Ubuntu :: Transparent Line At Maximize?

Jun 19, 2011

I just upgraded from ubuntu 10 to 11.04, first thing i did was remove unity since i hate it, so i went on login settings ans set Ubuntu classical, this made me start on gnome and not unity, but now gnome has a problem i can just explain with a screen so here it isAs you see when i maximize chrome or even firefox and other apps it does this, i didn't have this problem before, also when i maximize it is impossible to use the mouse, because for the mouse is like that transparent bar is not there, so when i want to click on something i have to click above it, not on it.

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Programming :: Copy And Replacing Specific Line From File1 To File2 Line By Line

Mar 22, 2011

I have two files, file1.traj and file2.traj. Both these files contain identical data and the data are arranged in same format in them. The first line of both files is a comment.

At line 7843 of both files there is a cartesian coordinate X, Y and Z ( three digits ). And at line 15685 there is another three digits. The number of lines in between two cartesian coordinates are 7841. And there are few hundreds of thousands of lines in a file.

What I need to do is copy the X Y Z coordinate (three digits) from file1.traj at line 7843 and paste into file2.traj at the same line number as in file1.traj. The next line will be 15685 from file1.traj and replace at line 15685 at file2.traj. And I dont want other lines (data) in file2.traj get altered. This sequence shall be going on until the end of the file. Means copy and substitude the selected lines from file1.traj into file2.traj.

I tried to use paste command but I cant do for specified line alone.

Here i showed the data format in the file. I used the line number for clarity purpose.


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Programming :: Access A File Line By Line, And Check The Length Of Each Line.

Feb 13, 2011

I want to access a file, and check the length of every line.After, i want to check and replace all lines with length over 10 characters, with a message.Does anyone have a clue on that?

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Programming :: Compare Two Files Line By Line And Print The Line Which Is Same?

May 30, 2011

I am trying to write a program in C which compares two files and prints the line that is equal.

Here file1.txt has

and file2.txt has

Note: file2.txt consist of only a single string where as file2.txt has multiple lines. Actually im comparing two files with md5sum values.

Here is the code but it compares only first line of files..but it should compare the whole file1..and sorry iam a beginner in C can any1 sujest some modification to this code so that..it can compare file2 with entire file1


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Programming :: Insert Line Using Sed Or Awk At Line Using Line Number As Variable

Jul 25, 2011

I want to insert a line at a particular line number using sed or awk. where line number is not fixed and is in form of variable.

I want to use variable in sed or awk command.I tried something like below, but no luck.

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Ubuntu :: Maximize Across Dual Screen?

Dec 20, 2010

I want to maximize across both of my screens. I am currently running twinview with lucid lynx. The previous build of Ubuntu let me maximize across both of my screens, but now when I maximize i just goes to one screen.

I tried doing a google search to see if I can figure it out and to my surprise the only thing I could find is people complaining because the maximize would go to both screens and not one.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Maximize Windows Properly / Fix This?

Feb 9, 2011

After updating recently, I can't maximize windows properly. There is a gap on the left and top of the window. Any ideas how to fix this?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Maximize Virtual Kubuntu

Mar 19, 2011

I have Kubuntu running as a virtual machine, with Ubuntu 10.10 as the host. When I maximize it, it only takes up a small part of the screen. This is really annoying, especially when looking at large programs that are too wide.

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Ubuntu :: How To Disable Auto-maximize In 11.04

May 1, 2011

Just upgraded to 11.04 and this drives me nuts. When an app/window is opened, if it is "sufficiently" large, it maximizes. I use eclipse. Eclipse is a screen-space hog, however I still need to be able to see other windows and the application bar around the edge of the eclipse window. Unfortunatly Unity(?) is fighting me on this set up because every time i relaunch eclipse, it becomes maximized even if I, the user, have explicitly un-maximized it.

How can I disable this auto-maximize behavior.

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Ubuntu :: Unity / How To Un-maximize Windows

May 28, 2011

Just upgraded from maverick to natty

and i am now using Unity 2D, although i have Nvidia drivers installed.

my question (please excuse my stupidity); how can i un-maximise my windows?

i mean i have openned Eclipse IDE into full window (maximised) but do i make it back as a floating window?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Maximize Or Minimize When Click On An Icon?

