Ubuntu :: Set The Timer For Dual-boot?

Jul 7, 2010

I've installed Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS on my computer, and the Dual-booting shows after starting the computer

But what I need to know is how do you set the timer so that if I don't press "Enter"...that it choses my preferred operating system in a certain period of time (seconds or minutes...etc) by itself?

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Ubuntu :: Set The Timer For The Dual-boot Menu?

Jul 8, 2010

I installed Windows, then Ubuntu, but I don't know how to set the timer for the Dual-boot menu to start at Windows firstOn my Laptop, Ubuntu is set to run first and it's set to start after 10 secondsBut I wasn't the one who installed Ubuntu on my Laptop, it was someone else...etc. So I don't really know how to do the thingI want to set the Dual-boot so that Windows bee's the first one to start loading, at a timer of 1 minute

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Debian :: Dual Boot Installation Stalls - Timer Not Connected

Jan 25, 2010

I am new to linux and I am attempting to establish a dual boot with Windows Vista 32 Bit and Linux Debian 503 i386-netinst. When I place the install cd into the cd drive and boot from the cd a problem occurs at "Booting the kernel."

A message appears:
[0.116007] ..MP-BIOS bug: 8524 timer not connected to IO-APIC
Then the installation just "stalls" and never moves past this point.

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Ubuntu :: Safely Getting Rid Of XP On A Dual Boot/dual HD Machine?

Feb 3, 2010

I have XP on my IDE hard drive and Ubuntu on my USB hard drive (which is really an IDE drive with a USB adapter and external power souce). We've used Windows once in the past month, so we decided to jettison it. Two questions: 1. Can we simply delete all partiitions on the IDE hard drive and reformat or will this cause problems? 2 Is the write-speed gain worth switching the drives out, putting the Ubuntu drive in my IDE slot and my freshly wiped drive on the USB adapter?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 / Win XP SP3 Dual Disk Dual Boot

Jun 5, 2010

I am quite experienced user of Ubuntu desktop / server distributions. Recently my desktop 9.10 disk failed and I decided to reinstall using 10.04. My configuration is a dual disk dual bot system. I have XP Pro SP3 on one disk and Ubuntu 10.04 on second. XP has own, untached MBR ubuntu got Grub 2 installed on the same disk as Ubuntu. Ubuntu disk is booting first in BIOS. Grub 2 detected both system, however I can boot only to Ubuntu. When I am trying to boot XP I got black screen only. Looks like booting is stack in BIOS stage, because crt+alt+del reset system.

I read Ubuntu forum, search Google and did not come with any solutions. My XP MBR is OK. I can boot directly, choosing XP HDD in BIOS as a starting disk. All entries in grub.cfg looks fine to me. I made 3 different clear installations of Ubuntu. Each with the same result. I reinstaled Grub2 with no effect. I wonder if this may be a hardware/Grub 2 compatibility issue. I am using quite old components.My motherboard is Assus P4C800 Delux. I have 5 HDDs 2 CD. Exactly the same configuration was OK with 9.10/XP dual disk dual boot using Grub legacy.


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Ubuntu :: Dual Boot With Dual Laptop Harddrives?

Aug 13, 2010

I currently have a dual boot on my 160gb hdd, but even that feels cramped. i was wondering...I have a spare 40gb harddrive compatible with my laptop. could I just install the windows 7 installation there?

assumably i'd swap in the appropriate windows 7 hdd whenever i'd want to load windows 7 at Grub.

what do you guys think?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Disk Error On /boot With Dual Boot On Dual Disk

Dec 30, 2010

I have a (slightly complicated) dual/multi boot system.

I keep getting boot errors (when choosing ubuntu from the grub2 menu)

Serious errors were found while checking the disk drive for /boot

If I switch off and restart, ubuntu will then start without issue.

My setup is like this ....3 disks, one with 10.10 clean install - so Grub2, separate partitions for /, /boot and /home, one with windows 7, one with windows XP and 10.04 wubi (this is my old disk which I will trash once I'm happy with my upgrade to 10.10 & 7 on separate disks.

I installed 7 and 10.10 with ONLY their disks installed. After both were working, I added all disks and rejigged the grub2 menu (using update-grub and StartUp-Manager).

