Ubuntu :: Utf-8 Migration Tool - Won't Recognize

May 20, 2011

I haven't used this tool for a couple of months now and in that time I've had to reinstall ubuntu 10.10 for other needs. so I've gotten the tool back because of certain characters that ubuntu won't recognize, but I'm having an issue with it. I get this when I try to run it: Your current encoding was not found, or you are using the C Locale. Please pick a supported language from usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED and log in again.

I'm not sure exactly how to do this and wanted to ask here first before I screw something up with the unicode. Also this hasn't happened to me the first time I've used this, but also I didn't perform or install as many other options and devices as last time either.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows Migration Tool For 9.10?

Jun 21, 2010

I've been supporting Microsoft OS and Apps since 1992. I hold a BSEET and am one test shy of MCSE. I have my own Computer Support business helping Individuals and Small Business keep their M$ PCs running.

I'm also sick of Microsoft. I'm tired of their manipulations, deceptions, and failure to produce Software that serves the needs me and my customers. I've been watching Open Source for 3 years hoping for an Alternative I could recommend to my customers. I'm very excited about Ubuntu 9.10.

There is just one thing missing. I think it can be done, but I need the help of the experienced Users here. What I'd like to do is copy the existing "C:Documents and Settings" folder to a USB Drive, Install Ubuntu using the entire disk (blow Windows away), and finally point the (excellent) Windows Migration Tool in Ubuntu to those Profiles and have it Import them just like it does in a Parallel Install.

I found this:

1.) Fire up live CD

2.) Open up a terminal

3.) sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list and remove all comments (#) in front of the repositories, and save the file.

4.) sudo apt-get ntfs-3g

5.) mkdir /mnt/win

6.) ntfsmount /dev/<disk and partition number here> /mnt/win

7.) mkdir /mnt/win/users

8.) mv /mnt/win/Documents and Settings/<userprofile here> /mnt/win/users/

9.) umount /mnt/win

10.) start ubiquity from the commandline wih the new-partitioner switch like this: ubiquity --new-partitioner

11.) after the setup is done do NOT reboot

12.) mount the disk in step 6 again and move the profiles from step 8 back to the Documents and Settings folder. Else Windows might throw a tantrum not finding profiles.

But it fails at the sudo apt-get ntfs-3g command. I guess that's because this was written for a version that's several years old. update the Process for v9.10?

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CentOS 5 :: KDesktop Tool Doesn't Recognize Symlink?

Sep 23, 2009

The default kde location for wallpapers is as follows:/root/.kde/share/wallpapers (permissions drwxr-xr-x)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Migration From 9.10 To 10.4?

May 2, 2010

I migrated from 9.10 to 10.4 during the package installation I have the error: E: resolvconf: il sottoprocesso vecchio script di post-installation ha restituito lo stato di errore 1 ( In italian because I install the Italian version). The problem is: the file /etc/resol.conf I can't modify or delete from all user, root also.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Migration Assistant After Instsall?

Apr 24, 2010

I started using ubuntu now again as my second os. when i want to do some gaming i still need windows most of the times and some windows apps i just cant find equal versions in ubuntu at least not as user friendly yet. Now my question is this. I did not migrate my music to ubuntu during the installation due to i simply forgot so is there anyway to simply relaunch just the Migration assistant ? All i want is that my music from windows appears when i go to my music folder this will also make it easier for me when i use amarok.

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Ubuntu Installation :: No More ALT-CTRL-F1 Terminal After Migration

Jun 4, 2010

I have transferred my Ubuntu partition (along with Windows XP and Linux swap partitions) to a new HDD using TrueImage's sector-by-sector method. Ubuntu runs quite well after I've made the suggested updates/upgrades. System version now is 10:04 Lucid Lynx. However, I'm missing the ALT-CTRL-F1 .. F6 terminals. All I see is a pattern of vertical stripes in the colors of my gnome desktop. Each time I switch from graphic mode to textmode the pattern shows a different variation of these colors.

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Ubuntu :: Migration From Windows - WAMP Server?

Apr 22, 2011

I am not new to linux but switching to ubuntu for the first time. I had WAMP server installed in my desktop. I made a small website using php and saved all its contents in the WWW folder within the WAMP folder present in the C: drive, (where windows is installed). Now I have installed Ubuntu. I want to know that how could I make that website work in ubuntu also. Or you can say that I would like to know that WHERE would I paste my website source code files in Ubuntu so that I dont have to work again from scratch and make the website run easily in Ubuntu.

