Ubuntu :: Run Executables On Netbook?

Jul 12, 2011

i am trying to run an executable file called "q" with ./q but it says

@ubuntu:~/q/l32$ ./q
bash: ./q: No such file or directory what am i doing wrong?

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Ubuntu :: How To Turn Off Executables

Jul 28, 2010

When I mistype a name of an executable program in terminal, ubuntu tries to search for similar programs in packages and then suggests names. This takes time, slowing down work and entirely useless for me. How to turn this feature off?

I personally can't even find a reason for implementing this feature and rather making it turned on by default. If someone needs a tool, he/she can search through packages.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Find Executables With 'which'?

May 13, 2009

I have a 'bin' directory in my home that contains executables. For example: scandirs.sh.It's in my PATH, so I can just type 'scan{tab}{tab} to run it. But 'which scandirs.sh' returns nothing.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Run Executables After Compilation ?

Jun 12, 2010

I'm wondering why in order to run executables after compilation i have to type >"./executableName" I want it to type it just like >"executableName" (with no "./")

I don't know if this matters but I'm using tcsh for my shell...

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Ubuntu :: How To Find Location Of Executables

Feb 23, 2011

I just installed the xubuntu-desktop package on my netbook (running UNR), and I've got one major complaint about xfce.

I can't right-click on icons in the Applications menu and add them to the launcher!Instead I have to know the location of the executable for the application, so that I can right-click the panel, add a launcher, and then type the location of the executable in and manually select an icon for it...Of course it probably wouldn't be a pain if I could find everything. In Windows, if I want to know the location of a program that's running, I just open Task Manager, right-click the application, and select Properties.

Is there some equivalent or command-line way of finding the location of a running application in Linux?

A few I'd like to know the location of are:
1) Gnome System Monitor
2) Terminal
3) Swiftfox
... and I'll probably think of others.

Even though I'm using XFCE, I figured this fell under the "all variants" category since my main question is just how to find the locations of executables...

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Ubuntu :: Running Executables From The Terminal ?

Jun 26, 2011

I'm trying to run flasm from the terminal prompt but I don't really know what I'm doing.

It may be an incompatible program for all I know but as I don't know how to run any .exe from the Terminal I have no way of knowing.

I've tried entering the directory, as in:


But it say's the directory doesn't exist. But it does...


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Ubuntu :: Install Executables In Bin Folder

Jun 19, 2011

I want to install an executeable and I am not sure how to do this. My intuition was to copy the executeable in the /usr/bin folder, but when I call it now, it says permission denied (and obviously I don't want to call the program with sudo every time).

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General :: Run 64-bit Executables On A 32-bit?

Feb 22, 2010

run 64-bit executables on a 32-bit?If yes, how?

OS: 32-bit Red Hat Enterprise Linux Client release 5.4 (Tikanga)

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Ubuntu :: Opening Windows Executables In Wine ?

Jul 29, 2011

Have installed Wine - version 1.2.3-Oubuntu1-ppa2-maverick1(wine1.2) from the Ubuntu softwear center . Downloaded windows executable PAF5EnglishSetup.exe which is a Genealogy softwear program from a trusted source (familysearch.org) .

However , when i attempt to open with Wine Windows Program Loader i get the pop up window saying the file is not marked as executable then reference to "executable bit" . I then see the following:

"You should only mark a file as executable via the file permissions if you know what you are doing." I do not know what i am doing . Therefore , reluctant to go messing with something i am not familiar with but i really need this softwear installed .

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Ubuntu :: Installing 10.10 Netbook Remix Edition Onto A Acer Aspire One Netbook?

Jan 18, 2011

I am having trouble installing Ubuntu 10.10 netbook remix edition onto a Acer Aspire one netbook. I am attempting to install the OS from a 16GB PNY usb drive w/ the usb-universal installer and ubuntu 10.10 netbook remix .ISO

The reoccurring problem that I am encountering is that when I boot from the USB-drive and begin to install everything seems to be working, and then it is stuck at the menu where it asks who are you?; and of course i have filled in everything asked and at the bottom where you can look at what its doing in the terminal/detail section all it says is ready when you are, and the forward tap is unselectable.

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General :: Resolution Overclocking Using Ubuntu Netbook Remix 10.04 On An Asus Eee 4G Netbook

Aug 30, 2010

Why i cant change from 800x480 to 1024x600, that this model of EEE pc doesnt support anything higher than 800x480 at the 10:1 ratio...

