Networking :: Build A Network From Scratch That Includes File And Printer Sharing, Intranet?
Apr 17, 2010
I want to learn how to build a Linux network from scratch that includes file and printer sharing, intranet. I have an intermediate-level knowledge of Windows networking. Can anyone suggest a book or online tutorial that I can learn from? Now let me be clear: I am finding no shortage of tutorials on the web. However, too many are old or incomplete.
A little extra info: I am a teacher/network admin for a small private school with about 50 student computers (that I wish to become Linux machines in the future) and about 10 staff computers (mostly Windows laptops--I do not expect the staff to convert to Linux as readily), I currently do not have an intranet implemented.
I'm going to setup a File and Printer Sharing in my little home network... 3 Computers actively connected to the Web through a single ADSL2+ Wireless Router (number of Computers will increase later) At the moment 2 of the computers are running Fedora 10 and 1 running Windows XP...
Now i want to setup the 3 machines to use 1 printer which is connected to one of the Fedora 10 machines, and i want File Sharing to be enabled so each machine can easily view each others shared files and also be able to print when ever needed (ofcourse the machine with the printer will have to be on for the printing process to happen) I've installed Samaba on each Fedora Machine, enabled sharing but i dont seem to be able to view the Windows machine or each other....
i have a printer which is shared across the network. All the computers have ubuntu installed. I want that some computers should not be allowed to use this printer.
I have: 1) A desktop PC running Ubuntu 10.04 and a Virtualbox guest, Windows XP. My printer is connected and operates via XP. Yep, its a Windows-only printer, but the VB file-sharing allows me to print Ubuntu files. 2.) Another desktop running Puppy Linux. 3.) A netbook running XP as a native install.
No. 1 and 2 are connected to a Level One router by ethernet cable. No. 3 is wireless. All 3 machines work fine independently, with no problems accessing the internet. Getting these machines to "see" each other seems to be harder than falling off a log! How to share files and the printer, especially on how to configure the router. The manual that came with it doesn't seem to explain how to do this. It assumes that all your devices are either wired or wireless, with no hints about how to network wired and wireless machines together.
For the first time networking my home computers I'm not interested in getting Ubuntu boxes to to talk to Windows and we now have Ubuntu on all machines.
I'm trying to use the "Personal Files Sharing Preferences" but there is a message telling me I require some packages. Most unlike Ubuntu but it doesn't tell me what packages I do need.
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What I would really like to do is have access to sertain directory's on other computers and have full access to read/write within the home directory.
I recently installed Ubuntu with partion with Vista, and I am enjoying the Ubuntu experience will buy a book and learn this awesome OS, my question is this:
My wife has a laptop that runs Vista, and when i use my Vista she can see my files and I share this hard drive with her, but when i run Ubuntu she cant see this drive, i have extrernal hard drive as my backup with lot of different files on it and she can pull files from it but when i use Ubuntu she can see on her Vista Network, how can i make so when i use Ubuntu she can see my drive? On my Windows i set up sharing of files but how do the same with Ubuntu.
have a home network with two desktops and I also have a netbook. The netbook and nettop (desktop) both run UNR 9.10 and my other desktop runs Ubuntu 9.10 with all updates in place. So all 3 machines are hooked up to my home network via wireless router (secure and password protect). I want to set up file shares between machines in order to move files between machines and also to have all machines connected to and accessing one shared printer. Fair enough. According to Ubuntu help I click on a folder, then properties then the share tab and click all checkboxes and give the share a name. Then I do likewise on my two other machines. So in theory once every machine has a share setup then you should be able to access via the other machines by simply going into Network, finding the machine, opening it and mounting the shared folder. In some cases I see the other machines but when I click to open them it says "unable to mount location". So now I would like to ask... where should I look to resolve this? The wireless router settings? Some type of network or security settings on each of my machines?
I have two Suse un-firewalled computers connected via NFS. About a year ago I found instructions for a very SIMPLE way to share a CUPS connected printer using Yast. When I installed 11.4 I lost the instructions. It required no config file editing and took about two minutes. Google searches focus on complicated SMB-Linux connections like those suggested by swerdna.
I have a wired lan at home with 2 XP boxes connecting to a router to a DSL modem. I want to network my laptop, running only fedora os, for file sharing, printing and internet access. I will be using the laptop probably exclusively for creating/maintaining a Drupal-based (LAMP) e-commerce site to replace our old one for our small family business.
I'm having issues setting up file sharing between two Linux machines. I've tried the forum cookie cutter answer of "right click folder, sharing options, share, allow others to write and edit, allow guest accounts", but I simply cannot get my two Ubuntu 10.10 machines to see each others shared files. I HAVE been able to download and use the program "Personal File Sharing", and with it I CAN share the "Shared" folder between both machines. I'd prefer to learn the correct way to link these two boxes up though, and be able to share more than 1 directory. Am I missing any programs to complete this link? Do I need to use Samba? I've tinkered with it, and I can get both computers to see a workgroup name I set up, but cannot get them to view each other in it.
i really confuse now..many people gave recommendation for many book.i have little experience on networking what is the best book for understand Linux Networking from Scratch..
