how to make a live cd how can I put it on a usb stick. [URL] Also in the article you install skype etc. but where did they get the path to donload skype etc. I might want to add more software.
I know you can make a custom livecd using remastersys, but is there an app within Ubuntu that would perform the same function without having to install a third party app?
I am using ubuntu 8.04 and i am trying to make iso image cd with running kernel. i know that there is documentation in ubuntu website in"how to make live cd" but the thing is this is my custom kernel. i have my own configuration. so i want this kernel to be work in live cd.
What are the best ways to make the kernel using git, and localmodinfo. and optimizing the kernel the best way on a laptop I have, which is a desktop laptop, so it is never really unplugged. Has a core 2 duo 2.53Ghz, 4GB DDR3 RAM, and an ATI HD 3870 what things other than the obvious core 2 cpu type when making the kernel. It's on Ubuntu 11.04 64 bit. I also want to create it with the local mod info. and Also create this into a .deb package so it may be saved.
I don't really like Los Angeles (they steal all our water) and neither Tijuana nor Vancouver make sense to me, so I am trying to make my own, custom timezone of Felton, California. How do I do this? I changed my /etc/timezone to "America/Felton" but upon reboot my calendar still says "Los Angeles". Which files do I need to change?
for a project I am working on, I need the same install configuration on every machine, and I'd like to have all the packages I need on one disc, with none of the ones I don't. I also need to use a non-standard file systems(jffs2,nilfs) as the hardware end of my project works on flash memory, and would like these two FSs to replace the typical magnetic disk based choices.
Under Debian "Expert Installation" once I have chosen installation/system language and location, I get an informative notice, that:
Code: There is no locale defined for the combination of language and country you have selected.
..and I need to choose one locale available for the selected language. As I understand, locale is just a set of environmental variables used by applications and printed out with locale command?
In addition, is it possible to generate own locale files after the installation, which will match my needs?
I am using uuntu 8.04 and I am trying to make live cd with running kernel. I know that there is documentation in ubuntu website in "how to make live cd" but the thing is this is my custom kernel. I have my own configuration. So I want this kernel to be work in live cd.
I would like to take say, CentOS5, customize it to my needs, then make an installer ISO for it.Basically I'd like it to be a next next next install, and it has everything already in it like sshfs, basic config files, and other custom stuff preconfigured. I tend to do all these things manually every time I install, and I'd like to just automate it all, and also not have to depend on an internet connection each time. How would How would I go about doing that? I don't want to just take a disk image, since then I'm restricted to that platform. I still want it to be a true installer.
I need to make a custom ks.cfg DVD for my centOS 5 install. I figured I would download the 5.4.iso. My question is will packages from previous version of centOS 5.0-5-3 work with my 5.4 centOS image?
I am wondering how to add a need to restart notification in a Debian package, so upon installation, it'd pop up something to tell the user to restart the computer for changes to take effect. Perhaps something like what happens with some packages through the update-manager when it prompts the user to restart for the changes to take effect.
Is there any way to do that? Perhaps adding something at the end of a "postinst" file?
Thinking about it, I could just add something like this at the end of the "postinst" file:
Code: notify-send -t 86400000 -i /usr/share/icons/gnome/32x32/status/info.png "Please restart the computer for all changes to take effect."
It'd work, but not as well. For instance, if the person isn't by their computer at the time.
Another option could be using a Zenity dialog box. That might work. Though, if done, wouldn't a yes/no question box keep the actual package from technically finishing until the user would select yes/no to restart?
i am working on developing a very minimalistic os based on a striped down linux kernel and for the user interface ive come up with a bunch of custom graphics and such and then i was confronted with the problem of what window manager do i use....
basically my concept for the ui is windows that only open fullscreen (so no resizing, minimizing, moving) btu when you want to change threw applications it displays everything in a coverflow style and im planning on using the Qt toolkit for the interface itself and basing alot of it on web technology's.
I installed Fedora 11 on a server with 2 equal sized disks. I used the gui installer and didn't make custom setting changes to the partitions. One of the steps asked for me to choose the disks i wanted to use for this installation. I selected both disks and after the installation Fedora only sees one volume the size of both disks combined.Do I now have software raid0 or do I have something else?
I'm new to linux and recently installed openSUSE 11.1 on my Lenovo Thinkpad SL500. So far it's great... only problem is the hotkeys and brightness control don't work. Digging around online I found this "experimental" driver that purportedly works fine, but I have no idea how to compile, install, or otherwise use it. Here... tetromino's lenovo-sl-laptop at master - GitHub I'm not sure what to do with the makefile and C file provided. For example, what do I do with this instruction...
