Ubuntu :: What Is "twistd" And Why Is It Listening When Use Lsof

Jul 9, 2011

I ran lsof -i -n -P and got this in one of the results: twistd 1201 root 4u IPv4 6041 0t0 TCP *:8080 (LISTEN) What does the * mean in "*:8080" What is "twistd"--can you explain how you found what twistd is if you looked it up somehow, cause my google searches have not been fruitful

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Ubuntu :: Lsof - Information About Opened Connections?

Sep 1, 2011

I would like to know:

1)why do I have these open connections (have been opem during hours)

2)How can I know more about them

3)what action, command, program,... might have opened them

4)how can I close them


$ lsof -i
plugin-co 7739 user 62u IPv4 29414 TCP mypc.local:51000->fx-in-f105.1e100.net:www (CLOSE_WAIT)


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General :: How Many Files Should Be Listed As Open Under Lsof

Jul 10, 2011

I am not an advanced Linux user. I have a VPS with 768MB of RAM running CentOS.I executed the lsof command as root and I see that there is a list of 3000 files. Usually, how many files should be there? My system is getting very slow, so is this list too long?How do I know which files to keep and which to close?I have seen that there are multiple copies of the same files with different PIDs. There are many log files in the list that I have not opened. Is this normal?total used free shared buffers cachedMem: 104287 492 103794 0 0 0

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Hardware :: Basic Usage Of Lsof And Fuser Command?

Jul 19, 2010

the basic usage of lsof and fuser command in linux

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Ubuntu :: Listening To Streaming Audio?

Oct 17, 2010

I want to use Ubuntu, but I'd like to listen to my favourite audio stream like I do for Windows.I have installed Audacious from the Synaptic Package Manager when I found out that my new Ubuntu installation didn't install an audio device as part of its installation, and then I installed something called 'Xine' as prompted when,after I went to the home-page of my audio source,I discovered that I needed to install some extra 'codecs'.However, I still cannot get the familiar noise that surrounds me when I'm working within Windows to play on Ubuntu. No noise is produced. What's going on?

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Ubuntu :: Itunes Alternative For Radio Listening?

Aug 4, 2010

Im wondering if theres an Itunes alternative for Ubuntu? Basicly in windows i only used Itunes to listen to its Radio function which has hundreds of channels i can listen too depending on which genre i choose id love it if theres an alternative or a way to make Itunes work in Ubuntu 10.04 X64 bit.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Listening To Music From Windows?

Aug 21, 2010

I installed Ubuntu using Wubi, and I'm liking it so far. However, I still have Windows 7 installed as my primary OS, and I have accumulated a large collection of music. However, I cannot listen to this music in my Ubuntu system, which is a shame. I'm almost certain I am simply missing something, though I would like to double-check and ensure I am wrong before going further. Is it possible to access my music from my Windows partition on my Ubuntu 10.04 LTS partition?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Apache Not Listening On All NICS?

Aug 19, 2011

I had to reinstall my DMZ webserver the other day. Now I cannot figure out for the life of me figure out why Apache refuses to listen on eth1 it will only listen on eth0. I have it setup so that it listens with * I'm not specifying a particular IP for it to listen on. When I do specify it still doesn't work.

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General :: Close Listening Port In Ubuntu 10.04?

Jul 7, 2010

I know that ports are, by default, not filtered; they simply don't respond to requests if there are no services listening on the port. Well, running netstat -tulpn gives:

tcp 0 0* LISTEN -

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Networking :: Ssh Listening Only To Eth1

Sep 18, 2010

How can I configure ssh to only listen to eth1?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Named Is Listening On The Wrong Port?

Jul 11, 2010


luke@media:~$ sudo service bind9 restart
* Stopping domain name service...


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Ubuntu :: Processes Listening To Ports / Ipv4 | Ipv6 Only

Jul 3, 2011

I'm running a native dual-stack (ipv4 & ipv6) dsl connection.So, I've been adding firewall rules, cleaning up unwanted processes, etc to tighten security.I'm left with only 3 processes that are listening to ports. mysql, ipp & ssh.Still not quite sure I need mysql. I run Amarok but without using a database, so I don't actually use sql for anything that I'm aware of.Anyway, my question is;Is it possible to make any any of these processes listen to ipv4 only or ipv6 only? Is there a distinction there at all?

Example- ssh is currently listening to port 22 on both tcp & tcp6. I do all my ssh connections using 'ssh -6', so, Can I make ssh listen to tcp6 only, or ignore tcp ?

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Fedora :: Finding PID Associated With Listening Port

Sep 25, 2009

When I do netstat -pantu it shows a dash where the pid would be. I have also checked lsof -i and see no pid associated with the port. How do I find what program is keeping the port open?

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Fedora :: Listening Online Radiostations

Nov 24, 2010

With wich mediaplayer I can listening online radiostations.

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Fedora :: Listening To Sound Input ?