I am trying to set up a LAN with some basic file and printer sharing, as well as either a VPN or FTP server. I am setting up a server for an office with about 4 computers and one remote computer at a home office. I would like the server to back up a selected group of folders on all of the computers as well as share some printers between them all as well. If all of the other computers are windows computers will Ubuntu work for something like this? I would also like to host a website and e-mail server as well if the server is not loaded down too much. I know I can get windows server to work, but I would like to use something else if possible.
I'm going to be setting up our company with a in office server in the next few days. I wanted to use ubuntu as my servers OS but after reading some of the documentations I come to realize there is no X server in the server OS. I am OK with doing everything in terminal but would prefer to do some things in a graphic interface. Am I able to install the Xfree86 and be able to configure some stuff through that? Also the machine I am building for the server is not a true server machine just a really fast computer with lots of memory and space. The specs are a 3.1 AMD 64bit processor, 16gig ram, 2x 1TB hdd 7200rpm sata.
If the X server isn't a possibility on the server OS, I have read you can install all the server repositories on the Desktop Editions. Would that be a better option for me? Here is what I would like the server to do. I am going to be running quick books on the server with 1 workstation that is dedicated to it. We have 3 workstations and 3 users. We also would like to implement a Shared filing system and print server. Eventually when our current contract with our web host expires we would like to migrate the base website (not the ecom side) to this server.
What is the minimum price I can expect to spend to build a Mythbuntu computer from scratch, and are there any good guides out there explaining how to do it?
I just installed an HP Officejet 6200 on a Slackware 12.1 machine. It uses a USB interface. If I am on the machine, I can print to it with no problem. When I am on my Debian or Centos machines, I cannot. I have midified the cupsd.conf file to allow everyone to connect to it but so far have not had any success. Port 631 is open on all machines. I have explicitly added a hosts allow line in several portions of the conf file with no luck. If I use the cups interface on any of the machines using localhost:631 as the address, I can not only see the printer I can print to it, but I noticed, I am actually attached to the Slackware machine where the printer is located. Can someone suggest a debugging method to help?
I am having problems trying to share a printer on my desktop. The printer is an HP Laserjet 1020, and the desktop is running 64-bit Ubuntu Karmic. None of the other boxes on the network (wired/wireless, 32-bit/64-bit, Ubuntu Lucid/Win7/XP) can access the printer.
I have checked all of the appropriate boxes in printer properties and server settings. When I try to install the printer on the other systems, I am asked for a username and password on the desktop. I set up a user named "printer" and gave it a password, but when I try to use that username/password to install the printer on one of the other systems, I get an "access denied" error. All of the networked systems can see each other, and access shared files.
The problem is it won't. I have an Ubuntu (11.04) computer cabled to a Belkin wireless router. The Brother printer is usb connected to the Ubuntu box - there is no problem printing directly. However, I need to print from a separate wireless connected Win7 box to the printer on the Ubuntu box and this does not work.
The Win7 can see all other Win computers on the network, but not the Ubuntu. Answers at my level gratefully received (eg: it took me two weeks, many hours and 3 re-installs to get dvds to play on Ubuntu 10). Current printer sharing information on the internet is either hopelessly above my head or outdated.
I have got a wireless network in my house with a router as the hub and my Linux Laptop and Macbook connecting to it. I have got a wireless Kodak printer which the Macbook uses, but they do not have any drivers for Linux. I have enabled ssh for both the laptops and have enabled "Print sharing" on the Macbook. Can I access the printer from the Linux laptop via the Macbook? When I have sshed to the macbook, the kodak printer comes up in the list of printers to choose from...but the printing job just goes to the queue, but does not actually complete. Is this because I have not got the drivers for the linux laptop?
I have a Fedora 11 box with an HP Laserjet 1000 (connected by USB) a Windows XP machineBoth are on the same network. I am desperately trying to share the printer to the Windows XP box using IPP. The Windows XP machine recognizes the printer queue, configures correctly and then ... nothing. It simply does not print ! Printer sharing worked perfectly in Fedora 10, with CUPS 1.3, but something seems to have broken.I used the guide available at this adress and tried all mentionned possibilites
I have a parallel printer working on a desktop. I want to share it with my laptop, but I don't want to have to use samba. Both have ubuntu 10.04 installed.
I'm sure it can be done, but I'll be darned if I can find anything in the skimpy admin. tools.
