Ubuntu :: Recovering Files From Unbootable Partition?

May 2, 2010

After realizing 10.04 Final doesn't support Intel 855 graphics card the hard way (upgrading to 10.04 from 9.10), I did some very silly things and now cannot even choose past kernals or go into failsafe graphics mode (which had worked prior to this).Long story short I screwed up GRUB. Because I am an amateur end user.I still have the 10.04 live cd. Can I reinstall this to put GRUB back to the original state?

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Ubuntu :: Recovering Files From NTFS Partition?

Apr 17, 2010

By mistake i have deleted few files from my NTFS partition,is it possible to recover all those files..?

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General :: Recovering Files From A Failed Ext4 Partition Resize?

May 6, 2011

I didn't know a resize operation on a 750 GB disk was going to take 40+ hours, and I was biting my nails the whole time, until the power went out when "only" 8 hours where left.I can still mount the partition, and many of the files are still there, but some files show as '? ? ? ? ? filename.ext' with ls -l.If I try to go inside such a directory: Input/output error.

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Ubuntu :: Transfer Files From Unbootable Vista?

Jan 2, 2010

im trying to get the files off of my unbootable laptop with ubuntu live cd. The problem i have is that i get into ubuntu then go to the computer option but i dont see the C: drive where my files are stored. How can i make it so i can see the hard drive in the laptop so i can copy my files to an external hard drive?

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Ubuntu :: "boot Sector Signature Not Found (unbootable Disk/partition)"

Jan 3, 2011

I recently installed meego on an asus eee pc, neat l ittle os. i had originally had grub set up booting into ubuntu netbook remix. win xp and the system restore partition. when i installed meego i was allowed to select what i wanted as far as boot options in the new boot loader (extlinux). windows and meego boot just fine but when i try to get into my already configured and homey install of ubuntu nbr it gives an error of

"boot sector signature not found (unbootable disk/partition)"

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Ubuntu :: Recovering Windows 7 From The Partition

May 1, 2010

I have a 64-bit HP G60 Notebook and I installed Ubuntu 10 The problem is that if i want to recover Windows 7 from the Partition I can i pressed Esc and selected Recovery but it said wrong filesystem then when booting Ubuntu i wend down to Windows Vista Loader and it opened HP Recovery but said there was a problem. I want to get Windows 7 back with all HP Factory software installed

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Ubuntu :: Recovering Data From A Formatted Partition?

Dec 19, 2010

I just installed kubuntu 10.10, replacing an older installation. I have three hard drives one of which had all of the data I wanted to save, about 500gb. I repartitioned and formatted the other two drives and made sure that the data drive would be mounted but not formatted. When I booted into my new installation, the data drive was blank. I'm not sure if it's relevant, but I had just upgraded the file system from ext2 to ext4 before starting the installation.

I've been trying to recover my lost partition with testdisk. The website has instructions for recovering a formatted partition. It looks like it's working until the instructions tell me to choose Boot and RebuildBS, which I don't see as options. Can anyone give me any advice on how to recover? How did this even happen? Has anyone had a similar issue with installation?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Recovering Windows Vista Partition

May 26, 2011

I recently accidentally corrupted my windows vista partition whilst trying to extend it via gparted under ubuntu 11.04 and then cancelling it shortly after starting. Resulting in me being unable to boot into vista (I don't have another copy of any windows OS so I'd really like not to have trashed this one )

Looking on gparted now my partition is Fat32(?) and apparently only has 36mb used =/

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Ubuntu :: Recovering Encrypted Data From Corrupted Partition

Jul 20, 2011

I recently suffered a hard disk failure, meaning I had to replace the faulty device. After attempting to mount the old faulty hard drive using and external caddy, I got the following message... Unable to mount 144 GB Filesystem Error mounting: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb5, missing codepage or helper program, or other error In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail or so

I'd like to attempt to recover what I can from my /home directory but unfortunately I use encryption (although I do actually know my pass phrase). What procedures and software can I use to try and recover data from this drive?

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Fedora :: Recovering An Encrypted Partition?

Apr 8, 2010

I have been using fedora 12 for last 6 months, recently I bought an external USB hard drive of 320 GB capacity. I made 2 partitions using the Disk Utility in Fedora. I encrypted the first partition as it was supposed to hold a lot of sensitive data, and yes it did have. Now I had to change my OS to AV linux for some audio-video editing work which wasnt being done properly on fedora due to some issue beyond my knowledge. now the problem is my encrypted partition is not accessible in my new installation. I see an empty space on my /dev/sda1. although no change to partition data has been done and the data on the second partition /dev/sda2 is easily accessible. when putting the drive on automount, is does not ask me for the password and neither does it show me the data. I have tried fdisk and sme other utilities but have failed to get my drive unencrypted.