Jan 7, 2011

So I want to be able to listen to sound coming in on the line in port. The sound does work as I have tested with Gnome sound recorder. However, I would like to be able to hear it all the time. I don't want to have to record to be able to hear it. Is there a way to mix the line input sound with the normal system sounds? This is so I can run sound from my Xbox 360 into my computer. I currently use a audio splitter but I get problems with volume levels due to voltage changes going to the speakers.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Skipping While Listening To Mp3?

Jan 7, 2010

I'm running opensuse 11.2 64 bit, kde desktop. Have performed the one click installation for the restricted codecs from here:

Restricted Formats/11.2 - openSUSE-Community

No matter what I use (amarok, kaffeine, etc) there's heavy skipping / stuttering while playing back mp3 tracks.

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Programming :: Listening Message Queues

Jan 26, 2011

I am implementing an IPC mechanism using message queues (Sys V).I can receive the messages using msgrcv() function. I am wondering how can I listen on the new messages. I would like to implement a mechanism that would notify me when there is a new message in the queue for me and I will call the msgrcv() function to retrieve the message.

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Networking :: Ssh Listening To A Non-standard Port?

Oct 2, 2010

I am running Ubuntu 64-bit and I have been trying to set up an ssh connection between the Ubuntu server and a Windows 7 client (using putty) and when I enter the command:

sudo netstat --inet -lpn | grep sshd
I get the following:


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Networking :: Microsoft Process Listening On Box?

Sep 4, 2010

I run various manual checks on my system to see if there's anything I can't account for and just one such instance just got thrown up here. I reproduce the output from netstat below. I see there is something called "microsoft-ds" shown as listening. What on earth is this doing on my PCLinuxOS box? I have googled it and there does appear to be some security issues related to it for Windows users and all the advice relating to it that I could find is for Windows users, but I am just baffled as to what this is doing on my Linux system.


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General :: Downloading Mp3 From Listening Sites

Jan 24, 2010

I am using ubuntu 8.04 with firefox browser.

There are some sites which allow you to listen the mp3 song like [url]

I have found the most simple way to get mp3 file

(1)Sometimes you get address ending with .mp3 so just copy the whole URI and use in terminal wget "PasteWhatYouCopied"

(2)But in the link I have mentioned there is no mp3 link in address bar.

Here I found out in totem-plugin-viewer(that is the thing that plays your file in browser).Just Click the button next to sound and select copy

In example taken above it is [url]

And use just like before wget "PasteWhatYouCopied" -O output.wma

Also notice that you have the song as output.wma in current folder of terminal.

(3)If there is a video on webpage then either wait for it to get completely downloaded & get it from /tmp.Remember don't close the page till video gets downloaded completely & you copied it from /tmp then only close that tab.

(4)There is a firefox addon 'unplug' which can help for flv because after sending file to download via unplug you can close that tab.

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General :: Listening To Music On Fedora14?

Mar 7, 2011

I'm new to linux runing fedora 14 want to play mp3 and mpeg4 video formats is there an all in one player?

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Software :: Sendmail Is Running But 25 Is Not Listening

Feb 5, 2011

I have this issue in my Machine where the sendmail service is running and my port 25 is not listening ,some inputs from my serer






Sendmail (pid 13090 13089 13082) is running...

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Ubuntu :: Listening To The Audio Then Recording Using Rhythembox Music Playeetc.

Feb 14, 2010

I have an audio source that I want to listen to through my PC speakers. My computer has both a mic(rophone) and a line-in audio connector. I am able to use the "gnome-sound-recorder 2.28.1" under Karmic Koala to record from these sources and then I can play back the sound.

However, I'm more interested in listening to the audio then recording. Though, recording would be nice if it where available too. Using Rhythembox Music Player, Movie Player and Audacious2 I am able to play CD(s), Pod Cast feeds, Files and possibly other sources I'm not seeing anything to handle hard wired input to my sound card as an option.

Do I need to open a device as a source? Do I need an extension to one of these players?

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Ubuntu :: Playing Cd Or Listening To Radio Online Sound Distorted?

Oct 2, 2010

i am using ubuntu10.04 , the sound is distorted booth on playing cds or listening to radio online . it sounds like a record where the speed keeps changing

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Fedora Servers :: Postfix Only Listening On Localhost ?

Oct 27, 2009

I am trying to get my own email server set up, and so far its been going pretty smooth, The only thing that is not working right now is receiving emails. I can send email just fine, and when they are sent they are even sent from the proper addresses, but when I try to send an email to my domain, it does not go through.

I have the port forwards set up on my router to send all traffic on port 25 over to my mail server, I can telnet to the smtp server from the localhost just fine, but when I try to telnet from another computer on my network it gives me this message


So I ran a netstat -an on my mail server to see what ip address smtp is listening on and I get this result


Now most guides I find for this problem just say to un comment the line in the master.cf that says "smtp inet n - - - - smtpd", the problem is that line is already uncommented and I am still not able to telnet to port 25 from any machine on my network.