This problem only seems to occur if my previous boot was not 10.10 ( I will investigate this further). It's as if something (grub2 ?, the bios ?) is remembering part of the previous boot and not using the grub2 menu completely.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Get To Boot Up / Show Menu On Dual Boot With Vista Initially

Jan 18, 2010

Have just installed 9.10, again, many failed attempts previously.Cannot get to boot up and show menu on dual boot with Vista initially,However when I delete the grubenv file the system boots ok and works fine.But does not show the grub menu to choose boot up choices.Got the information to delete the file on some posts elsewhere about booting problem, and tried a longshot and got into Ubuntu for the first time from trying to install now for 3 months!The problem is the file grubenv is created each time so on subsequent boot ups the sytem fails to boot again.The Grub version is 1.97 beta 4, most up to date for Karmic I think, I have seen a version 1.98 but dont think its for Karmic?

Is there a way to modify the grub.cfg file to stop this problem ( all posts say dont touch this file??Or install a script to delete the grubenv file on shutdown as a workaround for me, (I have no idea how to do this whatsoever, I'm not familiar with linux at all)I did read that this problem was fixed/patched in Grub version 2, but dosn't seem.so on my system afetr I updated it when I got into Ubuntu.I couldnt find the patch or fix, I got the information I am on about from this post:URL...It seems to say it was fixed or patched by Colin Watson reading through, but I don't really understand whats being said or how to get the patch on my system if indeed there is one?Sorry for being a bit thick about all this, its a bit beyond my brain now, hope somebody can help out as I have enjoyed my brief bit of fun in Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Xp And - Netbook Dual Boot - Error - Windows Boot Failed

Jul 8, 2010

I have a netbook running Windows XP as standard. There is also a recovery partition which came from the factory.

In the past I installed Ubuntu (I think 9.something) from USB key and all worked fine. However my XP became corrupted and I needed to do a repair on it. After this, Ubuntu became removed from the boot select menu.

Since then, Ubuntu has become updated to 10.04, which I now cannot install.

The Live CD tells me there is a "file IO error" and simply stops installation at around 70%.

I did manage to get into Ubuntu from a Live USB using Wubi. However when I chose to install Ubuntu to a Harddrive, the option to "install side by side" was missing.

After reading on the forums, I did a chkdsk /f on Windows and tried again. Now my liveUSB does not show a boot menu!

When I select to boot from USB stick, the screen goes blank with a flashing cursor. Ctrl+alt+dlt reboots.

I'm really lost here! It seems when I fix one problem, another problem arises!

Also when trying to instal Ubuntu within Windows, the process goes through to 100% and asks me to reboot. When I do so, the option for Ubuntu does show in the boot menu. However when I select it, I get an error "Windows boot failed: file wubildr.mbr and status: 0xc00000f - something is corrupt".

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Boot On Dual-boot XP After Recovering Windows Bootloader?

Jul 18, 2010

I have Ubuntu 10.04 LTS and Windows XP installed on my laptop. Usually when booting, I get the GRUB 2 menu and I can boot into either Ubuntu or XP.I was playing around with EasyBCD, then after trying to remove it I was unable to boot into Windows, I used a Windows 2000 CD recovery console to fix the MBR (using: fixboot and fixmbr).Now Windows starts up when I power on, but I don't get the grub menu anymore with an Ubuntu option. If I boot from the Ubuntu Live CD and try to mount my Ubuntu partition (/dev/sda5) I get this error:

mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda5,
missing codepage or helper program, or other error
In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try


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Ubuntu :: Does Having A Dual Boot System Effect How To Boot Into Windows Safe Mode

Apr 10, 2011

I have a jpeg file on my Windows system that won't delete. However, when I try to boot into safe mode to delete it, I can not get into the menu to select "Safe Mode". F8 just boots me right into Ubuntu.I have Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.10 on an Acer Aspire 5520.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub2 - Turning A Dual Boot Into Single Boot?

Feb 10, 2010

I recently got a netbook and setup as dual boot between win7 starter and 9.10 (64bit). Win 7 starter is not impressive so i want to nuke it and give the space all to my /USR partion. I am comfortable working with Gparted and assume that i can launch using my gparted live usb and delete the windows partion and then resize the /usr partion.

what changes do i need to make w/ Grub2? I would prefer not to see the Grub menu at all and have it load right the main kernel if possible. Also, if this is possible is there a way to get to the Grub menu during boot should i need to select a different kernel?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot - Vista Ultimate / 10.4 - Can't Boot Windows

May 7, 2010

I have just installed Ubuntu 10.4 x64 onto a machine with Vista Ultimate x64. When I boot the machine, the Windows option comes up in the GRUB menu. However, when I attempt to boot Windows, I receive the following error: No such device: de80ab9f80ab7d21. error: No such partition. Press any key to continue...

