Ubuntu :: Running Jar File During Boot And Available For All Users?

Apr 2, 2011

I have a jar file which runs as the server with a GUI in my machine and if that starts up i can control my machine with the client in my android phone through LAN. Manually everything works fine if i login and start the server.

What I want to do

1) The server(jar file) should be started at boot

2) This should be available to all users irrespective of who is logged in and if multiple users are logged in simultaneously.

What I have already tried

1) I have tried to add this to the Startup Applications but it does not work always due to some reason after switching between users but even if it works thats not the solution i need because these settings are for a specific user and works after login

2) I tried adding this to rc.local file, but does not work when i login with any user, not sure why. I also tried putting them into all the runlevels (rc*.d folders), but nothing seems to be working. I am not quite sure if i understand how these methods work but when i did boot the server was not there.

3) Manually if i run the jar and switches the user with the first user still logged in, then the server is as good as not running for the second, but if i try to run the jar again, it fails because there is already a process which is running but for first user. If I switch back to first user i have the server.

The Files

1) I have the jar file to execute in /usr/local/bin/
2) I have a shell script in /etc/init.d/ which executes the java - jar command
3) I have the links to rc*.d for all runlevels for the above script

Nothing in the above seems to be working. I just need one process running for all the users, but i never could see the server starting on startup. If I manually start the server its only available to the user who started it.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Get A List Of Users Running Processes?

Feb 22, 2010

I'm looking for a command that will give me a list of users (unique, dont name my user account 60 times) that are running processes on a system.

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General :: How To Use Grep To Display All Users Running Particular Command?

Mar 19, 2010

Can someone please tell me how I can use grep to display all users running a particular command.

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Security :: Prevent Normal Users See All The Processes Running On The Box?

Dec 30, 2010

I've a Linux box with few users (with shell). I would like to prevent normal users see all the processes running on the box. How can I implement this?

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General :: Shell Script That Adds Users Name To A File When The File Is Modified?

Mar 30, 2010

I need a shell script that will add the users name and date to a file when the user has modified the file, these files are within a group and only accessible to this group. But we need a way for people in the group to know who and when the file was last modified.

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Ubuntu :: Automatically Add A File To All New Users?

Jan 6, 2010

I am making a live CD and need to add a config file to all new users Home folder. This includes the Ubuntu user in the Live CD and New users created on install from the live CD.

Path would be: /home/ubuntu/config.file

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Ubuntu :: Add Users To A File Server?

Sep 1, 2011

I seem to be having a bit of trouble with a script I've been working with to add users to an Ubuntu file server So what I've been using is a text file in the format:

Username UserGroup Userpass
and feeding it into this script:


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Server :: Scp Truncate Text File Busy - Copying File Is Not A Running Binary?

Jun 14, 2010

I am having problems with scp during a backup operationI added a ps -ef before and after the scp operation used during the backup.The backup is a script to backup a Zimbra ServerI am including the code segment that I am having problems

# DRCP Section. To scp newly created archives to a remote system
if [ "$DRCP" = "yes" ]


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Ubuntu :: Avoid Users Writing On The Same File?

Feb 27, 2011

Is it possible to forbid that more then one user open the same file in rw mode? In windows when you open a file that another user is using, there's ad advise and you have to open it in read only mode

I installed ubuntu 10.04 desktop edition on 3 pc (there is not a server-client architecture). I installed samba.(and smbfs)

put the strings:
comment = ...
path = /...
guest ok = yes
read only = no
create mask = 0777
directory mask =0777

Computers that access to that directory do (on boot, with root privileges)
mount -t smbfs -o username="user",password="pass" // /mnt/cartelladimontaggio

But if two users access to the same file, both are authorized writing on it! So changes made by one are lost when the other save.

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Server :: Updated Postfix Not Running After Transferring Over Users From Older Postfix?

Feb 25, 2011

I recently moved over user from an old box running postfix(v 2.0.16) over to rhel 6 running postfix (v mail_version = 2.6.6). ive tried to make sure all the files are of correct permissions and that the main.cf file is configured corectly. However there is something wrong as when i run postfix: service postfix server i get no error but when checking the status:service postfix status i get: master dead but pid file exists Looking into /var/log/mailog i find this line being the issue:

Feb 25 16:24:39 puny1 postfix/master[3517]: fatal: fifo_listen: create fifo public/pickup: Permission denied

I gather this is a file permission issue and ive tried to make sure the public folder in /var/spool/postfix is correctly set but still no avail.

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Ubuntu :: Safest Way To Boot Users Off Of A Partition?

Mar 5, 2010

I need to run fsck on a large partition on my server on a periodic basis. In many cases, however, files are left open on the partition, e.g. XMing sessions are often left open for weeks at a time because connection is hit-or-miss, or jobs are left running.

