Ubuntu :: Making Of Custemized Os?

Jan 12, 2011

to making the custumized ubuntu what steps doi need to follow 1)i have kernel 2.6.36 what next step do i have to do?

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Ubuntu :: Making Mirror On DVD's?

Jan 18, 2010

I have a local mirror at my server. How I can create mirror on DVD's for people without network connections?

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Ubuntu :: Making A Lucid Iso With A Few Little Changes?

May 2, 2010

I want to make an iso for some friends [and maybe friends of friends] that aren't all that tech savvy, so I want to change a few things to the original Lucid iso. First, I want the option to install Lucid out of the boot menu [but the other options should ideally stay]. Second, I want to include the ubuntu-restricted-extras so they can immediately try it out and see that it also plays video/audio etc.

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Ubuntu :: Making More Use Of The Server?

Sep 26, 2010

I'm running relatively overpowered server right now, that all it really does is host files and download movies/music that I might enjoy. I'm just seeking to expand it's capabilities to make life in the house more simple. The first thing I'd like to do is create a kind of automatic grocery list generator concept. Here's how I envision it working.

We create a list of recipes for meals we enjoy, specifically an ingredient list. From this list, we create bi-monthly meal lists; what do we want to have for the next two weeks. The server chews through the two lists, compiles a list of ingredients and how much of each we'd need.. and emails this off to our smart phones for us to refer to while shopping. What equipment do I have? I have a headless Ubuntu server running 10.04 and administered via a GUI and NX Client. Two blackberries (both 9700 Bolds) as portable smart clients that would need to at least receive the list, tho ability to add in would be great.

Home network is a mix of wired and wireless, so no issues there for connectivity. So why post this here? Because I'm at a loss as to the software/configuration part. Doing an automated email daemon is easy to send the list out. And a list of recipes or such is easy to get (dozens of cookbooks in the house, plus a small army of them available online).. the issue I'm having with is how to create/manage the database. I'm not familiar with SQL or any database programming at all. Is there something akin to this already in the repositories? Or is there someone who could point me in the right direction so I can do this?

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Ubuntu :: Making Some Files (Run Only)

May 29, 2011

Is it possible to disable the run/display/cancel dialog just for some selected files and keep it for others? I want to be able to just click on some files which would run them instantly yet still being asked what to do if I click on other files. Say, launching files a, b & c would make them execute but launching files d, e, f and all others would pop-up the dialog asking me what to do. So can it be done?

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Ubuntu :: Making Wake Up At The Same Time Each Day?

Jan 27, 2010

I have managed to make ubuntu (9.04) turn itself on from being completely off with the following code:

sudo sh -c "echo 0 > /sys/class/rtc/rtc0/wakealarm"
sudo sh -c "echo `date '+%s' -d '+ 480 minutes'` > /sys/class/rtc/rtc0/wakealarm"


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Ubuntu :: Making Firefox 3.6 Fonts Look Like IE7 Or IE8

Jan 29, 2010

I'm coming from windows and now I've switched to ubuntu. I find firefox 3.5 (and now 3.6) very hard to read. I'd like to have the same font rendering on my ubuntu than on my windows xp, using internet explorer with cleartype enabled. I've searched A LOT on Internet, tested like 20 different .fonts.conf. However I still can't get what I want. Take a look at my screenshots :[URL]

On the left : ubuntu (Firefox 3.6) - on the right : XP (Internet Explorer I'd like to have the same fonts than on the right.

Picture "enabled.png" is the closest display I can get. But it's still not perfect.
I took the .fonts.conf from this site : [URL]

I've also tried the fonts from the site [URL]Look here : [URL](this one is different : IE8 is on the left)

My fonts config in firefox is the same than on windows (Times new roman, arial, courrier new). And of course I've installed the ttf mscorefonts package.

I don't say that IE is the best thing in the world It's only because I've used it a lot and now it's hard to browse sites with different fonts.

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Ubuntu :: Making Default Os On Boot?

Feb 14, 2010

i recently installed crunchbang to try it out, but it made it the default os on boot. how do i make ubuntu the default again?

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Ubuntu :: 9.10~pc Is Making Static Noises?