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Ubuntu Security :: Recovering Data From Corrupt Encrypted Partition

Feb 25, 2010

I have recently recovered from an HDD failure on my Drobo. One of the disks died and corrupted the entire array (which is not supposed to happen). I have since managed to copy the data off onto smaller disks and after replacing the failed drive, have copied everything back.

Now that im up and running again, i was wondering how this situation would play out on encrypted disks, or in the case of a drobo a large encrypted partition (as you cannot encrypt the entire array).

Would i still be able to recover the data if i were to encrypt it? It is a 4.2TB array, and i assume that I would need to copy the data in its entirety to recover it, so using multiple smaller disks would be out of the question right?

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Ubuntu Security :: Recovering Ecryptfs Partition From RAID Arrary ?

Jun 3, 2010

After a disastrous upgrade to 10.04 I am at my wits end trying to recover my /home partition from my unbootable system. The /home partition is part of a RAID5 array across 4 disks and I've been trying to use some disk imaging tools from Ultimate Boot CD to recover it with, but none of the utilities seem to recognize or will let me work with my multi-disk device.

Currently I've been booting up with a Live CD in attempts to mount the encrypted partition then copy all the files to an external device I bought, but the mounting process has presented me with some problems. The partition in encrypted with ecryptfs and I have both the disk's passphrase as well as an FNEK signature to work with. Attempting the following:


Another small issue is the cipher I used. I don't remember which kind of encryption the disk is encrypted with (80% sure it's aes though). I assume figuring out which cipher I used will be more like a guessing game through the ecryptfs mount prompt, but I'm wondering if this would affect the error message I get.

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Debian :: Recovering Data From Deleted Partition

May 16, 2010

I was trying to delete a logical drive in windows xp and the damn disk management tool in windows not only deleted my other windows partition but also my linux /data ext3 partition. Now I have a unallocated space in place of these partitions. The data is still there but the entries in the partition table have been removed. So how do I recover my partition. I was trying to use the following tutorial. [URK]

I used the sudo parted /dev/sda -- and then rescue START END command and could get back the /data partition. But it gives me the following error while mounting the partition. mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda7, missing codepage or helper program or other error. In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail or so.

What does this mean. How to I fix this? Also when I try to recover my windows partition using parted it scans for a while and then does nothing. It doesnot ask for writing the lost partition in the partition table. What do I do?

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Installation :: Utility For Recovering Partition Table - Testdisk?

Oct 8, 2010

I had a tri boot of Win 7 /XP and Mint...I was using EasyBCD 2.0 as a boot manager...I booted Mint by configuring the NeoGrub option in Easy BCD..I wanted to uninstall Win 7 and so what I did was the following

1. Edited BCD bootloader settings ...Marked XP as my default and deleted Win 7 entry...

2. Logged out and wiped my Win 7 partition

With my fingers crossed , i rebooted but Easy BCD booted flawlessly with 2 choices XP and Mint(GRUB)...As Easy BCD is not meant for XP, I thought of restoring original NTLDR of XP so that things would be in place and thinking that this cud avoid problems of detection by other Linux OS I deleted manually the Easy BCD menu.lst file and NeoGrub.mbr in my root...That was it , after I rebooted, I got boot screen of EasyBCD but whichever option I select,I got an error message that address not Valid-NTLDR not found or something like that I booted my XP live CD and like many times before ran

3.bootcfg /rebuild

After that , now when I reboot , I am getting "Invalid Partition Table" On booting from a linux CD , I can see the files are in place..I have to get boot sector and partition table fixed...

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Hardware :: Recovering Ext3 Partition After Unsuccessful Resizing?

May 8, 2010

I've tried to resize my home partition using parted. Prior to it I had removed ext3 flags following some advices found on net. Resizing failed and I ended up with filesystem bigger than partition. Then I managed to enlarge the partition using fdisk but it didn't help. When I run fsck on it it prints:

fsck from util-linux-ng 2.16.2
e2fsck 1.41.9 (22-Aug-2009)


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Hardware :: Recovering Partition Table Using TestDisk And Sfdisk?