"To enable the brightness control, load the module with the "control_backlight=1" module parameter (i.e. insmod lenovo-sl-laptop.ko control_backlight=1 )" I know someone on here will be able to explain how to do this in a "computer engineering for chemists" language! I'm comfortable enough working in the terminal with commands, but have found no real straightforward explanation of how to do so (only "programming" experience is MATLAB m file writing).
I am trying to type German Umlaut letters on an English keyboard using kde 4.4. For some reason I seem unable to figure out how to do that (I have just recently switched to kde, was using gnome before). I have looked through various threads and the kubuntu wiki [URL], but can't get the compose key to work. In gnome I used to type "AltGr" plus "[" followed by a vowel and thus get my Umlaut - before I fiddled with the system settings this worked in kde, but only in firefox & Open Office (I assume they are gtk apps).
Since it did not work in Kmail, I went to the system settings, set up a ComposeKey (AltGr, but also tried rightWin), but it doesn't change anything for the kde applications. It only means that the old key-combination now stopped working in firefox and OO. In the system setting of kde 4.4 I can't see the options to enable xkb-options, but I assume the advanced options of the keyboard layout are xkb-options of previous kde releases. I unticked the box 'reset old options', but nothing changed. I type a lot of German text, so using a character map is not an option.
I was trying to follow instructions from here [URL] but couldn't get ANYTHING to work and can't type any special character. According to the instructions, if no third level / compose key is selected, then AltGr switches to third level and Shift+AltGr to forth. So I leave them unchecked to get default behaviour and they trying to type something but no characters appear.
I then started to experiment with different checkboxes, setting third level to Menu and Right Alt, combining them with checkboxes in Compose key position group - with no success. Any ideas what is wrong with this?
For some reason thunderbird randomly decided to stop letting my dad reply to emails with attachments. He can reply to normal emails, but as soon as he tries responding to an email with an attachment thunderbird just shows this:
Note the cutoff toolbar -- that might be a seperate issue though.
It will then show the above for all emails he tries responding to until I restart thunderbird.
I have tried:
1. Running Ubuntu classic with no effects. 2. Moving ~/.thunderbird 3. Changing the theme to clearlooks. 4. Resizing/maximizing/moving the window.
I have not installed or removed anything, the last upgrade I did was a few days ago, a bunch of qt libs were upgraded, along with firefox and openoffice.
My dad really likes thunderbird, and he needs to be able to reply to emails. I suppose I can set him up with Evolution if I have to, but he probably won't like that.
I'm somehow unable to get specific charters when using the compose key. Is there a way to modify it to get those needed characters?
I can't get ǖ ǘ ǚ ǜ I can get � separately from �,�,ŭ, and ū. (Note: This goes for the other vowels as well)I can type these characters out very quickly, which is handy, because I need to use them a lot. But combining the two dots with one of the other tones is very difficult for me, when I have to repeatedly paste them or grab them from the "character map" list. And I need these for email, my flash-card application, and digital art stuff.
My recent install of 11.2/KDE on a laptop suffers from a strange misbehaviour of the compose key (I have declared the Windows and Menu keys as Compose). It appears that two different sets of composing sequences are active, depending on the application.
I have to explain that I use a lot of unusual characters on a regular basis and therefore keep adding more sequences to /usr/share/X11/locale/en_US.UTF-8/Compose. I have even redeclared a couple of predefined sequences to values that are more useful for me. All these work fine, for example in a terminal window (konsole or xterm) or in konqueror, or even in OpenOffice.
However, other applictions seam only able to handle the default set of Compose sequences. This applies, for example, to Firefox or Gimp. It does not matter whether they are invoked from the command line or from a desktop icon. I tried both the Firefox shipped with OpenSuse, and a download from Same result.
I tried to delete other Compose files from /usr/share/X11/locale/* but it did not help. I wonder where the default rules are actually found after deleting all the Compose files, even if (for some reason) the locales have changed in these applications.
I have OpenSuse 11.3 with Gnome.I noticed that the compose key is set to Shift + Right-Ctrl as default. How can I change this? In the system / keyboard settings / options / compose key position I can set another compose key, but then it works additionally. The Shift + Right-Ctrl checkbox is of course unchecked.So how can I completely disable or change the compose key? And does this come from different compose key settings for XWindow and Gnome/GTK+?
