Ubuntu :: Running Program As A Daemon?

Apr 10, 2011

i am trying to daemonize my (java) program on ubuntu. For that end i created a script based on /etc/init.d/skeleton script which obviously uses start-stop-daemon.

But I cannot make the process (java program) run on the background. it keeps running in the same terminal i start my daemon script. Trying --background option for start-stop-daemon does not help.

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Ubuntu :: Get The Daemon Running From Terminal But Nothing Is Configured?

Jan 18, 2010

Still trying to get my openVPN running.I can get the daemon running from terminal but nothing is configured. I copied my config file over from Windoze partition. My openVPN works flawlessly on both my windoze boxes.

Following this but came to another dead end when Im instructed to: Next, edit /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/vars adjusting the following to your environment:

export KEY_CITY="Winston-Salem"
export KEY_ORG="Example Company"
export KEY_EMAIL="steve@example.com"

I cant edit that,I tried but its a 'read only'. Are these instructions designed for long time users?

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Ubuntu :: Remote Control Daemon Not Running

Feb 15, 2010

I am trying to use my Apple Remote Controller that came with my iMac 4.1. I did some research and on the Ubuntu site it said that its possible with a application called Infrared Remote Controller. It detected from the hardrive which version I had etc but than a error message appeared on the bottom saying:

Warning: Remote control daemon not running.

How can I activate this? I included a screenshot!

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Programming :: No Output To Log File From Daemon Program?

Mar 18, 2011

I am learning Linux daemon programming and write a simple daemon program. The issue is no data is written to the log file (/var/tmp/simpledeamon.log) though the file is successfully created (it's file size is zero from ls -l output). Could someone kindly point out the error in my program,The code is based on the Devin Watson's article at Here is the code:

// simplydaemon.cpp
// A simple Linux daemon.
#include <sys/types.h>


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Ubuntu :: Cron Daemon Is Running But The Command Isn't Executing?

Mar 28, 2011

I was just curious if cron had to be enabled before use. i have a crontab, and the cron daemon is running, but the command isn't executing...

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Ubuntu Security :: Need Daemon Running Apache Server?

Apr 5, 2011

I'm trying to modify an existing user so that any files they create can be at least read (although writing and execution would be nice) by any other user. The reason is because I need the daemon running my Apache server to be able to access files created by a daemon running under this user, files which will be created and accessed in real-time.

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Ubuntu :: How To Stop Avahi-daemon From Running And Starting Up?

Mar 24, 2011

I am tring to stop avahi from starting and running at all.I use kill PID and killall avahi-daemon and it will not go away, it comes back with a new PID. Does anyone know a way of stopping it?

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Fedora :: Running Java App As Daemon

Aug 28, 2009

I'm new to Fedora and have just purchased a subscription to a GoDaddy Virtual Dedicated Server, which I'm able to control using SSH.I have a Java application that I want to run as a daemon on this VDS. Some google searching yielded a bunch of different methods of doing this, none of which I'm sure would be guaranteed to work with Fedora, so I was hoping someone here could give it to me straight and fill me in on the simplest way of doing this.What is the best/simplest way to run a Java application as a daemon on Fedora?

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Server :: How To Check Which FTP Daemon Is Running?

Apr 12, 2010

I Bought A New Centos VPS,Not Much Details Are Provided About Setup Etc..I Wanted To Check If FTP Service Is Running Or Not And Which FTP Daemon Is Running.(Is There Any FTP Daemon Pre-Installed With Centos)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Add A User,the Nessus Daemon Is Running On My Machine?

Nov 20, 2010

after some tweaking i managed to get nessus installed on my machine. However i'm running into an issue when trying to add a user.The nessus daemon is running on my machine, i've registered. I think everything is peachy in that regard, but when i run:

zachadmin@ubuntu:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/nessusd restart
$Shutting down Nessus : .
$Starting Nessus : .[code].....

Obviously the command not found is my error, from what i understand there isn't a default user placed in the first time.So essentially i have thie program installed, but i can't access it.

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Fedora :: Running XScreenSaver Daemon On Startup

Jan 23, 2010

I'm having some problems getting my screensaver to work automatically.If I start the screensaver config program then it gives me this message: "The XScreenSaver daemon doesn't seem to be running on display ":0.0". Launch it now?" If I click yes then my screensaver works exactly as expected.How can I get the XScreenSaver daemon to start automatically?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Running Java As Daemon / Service

Jul 7, 2010

I have a java program which I need to run as a service or daemon. What is the most stable method to do it? It will be heavy processing socket programming which will be continously receiving data?

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Programming :: Passing Commands To Running Daemon?

May 10, 2010

I am working on a daemon that I want to change some variables while its running. Is this possible?I want to implement a command line type interface for my daemon so I can send it commands that will change the current values of specific variables, and also be able tell the daemon to load/save a config file.The only thing I have found so far is passing arguments to a daemon, but that seems to be a one-time shot when your first starting it.

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Red Hat :: Talk Daemon Running But Not Accepting Connections

Mar 29, 2010

I have installed talk on centos, turned it on by editing xinetd.d/talk and setting disable=no.I have restarted xinetd (service xinetd restart) and verified that talk is configured to start (chkconfig --status-all).what am i missing? shouldn't either port 517 or 518 respond to telnet? what else can i do to get talk running?

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General :: Lampp Won't Start Apache 'another Web Server Daemon Running'

Mar 7, 2010

I installed LAMPP a couple of weeks ago and was working fine. Today when I try to start lampp, it will only start MySql and ProFTPD. It says "XAMPP: Another web server daemon is already running." How can I find out where this other server is located and stop it?

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General :: Why Does Running A Program In Bash Work, When Running It In The Menu Doesn't?

