Ubuntu :: Reset Xubuntu 11.04 To Its Default Theme ?
Aug 7, 2011
I customized the appearance of my Xubuntu and now I would like to go back to it's default theme. The problem is that I don't know how. I've switched to greybird but it seems that it's not enough.
I currently have a problem where when xubuntu is restarted using the power button, it will prompt the user with grub asking which selection to boot (xubuntu recovery or xubuntu) this feature itself is fine, but for some reason there is no timer, which means that unless you hit enter, it will always be stuck on the GRUB selection screen. I am wondering if there is any way to change this, is there anyway to enter a timer into the system so no matter what, after x seconds it will boot xubuntu?
I was ubuntu 10.10 user and i installed macubuntu theme there but recently i upgraded my ubuntu to 11.04 and now the macubuntu theme is still exist. But i don want to make it avail anymore. how can i remove the theme from ubuntu 11.04 to use default theme of 11.04?
accidently deleated ubuntu lucid default theme,and lost the default user logon,it's now flat and gray.how to get it back?i still have the background, not the user logon
I experience the following issue with Ubuntu 10.10 x86_64, kernel 2.6.32-25-generic: When I login after having logged out, the theme is reset from Radiance to a quite coarse one withs grey folders and very basic icons. System|Preferences|Appearance->Theme tab just considers it Custom. No change to window borders, and trying to change the theme just affects the borders. Does not happen on a Ubuntu 10.10 32 bits installation.
I recently installed the new 11.04 release and was messing around with the Compiz settings on Ubuntu Classic. I tried logging on to regular Ubuntu and everything crashed. When I start up there is no log in screen, only text shows. (I enter my log in information then type 'startx' in the terminal to show my desktop.)
The desktop shows a messed up version of my custom configuration with Cairo-Dock all weird and everything in the wrong place. Also my custom start-up screen that I installed is distorted, and the GRUB screen shows up in purple.
If there was a way to reset Ubuntu 11.04 to the default settings? I tried typing 'unity --reset' in the terminal but it gets stuck at the line 'Setting Update "fullscreen_visual_bell"'.
I've been looking at possible options - I might install new from the CD if I have to. But before I do that, I'm wondering if there's anything I can do to restore the system to the way it would have been if I'd actually done a clean install - but to leave /home intact and perhaps the application also. (I haven't installed that many). I'm running 9.10, upgraded from 8.04>8.10>9.04 - it's working but There are some issues I can't seem to resolve such as stuttering audio.
When I ran 8.04, force check would be run every 23 boots. The ESCAPE key allowed me to skip it that boot and it would again start force check at the next boot. In 10.04, it gave me an option to use the C key to cancel, but it does not attempt force check at subsequent boots. It does not seem to do an automatic check any more.
How can I restore the original 10.04 setting? Or better yet, get it to perform as it did in 8.04
I do a lot of torrenting on my xubuntu box, and ever since my introduction to computers, I have become attracted to the command-line way of doing things. My default editor is vi, my default torrent programme is rtorrent, my default gopher client is lynx... you get the idea. My web browsing, and sometimes also my file browsing, however, is always in graphical mode.
As you know, downloading a torrent involves downloading a small file with the extension .torrent. When I clicked on this .torrent file, although I have rtorrent installed, Transmission showed up. Not to insult the Transmission guys, but compared to an ncurses-based torrent client, Transmission is just too bloated. Anyhow, I right-clicked on the file, Open With Other Application, etc.
Into the box that showed up, I typed /usr/bin/rtorrent (the path to my favourite torrent client), and clicked OK. I double-clicked on the torrent file again, and nothing. Transmission didn't show up, but neither did my terminal client. I'm sick of having to go to the Applications menu and firing up the Terminal to torrent a file. I'd like to have the Terminal open up with rtorrent as soon as I double click the file.
I was using Xubuntu 9.04 and recently installed 10.04. I have separate / - 20 GB, swap - 1GB and /home - 80GB partitions. I had formatted only the / partition and installed 10.04. I have copied users information from 9.04 to 10.04. I can log into newly installed 10.04 system. But the desktop menus and appearance is that of 9.04. I would like to change it to default 10.04 desktop menus and appearances. I have used command rm -rf .gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gconfd .metacity and re logged into my system. But still the desktop menus and appearance didn't change. How can I restore 10.04 xubuntu default desktop menus and appearance settings?