I have a Samsung CLX 3175 connected via CUPS to a Ubuntu box running 11.04. After installing the Samsung Unified Printer Driver as described in this post [URL] the printer works perfectly under Linux, I even got network scanning to work under Windows via TwainSane.
The big problem is network printing from Windows over Samba, though (although I thought that this should be easier to set up than scanning..). Even after hours of trying, I could not get it to print a single page spooled from my Windows computer.the print jobs do show up in CUPS as finished, but do not actually get processed. Could this be a rights-related thing? Depending of one setting in smb.conf (namely, "cups options = raw"), the printer even makes some noise and warms up when I spool a new job -- but it does not print.
My setup is the following:
- CUPS in the current version with Samsung Driver - Samba 3.5.8 - Windows XP and 7 clients
I'm looking for a SIMPLE solution for printer sharing. I have an HP printer attached to my Linux host (prints fine from there). I want my XP box to be able to use this printer as well. I can ping my XP box from my Linux box (and vice versa), and the XP box has the HP print driver installed.When I go into my XP box and try to add a printer, I click "A network printer or a printer attached to another computer", then "Connetc to a printer on the Internet or on a home office network" and enter my printer.I'm using the printer name as show in CUPS. I also tried it without port 631. Either way, I get an error message saying "Windows cannot connect to the printer. Either the printer name was typed incorrectly or the specified printer has lost its connection to the server.
I installed it on a desktop today to try it out. So far I'm loving it and have gotten everything to work except for one thing:
There's a printer connected to it (HP PSC 1600), and I'd like the other computers on the network to be able to print to that computer. The other computers are running Windows 7, and one is running Snow Leopard.
When I plugged in the printer, Ubuntu recognized it almost immediately and installed it. Wonderful! I then went ahead and set it to be Shared, and hoped for the best. Neither the Windows machine or the OS X machine could find the printer...even after I pointed them directly at what I thought was the CUPS address (\mycomputername:631). To make matters even more confusing, I was able to set up shared folders and have the other computers be able to view them.
I want to use samba for file sharing like on a Windows home network. Actually they are all Linux machines but nfs is too complicated. On my host machine I installed samba and system-config-samba. I created a new share for /home, check marked writable and visible and put access to everybody. For preferences-->server settings--> security the "authentication mode" is set to user, encrypt passwords is no, and guest account is no guest account. Under preferences-->samba users I added myself as a user with the same windows user name as my Linux user name and the same password.
My client is a virtualbox fedora (used for testing purposes but actual clients will be real computers on my home network). I entered the address smb:// When asked for the user name and password I put my regular user name and password since that was what I set in samba users. However, the password dialog keeps coming up and won't let met into my own computer. If I quit it says something like access is denied. How can I get my home network back? I liked this feature when my home computers ran XP but I switched them to Fedora 12.
I know that this is easy, but I am confused.I have three computers all with a clean install of SUSE 11.2. Two of them use wifi with the internet and the third is wired.I would like to share files between them all of them.When I go to dolphin/network there is nothing there and I don't know how to set it up.
I just installed suse on this computer, and am wanting to allow other computers to store files on it as a file server. I was reading the online manual and in the personal file preferences, it shows an option to enable 'share public files over network'. The problem is I don't see that option when I open up file preferences. All I see is an option to allow sharing using bluetooth, nothing about sharing over the network. When I look in the network I can see the computer running suse, but when I try to connect to it, it says 'unable to mount drive: connection refused by server.'
I am trying to set uamsung clx2160N as a standalone network printer on my home network. It is a printer with standalone network capability and is connected directly to my router and has a static IP number. We have a few Windows computers at home and they had no problem detecting the printer, installing the drivers and working. Unfortunately my Ubuntu computer recognises the printer and I can even access it's setup and diagnositcs through its IP number. However when I try to add it as a printer, drivers for it cannot be located. #ve tried setting it up three ways:1. Using Samsung's own setup package - finds printer and all the details it needs to work but offers no drivers2. Using Ubuntu's printer setup - recognises printer but stalls at Searching for Drivers dialog3. Trying to *** printer using CUPS - no problem finding and recognising printer, but when I come to search for the driver I get Internal Server Error.
I have of course been trying to do all of these as root. That's the limit of my knowledge reached and searches on the net aren't helping me either. The printer works fine directly connected via USB, so the drivers are on the computer somewhere. How do I get them set up to use the printer on the network?
I have prepared a static lib(.a) comprising 2 function definitions. I have created a different shared library(.so) comprising 2 more functions. The two functions of .so use the functions defined in the .a file. That is, the .so file uses the services of the .a file. Next, I create an executable that uses the shared library(.so). When I build my executable, it needs to be linked with the .a file as well. it gives me undefined reference for the functions defined in the .a file. Why is that so? I am posing this question because, the .a file has already been included(static linking) while bulding the .so. Is there any workaround so that I need not link the .a file with my final executable?