My first thoughts are to shut down the daemons I know are using the partition, then traverse lsof for processes that have files open on the partition and do a SIGHUP, SIGTERM, SIGKILL sequence on them. One problem I see with this is that in some cases a script might be running a loop that performs a process on the partition. For example, suppose loop.sh is running from ~ and it loops process.sh over the files in /data (i.e. the partition in question.) The first signal would end process.sh, but loop.sh wouldn't be touched, which would allow it to proceed to the next iteration, etc. until the final instance of process.sh would get the SIGKILL and yet another iteration would start. Killing process groups might help here, however.

Ideally I would just go to init 1, check the filesytem (maybe run a backup,) then go back to init 4 (running Kubuntu, so no init 3.) I'm not exactly sure how to pull that off without the filesystem check happening every time the server goes to init 1, however.

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Ubuntu :: Users System Log Config File Location

Jul 24, 2010

where are the "System Log Viewer" config files stored? I know most have been moved into /var/rsyslog.d/ folder but where are the users config file stored? I restored my local /home to a fresh install and the Log viewer is looking for log files from the OLD install.

So there must be a config file somewhere in /home/$user that the system log viewer is reading from as well as the rsyslog.d folder...

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Ubuntu :: Adding Multiple Users Using Batch File?

Oct 26, 2010

Idealy I want to create a batch file which would read the list and create a user and a password.

I know i need to create the file using the vi command and using the useradd facility to add the users however where i go from there i am lost.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Force Boot Users Off Router?

Jun 27, 2011

How can I boot someone off of my router without having to use the admin settings/screens on the router ip?

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Fedora :: Allow All Users On Creation Of A File?

Jul 15, 2009

I want to automatically allow all users read execute or write permissions on everything created by a specific user, is this possible? For example user Wendy creates an office doc, saves it on a shared folder. Then another user (usually windows log into this folder and wants to edit this file and cannot. I know I can edit the permissions on this particular doc to allow all users, but I want this to happen by default so I don.t have to keep changing permission on each doc....

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General :: How Two Users Can Be The Owners Of A File

Apr 26, 2011

as the title, I have to create a file, example: /home/john/file.ini I created an user and a group, myuser:mygroup and set them to this file.ini chown myuser:mygroup file.ini Ok, my problem is I have another user named mymain this user must read this file, so how can I change the permissions? IMPORTANT: I ONLY have to allow "mymain" user to read this file, NOT all other users

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Ubuntu Servers :: Restrict Users From Uploading Certain File Types?

Apr 30, 2010

I have Ubuntu Server 9.10 running with vsftpd and I want to restrict users from uploading certain file types (.exe, .avi) ect.. Is this possible?

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Ubuntu Security :: File Server With Users Of Active Directory?

May 26, 2011

I want to create a shared folder in a ubuntu sistem but I want to know if I can get access to some users of my domain active directory windows 2003 server?If I can, I would give that security in some of the subfolders of that shared folder as explained at the example:XAMPLE:

Backups (all have access and it's shared)
Mail of Charles (Can only have access Charles that have an account on domain)
Mail of John (Can only have access John)


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Ubuntu :: Give Two Client Users Permission To Access Their File System?

May 1, 2011

The desktop computer of my two children has a total of three users:

1) The superuser (me)
2) The user 1001 (my elder son)
3) The user 1002 (my younger son)

Both users 1001 and 1002 can not access their files system, and also they can not save any attachments from incoming mails.

What I tried so far:
I accessed the file manager as superuser, and went: >Root>Home. Here I right-clicked on the folder User 1001, selected properties, selected the tab 'permissions' and allowed this user to read and write into this folder. I also checked the checkbox �extend this permission to all subfolders and its contents.

The problem is, when I reboot, everything is 'forgotten' and I am at quadrant zero again.

Eventually I should state that part of the folders are from a backup drive, because the hard disk had to be replaced so, once I re-installed the OS on the new hard drive, I copied the folders from the backup drive into the home folder.

One last question:
Is there a good tutorial about permissions?

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Debian Programming :: How To Validate Users Using Password File

Aug 25, 2014

I need do a small interfaz, it works under bash. I read the user name and password from the terminal then i need validate this data.

My principal dude is:

how look in the /etc/passwd file a user and passwd?

The problem is the password is encrypted and i need compare with the data I read.

Only I can use BASH because it is school homework.

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General :: Make A File Editable By Two Different Users In Different Groups?

May 11, 2010

I have a folder at /home/www/, and the owner is www, which is part of the www-group. I have another user, john, part of the john group. How can I chown /home/www/ to make it writable by both www and john?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Users In Multiple Groups And File Permissions?