Jul 16, 2010

Something bad happened to my partition table,so right now I'm working from a Live CD. My partition table is completely screwed, although the data on the lost partitions hasn't been overwritten. I've been messing around with TestDisk for about an hour, but I still didn't figure out how to fix my problem. Before the crash, I had 5 partitions:

ext4 - 20GB

and here comes the extended partition:

linux swap - 8 GB
NTFS - 400GB

TestDisk can see all those five partitions. I can mark swap as Logical, but I can't do so with the 400GB NTFS partition - there is just no selection. Turning on "expert mode" didn't help. I have read about using sfdisk to fix partition table, but I don't think I'm able to do it by myself.

Here's how it looks in TestDisk:


Disk /dev/sda - 500 GB / 465 GiB - CHS 60802 255 63
Partition Start End Size in sectors
D HPFS - NTFS 0 1 1 3915 254 63 62910477
D HPFS - NTFS 3916 0 1 4959 254 63 16771860 [Windows XP]


I've filled sizes according to TestDisk's findings. First 3 partitions were OK, the problem lies in the extended partition holding 2 logical ones. By the way, TestDisk is able to enter the 400gb partition and see the files.

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Software :: Recovering Data From A Hard Drive With LVM A Partition?

Jan 18, 2010

I have an external USB hard drive that I need to recover some data from, but I see from fdisk -l that the partition uses LVM:


[root@localhost ~]# fdisk -l /dev/sdd
Disk /dev/sdd: 160.0 GB, 160041885696 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 19457 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes


I've followed various lvm tutorials all of which describe setting up lvm from fresh on empty disks. Unfortunately non mention how to 'install' new a drive that was previously set up with lvm. I have had a go anyway and may have now lost my data. Here's what I've ended up with (the partition in question is sdd1):


[root@localhost ~]# pvdisplay
--- Physical volume ---
PV Name /dev/sdd1
VG Name vg02


I've tried mounting with other fstypes, but all give the same error.

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Ubuntu :: Recovering Files From Formatted HDD

Jan 24, 2010

While trying to create a bootable SD to install Ubuntu on a netbook, I accidentally formatted a part of a removable HDD that was connected to my computer. If I remember correctly, the partition I formatted wasn't the main partition of the HDD. In that case, does it make sense that the whole disk was wiped out? On that HDD there's a year worth of work, I really need that back.

I was using PhotoRec with some luck: it started to recover files, but with no names, which is almost useless, considering a lot of it are recordings - useless without their names. Is there any good recovery program that will recover all my files incl. names? Is there a easier oprtion, considering that I think I didn't really format the big partition of the HDD? What may it have been, the small partition?

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Ubuntu :: Recovering Broken Files?

Feb 3, 2010

I installed Ubuntu 9.10 on a 100 GB partition of my 120 GB hard disk. I left the other 20 GB as free space. I moved my data (about 20 GB) to my home folder. Everything was fine for two days. Then I installed a few packages with the help of Update Manager.he installation, I was asked to reboot. Upon reboot, I was always taken to the Memtest86+. It was as if GRUB wasn't detecting my ubuntu installation.Then I installed Ubuntu again by taking up 20 GB of the existing 100GB partition. I am currently using this installation. When I try to access the older installation (the 80 GB one), I find that all my data in my home folder is broken. (screenshot attached - homefolderbroken.png). homefolderbroken.jpgWhen I see the properties of the 80GB partition, I can find my data is still present (screenshot attached - data.png

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Ubuntu :: Recovering Files With Live Cd?

Jun 23, 2010

I can't boot into Ubuntu 10.04. Because of this problem. [URL] ppl have told me to ditch wubi and just have a clean install so i guess i will since it seems like the only option ppl are recommending to me. but i need to get my files of ubuntu first. i cant get into root.disk thu win7 so i am running live cd atm. but in live cd i do no see it also. where are my files?

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Ubuntu :: Recovering Files From External HD?

Aug 24, 2010

My powerbook died (motherboard or something...). I took out the Hard Drive to mount in an external enclosure. I tried accessing the drive in both windows and mac - no luck. So, I thought I'd try it in Ubuntu, thinking maybe it would show up - no luck. My question: is there any way to access the files from my drive using linux? Is there any way to mount it? The drive is spinning, and when I enter sudo fdisk -l ; I get this:

Disk /dev/sda: 250.1 GB, 250059350016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 30401 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes


This: Disk /dev/sdb: 160.0 GB, 160041885696 bytes is the drive I want to get my files off of. So ubuntu is reading the drive in some fashion.

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General :: Recovering Data From A Severely Damaged Ext3 Partition?