Mar 5, 2010

When I click the Firefox icon, normally I can maximize and minimize in the window (either top or bottom panel). This has disappeared and I am not sure why. I had installed [URL... and suddenly after deleting/cleaning it up/restoring panels I cannot see why or how I can easily maximize or minimize any panel, not just Firefox.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Switches My Desktop When Maximize It

Apr 26, 2010

Sometimes when firefox is open, clicking the firefox icon on the taskbar to maximize firefox rotates my desktop to the next one over. Super annoying, as I have to go and rotate back. Is there a fix to this problem? I think it has something to do with a pop-up that never gets attention when it needs it. Unfortunately, I don't know a good way to reproduce this problem on command yet.

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Ubuntu :: Opera 10.6 Minimize Maximize And Close?

Jul 5, 2010

I installed opera 10.6 today. first thing I did was remove the title bar(using the window decorations item in compiz) and now im wondering if there is a way to add buttons to opera that maximize, minimize, and close a window?

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Ubuntu :: How To Merge Both (Maximize / Minimize) Taskbar

Oct 10, 2010

How to merge maximize and minimize thing on the same taskbar where the application places system things are? Its annoying to move cursor on top to maximize or minimize the window.

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Ubuntu :: No Close Minimize Maximize Buttons?

Jan 9, 2011

all the windows i am trying to open don't show the close, min, max buttons. also, rhythm box and grooveshark (inside of chrome) won't play audio, i click play and the progress bar in the playing stays at zero. however audio in runescape works so its not the audio card...

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Ubuntu :: Compiz Settings For Maximize / Tiling

Mar 9, 2011

I have been missing this feature from windows, and had thought I would just have to do without, but today, people have alluded that it is possible to do with compiz. I am referring to the ability to take a window, drag it to the edge of the screen and it to then fill up that side of the screen.. or if drug to the top, maximize itself. I have looked and messed with settings, and have been able to do something to the effect of dragging my mouse to the edge of the screen will kind of tile windows, but it does it to all my windows or all of a certain type and whatnot.

And I want to do it to a specific window, and then another - for the side by side viewing. it also does not vertically maximize it, only taking a portion of the screen from top to bottom. I have been able to do it this way by having only 2 windows open and using a keyboard to do so, but i would like to be able to use only my mouse. Is there a way to drag one window the the edge of the screen and have it maximize to that half-side of the screen AND/OR drag to the top and have it maximize to fullscreen?

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Ubuntu :: White Window Screen On Maximize

Mar 19, 2011

Using Ubuntu 10.10.Recently updated to kernel 2.6.38.Strange problem.. all windows display fine when they are not minimized. But as soon as I minimize ANY window, all the contents are wiped out. All I get is a title bar with white window. This happens with every window e.g. browser, games, system windows, text pad etc.I am using Nvidia drivers. Could that be the problem?

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Ubuntu :: Eiskalt DC Doesnt Maximize In 11.04/Unity 3D?

Apr 30, 2011

I am using eiskaltdc in Ubuntu 11.04. Its working very fine. But after I clicked on the "cross" button its gone. Normally in 10.10 there was a small icon in the bar for that eiskaltdc, but in the new Unity its not there. I checked the system monitor and it shows eiskaltdc. Any idea how to maximize it?When I logged in with Ubuntu Classic GNOME desktop I was able to find the minimized window. But in Unity its totally hidden .

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Ubuntu :: Where Has 'close / Hide / Maximize' Options Gone?

May 10, 2011

I had a problem upgrading to 11.04 so I uninstalled it and now when I log on under "Classic Ubuntu" as well as regular Ubuntu sessions for some reason my Close, Minimize, Maximize options are no longer available. How can I get this back?

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Ubuntu :: No Minimize - Maximize Or Close Icons ?

Jun 9, 2011

Hey, bars and in the Places menu if I click anything from Home Folder to Downloads I'll get an error like: "Could not open location 'file:///home/michael/Downloads' No application is registered as handling this file"

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Ubuntu :: Fully Maximize Terminal In Xfce?

