Ubuntu :: Safest Way To Boot Users Off Of A Partition?

Mar 5, 2010

I need to run fsck on a large partition on my server on a periodic basis. In many cases, however, files are left open on the partition, e.g. XMing sessions are often left open for weeks at a time because connection is hit-or-miss, or jobs are left running.

My first thoughts are to shut down the daemons I know are using the partition, then traverse lsof for processes that have files open on the partition and do a SIGHUP, SIGTERM, SIGKILL sequence on them. One problem I see with this is that in some cases a script might be running a loop that performs a process on the partition. For example, suppose loop.sh is running from ~ and it loops process.sh over the files in /data (i.e. the partition in question.) The first signal would end process.sh, but loop.sh wouldn't be touched, which would allow it to proceed to the next iteration, etc. until the final instance of process.sh would get the SIGKILL and yet another iteration would start. Killing process groups might help here, however.

Ideally I would just go to init 1, check the filesytem (maybe run a backup,) then go back to init 4 (running Kubuntu, so no init 3.) I'm not exactly sure how to pull that off without the filesystem check happening every time the server goes to init 1, however.

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Fedora Installation :: Modern Dangers Of /boot Partition 2) Safest Way To Get Rid Of /boot?

Mar 13, 2010

My most recent F11 -> F12 was a near-fiasco, because I had the bad luck of foolishly having two distinct physical drives in the same system, where the /(root) partition on each drive had exact same UUID (result of partition cloning and neglect to change the UUID on the copy)

BUT! the UUID redundancy was not the initial trigger of my problems (its near-disastrousness played itself out only while I was REMEDYING the initial problem). The initial trigger: insufficient space on my /boot partition. "preupgrade" neglected to properly assess the space and/or warn me about it before proceeding.

In addition, the automatic cycling out of grub kernel entries came to bite me (part of many factors of the near-fiasco) because after the unfinished upgrade i had only one working kernel left to boot into, until I messed up that remaining one (too long a story), and then grub-install messed up my booting because of duplicate UUID. At any rate, at the end of what looked like a good preupgrade-reboot-upgrade-package-install process the post-install phase lingered a looong time, then I found myself booted into the old Fedora 11 kernel with absolutely NO modules (corresponding /lib/modules had been erased by the upgrade!) Somehow the system ran, but no USB, no wifi, no ethernet, no way to easily place the right kernel rpm onto the hard drive (had to unscrew the drive,etc., to copy over the correct kernel rpm). (Plus, file /boot/preupgrade/vmlinuz, left over from the arrested upgrade, was NOT the right target upgrade kernel version (, so it didn't help either because it didn't have its modules either. The target /lib/modules (version WERE there, but the kernel itself was NOT, due to upgrade running out of space on the /boot partition).

(Oh, and the preupgrade/upgrade had deleted my /var/cache/yum/preupgrade/ packages; hence my inability to quickly (re)install the kernel rpm -- why!? it hadn't successfully finished the process!)

(Also, FWIW, i ended up rescuing the system through "rpm -i --force <kernel>", many an F12 rescue boot, chrooting, /boot/grub/grub.conf & fstab edits, tune2fs/uuidgen, running grub on command-line ("setup (hd0)"), etc., etc.)

So, any tips out there on phasing out the old-school /boot partition scheme, the safest and easiest way (without destroying a working system, of course)?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Easiest / Safest Way To Install With 7

Feb 5, 2010

So what is the easiest way to install Ubuntu with win7 also on the computer?I'm asking because last time I ran Ubuntu it was Wubi'd into XP and then it broke, breaking XP's bootkernel and then keeping me from booting into anything...

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Red Hat :: CentOS 5.4: Upgrading From MySQL 5.0 To 5.5 Safest Way?

Sep 8, 2010

I'm running MySQL 5.0 on a production server and I require to upgrade mysql to version 5.5 to get a new collation support. What is the best procedure to follow? I cannot find MySQL 5.5 on the standard repositories. A yum install would be the safest, correct?

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CentOS 5 :: Gpt Partitioning - XFS \ Error, That Boot Partition Is On A Gpt Partition And This Machine Cannot Boot That?

May 21, 2010

I am trying to install a box here where my /storage partition is about 2.5T.I had setup the partitioning with suse, while testing, and all worked well.Now when trying to install CentOs 5.5 it gives me an error, that my boot partition is on a gpt partition and this machine cannot boot that.Also I don't see the option to create XFS partitions from the installer.Can 5.5 support GPT @ install time?