Feb 12, 2009

this directory has permissions 750 and is owned by user1 and group user1 I have an admin user that is primarily a part of group admin, but also a part of group user1 what would stop admin from having read and execute permissions on this directory? I'm running clamav and have a clamd daemon running as user admin (I could run it as any user, and I may make a special user later, but I don't want to run it as user1, user2, etc).

I have 2 (technically lots more, but let's just say 2 for now) users, user1 and user2 that have home directories /home/user1 and /home/user2. each is owned and group owned by user1:user1 and user2:user2 respectively with permissions of 750. my admin user is part of groups admin, user1, and user2 I need this to be able to scan my user's directories using the command (is this correct?):

clamdscan --move=/files/quarantine/ --config-file=/etc/clamd.d/adm.conf /home/user1/file

doing this gives the error:

/home/user1/file: lstat() failed. ERROR

If I change the directory permissions to 755, it works fine.Or if I leave the permissions 750 and change the directory group ownership to admin, it works fine. So, why would this be? Obviously it is a permissions issue, but why is it not reading admin as part of the user1 group and allowing the same permissions as it does when making the directory group-owned by admin?

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General :: Can't Change File Attributes Again Opening It As Users Above

Oct 23, 2010

I have a MP3 player which is owned by Root. I have tried the following: in terminal - chown as both my usual log-in and root operation not permitted. I ran chown as both su, root, and myself. In Nautilus - I can't change any of the file attributes again opening it as any of the users above. I used to be able to copy files over to the MP3 player but not the Sandisk but not I can't copy or do anything to the files on both.

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Security :: Preventing Users From Browsing File System

Nov 5, 2010

What methods exits to restrict which directories a user may browse on the filesystem. I want to prevent php scripts from being able to view system files. I've seen two solutions, but neither are satisfactory:Chrooting a directory that the script is in, but this requires that all the necessary php libraries/files are moved/copied into the right place relative to the chroot directory. I don't feel that I have the technical ability to achieve this.Putting php into safe mode and disabling *nasty* php functions. But this is ineffective if just one obscure *bad* php function is missed.

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Slackware :: Where Is Samba Password File - Need To List Its Users

Apr 5, 2011

I need to see who all the Samba users are. Some other distros keep that in /etc/samba/smbpassword file but I don't have that file here.

Using Slackware 13.1 (64)

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Debian :: Import List From Excel File To Create Many Users

Sep 22, 2015

I'm working in a school and we have a Apple server, we have many problem with it. So, I would install a linux server instead.

Anyway, there is just one big problem (or I miss a simple tip to do it )

We have 1300 students. If I must create them one by one, that will take a lot of time. Actually with the apple server, we can go on a web interface & import an excel list with theses columns :

"Name", "Login", "Password", "Class", "Group", "HDD Space", "Print quota", "Internet access or not", etc ...

Due to this tool, I can upload an excel files with my 1300 students & a couple hours after, they have an account with a personal space & a shared space with their class.

My question is : This tool exist on Debian/Linux world ?

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General :: File Permissions - Read Or Write Access To Different Users

Jul 8, 2010

I own a particular file on a Linux system. I would like to give 2 groups (accounting, shipping) read access and only read access, and 3 users(Mike, Raj and Wally) write access and only write access. How can I accomplish this?

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General :: Root File System More Users With Different Access Before Mounting?

May 11, 2011

I need to customize linux kernel root file system for embedded linux system. During compile time, for root file system I am able to create different user/group ex: "gnumuzic/Muzic". But I want to give access to group "Muzic" to some folders like /dev/nexig during compile time.

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Server :: File Access Permissions - Working With Groups And Users?

Sep 15, 2009

Having set up many windows servers with complex permissions on shared folders, I now have to do the same in Linux (and I'm such a noob to Linux) I understand that each file/folder is assigned a user + group, and that the rights can be set for the user, the group and global (aka everybody else) My challenge is this, inside my shared folder there is a folder that should be RW to some users, READ ONLY to others, and not accessible at all to the rest of the users. (lets call the folder MyFolder ) All 3 groups have more than 1 user, so they have to be groups (right?) How would this model work in Linux ? If there is no other way, I guess I can nest the MyFolder in a folder that has permissions to allow all users that may access MyFolder, and block the rest, then on MyFolder, set owner group the RW users, and set global to READ ONLY.

Ps : The server I'm setting up runs Debian Lenny, files will be accessed from windows workstations using samba.

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Server :: Import Redhat Users To ClearOS Using CSV File Format?

Jan 31, 2010

I have installed and configured a new ClearOS enterprise 5 and it is up and running. I need a way to import my old redhat mail users to ClearOS. Please any one help with idea to accomplish this task.

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