Apr 4, 2010

yeah first time ever being on ubuntu os. i got 3 going on one pc but only one partition is making static noises coming the speakers and its kinda loud. any ideas why?? its only happening to one partition so im clueless to whats going here...to be more descriptive its like a constant sssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh or same as a radio being off frequency

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Ubuntu :: Making Me Relogin Over And Over When Go Into Hotmail

May 2, 2010

I just upgraded to the newest ubuntu. Everything worked great before but since I upgraded, it asks me to relogin over and over again when I go into hotmail. I had to use a different computer just to get into my hotmail to verify my new account here so I could ask about this. It will repeat over and over making me log in but i won't even spend anytime in my email.

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Ubuntu :: IPod Is Connecting But Not Actually Making Any Changes?

May 6, 2010

I have an iPod nano (3rd generation), and I'm having issues in 10.04 (not sure if its closed to 10.04 as I cannot test on older vers.): The iPod is detecting fine and all programs recognize the iPod (Banshee, Rhythmbox and the file manager) with all the files. But when I go to delete music, the program will delete the files on the programs manager but not on my iPod. iPod is connecting but not actually making any changes?

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Ubuntu :: Making Script To Be Run With Crontab

Jun 29, 2010

Not strictly being applied to an Ubuntu distro but Linux all the same.Our company run a database server referenced by a number of mail servers; the database server is very soon to be replaced since it's old, decrepit and not as secure as it should be - indeed, when it decides it's had enough, the MySQL process will simply stop.You can restart MySQL if you need to quite easily; using Putty, I'll connect to the box and run the command:/etc/rc.d/ init.d/mysqld restart

Using /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysqld status you can get a response of either mysqld (pid 8354) is running... or mysqld is stopped - how can I use this information in a script so that mysqld is only restarted if every thirty minutes a check comes back to say it's stopped? this current server is replaced by someone who knows what he's doing in a few weeks but this will ensure less disruption to those who rely on the current incarnation...

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Ubuntu :: Remapping Alt-f2 Or Making Kb Shortcut For 'Run'

Jul 8, 2010

I got this Dell Studio and the f keys are kind of odd.. first of all you have to press fn to even use them.. because theyve defaulted them to be things like: fast forward.. mute.. stuff like that.. and what makes it worse is f2 is a button that disables wifi.. so when i do alt-f2 out of habit it cuts my wifi off.. so i have to do fn-alt-f2 which just gets old.. my question is, what is the raw command for the RUN ? I'd like to assign a keyboard shortcut to it.

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Ubuntu :: Making FakeRaid Work On 9.10?

Jul 19, 2010

I have installed Ubuntu 9.10 (64 bit) as a dual-boot setup (along with Win 7) on my desktop. I can't emphasize how much faster Ubuntu loads when compared with Windows. There is only one problem though, I cannot figure out how to use my existing FakeRaid array (two 2TB hdds setup as RAID 1 - mirroring) to work with Ubuntu. I am NOT trying to install Ubuntu onto a raid array (I have Win 7 mounted on a separate boot drive , 4 hdds altogether, two for each OS and two for the RAID array). The raid array works fine in Windows and it's an Intel Raid Controller. How can I do the same for Ubuntu without losing any data? Is this possible?

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Ubuntu :: Making A Launcher To Run As Sudo?

Jul 23, 2010

Putting "sudo" inside the command field naturally doesn't work (unless your sudoer's are set to do so, which they're not).So how do I get gnome, nautilus or Ubuntu to prompt me for my sudo privileges?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Making A Live USB On Mac?

Aug 11, 2010

I am writing in order to find information on making a Live USB with Ubuntu with a Mac.
I have a laptop that Im going to install Ubuntu but I cannot use it to make the Live USB for various reasons.

In the past, I used on my laptop the "Unetbootin" software to make a Ubuntu Live USB and it did worked well. Now, I just realized that Unetbootin can only be used with Linux or Windows so I would really appreciate if someone could provide information and maybe name a software that could be useful to me to do this task.

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Ubuntu :: Making Bootable Usb Stick?

Aug 12, 2010

I'm trying to make a Windows bootable USB stick in ubuntu 10.4 remix (netbook one)

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Ubuntu :: Making A File Executable?