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Debian :: Safest Way To Change A Username / Login Name

Apr 6, 2010

I would like to change my username (or login name) and am wondering what the safest route to do so is. The install is on a headless server, which I just use ssh.There's a) using usermod -l newname oldname. The line in the usermod man that says that changing the login name doesn't change anything else, which makes me think that something else is bound to break. I've also considered b) creating a new user, moving the contents of my home directory to the new user, and deleting the old user. This is kind of cumbersome, but would this be the recommended way to ensure everything goes well (considering I still have to redo some config files).

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Fedora :: Safest Way To Remove Latest Kernel?

Mar 9, 2010

The latest kernel( is causing problems for my laptop.What are the best practices for safely removing a kernel?( Yum wants to remove gcc and friends also...)How can one prevent Software Update from relisting the bad boy?

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Security :: Is Live CD Safest Thing For Doing B*nking?

Jun 24, 2010

Want to know if using a live CD, say Knoppix, gives a good level of protection when moving money about? I am very unsophisticated on the subject of security.This question has been addressed before on this site Code:if you have enough RAM you can ignore your local disks all together, and avoid the security risk of a swap file
How you do that then?Perhaps it would be better to use an operating system inside the software computer, virtual box, that only ever gets used for this b*nking purpose?

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Programming :: Best / Safest Way To Capture Root Password

May 31, 2011

I have a script which when invoked will generally su into being a number of different users (for those that have read other threads from me, you will know.I am building my own user based package management system).Whilst 75 - 80% of the time there will be no need to be anyone other than the original user, there are times when the root password is required. Currently this is presented to the administrator at exactly the point in the script that it is required.At times this may be more than once and it may also happen for multiple users in a row.

What would be the best / safest method (in your opinion) of capturing the password at the start of the script and then delivering it when required?I have looked at expect ( I am not at all familiar ), but on the examples dealing with passwords, that I could find, they all seem to store the password in a simple bash like variable (which does not excite me at all from a security point).I can also potentially go down the sudo road, but the issue here is that I would either have to find a list of commands that an entire group can have access to without passwords (doesn't sound safe) or I am back to square one of then requiring a password for each individual user to be entered, which if at the start would still need to be captured and saved until necessary.So as I have said, I am open to any and all (constructive) advice

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General :: Safest Place To Put Database Connection File?

Dec 8, 2010

When connecting to a database in a php script, where would be the safest place to store the connect.php file. I am thinking it should not be in public_html, but is it safe in sub folders or is there a method people generally use to keep such files secure and inaccessible.

The file I mean is one including the database name, user and password etc.

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Slackware :: What Is Quickest And Safest Way To Backup Root & Home Partitions?

Jul 28, 2011

I would like to attempt creating a cron job to backup my root (/dev/sda1) & home (/dev/sda3) partitions to an external USB drive.I have been using Clonezilla to make image backups but, I have to physically do it, when I remember or have the time. I have never created a cron job, and worse, I have never created a .sh file which, I think, is what I need to do.

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General :: Moving Users To Another Partition ?

Apr 26, 2010

I have 2 harddisks, and a very new SuSE 10 installation.

Suppose I have a user called test in the users group. At present its home directory is /home/test. This is on one of the harddisks, sda.

Now I have a partition on the other harddisk /other. I would like all my users to be on sdb, so that their home directories are /other/users/test for instance for the test user.

I have played around with YaST to create another user "toets" in /other/gebruikers, but I would like to have it as /other/users/toets.

I want all the user accounts on /other.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Safest Way To Upgrade Using New Installation While Keeping Existing Home?

May 23, 2011

Having read several threads and received excellent previous advice there are just a couple of points I want to check please before proceeding on laptop. I want to upgrade to 11.4 from 11.2. My disk setup is as follows:-

Disk /dev/sda: 120.0 GB, 120034123776 bytes
240 heads, 63 sectors/track, 15505 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 15120 * 512 = 7741440 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x462d462c


If I select existing /home root and swap partitions, format root but prevent formatting of /home and use a different user ID I believe that will leave my existing data intact and will allow me to trial new os. Is this correct approach? If all goes well and when I have new system working correctly, what is best way make old user id date accessible. Can I simply create my old id on new system and will that allow me to access data when I log on with that id?

Second question; at present I have the ability to boot to openSUSE, OS/2 and windoze. (It used to be done entirely by Boot Manager but during my last Linux installation I messed this up a bit so now machine boots to grub and this offers all three operating systems but chain loads Boot Manager if I select OS/2)

When I do the new installation what should I select to retain this setup so that I still have access to windoze and OS/2 but when selecting linux have new 11.4 system run.