I looked around and found a similar issue at [URL] However, before trying to fix the issue by guesswork or via solutions that worked for a similar, though not necessarily identical problem. I've run the boot info script (see output below) mentioned several places on this site as a valuable input for boot problem tracking. how to get Windows to boot on my computer?


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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot With Win7 - Bitlocker And TPM - Without The Usb-stick The Pc Won't Boot

Oct 18, 2010

I have searched and read threads about the Bitlocker, grub and TPM issues that might show up, but I can't draw any conclusions as some information contradict each other. To make sure I don't screw up my pc as thought I need to make a new post.

At work I'm supposed to run Windows 7 and encrypt the win-partition with Bitlocker. I have installed Windows, turned on the encryption and it ties into the TPM. But as I am moving over to the *nix department I want to run Ubuntu as dual boot to check everything rusn fine with all the systems I need. Before I installed Windows I partioned the disk:

1,5 GB for system/bitlocker requirement
147 GB for Windows, C:
85 GB which is empty where I intend to install Ubuntu (not formated yet)

I boot into Windows with my bitlocker/TPM key on an USB-stick. Without the usb-stick the pc won't boot. Now, before I try to install Ubuntu I want to make sure to do it the right so I don't mess up the Windows installation or won't be able to boot the pc at all.

There seem to be several "schools" to this. Some suggest I should have installed Ubuntu first, then Windows and then encrypt. Some say, no worries just fire away and install since you are not planning to read the windows-partition from Ubuntu. Or an alternative, install but make sure to deactive the encryption during installation. Some say, install but make sure grub is installed in (multiple choices) location.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot Using Windows Boot Loader, Not GRUB?

Nov 8, 2010

I'm trying to dual boot Win7 and Ubuntu WITHOUT using Grub. This is to support Bitlocker encryption.

I followed this guide, and now when I select Ubuntu I get a Grub> prompt and no ubuntu.

I feel like I'm halfway there, I just need to get Grub to load correctly or something.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Why Boot Partition Is Recommended For Dual Boot Of 10.04 And Windows 7?

Jan 5, 2011

if having a boot partition is recommended for dual boot installation of Ubuntu 10.04 and Windows 7 and why?

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Ubuntu :: GRUB Boot Menu At The Start Like Any Other Dual-boot System?

Jan 28, 2011

I've installed Ubuntu on my new desktop alongside Windows 7 (each OS is on a separate drive), I seem to have run into a small problem. Let me start with what I did:

- Unplugged 1TB drive from the PSU, BIOS was not seeing my formatted (and thus empty) 500GB drive and I couldn't put it into the boot order at all with the 1TB turned on.

- Loaded up the boot CD and was able to install Ubuntu 10.1 on my 500GB drive.

- Did a bit of configuring, shut my PC off and plugged my 1TB (with Windows 7) drive back in. I tried to see if I could now see my Ubuntu drive in BIOS but nothing is there - just the Windows drive is in the list of available drives to boot from (along with DVD-ROM and USB).

This is where I've run into my problem. What I want is to have a nice GRUB boot menu at the start like any other dual-boot system but just have the two operating systems on separate drives altogether.I did it this way because I was having issues with the advanced partition menu on the boot CD so just went ahead and followed the KISS method by unplugging the Windows drive.

I was told by a friend that if I put my Ubuntu drive into the first position in my boot order and the Windows drive in the second, then I could boot into Ubuntu and run a GRUB update command (he told me to google it) and that would create the necessary GRUB that had the entries for Windows 7 and Ubuntu.Both operating systems are 64-bit, I imagine that might make a difference in whatever help you guys can offer me. I love the hell out of both OS's and want to be able to use them interchangeably.

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Ubuntu :: Missing Grub And Dual Boot Menu - Windows Won't Boot

Jul 3, 2011

i am having a problem with my dual boot setup. I originally installed windows XP on a 100gb hard drive, from there i downloaded and burnt ubuntu off so i could install it on my 200gb hard drive. For a little bit i struggled to even get it to install because it wouldn't recognize my onboard nvidia graphics, i ended up having to get an alt boot disk and fix it with technique in this link:


Now after the bios boot, my screen shuts off for awhile and takes me directly to the login screen for ubuntu. No Grub, no windows boot options, nothing. I tried booting windows by choosing it from the bios boot menu but all it does is hang at prompt and doesn't boot at all. I tried the live cd fix and reinstalled grub but nothing changed. What i think is happening is that it boots the Grub menu but it doesn't display it because of graphical confrontations. It hangs for about 10 seconds, the grub default time, and then turns my monitor back on to display the Ubuntu login screen.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Get Boot Menu Once Boot Into Windows7 With Ubuntu Dual Boot?