Firstly my question is, is it ACTUALLY possible to 'overclock' this type of netbook to run a higher res?

Im running ubtuntu netbook remix 10.04 and am new to linux (again, so sorry) so be nice, and ive tried getting my head around this 'sudo' stuff, and the xorg.conf file (which is nowhere to be found) and ive even tried a program calld astray but im pretty sure ive exhausted my patience as trying to self-teach . . .

And ive also tried to much around with xrandr or whatever that command was.. but i cant really get my head around it, and it kept telling me the resolution didnt exist ect...

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Ubuntu :: Can't Remove Plams-netbook From Kubuntu Netbook Remix 9.10?

Mar 7, 2010

For the past 2hrs I have been struggling to make KDE launch plasma-dekstop instead of plasma-netbook, but all in vain.I removed, then purged plasma-netbook and plasma-netbook-default-settings packages but after logging out and re-logging in the Netbook UI was back! After restarting the system now I can't even seem to get the KDM. I am greeted with a black screen.--- I restarted the system again and the nasty little bugger is back again! This is so frustrating. How do I get plasma-desktop to load instead?---- Great now I can see that plasma-desktop and plasma-netbook both are running simultaneously! netbook on top of desktop. So my final Q is how do I stop plasma-netbook from loading?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Switching From Kubuntu Netbook To Netbook Remix?

Mar 20, 2010

i would like to change my OS to Ubuntu netbook remix, but I already have installed Kubuntu netbook package.

Is there any easy way to make switch from Kubuntu to Ubuntu? Without need to delete all my data?

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Fedora :: C Compiler Can Not Create Executables ?

Jan 6, 2010

I am trying to compile wine from source.

When I run:


I get this output:


I need gcc and g++ installed; I installed both of these through yum.

I have looked through config.log, however I do not know what to look for in there for something that might be the problem.

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Fedora :: Wine - Can't Open Executables In The GUI

Jun 10, 2010

I have been trying to get Wine to work in Fedora and have had nothing but problems. First of all, I can't open executables in the GUI. If I try, I get a message that says, "The program start.exe has encountered a serious problem and needs to close."

I can open .exe's in the terminal, but when I tried to install iTunes it wasn't able to complete the installation. I got an error message from SELinux that said something about a memory error, and then it asked me if I wanted to turn off some sort of memory management setting. I said yes and it asked me for my password, which I gave, and then it said "unable to grant access". It no longer gives me this error message (that's why I can't recall what it said verbatim), and instead just hangs at the point where I got the error message before. I've tried using Wine in Ubuntu before and could never get anything working in a half-decent way, so this isn't a big surprise.

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General :: Call Other Executables From Cpp Code?

Jan 18, 2010

I want to launch other executable from my cpp code. I am aware that system() call may do this , But, problem is that , I want my cpp code to capture the standard hat "called" program is writing to stdout.

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Software :: Subversion: How To Checkin Executables

Jun 22, 2010

I have C/C++ source codes and the corresponding binaries in proj/src and proj/bin.I have `import`ed both directories into my svn project and then `checkout`ed both. Later I made changes to the source code and hence new executables, but I'm not able to `checkin` the executables back to the svn project.`svn status` ignores the executables in the proj/bin directory. What should I do to `checkin` executables?

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Programming :: Subversion: How To Checkin Executables

Jun 22, 2010

(cross-posted in LQ>Forums>Linux>Software)I have Subversion 1.6.6 on Linux.I have C/C++ source codes and the corresponding binaries in proj/src and proj/bin.I have `import`ed both directories into my svn project and then `checkout`ed both. Later I made changes to the source code and hence new executables, but I'm not able to `checkin` the executables back to the svn project.`svn status` ignores the executables in the proj/bin directory. What should I do to `checkin` executables?

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Slackware :: C Compiler Not Being Able To Create Executables?

Apr 14, 2010

I was trying to compile xbmc today, and got the error about the c compiler not being able to create executables. I did a search on the forum, and found something from 2004.None of the suggestions there worked for me. I can compile libraries, because I did a few for dependencies. The last thing I compiled with an executable was BloodFrontier, and it works perfectly.

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Slackware :: C Compiler Cannot Create Executables?