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Server :: W2k Pdc To Centos Migration

Feb 14, 2011

I have a Windows 2k server running the AD PDC. 60 desktops users and 6 Windows servers use it as a single sign on server to login. As I plan to install a Centos 5.5 server with Samba for NAS and print sharing, is it possible to migrate the PDC services to the Linux server? I want desktop users and windows servers to authenticate on the Linux server. Is this possible? I have never worked with LDAP services. Worse, should I attempt this migration, it must be completed in a very short time frame.

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Ubuntu Installation :: WinXP Not Shown In Migration Assistant?

Jul 27, 2010

I'm in the Live CD and I've followed the steps to the migration assistant. Where it should say "Windows XP Media Center Edition" it claims that "There were no other users or operating systems suitable for importing from"

Also, on the where to install to step, Where at the top it should say that another operating system is installed, it is blank.

I'm wondering if I continue the installation, on boot-up will it detect windows?

I have searched this, and after 15 pages of results, I have not come to a definite conclusion.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Wubi 10.04 Netbook - Migration To Partition?

Sep 22, 2010

My wubi installation works perfectly but since i cannot restart my netbook i cannot get to use it. however, i am a bioinformatician and for that type of work, i need linux.

migrating my ubuntu wubi install to a different partition on my hdd, from within windows (without restart) in order for me to mount that partition using vmware player and booting up ubuntu from windows. (and to possibly be able to do that from ubuntu as well later.)

so i need to move this wubi install.

I am used to old school move files and edit boot ini and such if there is no automatic way of doing this from within windows.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Migration Of Music From Windows 7 Professional To 10.10?

Mar 7, 2011

I have a Windows 7 partition with all my music. I'm a beginning Ubuntu user and I really like it and so would like to have my music in Ubuntu to create playlists and such since I'm spending more time here (in Ubuntu) and will likely spend most of it unless I require a very specific process. As it stands, I've been going back to my Windows partition purely because my playlists are all set up and all my music is in my music player.

How do I migrate the music from that partition to my Ubuntu one without simply copying GBs and GBs of music and taking up twice the space for the same thing?

refrain from suggesting an external drive, as I don't have the money for one currently.

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Fedora :: Migration From Fc12 To Fc13?

Aug 10, 2010

Can I migrate from fc12 to fc13 or do I have to do a full re-install? If I can migrate, can you point me to the instructions/working paper/etc.?

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OpenSUSE :: Vmware Migration And The Testing?

Jun 2, 2011

I'm in the process of testing upgrade -yes, upgrade, no fresh reinstall of my old trusty 11.2 to the unknown 11.4. One of the applications I need is VMware. I'm using vmware server, and I'm thinking of migrating to the player version, because the server is
not supported, it seems.I have installed a small test partition with 11.4, and in it I have installed VMPlayer. It looks nice (I had to install a lot of development packages, gcc, kernel-source, etc - nothing new here). Sound in the guest (I'm testing my virtual Windows Me) works; it wasn't working in the server. Nice surprise.

One missing feature is snapshots. The trick is to simply replicate all the files of the virtual machine to a backup. It is huge space wasted, 9 GB for a small machine, but it is doable. One thing I do not know how to do: VMplayer gives a notice that the virtual machine is version "Workstation 5.xx virtual machine", and that this version'x CMOS is not compatible and will use a default cmos instead. But I have not seen anywhere how to choose or change or upgrade the virtual machine type.

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OpenSUSE :: KDE4.7 Migration To Kmail2?

Jul 28, 2011

After updating to KDE4.7, and upon opening Contact I was asked if I wanted to migrate to Kmail2 now. I said no as I was told that the migration would take a long time. I thought it would ask me again for the migration the next time I would open Kmail. But no, I now have kmail with no past emails, no adress book no nothing. Is there a way to start the migration again.

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Applications :: Migration From GCC3.4.3 To GCC4.1.2?

Apr 29, 2009

I am doing migration from GCC 3.4.3 to GCC 4.1.2.While doing that compilation is success after some errors.But while linking, it throws tons to "undefined reference to" errors.I am using libtool as well but the version is 1.5.10.Whether I need to upgrade libtool too?

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Debian :: Best Way To Migration Etch To Lenny?

Mar 16, 2010

actually my Debian is still in Etch stable version. What is the best way to migrate to stable lenny version

My understanding was :

replacing Etch links in sources.list with Lenny links perform aptitude update & aptitude safe ugrape.

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General :: Thunderbird Migration From Windows

Apr 5, 2011

My wife has decided to give linux a try. I've installed Mint Linux 10 for her.Last week (bad timing) I converted her to Thunderbird. Now I have the task of moving all her mail folders and account settings from Thunderbird under Windows 7 to Thunderbird under linux.Other postings say all I have to do is copy the Windows profile directory to her home directory and rename it .thunderbird.