Feb 21, 2011

following problem. A friend phoned me in despair. Her Ubuntu didn't start any more - ASUS-Laptop switched on stops at a ramfs-prompt.
I started Puppy-Linux from DVD-Drive. Worked fine. But puppy can't mount her /dev/sda1 partition either. At least you can see that the partition is still there. Fsck stops with an error. May be the initial problem is a sort of bad hardware by which bad bytes were written to the hard drive. Hard drive and/or memory could be replaced but not the data.

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Ubuntu :: Recovering Deleted Files Of A Specific Name?

Mar 21, 2010

I need to get back two avi movie files but I've deleted hundreds and any recovery might try and drop them back on my small hard disk and overwhelm it! I know the files include the word 'Archer' but I'm using Formost, which is very easy to use, but it doesn't seem to allow for the searching of specific files by name. I can recover by type ie, avi, jpeg, pdf.....

Are there any recovery programs that will list files in a table so I can pick the ones I want to recover or do a search in Terminal for my 'Archer' files?

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Ubuntu :: Recovering Windows Files Using LiveCD?

Apr 5, 2010

I am trying to recover some windows files of a friends unbootable computer. I have loaded Live CD and can access the windows files but when I open "Documents and Settings" the folder is empty.

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Ubuntu :: Recovering Files From Botched 10.04 Update

Jul 9, 2010

So when upgrading to 10.04 there were a few errors and now the machine will not boot up. All I am trying to do now is recover some pictures from the HD so I can to a clean install. I used the Ubuntu 9.04 install disk to gain access to the HD and was able to backup some of the files but other files are locked somehow. When trying to copy them it says that "folder content could not be displayed. You do not have the permission necessary to view the contents." The files in question have orange X's on them.

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Ubuntu :: Recovering Files Using Live CD - Do Not Have Permission?

Aug 11, 2010

So my old computer died. I was Dual-Booting Jaunty and Windows XP. Now I'm trying to recover my files from the hard drive, but of course, you can't do it from Windows 7. I could recover everything from the Windows Partition, but Windows doesn't even see the Ubuntu Partition.

So I popped in a Lucid Lynx live CD to recover my files, only to find out that several seemingly random folders within the Documents folder have a cross on them. When trying to access them I get a message saying I "Do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents."

What should I do now? I really need to recover those files!

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Ubuntu :: Recovering Files From Dead Mac Using Live?

Sep 30, 2010

I have a Macbook that I need to recover files off of. Problem is that the screen is bad, and I have no way of booting the thing up to access the filesystem. So now I have the hdd plugged into a PC and have booted the ubuntu live cd. I can access the drive, but my pictures, music, and library folders have a red x marked over them indicating I do not have permission to view their contents. I have been trying to change the permissions to no avail. For some reason I cannot navigate to the directory through the terminal to change the permission. Instead, when I go to cd /media/Macintosh HD is throws a No such file or directory error.

The Macs hdd is already mounted, because I can access its file structure. I need to know how to get into the Macintosh HD through the terminal so I can give read/write permissions to the music and pictures folders.

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General :: Recovering/Creating NewWorld Partition On Mac G4 (PPC) After Botched Debian Install?

Apr 25, 2010

I was trying to install Debian 5.04 on a Mac G4, and in typical geek tradition, I didn't RTFM. During installation, I nuked all existing partitions, creating new to my liking. But as I learned later during the installation process, yaboot needed a NewWorld partition, so I can't boot the installation. I don't have any OSX CDs with me (this is a used G4 I purchased of craigslist) with which to create a HFS partition.I've re-run the Debian installer, which lets me create a partition that is supposed to be of type 'NewWorld', but the installer does not seem to like it or recognizes it.

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General :: Recovering A 'ntfs' Partition Which Got Ruined By Mkfs.ext4 Command?

Jan 28, 2010

I just ruined my /ntfs partition. I used the mkfs command and stopped it by ^C immidiately, but it was too late. mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb1

Is there a way to recover NTFS partition now ? The partition </dev/sdb1> was 'ntfs' and mkfs.ext4 did not check if it was a ext4 or give any pre-check warning, just went ahead with making the ext4 fs on a ntfs partition.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Recovering Files From Old Encrypted Home?

Apr 25, 2010

I purchased a larger hard drive to upgrade my HTPC running MythTV and a Samba file server. I put the old hard drive into an e-SATA enclosure and can still boot to it to access my files, but I can't seem to mount it correctly under the new installation to copy over my files even though I have the mount passphrase and encrypted filenames key.I have tried using this howto, but I run into problems with the encrypted filenames.This is how I'm doing it. I replaced the actual key data with A's and B's to protect my keys:

$ sudo -i
# ecryptfs-add-passphrase --fnek


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