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Installation :: Safest Procedure To Install 10.4 On An Existing Lvm2 Without Losing My Files/partitions?

Apr 18, 2010

I am planning to install 10.4 when it arrives. And am not going to upgrade because i upgraded from 9.04 to 9.10 so now i need to refresh the system.But I have all my partitions except root using lvm2 logical volumes. My question is : What is the safest procedure to install 10.4 on an existing lvm2 without losing my files/partitions

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Ubuntu Installation :: Add Unallocated Space To Storage Partition And Not Boot Partition?

Apr 20, 2011

using onboard windows disk management i have made 75gb unallocated to add to the aforementioned ntfs data partition. but, after resizing extended partition, will i need to fix grub even though i will be adding the unallocated space to a storage partition and not the ubuntu boot partition?

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Fedora :: Where Users Can Login To Central Server Which Gives Access To Partition

Aug 14, 2009

I am trying to set up a network where users can login to a central server which gives access to a partition depending on their role in the company e.g development or HR.my ideal world would be a computer sits on the desk. someone comes along logins they have all their files. they can then login with the same user information else where in the office.

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Installation :: Editing Fstab To Allow RW Access For All Users To A NTFS Partition

Mar 14, 2009

Sometimes Linux just make you want to throw the PC out of the window, and get a new one with WINDOWS on it...Having only just "got" the idea that there are a nunber of ways of issuing chmod, I now find that there is yet another when in the fstab file. It is an easygoogle to find out a workaround to make this drive RW, but doing that way one does not learn what is actually happening.how do I find out UID and GID? fmask and dmask, how do I find out what the current settings mean, and what they should be to allow RW access for various groups/users or for everyone?

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General :: Allowing Read Write To Ext3 Partition To Non-root Users

Mar 18, 2010

I need to allow non-root users to read/write on an ext3 partition.

Below is the relevant output from fdisk -l


The partition in question is /dev/sda4 and it is mounted as /Data (setup during installation).

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Ubuntu :: Use A Windows-based Recovery Partition On A Dual-boot Computer To Overwrite Partition And Remove GRUB Loader?

Mar 9, 2010

is it possible to use a Windows-based recovery partition on a dual-boot computer to overwrite the Ubuntu partition and remove the GRUB loader? For instance, if you booted up your computer, accessed the hidden recovery partition and used it to reset the computer to it's factory default settings, would that effectively remove the Ubuntu partition and the GRUB loader? Would a completely new installation of Windows overwrite/uninstall Ubuntu and GRUB automatically?

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Ubuntu :: GPT Partition Label Has No BIOS Boot Partition?

Jun 24, 2011

When I installed Ubuntu on my system (a year or so ago) I forgot to add a BIOS Boot Partition. This is something of a problem considering that the partition type for my 2TB drive is GPT. Hence, whenever grub is updated I get a warning:

/usr/sbin/grub-setup: warn: This GPT partition label has no BIOS Boot Partition; embedding won't be possible!.
/usr/sbin/grub-setup: warn: Embedding is not possible. GRUB can only be installed in this setup by using blocklists. However, blocklists are UNRELIABLE and its use is discouraged..
Installation finished. No error reported.


If so, what is the rough sequence of commands to create the partition (without disturbing what is already there) and then setting it as a BIOS boot partition.

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Fedora :: Retrieving NTFS Partition Which Was Chosen Wrongly As Boot Partition?

Apr 19, 2010

Recently I reinstall Grub, but I have chosen on ntfs (windows 7 partition E: drive). After this I chosen /dev/sda which is correct boot partition.

Now Fedora 10 and Win 7 booth are working properly.

How can I get back my E: drive safely?

In Fedora 10 E: is not available, where as in Win7 it is available but asking for Format.

how to get back my E: partition which was chosen wrongly as boot partition.

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Slackware :: Changing Boot Partition / Bootable And Rewrite The Partition Table?

Apr 24, 2010

Everything is installed and setup on my system, but when I setup my partitions I chose my Windows partition to be bootable. Can I just use cfdisk to toggle the bootable flag so my linux partition is bootable and rewrite the partition table?

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General :: Grub Loader Can't Boot From Partition But Other Boots Can See Partition?