Doesn't work. When I start Thunderbird all it displays is a window for new account details.I tried just copying the <gibberish>.default directory across and renaming it to the one that was there. Again, no luck.Before it started using sqlite things were simple!I backed up with MozBackup, and then noticed that it only works with Windows.

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Hardware :: Full Software Migration To New PC?

Feb 21, 2010

I want to change my old computer,but i want to keep my software.I know that i can install operating systems on new computers' hard disk and then transferring files and settings is possible,i also know that ,i can copy some software on DVDs and use them on my new PC,but ,i do not know exactly how to migrate my operating systems without any loss or disorder. Regarding that my hard disks on old computer,can not be used on new computers because of their connection cable to main-board(sata),although it might be temporarily possible by connecting them to/as CD/DVD ROM site ,so how do i transfer the whole data to new hard disk,without any loss or disorder,and how to configure that all? I ask this because i know some programs do not work if they are moved (even in the same computer) and,operating systems are installed(and configured) in a computer,so is it possible to transfer this installed operating system with a new configuration ? I need this transfer because in many cases i have lost the main source( CD,DVD,or downloaded files,and also some operating systems need activation and or registration,buying and,i won,t be able to install them again.

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Networking :: Old PBX Migration To Jive VOIP PBX?

Apr 15, 2010

I was given a project of installing a new Jive VOIP PBX and will be migrating it from an older Avaya PBX. I need to perform in order to migrate the DID's and extensions and etc from the old system to the new? It is something that I have never done and have been ask to perform a miracle. I have never used JIVE VOIP PBX's and am familiar with Trixbox stuff but for smaller business and nothing of this size.


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General :: Migration Cpanel To Plesk?

Apr 8, 2011

The thing is I need a bigger server, but at the same time I'm having problems with cpanel and centos and I'm quite bored. So now I want to migrate from my cpanel server to the plesk server keeping the domain and it's content. I tried to create a ticket in plesk support but either I didn't bought the server yet. So, what's the quickier and safest way to migrate? Is there any script?

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General :: Migration From HPUX To REL5?

Jan 31, 2011

We have our source codes migrated from HP-UX to LINUX REL 5. In some of the scripts, certain flags like -DHPUX -DUNIX have been use. I wanted to know, what can replace these flags in LINUX? then certain optimization flags are also used like +O2, etc. these give an error as O2:command not found in Linux. What can be the proper replacement for them?

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Server :: Dovecot / Postfix Migration

Feb 26, 2010

Im a fairly new linux person and have a hopefully easy question. I am running centos with dovecot and postfix for the mail. Im using imap so all the mail is on the server. Im also using thawte certificates. What is the easiest way to move all of this over to a more stable box? The box i have now is a major POS.

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Server :: Migration Of Spamassassin Settings From An Old To A New?

Feb 12, 2010

I'm migrating a mailserver from an old to a new mailserver. The new mailserver is based on ISPConfig I would like to migrate what spamassassin learnt in the past from the old mailserver to the new one. Now the question:

- The 2 spamassassin versions are different. Is it a problem?
- Can I just migrate the database with this commands???
sa-learn --backup > sadb.bkp
sa-learn --restore ./sadb.bkp

-how to migrate SpamAssasins Auto White List and all others SpamAssassins databases?

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Server :: Sendmail To Postfix Migration?

Oct 25, 2010

I have a lightweight admin background, but good enough to set up most servers. I have switched from sendmail to postfix for the first time, but I keep going around in circles on the following. In sendmail, I used to maintain a table (mailertable) where I would redirect email like this


I happily mapped any incoming email address of any valid hosted domain either to go out to it's final destination via smtp, or if the person has a local mailbox, it delivered locally. Any errors could be forced, and a catch-all for the domain could be directed also.

I've struggled with virtual hosts and transport and a combination of the two to come up with the same result for postfix. I have this feeling I'm missing something really simple, or I am not 'getting it' when I'm doing something postfixy and I still have sendmaily expectations. right path so I will at least know I'm pointing in the right direction and working with the right files to achieve my aims? Postfix is so amazingly powerful and flexible, I'm having trouble figuring this bit out.

I have this feeling I just need a calm hand on my shoulder, a friendly smile and a hand pointing me the right way..

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Software :: XFree86 To X Org Manual Migration?

Sep 11, 2009

I want to manually migrate my XFree86 settings to another box running XOrg. Both boxes have exact same H/W config. Only diff is that one runs sarge, other runs etch. What is the strategy to do that?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Boot System After Migration From Ext4 Down To Ext3

Mar 22, 2010

I have been able to get most of the way through the process of changing from using ext4 back to using ext3, but something is not quite right so my system does not boot properly.

