I have been trying to make a shortcut to my downloads folder on my desktop but I only seem to be able to create "link to downloads" folder. I thought this was just the same thing as a shortcut but when I run some programs from the folder they do not work correctly. They only work from the real 'downloads' folder and not the 'link to' folder
I installed opera10 and I can start it from a shell script from the opera folder but when i try to make a desktop shortcut it does not work. Either from xfce or by right clicking and choosing to send it to the desktop as a shortcut.
I did not install opera system wide, only under one user. Do I need to set some kind of path or link or something?
How can i make shortcut on desktop from Applications menu? If i right click an application from Applications menu, the application launches, Can't make shortcut.
even though this is a simple task I always have problems to do this.I want to execute the following#!/bin/bashjava -jar JabRef-2.6.jaror in other words this is the command I use in konsole to make the application to launch.Then usully I try to create a desktop in the icon either by using a. create link to locationorb. create link to application.where I select as file the file myfile.sh that contains the two lines of code I posted above (see again below) "#!/bin/bashjava -jar JabRef-2.6.jar"I do this file executable by using the chmod +x.Sometimes I think this works while others like now I only receive the cursor bouncing for sometime before it dissapears
would 'apt-get autoremove make' be the proper command? It wants to remove about 30 or so packages. I don't want to lose anything i might need to run apache2 and similar packages (self-configured web server). Running Lenny.
I've installed some updates for Fedora 12 x64 and now I don't get the desktop, but a flashing cursor and no boot. After forcing a reboot it says something like "interrupting smolt update" and then shuts down. How do I get back to proper booting/desktop?
I want to place a couple of launchers on my desktop so when I click them a terminal opens and runs the command how do I do this?E.g I want one for tail -f /var/log/messages, and another for rtorrent
First off, I have been quite clumsy lately. I recently poured water into my computer by accident; and it works somewhat fine, though the keys A and E do not work. At this point I am using an external keyboard, but since it's a laptop and I am using it at school, that is not what one would wish for. So, my question is; is there any way which will allow me to use the Keyboard Shortcuts to make a shortcut which will for example use ALT+Ctrl+<button> to write the letter A?
My second question is; Do anyone know what has happened with what I will describe in the following text; or perhaps recognice the problem and a solution? One of my friends has installed XUbuntu on his netbook. It has been running just fine; and for a while after he upgraded to 9.10, his computer went somewhat broke. It boots up fine, and it loads the login screen; but instead of being able to log in, it switches to a terminal. We have tried using it to log in, but as none of us are any good with the terminal we have not succeeded.
i cant seem to find how to do it. For the Keyboard shortcuts, i want to make a shortcut that opens my download folder. I can add custom commands, but in the command line what do i put to open the folder?
I've been searching for a while now but can't find what I'm looking for. I want to make a keyboard shortcut that runs a script that types keystrokes wherever the cursor is. For example, if I am in a text editor and press "ctrl+alt+q", I would like it to type some predetermined string to the page. On Windows, AutoHotKey does this. I can't seem to get it working in gnome, though.
I have installed lineakd, and I have a file ~/.scripts/type.sh that looks like:
#!/bin/sh xsendkeys "blahblahblah"
I have the command sh ~/.scripts/type.sh set to the key combination I want in system->preferences->keyboard-shortcuts.
I'm sure I'm not using xsendkeys correctly, but couldn't find much documentation on it. Anybody know how xsendkeys works or how I might solve this problem another way?
After installing a few packages without a package manager (yast), I was wonding if there is anyway to make a shortcut (or application link or whatever its call) for any given program you install to show up automatically on all users desktops and start menus(for lack of a linux term). For example I installed firefox to a folder in the /opt directory and found that i could drag and drop the shell command to the desktop to make a shortcut, or i could create a new application link on my desktop and point it at firefox. But what If i wanted that to show up for all users somewhere by default? Is there anything like the "all users" desktion winXP or the "public user" in win7?
i have been running windows from ME through to Windows 7 over the years. and i must admit that because of all the flaws with the earlier versions and those wonderful little viruses that seem to show up even though your teenagers swear they didn't do anything ,have made me somewhat skilled at formatting and reinstalling the OS to the point where i have done it for several other ppl to help them out. I rather enjoy doing it actually.
and i have been a big fan of lets just call it "open source" windows software. now this ubuntu thing seems to have taken some of the fun away..
i ran the cd version of 10.10 and really liked what i saw so i installed it alongside my windows 7. naturally as luck would have it something went astray and i can no longer boot to win7. not a big deal. i was going to format and reinstall anyways. ha ha.
i have been reading through the forum learning what i can but now my question
i still have a machine running windows on my home network.
what i would like to do is make a shortcut to a folder on it from my ubuntu desktop. i do have full access to the machine and the folder , i would just like a shortcut .