Aug 11, 2010

I am trying to install ubuntu 10.04 on windows7.windows 7 was already installed.I ollowed these steps to install ubuntu 10.04.1)First i made some freespace in hard disk to install ubuntu using windows7 default options(By shrinking).2)I used USB drive to install ubuntu.I made it bootable using unetbootin.3)I followed normal steps install(language,area,keyboard,using manual partition i installed ubuntu in free space,etc).4)I got boot menu when it restarted.PROBLEM isAs long i use only ubuntu (boot into ubuntu --shutdown--boot into ubuntu --shutdown) it works well.

If once i boot into windows 7 and restart the system i am loosing boot menu options.The following error i am getting"no module name found Aborted.Press any key to exit".If i press any key,I guess its trying boot using internet and lastly it says Operating system not found and hangs.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub2 - Dual Boot Karmic / Unable To Boot Into Archlinux Partition

Feb 15, 2010

After installing karmic with Grub2 I am unable to boot into Archlinux partition. Grub2 has removed the last line of the Archlinux boot stanza! It used to read:-


Following the Grub2 tutorials I have tried editing /etc/grub.d/40_custom as follows:-


But no luck. Only way into Archlinux is to get into the edit shell and manually add the missing line and remove other stuff not needed. I have spent hours trying to resolve this issue and I am fairly p----d off

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Ubuntu :: Dual Boot XP - 10.10 - Boot Screen Shows Up But Then Computer Restarts And Returns To The GRUB Menu

Dec 16, 2010

I followed a tutorial to install XP across my entire HDD. I installed Ubuntu 10.10 "Alongside another OS". Ubuntu loads fine, but when trying to load XP, the boot screen shows up, but then the computer restarts and returns to the GRUB menu.

I saw some threads on this site and tried to type: sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst

In the terminal. It returned a blank text document so I'm not sure if that information was outdated. I then typed: sudo fdisk -l

And got this:

Not sure what any of this means, but I sure hope someone else does. I would say forget XP, but it's hard to let go of some of the games and software I use. I appreciate any responses, thank you.

I tried to format the table as it appeared, but the forum corrected the extra spaces.

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Ubuntu :: Install - BOOT Into Windows On A Dual Boot Computer - Damn Wireless Router To Recognize?

Jan 6, 2011

it started with rooting my Motorola Droid. I got quite interested in the whole rooting/linux "world". The only problem is, my hands move A LOT faster than my brain does. I'm an "educated novice" at best when it comes to all of this and still learning slowly, but surely. I followed an online tutorial and before I realized quite what i'd done, I had dual installed Ubuntu linux 10.10 on my laptop. ISO'd this, partitioned that and realized....i'm in way over my head. Then I started researching how to just go back in time and get my "safe" windows vista back until I'm ready to make the switch to linux and just ended up getting more confused.

How do I actually BOOT into Windows on a dual boot computer that I apparently just created? How, if need be, do I undo everything I just did in the past few hours and careless tinkering? If I decide to stay with Linux, how do I get my damn wireless router to recognize?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Rearrange Boot After Removing XP Dual Boot

Jun 5, 2010

I am ready to reclaim the disk space that is currently being used by XP in my dualboot scenario. Per the Gparted scan below, my hard drive is currently being sequenced as sda1 (NTFS data only, which I mounted in Ubuntu and write my working documents to), sda2 (XP operating system/boot drive). Ubuntu is on sda3, with home on sda4. I'm currently running 9.10.

I would like to eliminate the contents of sda2, and migrate sda1 contents to ext4. Question is, what are the best steps. I have good backups of everything, and sync my NTFS data to a NAS.

My grub.cfg looks as follows (am running 1.97)


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Ubuntu :: Dual Boot - Changing Boot Loader Between Disks?

Jun 17, 2010

Here's my current setup:

Disk 0 (500GB): Windows Vista
Disk 1 (1TB): Windows 7
Disk 2 (160GB): Ubuntu

My boot disk is Disk 0. Currently when I turn on the PC, GRUB loads from Disk 0. I can then choose either Ubuntu or Windows Loader. If I choose Windows Loader (also located on Disk 0), I can choose to load Windows Vista or Windows 7. I like this setup, but I would like to move the loaders (exactly as they are) to Disk 1 so that I can format Disk 0.

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Ubuntu :: Dual Boot To Single Boot, Removing Windows?