I managed to install the ubuntu One app on my desktop machine and it was working really well, but then it stopped working, when I forgot my password to the default keyring. How do I go about resetting the password to my keyring? Is this possible?
Ive been googling for an hour, trying to remove everything named mplayer manually, but with no result. How on earth do i reset mplayer settings the default settings, or how to i remove it completley from my harddrive?
I was messing around with Ubuntu trying to make somethings work. Then i rebooted ,and I wasn't able to turn on Visual Effects. So I'm guessing that I must have replaced my video card driver with a non-compatible one or just removed it without knowing. So I was wondering "How Can I Switch Back To The Video Card Driver Ubuntu Came With?" Without reinstalling Ubuntu? Since I was able to at least switch on Visual Effects with it.
I accidentally deleted my /etc/fonts/font-config file and now my fonts are all terribly out of whack in several applications including Synaptic, Chromium, Firefox, etc. How do I reset my fonts back to the Lucid Lynx default?
I seem to have somehow mangled my my Ethernet and wireless's connection to the outside world on my Ubuntu 10.04.1 machine. I was trying to get a static local IP, and that worked great for a few days, until I lost all Internet access completely. However, I can connect to my router on my wired connection - but not the wireless.
You can see what I did here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1600784
Now, I just want everything to work as it did when I installed Ubuntu 2 months ago. How can I reset Network manager back so that it just works? I realise that don't need a static IP, it can only be 2 IPs, as I have 2 PCs only.
Or is there some better way to manage my networks? I'm not the best when it comes to those.
Is there a GUI that will allow me to set a default file manager for Xubuntu? I would like to use the Nautilus File manager. Right now I access Nautilus from a launcher I have on my Panel. I would like to have the ability to switch file managers, set defaults etc...
my question is simple and yet in true linux fashion the answer eludes my best google searches.
i accidentally removed my taskbar from the bottom of my Fedora 11 KDE desktop. after messing around with it i was able to get a working panel using the add panel feature, but i dont like it.
how do i restore my KDE desktop to the Leonidas default that it installs with?
1. I have messed up KDE desktop on SUSE 11.2. I have installed Gnome and XFce desktops. I can happily work in Xfce (best on my old machine) or Gnome.
2. However...I want to re-set KDE to original with desktop folder and bottom bar. How to do it?
3. KDE works ok, Full desktop files downloaded. it is just a messed up desktop no desktop folder no bottom bar. A widgit of a bar to log out and get menu has been set up to work in KDE.?
The other day I was using BitTornado and it was running so slow it was almost unholy. After some research I found out that if the yellow light was on it means I couldn't receive any incoming connections and had to open some ports on the firewall. That, my friends, is not the problem. I tried to manually open up the bittorrent port and did some other things that I can't quite remember but eventually I accidentally killed all bittorrent functionality on my laptop.
Is there any way I can reset my network and ports back to the default settings or am I utterly screwed? I'd really prefer not to have to reinstall my whole OS just to fix my bittorrent or worse, have to download on Vista *shudders*. I'd rather go back to my uber-slow bittorrent than none at all. I've tried everything I can think of, even the godlike might of Google couldn't get me out of this one. Now I am forced to bother you, all because I wanted to see a damn sci-fi film from Switzerland (Cargo[2009]).
how secure a default install of Xubuntu desktop 10.04 is when connected to the internet with a routable, public ip address. If anyone can give some recommendations on any changes/additions they would make to improve security
I installed opensuse yesterday, but I don't remember the keyring password, and even if I know the WEP key by heart, it's boring to retype it. How can I reset the default password? I tried Keyring menu, dell all keyrings and created a new call "default", but it stills asking me the password, that is different that the new.
Is there any way to return default theme, in 9.10? because i have installed full mac theme and i really messed everything up, but now i'm bored, so is there any way restore everything easy?
I upgraded from 8.4 all the way through to 10.04. I want the default 10.04 theme and it's settings (the dark one). Cant find the actual one in my themes folder. Whats teh name of it, or is there a way to just choose default for all?
My default Ubuntu theme (and all the other smooth and new looking ones that ive tried) crash one or two minutes after logging in. My computer is up to date! The theme it gets set to is older and boxy looking. The question is, then, how do I get the default Ubuntu Theme to work when it crashes shortly after logging in?