Sep 11, 2010

i installed "littler" from Synaptic. it's a front end for R, for those curious. it's not in my start menu. i searched for the app and don't know where it is. assuming i can find it, how do i set things up so that i can run it from a listing in the start menu? sorry to be so basic, but i mean from locating this app to getting it to start to making it available in the start menu, how would i do this

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Ubuntu :: Making PolicyKit Edits In 10.04

Oct 11, 2010

I am trying to make the edit referenced on this page. But obviously it is for an older Ubuntu version because the /etc/PolicyKit/PolicyKit.conf file does not exist on my 10.04 system.

How do I go about making this edit for however 10.04 handles PolicyKit calls now?

It details I should be replacing a line that looks like




Any ideas where I would find such a line?

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Ubuntu :: Making A Webpage Shortcut?

Nov 1, 2010

I would like to make a short cut to a webpage just like on my iPhone but I would also like to make a custom icon for it too and if possible different properties..

I want the shot cut to go also open in full screen mode as it'll be a direct link to a game I play but at the same time I don't want firefox to be in full screen by default. Is this possible to do?

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Ubuntu :: Making Gkrellm Transparent In KDE 4x?

Dec 19, 2010

how to enable transparent themes on Gkrellm and KDE 4. AND ASK FOR HELP WITH A PROBLEM FURTHER DOWN THE PAGE. Libsensors is THE program for gathering sensor data for use in various applets. Some few (mostly older) sensors have their output sent to a system file, where it can be picked-up and used by the system, but the best way to get sensor data, especially for newer sensor chips, is directly from libsensor. Since 2007 libsensor support has been built out of Gkrellm in Ubuntu (perhaps all of Debian, though I'm unclear on that). From some cursory research on the internet, I discovered that in 2007 libsensors did a major update, and Gkrellm did not. Problems insued. Support for libsensors was dropped in Gkrellm. Even though a patch was produced fairly quickly, support for libsensors in Gkrellm was never re-allowed. There is a bug on this here.

To enable support for libsensors in Gkrellm you have to build Gkrellm from source (EGADS!!) It's really pretty easy with this package and mine went off without a hitch (and I now have WONDERFUL readouts from my atk0110 sensors on my asus mb.). You can find the source package for Gkrellm here, and you can find some easy instructions for building it here. Piece of cake (really!). Okay, on to invisibility.... Gkrellm invisibility doesn't happen in KDE 4 (without a little tinkering...). I discovered the fix by looking for insights in pages discussing the same problem in conky. I found a good one, and thinking the same situation might apply to gkrellm, I tried it and IT WORKED! Here's the original post. My gratitude to the author. I'm going to reproduce the process here for posterity's sake, and because the command has changed slightly with the location of the plasma-desktop-appletsrc file.

So, gkrellm uses fake transparency. It samples the desktop at its coordinates and reproduces the image as its background. Gkrellm doesn't use the user's desktop to sample from - it uses the root desktop image - hence the strange-looking colors I got whenever I tried one of the transparent themes. Okay, so first you need to make your current desktop image your root desktop image. To do this you need to install "feh" (copy and paste these commands into terminal)


sudo apt-get install feh
After that's done, enter this in terminal:


feh --bg-scale "`grep 'wallpaper=' ~/.kde/share/config/plasma-desktop-appletsrc | tail --bytes=+11`"

Okay, now it needs to be set-up so that it'll load automatically. The feh documentation recommends setting this in ~/.xsessionrc (if you don't have one, make one with kate - and don't forget the dot before the name [ the expression ~/ is shorthand for your home directory path, /home/username, so the aforementioned path in full would be /home/username/.xsessionrc ]):


`cat $HOME/.fehbg`

That done, we arrive at a problem. I could use some help here, if anyone has any idea how to fix it. It's not a deal-breaker, but it's definitely inconvenient if you like to change your wallpaper a lot. The feh program creates a file called ~/.fehbg to store the actual path of the image used as 'wallpaper'. Unfortunately, it stores it like this:


feh --bg-scale '/home/laysan/Pictures/shadows_1280.jpg_cropped.png'