Sep 4, 2010

I've got a win7/ubuntu 10.04 dual boot running on my system. I did the usual of installing 7 first, then ubuntu and using it as the default boot option. I now want to get rid of win 7 and expand the ubuntu installation into the free space. My current hdd structure is in the attachment. If I just boot a live cd and gparted to remove the win 7 partitions and expand the ubuntu installation into the free space, will that work or will it have a massive panic? how to I get grub to silently boot after without offering me any boot options?

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Ubuntu :: Windows Vista Will Not Boot After Dual Boot Install

Sep 25, 2010

I have recently installed Ubuntu 10.04 on a Compaq Presario V3000.

To prepare the install, I freed about 15 GB of space, booted from an USB. I chose "use largest continous free space" when it got to that point and then proceeded with the rest.

Now when I choose vista it will not load properly, here's what happens:

1.Windows says loading windows files.

2.After a while, I have to choose a language.

3.Windows looks for operating systems to repair.

If I choose not to, it will take me to a menu where I can choose to fix boot problems, command line, etc...

Linux is running very well, vista is the problem here, I have a recovery disk*, but I wanted to ask you guys if that is the correct move. I really need to keep windows to run some windows only apps.

*This disk was burnt on another computer, an HP from a friend who has the same vista edition. Will this work? This computer's burner is broken..

This is actually something for my gf, she has an account on my computer(only ubuntu on it) and uses it often (Mendley, Zotero, and sciency things in general). She loved it and asked me to install a dual boot with her win system. She use SPSS for whatever kind of statistical analysis it does and she likes ms office better then open office, and I would like to leave her with the choice....

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Install Or Boot 10.10 (dual Boot With Windows 7)

Oct 19, 2010

I am trying to install Ubuntu on a machine that already has Windows 7 on one partition. Obviously I intend to install it on the other free partition. So I downloaded the iso burnt it onto the disk and pop in the disk and the boot the machine. The installation screen comes up I selected the first option (Try Ubuntu without installation), I just see a prompt after a few seconds and then the screen goes blank and nothing happens. Unable to detect a signal, The monitor goes into standby. The same thing happens if I use "install Ubuntu" option as well. I downloaded minimal install version Ubuntu and tried to install with that. since its old school installation, the installation completed without any errors, but when I restart the grub come up and when I select to boot into Ubuntu, I see the same behavior i.e. the screen goes blank and never boots to anything. This is a machine on which I was using 10.4 until yesterday.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Boot To XP Of Maverick On Dual-boot System

Nov 10, 2010

When I first installed Ubuntu as a dual-boot (about 18 months ago), I had problems booting to XP, which were eventually solved for me in this thread, which set Windows to boot Ubuntu, rather than the other way round.

I've just had to do a fresh install of Maverick, following a major problem, and I'm back to being unable to boot XP. The error is different from before and I don't want to start guessing at what to do about it and screwing things up still further.

The GRUB menu lists Ubuntu first, then Windows XP. If I choose XP, it takes me to my previous boot menu, with Windows as the first option. However, selecting this gives me

Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:
<Windows root>system32

Please re-install a copy of the above file. Windows and Ubuntu are on separate hard drives. XP was fine until I re-installed Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Boot Sequence With Dual Boot And Two Drives?

Dec 10, 2010

recently sent up another computer as follows:Two sata drives. Windows 7 was installed on the first drive(sda)and booted successfully. This drive was disconnected ( I have had some installs where Unbuntu wipes out the existing C drive eventhough I am installing to D) and Ubuntu was installed to the second drive (sdb). At one point I had to rebuild the grup on the Ubuntu drive and was careful to make it installed on the Ubuntu drive. To my surprise when the PC booted up I saw the Grub menu with a menu entry for Windows. The Windows drive was always the primary drive before the Ubuntu install. I was planning on the Windows drive being the boot drive and using a boot manager to determine where to go from there. If I utilize the BIOS boot option (F12) I can boot each drive individually. I cannot in BIOS set a particular drive to boot - just a hard drive. Everything is working I am just curious why the primary drive does not boot first. IN BIOS the Windows drive is a primary SATA with a lower number that the Ubuntu drive which is listed as a secondary drive.

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Boot Into Vista (Was Previously A Dual Boot With Lucid)

Dec 26, 2010

I deleted 2 ubuntu partitions using Vista's manager, and expanded the unallocated space in to the Vista partition. when I restarted a screen came up saying error: no such partition grub rescue> Is there any way I can fix this ( by deleting grub, or something...)

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