Jul 7, 2011

Is there a way to FULLY maximize the Xfce Terminal (or GNOME Terminal) under Xfce? It will only maximize to the nearest whole line for me.

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Ubuntu :: No Minimize And Maximize And Close Buttons?

Mar 6, 2009

Some how I managed to get rid of this buttons. I tryed to write ?sudo aptitude purge ubuntu-desktop && sudo aptitude clean && sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop && sudo /etc/init.d/gdm? in terminal, and then restarted my laptop. There is still no effect I wrote ?metacity? in terminal and I got this message ?Window manager warning: Screen 0 on display ":0.0" already has a window manager; try using the --replace option to replace the current window manager. So how should I fix this problem.

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Ubuntu :: Installed X3270 In 10.10 But When Maximize The Screen It Does Not Allow

Mar 25, 2011

i have installed x3270 in ubuntu 10.10 but when i maximise the screen it does not allow it says main window does not fit in x display

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Ubuntu :: Way To Raise - Maximize - Certain Windows With Keyboard Shortcuts

Jan 15, 2010

I'm looking for a way to raise (maximize) a window running some certain application (eg. firefox) with a gnome keyboard shortcut. I know that some window managers (eg. xmonad) have the possibility to bind a "run or raise" action to a key, that raises a window with an app when it hasn't been launched, or launches it otherwise.

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Ubuntu :: Missing Close,minanize And Maximize Bottons?

Apr 24, 2010

as you can see in the screen shot provided i'm missing my close,minimize and maximize botton that normally suppose to be at the right hand conor of an application. this goes for all of the application and i dont know what i did for this to happen.

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Ubuntu :: Maximize, Minimize, And Close Buttons Not Showing At All?

May 16, 2010

After I completed the upgrade to Lucid, my maximize, minimize, and close buttons disappeared. I looked around on the forums and i didn't see any other posts about this problem. I'm sorry if i might have over looked one though. Anyways, the buttons are not on the left or the right, they just don't show up. I tried messing with the theme settings and I also tried some of the things that were recommended on the main sticky about bugs with Lucid, and i still don't have them. Dose anyone know how to fix this or will it fix itself with updates?

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Ubuntu :: Desktop Freezes On Lucid - Can't Minimize Or Maximize

Jun 23, 2010

experiencing a lot of desktop freezes on Lucid. it goes fine for a while then i cannot minimize or maximize Sometimes i can open a new window from the top but often not

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Ubuntu :: Control Of The Compiz Twinview Maximize Function

Jun 28, 2010

Im running a dual monitor setup in gnome, with the closed nvidia drivers in twinview mode. most of the times i want to be able to maximize windows to a single monitor (this is the default behavior in 10.04 lucid i believe), but sometimes i want to span a window on both screens. compiz doesn't allow windows to resized past screenborders, and gdevilspie wasn't able to get past this.

After a lot of googling and toying around i came up with the following sollution, i'm posting it here so other people can enjoy it as well (and i'll be able to find it again after my next install).

I made a script to switch between the streched mode and the doublescreen mode to use it, you'll have to stop the autodetection of the outputs in compiz. this option is found in compiz config settings manager under general settings > display settings or though the gconf-editor in /apps/compiz/general/screen0/options/detect_outputs

This script switches between the two modes, but you need to edit the resolutions of your monitors! (i have a double 1280x1024 setup)


My way of using this:
1. use the script to switch to the span mode
2. start photo/video edit software
3. work
4. close the software
5. use the script to switch back

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Ubuntu :: Minimize, Maximize And Close Buttons Disappear?

Aug 21, 2010

I seem to have caused my minimize, maximize and close buttons disappear. Is there a GUI way to turn them back on?

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Ubuntu :: Moving Close - Minimize - Maximize Buttons ?

Sep 12, 2010

I have ubuntu 10.04 and installed a theme that I really love. However, this theme puts the buttons in the top-right corner of the window (close, minimize, maximize) is there any way to move them back to the left?

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