The two single quotes enclosing the path are unfortunately read as part of the path, so when feh (or if it hands it off to bash or kde) looks for the image file it can't find it. You get a no such file error in feh. I created a bug report here. The only way I know of to fix it (I tried removing various sets of quotation marks from the original feh command to no avail) is to open the ~/.fehbg file in kate and remove the two single quotations, so it looks like this:


feh --bg-scale /home/laysan/Pictures/shadows_1280.jpg_cropped.png

But you must still do one more thing. You must change the permissions on ~/.fehbg to root, or the image's path will be overwritten the next time it's opened (at next login), with the single quotes included. Doing so fixes the issue in the short term, but when you change desktop images you'll have to reinstate your user privileges on the file, and re-run the original command to allow the file to be written to by feh (with the new image path), then edit the file again to remove the single quotes.


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Ubuntu Servers :: Making A Home In 10.10?

Jan 11, 2011

I heard that you can create a server from Ubuntu 10.10, even if it's not server edition. does anyone have a good guide to doing it in standard ubuntu? all i can find is on server edition where there's no GUI. or is terminal the only way? (im just setting up a basic home server for sharing pics and text docs, so i don't have to worry about security just yet. ill get to that some time later)

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Ubuntu :: Making A Bootable DVD From Non ISO File?

May 22, 2011

for some reason copied my recovery disk directly as a file to file copy and not creating a ISO image. So thats all I have, a non ISO image and I need to burn it on a DVD to make it bootable. nothing I have tried seems to work. I know K3B has some options but I dont know it so well.

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Ubuntu :: Making USB Startup Disk?

Jun 12, 2011

i am trying to make it so that my laptop that has crashed can run Ubuntu. It lacks an optical drive (CD Player) so i am trying to use a USB. After i downloaded the ISO, and then use the extractor like it says here I then went into the flash drive, went to [usb-creator.exe] The problem is that when i try to do this (make the USB the Startup disk) the iso refuses to load on the application, its hard to explain, but here's a picture. Even when i go to click other, browse for the ISO, and open that one, it still doesn't work.

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Ubuntu :: Making 1 Profile Default When More Than 1?

Jun 23, 2011

We have a stripped down version of Ubuntu 10.04 with no menu options for security. On the admin profile we have set up a terminal window for editing or adding users.We have created a second user with no admin privileges which we want to make the default on start up. This account is set to auto-login and takes them to a generic screen with just one icon to select and do anything with. I need to make this user the default on start up instead of the admin account as we do not want users knowing there is anything else available.When using the $ :users-admin in the terminal window to build the other account I have no option to make one or the other default. Is this done from the command line or is there another way of making this happen?

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Ubuntu :: Making SSH Script Run On Logout

Jul 21, 2011

I'm trying to make a sh script that will kill a program on logout. The issue is, all I know how to do with launching an sh file is making it run on login.

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Ubuntu :: Making Password On Logon?

Feb 11, 2010

I have ubuntu installed in a partition on my computer and when I installed it i made it so that you don't have to provide a password to logon to the user account. How can I change this?

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Ubuntu :: Making Screens Black?

Feb 12, 2010

How can I make the background white area on all of my windows to appear black?

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Ubuntu :: Laptop Keeps Making A Sound

Mar 28, 2010

My laptop, which is running Ubuntu 9.10, will periodically make a sound that sounds like someone is plugging something into a sound jack. I will try to get a recording of it, but that doesn't seem likely anytime soon. I tried disabling my internal mic, and that didn't fix it. It makes it even when my speakers are muted, which makes me think it's because some hardware is not correctly configured. I have an HP dv6236us laptop.

Here is my lspci output. Dunno if it will help, but it can't hurt: Code: 00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/PM/GMS, 943/940GML and 945GT Express Memory Controller Hub (rev 03) 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)


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General :: Making The Jump From XP Pro To Ubuntu 10.04?

May 6, 2010

I just finished making a clone image on my XP Pro HD and am now ready to install Ubuntu 10.04. Are there any scripts available that will install software that will add more functionality to my new Ubuntu installation? I installed 10.04 on a Dell Desktop circa 2003 with an 80GB HD and 512MB of RAM. Looking forward to using it!! Is this latest Ubuntu release better than XP Pro overall?

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