Feb 25, 2010

I having a problem getting my grub loader to see one of my hard drives. I added a drive, and my grub loader lost track of where everything was. I couldn't get my old linux (Red Hat 9) so I installed SuSe on my new hard drive. But I need my be able to boot from my old hard drive because it has apps that only run on the earlier version. From /proc/partitions the old hard drive is sdd

major minor #blocks name
8 0 976762584 sda
8 1 2104483 sda1
8 2 20972857 sda2


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General :: Defined Root Partition Not Created A / Boot/efi Partition?

Aug 31, 2010

when I tried to install Fedora on my pc, I got this error message " Defined Root partition not created a / boot/efi partition. I am trying to install it on a seperate hd. My main one has windows xp pro, but I do not want to interfer with that at all?.

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Software :: Possible To Create Boot Partition On Logical Partition

Mar 18, 2009

I want to install more than 3 linux distributions on single disk - my test machine.Is it possible to create boot partition on logical partition whitch resides in extended partition (and boot successfuly of course)?
My boot loader lives elswere (primary partition or MBR).

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Ubuntu :: Running Jar File During Boot And Available For All Users?

Apr 2, 2011

I have a jar file which runs as the server with a GUI in my machine and if that starts up i can control my machine with the client in my android phone through LAN. Manually everything works fine if i login and start the server.

What I want to do

1) The server(jar file) should be started at boot

2) This should be available to all users irrespective of who is logged in and if multiple users are logged in simultaneously.

What I have already tried

1) I have tried to add this to the Startup Applications but it does not work always due to some reason after switching between users but even if it works thats not the solution i need because these settings are for a specific user and works after login

2) I tried adding this to rc.local file, but does not work when i login with any user, not sure why. I also tried putting them into all the runlevels (rc*.d folders), but nothing seems to be working. I am not quite sure if i understand how these methods work but when i did boot the server was not there.

3) Manually if i run the jar and switches the user with the first user still logged in, then the server is as good as not running for the second, but if i try to run the jar again, it fails because there is already a process which is running but for first user. If I switch back to first user i have the server.

The Files

1) I have the jar file to execute in /usr/local/bin/
2) I have a shell script in /etc/init.d/ which executes the java - jar command
3) I have the links to rc*.d for all runlevels for the above script

Nothing in the above seems to be working. I just need one process running for all the users, but i never could see the server starting on startup. If I manually start the server its only available to the user who started it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grow Boot Sector. Delete Swap Partition. Can't Boot Afterwards.

Mar 7, 2010

I'm running 9.10 off of a 4 GiB CF card. I keep running into space issues with updates, so I purchased an 8 GiB replacement card. I've cloned the 4 GiB card to a .IMG file using DD.I've then copied the 4 GiB image back to the 8 GiB card using the Ubuntu startup disk creator program. Once done, I'm able to properly boot off of the new 8 GiB clone.Unfortunately, the clone ends up with 3.67 GiB of unallocated space at the end *see attached). I tried deleting the "extended" partition that the swap is located at after booting from a Live CD and the system was unable to boot after this. I was thinking that I would delete the swap entirely and create a swap file after I merged the existing partitions, but I was unable to do this.

best way to do this (e.g. get one large 8 GiB partition with my old image on it)? I still have the original untouched 4 GiB card and also have an external CF drive if I need to redo the cloning. I've also used Clonezilla before, so perhaps there's a way to do this that allow me to grow the image as it's being cloned.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Boot Partitions On Both Sda And Sdb So If One Drive Fails The Second Boot Partition Will Work Away ?

Dec 6, 2010

I am building a 10.04.1LTS server. I am putting the /root filesystem into a Software RAID1 partition. I want to keeo my /boot partition outside of RAID.Is there a way to have a boot partition on both sda and sdb so if one drive fails the second boot partition will work away - or should this be kept in with RAID also.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Boot A 10.04 Desktop Live From An Iso Image In /boot Partition?

Nov 9, 2010

My laptop can't boot from cdrom becouse it is broken and it can't boot from USB becouse it has never been able. Ubuntu 8.10 now run in my laptop withgrub 1.I've just try the following trick.1) I put grub4dos in /boot2) I put iso image in /boot3) I add the follwing entrt in source.list

# =========== GRUB4GOS ===================================
title == Use grub4dos for the following entries: ==


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Ubuntu Installation :: Why Boot Partition Is Recommended For Dual Boot Of 10.04 And Windows 7?

Jan 5, 2011

if having a boot partition is recommended for dual boot installation of Ubuntu 10.04 and Windows 7 and why?

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