Here is my main.cf, tell me if there is anything that I can do.


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OpenSUSE Install :: Could Not Login Because GDM Was Not Listening To The Keyboard

Apr 28, 2011

I have Lenovo T61 with opensuse 11.4 which until this morning was working just fine. I have used OpenSuse on this notebook for about 2 years with out much trouble. This morning on boot up I could not login because GDM was not listening to the keyboard for some reason. I rebooted on a live disk and the hardware was just fine. I switched to init 3 in /etc/inittab and the keyboard was working fine. If I started X with startx it still worked fine. If I started gdm the keyboard was not working anymore, so much so that I could not do {ctrl}{alt}{F1} to switch to a virtual terminal or {ctrl}{alt}{bksp} to kill X, nothing. The mouse worked so I could reboot.

I installed KDM and switched to it instead of GDM for the display manager with yast and was able to login and everything is fine. I would like to switch back to GDM but it is not that big of a deal

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General :: Making X Server Not Binding Or Listening

Sep 2, 2010

I'm trying to execute X server (automatically), which will not bind to (port 6000) - meaning X server will not listen on generic interface. If it's possible, I'd prefer X server not to listen at all (and communicate through other IPC if needed), is there a way to make it not listening at all? -nolisten flag or something like that? (and do it automatically, every reboot). Also, Is there a way to make X server bind to instead of interface)? It should be in one of the configuration files or the start-up command to run X.

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Networking :: Make P2p Work If No Ports Listening

Oct 18, 2010

In emule p2p filesharing there's this thing called the id that is low if you do not configure your router for certain ports to be listening for incoming connections, forwarded by the router to ports on your pc. When the id is low, your downloads take longer or something like that. But if you have no listening port, how can a peer download from you?

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Networking :: HTTPD Not Starting - No Listening Sockets Available

Sep 29, 2010

root@HOST [~]# /etc/init.d/httpd start
Starting httpd: no listening sockets available, shutting down
Unable to open log [FAILED]
root@HOST [~]# /etc/init.d/httpd restart
Stopping httpd: [FAILED]
Starting httpd: no listening sockets available, shutting down
Unable to open logs [FAILED]
root@HOST [~]# tail -n 10 /var/log/messages
Sep 29 17:59:30 localhost avahi-daemon[2870]: New relevant interface wlan0.IPv4 for mDNS.
Sep 29 17:59:30 localhost avahi-daemon[2870]: Joining mDNS multicast group on interface wlan0.IPv4 with address
Sep 29 17:59:30 localhost avahi-daemon[2870]: Registering new address record for on wlan0.
Sep 29 17:59:31 localhost avahi-daemon[2870]: New relevant interface wlan0.IPv6 for mDNS.
Sep 29 17:59:31 localhost avahi-daemon[2870]: Joining mDNS multicast group on interface wlan0.IPv6 with address fe80::223:cdff:fecb:9c5e.
Sep 29 17:59:31 localhost avahi-daemon[2870]: Registering new address record for fe80::223:cdff:fecb:9c5e on wlan0.
Sep 29 17:59:31 localhost NetworkManager: <info> (wlan0): device state change: 7 -> 8
Sep 29 17:59:31 localhost NetworkManager: <info> Policy set 'Sunsoft1' (wlan0) as default for routing and DNS.
Sep 29 17:59:31 localhost NetworkManager: <info> Activation (wlan0) successful, device activated.
Sep 29 17:59:31 localhost NetworkManager: <info> Activation (wlan0) Stage 5 of 5 (IP Configure Commit) complete.
What is the problem I have a local server
CentOS Linux

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General :: Listening Interfaces On Ssh - Connection Refused

Jun 26, 2010

In my sshd_config file I have the following


Does this mean that all of my network interfaces are listening as opposed to just one specific network interface? Would include

Also, this computer(A) is on a LAN at my house. It has two network interfaces(eth0 & eth1), both on different subnets. I can connect from another computer(B) on my LAN to this one on one interface(eth0) via SSH just fine. The other interface(eth1) on this computer is hooked up to it's own gateway to the internet using DSL. I'm using this interface(eth1) for running bind.

Anyhow, here's my issue. When using a computer(C), which is a hosted VM , from outside my LAN, to connect to computer(A) via SSH, I get connection refused. So I checked my hosts.deny & hosts.allow files, both empty. I run nmap from computer C and SSH comes up as closed. So I'm thinking it's a firewall issue.

Here's what my iptables -L looks like:


I've been meaning to learn more about iptables, but which chain is for which network interface? I have also tried running nmap from computer(C) to test bind out on tcp 53 that comes up closed. I run udp 53 and that comes up as closed but then again udp is funny because it's stateless. If I run netcat on udp port 53 from computer C I get a blank line as if it's still running. However, I get that for all other ports anyways so that's of no use.

Unless my AT&T DSL is blocking those ports. But if that were the case would the error 'Connection refused' come up when I try to connect via SSH?

What other tests can I run to troubleshoot?

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