I have a system that was running Karmic Koala 9.10 as a server (no graphical environment). I had two drives using RAID1 with LVM on top, where the logical volumes of oldvg (old volume group) were using mostly ext4. /boot was not part of the RAID: it's on a separate physical drive and uses ext2.

I recently added two more drives and used RAID1 and LVM, and made all lv partitions (/, /usr, /var, /tmp, /opt, /home, /srv) ext3. I used rsync to duplicate the contents onto the logical volumes of newvg (new volume group). I was careful with rsync's option switches, and this part seems to be fine.

I also edited (the new) /etc/fstab and changed the UUIDs of the seven mount points to point to the logical volumes that are part of newvg instead of oldvg, and added new entries to (the new) /boot/grub/menu.lst to refer to newvg in addition to those that I left around to refer to oldvg.

This wasn't sufficient: rebooting here failed, but I went in with a rescue disk, and first updated /boot/grub/device.map to include the new physical drives. I then mounted all the new logical volumes, mounted boot also at its proper place, and entered a chroot of the new system as it should be mounted. Once there, (and after making a backup of /boot) I ran "update-initramfs -k all -c" to rebuild the initrd images that were stored on /boot. Finally, I also edited /etc/mtab so that the two entries that referred to oldvg now refer to newvg instead.

Now, the machine begins to boot from newvg, but the console text includes messages like:

And a bit later,

Now, at this shell if I type mount, I see:

I am actually confused as to why there are only entries for /root and /var in /etc/mtab, actually, instead of entries for all of the main mount points. I am thinking it must be part of the boot staging process, because there are entries for newvg-usr, newvg-tmp, etc. in /etc/fstab.

When I type any of pvdisplay, vgdisplay, or lvdisplay, I get

In fact, even if I run lvm, I get a similar error:

However, if I go back to the rescue cd, pvdisplay, vgdisplay, and lvdisplay do show that all of the partitions from both the old and new volume groups are available.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Removing ._DS_Store Files During Data Migration

Jun 22, 2010

I'm migrating data (music and videos mainly) from a NAS server that was being used as my iTuens Media Folder onto a fresh install of Ubuntu 10.04 and I'd like to get rid of all the ._DS files as well as other files that os x 10.4 has been creating such as duplicates of mp3 files but prefixed with "._".

The reason I'm keen to remove all of these files is because I stumbled across a corrupted ._DS_Store file that caused me all sorts of head aches and I don't want them causing any problems in linux.

I've used the search function in Nautilus to search for ._ but it returns no results, even when I'm searching in a directory that I know for certain has those files in it. I have 'View hidden files' selected.

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Debian Installation :: Migration From Lenny 32 Bit To 64bit

May 13, 2010

currently I'm running postgresql-8.3 server on lenny 32 bits. There are also installed some standard packages but in the near future I'd like to install mysql server on the same machine. I believe that 64 bit system will be faster so I decided to change from 32 to 64 bit. how to migrate postgresql database from 32 to 64 bits. I have postgresql data dir on separate volume. Will it be possible if I just use it as it is now in new 64 bit system with the same postgresql server config files or do I have to dump data and restore it in new installation ?

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Debian Configuration :: Migration To Bind 9.10 In Wheezy 7.1

Nov 13, 2015

I want to migrate to bind 9.10 in debian wheezy. I don't want to take the source code from debian Sid since its an experimental version. So I have taken source code from official bind forum and compiled in debian wheezy. The compilation is successful but I am having problem in running the binary in debian wheezy. It's not honoring the binary even though I run it. I am not getting error messages on console but still it is not running.

I want to know whether its feasible to do this Or is it dependent on any other system libraries to make it run ?

Last few lines from Strace Dump

capget(0x20080522, 0, NULL) = 0
getuid() = 1007

[Code] .....

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OpenSUSE Network :: Ip-forwarding After Migration To Suse-11.2?

Jan 12, 2010

Ethernet configuration:
- eth0 private net
- eth1 internet

eth1 is connected to a cable modem and uses dhcp. After migrating to suse-11.2 ip-forwarding (once the system is up and running) is sometimes deactivated and i have no clue why. /etc/syslog.conf has an entry net.ipv4.ip_forwarding = 1

i have modified the SuSE-scripts /sbin/SuSEfirewall /sbin/ifup-dhcp /etc/init.d/SuSEfirewall2_setup to make sure each time my firewall-rules are loaded ip-forwarding is explicitly enabled. This worked perfectly with suse-11.0. Now ip-forwarding is enabled after a system reboot or after one of the above scripts is called, but somewhere somehow ip-forwarding is always deactivated and i have no idea how this happens. This may happen after 5 minutes or after 5 hours. As a workaround i created a cronjob running every 5 minutes issuing a sysctl-command to enable ip-forwarding.

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