Jan 7, 2011

earlier this morning, i compiled Qtcurve with no issues. but now, when i try to compile Avant Window Navigator, i get a strange error. everything begins to compile, it checks dependencies, begins compiling, and then i get this error:

checking for C compiler default output file name...
configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables


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Ubuntu Installation :: ASUS Netbook Heating Up When Using Netbook 10.04

Apr 30, 2010

I installed Ubuntu Netbook 10.04 and immediately noticed the keyboard of my eeepc 1000HE was abnormally warm. Since I dual boot XP I booted to XP and found the fan running faster to compensate for the previous heat. This did not happen on Ubuntu-the fan just was barely running. I had to place the side of the netbook in order to feel the fan running. I issued "sensors" in terminal and it showed 67 degrees C for the cpu temp. Is the latest Ubuntu such a resource hug that it heats up the CPU?

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General :: Bash 'can't Find' Binary Executables

Apr 16, 2009

I am working on a custom hand-held device which runs a variant of Ubuntu Linux, 2.6.18. I have a set of 4 binary files (for oprofile) which have been known to run in this environment, but when I copy them to /usr/bin, I can't run them: I get this message;root@ldogberry:/usr/bin# ./ophelp-sh: ./ophelp: not foundThis happens when I specify the full path, when I run from the /usr/bin directory -- it happens no matter what. Bash even does command-line completion on the file -- and then turns around and instantly claims the file is not found.

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OpenSUSE :: Executables Try To Install Thunderball Game?

May 10, 2011

After getting 11.4 up and running, I wanted to install some of the programmes I use.when ever I click on the executable file it tries to down load the thunderball game, and when i try Code:./setup it denies permission even as su.this happens on two different applications i am trying to install. (only two i have tried)

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General :: Excluding Executables In A Sub-directory From Tar Backups?

Jul 29, 2010

Just trying to set up a new backup using tar, but there are a few things I dont want to include. Using --exclude I can exclude sub-directories, but how do I exclude specific files in a subdirectory that are (for instance) executables or have a specific extension?

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General :: Cant Find Executables To Update Paths?

Nov 24, 2010

How do I find paths on ubuntu. I have installed redcar(ide written in ruby similar to textmate) and rvm for ruby. However I cannot locate where the executables are to update my .bashrc.

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CentOS 5 :: Fortran 77 Compiler Cannot Create Executables

Sep 16, 2010

When I tried to install a software, quantum-espresso [URL], I failed to install "espresso-4.2.1.tar.gz"and got a message as the following:

[espresso-4.2.1]$ ./configure
checking build system type... x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
checking architecture... x86_64
checking for ifort... ifort


My server is Dell PowderEdge SC1430 (intel CPU) where CentOS 5 and ifort11.0 are installed.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Open Executables With WINE Program Loader Since Upgrade

May 11, 2011

Since ugprading today to a fresh install of Xubuntu 11.04 I am unable to open .exe's through Thunar my file manager with 'WINE Program Loader'

Wine 1.2.2.

When I try to i receive the error:


The file '/media/DUMP/Downloads/anything.exe' is not marked as executable. If this was downloaded or copied from an untrusted source, it may be dangerous to run. For more details, read about the executable bit.

When I check the permissions tab of properties there is no option to make it executable as per screenshot.

Also using chmod +x doesn't change anything but I am able to open .exe using WINE in the terminal but I would rather I did not have to do this every time I use WINE.

I have no intention of using mIRC, it was just a small windows installer I downloaded for testing.

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General :: Using A Netbook Nb305 Toshiba With A Intel Atom Processor With Netbook Os?

Oct 28, 2010

my play on linux wont work i go to download a game and it just freezes then it asks me to force quit or wait is because of the computer im using a netbook nb305 toshiba with a intel atom processor with ubuntu netbook os?

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Software :: Compile Error With Ntfs-3g - C Compiler Cannot Create Executables

Jun 10, 2010

I'm trying to do a ./configure on ntfs-3g, and I get this error that says "error: C compiler cannot create executables." I have gcc, g++ and everything installed, but I don't have build-essential. It's an offline server so I can't use apt-get to install it. I also can't find an RPM for CentOS. Is that what I need to resolve this? Or is this error caused by something else?

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Software :: Configure Error - Compiler Cannot Create Working Executables

Dec 9, 2010

I'm trying to compile a program on Cygwin and it seems like as soon as I solve one problem, another pops up. This time, trying to run configure gets me an error message.

The relevant part of my config.log is included below:

I installed Cygwin with everything that was in the Devel folder, just to be on the safe side.

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