I have four thousand images. I want to create one thousand images where each of those is tiled with 4 images. This is possible with montage out of the imagemagik package. But it is way too slow.Does anyone know of a high performing program which can compose four images to one image?
I am looking for an application that I can select different types of instruments and select notes to play, and then make different instruments play at the same time or specified time in the track, thus composing a complete music. I am not looking for connecting instruments to computer and recording them, but I am looking for something that can compose music without using actual instruments.
After installing Epiphany and Evolution, I am unable to paste any text into Evolution compose box and gnome-terminal. Neither Ctrl+V nor Rightclick>>Paste work. However, middle-mouse button click pastes text.
I am on Debian Squeeze.
PS: I am sure Ctrl+V doesn't work in gnome-terminal, but rightclick>>paste should work. And in evolution compose box both Ctrl+V and rightclick>>paste should work.
I've been using python's PIL (import Image in py2.5) and the command line utility ImageMagick to add text to images and compose images. I can't figure out how to get the composed image not to crop. That is, suppose I compose A onto B to create C. A is short and wide, while B is tall and narrow. I'd like C to be tall and wide, but instead it has the same dimensions as B.
The width of A is determined by dynamic text. My current solution is to get the width and height of A and B, and then create a maximally sized image, T, onto which I compose B and then A.I'm just wondering if there is some way to streamline this. Can ImageMagick do this for me? These operations take a non-trivial amount of time.
Just spent three whole days barking up the wrong tree, solving Fedora 11 and Fedora 12 boot failures because the correct hypothesis was illogical: installation did not update/modify the initrd.
The first couple of times I installed Fedora 11 on the HighPoint Technologies RocketRaid 2640x4, the installation inserted my "custom" driver module (rr26xx) into the initrd, permanently, so that the system booted off the controller card for which the custom driver was inserted. (I yelled about this success in this thread: [url]
My most recent installs of BOTH F11 and F12 on the RocketRaid failed to properly set up the boot. It turns out that the "rr2640" module I "slipstreamed" into the installation process was *NOT* permanently added to the initrd by anaconda. (F12 gave me "no root device found boot has failed, sleeping forever", on boot; F11 hung also, without such error, I presume, during the init script execution). Because of limited resources and time, I only know for sure the module was missing from the F11 initrd, and am ASSUMING the same was the case with F12.
The only difference between the successful installs and the ones with failed boot is that the successful installs were made on a single-drive (JBOD) mode on the controller; whereas, the failed ones were placed on RAID 5. But, AFAIK, the created logical device for the card is "/dev/sda", in both cases, and the kernel can not distinguish between the two cases (or can it?). Thus, the inconsistency cost me a lot of time, and is still inexplicable to me.
Question: What is the best way to deal with custom drivers, today? There are custom spins, and many tools, like isomaster. Stupid question: Is there a way to modify the initrd inside an installer ISO -- be it for CD/DVD/USBboot drive -- beefing the init RAM disk with whatever modules you'd like, for the boot process (using, say, isomaster)?
And what makes anaconda understand that a module must be added to the initrd ? How can one force anaconda to do so?
How does moving to dracut as the initrd tool affect any/all of the above?
I have been trying to upgrade (ended up trashing and reinstalling) from 11.1 to 11.2. I selected French language with UK keyboard. This option seems in the end to just default to the French keyboad. Reinstalled with UK lang and UK keyboad which is acceptable to me but I then find a big problem. How do I set the compose key so I can enter accented characters etc. (� � � ...) Prior to 11.2 this was some with SAX but SAX support for keyboards appears to have been removed and I believe should be provided by KDE, Gnome, etc.
Does anyone know how to define the compose key in 11.2? I have searched google and the suse forums but found nothing other than something in German that I did not understand. While I could buy a French or perhaps better a Swiss keyboard for the tower this is not a real option for the laptop and on-screen keyboards are useless.
I would like to setup a compose key, but the only options available in the KDE system settings (and via /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules) are code...
None of those please me though; "compose:caps" might be ok, but it's mapped to ctrl already.
Is there an option so setup some key (e.g. some of those extra function keys), or to get the key itself somehow? (e.g. ralt would be OK, if I could easily get the original behavior of the key (AltGr))
I would love to have something like Shift-AltGr to trigger Compose mode.
I guess I could add an extra rule, like it's done for/with compose:102.. what does 102 refer to? (it's not something dumped via xev).
There is also an option lv3:ralt_switch_multikey (Right Alt, Shift+Right Alt key is Multi_Key), but this did not work as expected (see