Jul 26, 2010

I presume there is something in the JWM window manager - or Puppy Linux Lupu 5.01 itself that is conflicting with the normal loading of GMPLAYER....

I would like to know how to troubleshoot, and fix this problem if possible (even a workaround would be great).

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Ubuntu Networking :: Setup A OpenVpn On 10.04 - Error "Stopping Virtual Private Network Daemon - No VPN Is Running"

Mar 15, 2011

I'm trying to setup a OpenVpn on my Ubuntu 10.04 and after doing the configs from here: [URL] I get an error:


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Ubuntu :: Program Is Running But Can't See It

Nov 4, 2010

I installed an RPG platform (Fantasy Grounds) on my system via Win7. Once installed, and known to be working, I logged off Win and back to Ubuntu and ran the program via Wine. Once it starts, I hear my PC rev up, see the system monitor crank up the CPU and see that "Fantasy Grounds" is running and using about 40% of my CPU usage... but I don't see it. There is no GUI, no nothing. I can end process and the CPU drops down to normal. Anyone have any idea as to why a program would be running, but I have no visible evidence that it is?

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Ubuntu :: Stop A Program From Running?

Jan 16, 2010

Here's the error message I get when trying to run Thunderbird 3.Thunderbird is already running, but is not responding. To open a new window, you must first close the existing Thunderbird process, or restart your system.I can't find it running anywhere.

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 - How To Know If Cron Running Program

Mar 25, 2010

I seem to be having a problem with cron. I have a python program that checks a specific directory for pending email scripts written in python.

import os
emaildir = os.environ['HOME']+"/email/"
filelist = os.listdir(emaildir)
for pyfile in filelist:
if pyfile.find(".py") > -1:

This code has been tested and works fine. The problem is that I need cron to run this code every 5 minutes but i can't tell if it is running: Here is my cron code:
5 * * * * /home/username/custom/CheckEmail.py >>/home/username/custom/email.log 2>&1

I activated the log (I think) but all i get is /var/log/cron.log and that only logs when I activate/deactivate or edit the cron file. is there anything else i need to set for this to work? I am running Ubuntu 9.10.

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Ubuntu :: Running A Program As Admin?

Jul 15, 2010

I downloaded The Witcher for windows from Wine and I'm trying to run it but it says I have to run it as the admin the first time the game is ran. I don't know how to run it as admin lol. I've only been using ubuntu for about a week now. If you can let me know how to do it from the terminal AND from shortcuts, that would be great because I'm trying to know what all I can do with ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Script Can Tell If A Program Is Running?

Jan 14, 2011

Is there a file that can be opened and a program name searched for? If it is there, the program is running, else it is not.

Something like that?

I have a program that stops periodically. If I could run a script every 30 minutes or so to check the hypothetical file, it could re-start the program if the program had stopped running.

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Ubuntu :: Running Program With Mono?

Feb 20, 2011

I want to use a program, that runs windows and "linux with mono". I run Kubuntu 10.10.


koen@Koen-Kubuntu:~/Documents/Software/SuperOneClick_1_6_5$ mono SuperOneClick.exe
** (SuperOneClick.exe:4191): WARNING **: The following assembly referenced from /home/koen/Documents/Software/SuperOneClick_1_6_5/SuperOneClick.exe could not be loaded:


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Ubuntu :: Running A Program After Boot?

Aug 9, 2011

I am using a small ubuntu command-line only distro (Ubuntu Mini Remix) to run off of a LiveCD or USB stick. I need it to run a program as root as soon as it is finished booting, automatically. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to make it run my program. I have tried putting a script into rc2.d (when I type runlevel at the command line, it tells me it is level 2) that simply contained:


(qct is the name of my program)

I did the chmod u+x on the script. It does not run my program, though. I have no idea if it was a naming issue or not. I do not understand the naming scheme.When it boots, and doesn't run my program, I can type sudo qct at the command prompt and it runs fine.

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Ubuntu :: Running A Program Using WINE?

Feb 6, 2010

I've downloaded and installed WINE, works well with most windows programs I run. I recently downloaded a program called METT (micro expression training tool), and apparently it needs a disc to be ran. Well, I installed KISO and mounted the image there, but I still can't get it to run.

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Ubuntu :: Running Script On Program Close

Mar 8, 2010

I'm trying to make a script that will copy over the settings file for firefox everytime firefox is closed. What would be the best way to go about doing this.

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Ubuntu :: Timing How Long A Program Is Running

Apr 19, 2010

I'm looking for a way to time how long a program runs in the terminal. I didn't have any luck searching around but I'm sure it's possible. Does anyone know of the easiest way to do this?

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Ubuntu :: Microphone Only Works When 1 Program Is Running

May 31, 2010

I am a new ubuntu user but I used linux mint before ubuntu and I had the same problem there. My microphone only works when 1 program is running, but if I load a game or something my microphone stops working.

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Ubuntu :: Running A Program Which Uses Make.sh File?

Sep 17, 2010

I amtrying to install a program and at the point when I am required to execute the command "make clean" and then after "make all" , I obtain the following eror message:

ndoheric@nen-laptop:/opt/WAVEFORPGM/distribute$ make clean
cd ./MyTime; make clean
make[1]: Entering directory `/opt/WAVEFORPGM/distribute/MyTime'


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Ubuntu :: Identify Libraries Used By A Running Program?

Dec 9, 2010

I'm using the FortiClient SSL VPN free version provided by my University. I can't get tech support from the university OR Fortigate. I have it running on one system, but I have no idea what the sequence of libraries I installed was. I need it to run on a second machine. pstree is only telling me that the FortiClient ssl daemon depends on pppd. I need to know how to find out what else it's using: LibPKCS and the like.

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