terminal -e file://xx.sh" and the script would run in a new terminal window. When I try to do this, a terminal opens with an error dialog that reads "There was an error creating the child process for this terminal". Permissions?
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Apr 22, 2010
I have a favorite REXX program called fv2. When I was a Windows user I had an icon for fv2 on the Quick Launch bar. Click that icon, and the program ran. Now, as a Linux (Ubuntu) user it is necessary to go through several steps to run fv2.
1) Launch a terminal by clicking on the terminal icon at the top of the screen. What's that area called? The GNOME panel?
2) Enter: ~/Desktop/RexxScripts
3) Enter: regina fv2
I run fv2 several times per day and would really like to have the convenience of a clickable icon.
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May 27, 2011
How to bring the "Type to search..." window into focus directly, not by switching to the "Windows view" first?Anybody knows the relevant keybord shortcut? I went though at a number of introductions to GNOME 3, and also examined various tabs at:
> System Settings
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May 10, 2010
I recently switched from GNOME to xfce, and I can't get working a simple keyboard shortcut to ssh to another machine.
In GNOME, I made a launcher (which gnome-do found); the first time I ran the launcher I'd get an X11 popup asking for by ssh passphrase, and then it would be saved for the rest of the GNOME session, making logins nice and fast.
In xfce, a similar launcher opens a new xfce4-terminal, which asks for the passphrase every time. I made a keyboard shortcut to "ssh -X me@server" -- this open an X11 popup for the passphrase, but no terminal, because there is no "run in terminal" option for keyboard shortcuts.
I'd be okay with running "ssh-add" at every login, but it has to be system-wide, rather than attached to one terminal instance. Passphraseless ssh is an options but a creepy one.
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Oct 31, 2015
I'm a huge keyboard shortcut fan. I can't stand mice. So this is a big one for me.
My Alt+F10 (maximize) and Alt+F9 (minimize) keyboard shortcuts work just fine. I read everywhere (i.e., [URL]) that the Alt+F5 combo should unmaximize a maximized window. But it's not working. Can't find anything that says Debian excludes that combo.
Is this to be expected or is something amiss? I think its meant to be a default shortcut, so don't want to start playing around with customizations prematurely.
Searched through the forum, couldn't find anything under the following search terms: Alt F5; Alt+F5: Alt +F5: Alt-F5: maximize: unmaximize. Did I miss the magic string?
3.16.0-4-686-pae #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt11-1+deb8u5 (2015-10-09) i686 GNU/Linux
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Apr 6, 2010
I write a lot in French and I need the french accent on my ubuntu. How can I get the shortcuts I used in windows such as "alt+130" to work again? When I use them, either nothing happen or it changes my tabs in firefox and chrome, I haven't found how to override this. I don't seem to have found anything in keyboard shortcuts...
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Apr 11, 2010
i set delete as a keyboard shortcut for the gnome-terminal accidentally and later changed it to ALT+T but now both DELETE and ALT+T open up a terminal its really annoying not to be able to use the delete key.....every time i press DELETE a terminal window opens up.
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Dec 22, 2010
I am experiencing problems with keyboard shortcuts. It started to happen after I installed gnome shell and switched back to gdk. the most annoying part is that every single keyboard shortcut works except the most used one AKA "run a terminal"
first I thought it had something to do with shortcuts in compiz but no. I changed the keyboard shortcut for "run a terminal" to something wild like CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+N and it still doesn't work. That command is not doing anything... Can i add my custom commands to keyboard shortcuts and how?
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Jan 10, 2011
Can anyone please tell me where to fine the file containing the Keyboard Shortcuts?
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Jan 28, 2011
Mod4' is my 'Super' key. I have assigned <Mod4>Tab to the 'launch panel main menu' shortcut command in the Ubuntu 10.10 keyboard shortcuts settings. However, whenever I press <Mod4>+Tab, my windows seem to switch as if I were pressing Alt+Tab. How can I disable this other unnecessary action for <Mod4>+Tab?
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Feb 1, 2011
I frequently need to take screenshots of a game (flash-based, running inside a browser), in particular it's statistics screen which is shown when I hold the TAB key. The problem is, when I take a screenshot, either by pressing PrintScreen key or by pressing a custom-defined shortcut, the game responds to this keypress and hides its statistics screen, so the screenshot doesn't contain the information I need.I figured out how to overcome this using a custom application launcher icon; but this requires using the mouse which is rather inconvenient.define a shortcut that wouldn't be processed by the active application? Or maybe there's some screenshot utility that does this out of the box?
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Dec 20, 2010
I run KDE 3.X and for the life of it, can't figure out how to assign the "ALT+SHIFT" to switch between keyboard layouts? The default AL+SHIFT+K switches from EN to second one and after that it (obviously) doesn't work. saw a few posts (http://www.linux-archive.org/gentoo-...alt-shift.html), but the flag is not changing in the tray.I also tried to go thru "Keyboard shortcuts", but for whatever reason, it doesn't want to accept the combination of "alt+shift" and expects another key ( i guess).I'm using Centos 5.2 and the the keyboard model is "MS natural keyboard pro" with US and two Cyrillic layouts - one of them is phonetic.
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Apr 25, 2015
i'm using debian wheezy 7.8 with gnome 3.4.2.
I know how to set up a keyboard shortcut to open a program like libreoffice. Is there a way to make another keyboard shortcut to open direct a libreoffice file (.odt, .odb, etc).
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Jun 29, 2010
On SuSE 10.0 I used to be able to use shift + ctrl + unicode code. That does not seem to work now. How can I get this feature again? I miss it. I used to use it a lot to put the copyright symbol over my artwork in Gimp.
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Jan 1, 2011
I use Opensuse 11.3. I had configured my Gnome so that when I press the home hotkey it launches Firefox (the standard web browser). And I configured Firefox so that it starts on my selected home page. Everything worked out right until I installed and trie KDE yesterday. When I went back to Gnome and pressed the home key it launchs Firefox but rather than appearing my home page on it what appears is the content of my home folder. I got so mad at it that I uninstalled everything related to KDE. Deleted .mozilla folder, what reset Firefox. Nothing worked at all! I deleted the folder that stores keyboard shortcuts on Gnome, what reset all shortcuts. But when I redefine the home key or any other key to launch web browser, what the key does is to launch Firefox with the content of my home folder.when I launch Firefox from menu it starts on the home page I selected. When I launch it from any custom hotkey it starts on my home folder.It may seem a little thing but it is so disgusting for me that sometimes I even feel willing to re-install the whole system, and i just didn't so because it took me several days to configure it the way it is.Does anyone know what is happening here and how can I change it?
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