I'm having this problem when i want to delete an icon on my desktop.The icon won't allow me to delete it as it will show error "The specified location is not supported. I attached a screenshot of my desktop. The file that i want to delete is "g on". It was a link to my shared network.I've tried delete via terminal but when i viewed my desktop using "ls -a" , the file didn't show up.Or maybe easy solution is my removing my gnome-desktop
i'm using ASUS K40IE laptop, installed Ubuntu 10.10 and online upgraded to 11.04 (natty), and i have a problem about my wifi.This laptop using Fn+F2 to enable/disable wifi (using Windows work properly with driver from asus) and have a Led that trigger on/off.Using ubuntu, that's shortcut it's useless. i press Fn+F2 many times, but that led indicator never turn off. Is there a way to make that shortcut can function properly? Actually, i'm not often using wifi, so i want to make it default disable on start up. Both ubuntu 10.10 or 11.04 can't using this shortcut.
OS: OpenSuse 11.3 / 32-bit / Gnome. Updates to latest.Issue: while using uTorrent Server Alpha (for Linux) i have encountered a shortcut malfunction. After the program was successfully installed (by that, i mean download and simply modify its settings to be able to execute it as a program, and double click on it & keep it running in a Terminal) and ran for the first time, it came to me that i should make a shortcut to the program, on one of my two "taskbars". So i simply created one and correctly pointed to the application (i left it on my desktop). But after restart, i tried to access it via this shortcut and it indeed started, but returned an error, that the graphical interface (html based) situated and :8080/gui/ was not there, and that it should be downloaded. So i stopped it and went to the desktop folder & ran it in a terminal and VOILA, no problem, everything was good as new.
PS: i was not running the program under sudo and i changed its default login configuration (from a simple "admin" username, to a proper username and password).
I download the new version of teamspeak since using the synapitcs install me an older version. my problem is to start the new teamspeak I have to go to the console and type ./starterscript_of_teamspeak Is there anyway to put a botton icon to make me this instead using the console to start it ?
This is about Lubuntu 10.04 and not Ubuntu 10.04.I have a few shortcuts on my desktop with images that doesn't look so good, not sure why and if it's possibly to configure it.
I just installed Kubuntu with my ubuntu install via Synaptic, just to try it out, and so far it's working great, except for one thing: I have no idea how to make a desktop internet shortcut in Rekonq (The default web browser), and I've tried opening a shortcut I made in Firefox, but it opens it Kate! And when I changed what to open it with to Rekonq, I just got an error page in Rekonq!
I have been trying to active the shortcut <Super>+D to minimize all active windows and show desktop. Compiz is already install on my system,that I have tried all possible combinations of "show desktop" functionality in Compiz and Gnome itself. However, whenever I use the shortcut, it activates(maximize) one window first, and it shows desktop if I use the shortcut second time. Actually same thing happens when I press the "show desktop" button on the panel as well
When I assign a keyboard shortcut to open the main menu, it always opens the "Applications menu" by default. Is there a way to make the keyboard shortcut open the "System menu" by default?
I am using Lubuntu 10.10 and have installed my application that I need. What I need is a link to the desktop that will execute the program from the /usr/share/test directory. When I execute the program I need to use "Sudo" in order to run in. how would I add a symbolic link the desktop with the appropriate permission to run the executable without compromising security. I tried everything but cannot get it to execute under ubuntu:
I'm using Zorin OS 4 Lite, which is a variant of Lubuntu 10.10. For some unknown reason, the desktop shortcut on PCManFM is pointing to my home folder, so I have all my personal files covering my Desktop (kind of annoying to be honest ). And when I try to add a shortcut to the Desktop it adds it to my home folder instead. Seems like there's some kind of hard link between the Desktop shortcut in PCManFM menu and my home folder. However, I can't find where it is or how to fix this. Has anyone else had this problem? How do I fix this?
How can i save firefox bookmarks to my desktop for a shortcut? I tried to drag and drop from the bookmarks menu and i get a error message. Im running ver 10.10 ubuntu.
using the command ln -s ~/Desktop ~/.local/share/Trash I get this message.ln: creating symbolic link `/home/denish/.local/share/Trash': File exists But the link isn't in my desktop. So I tried accessing the Trash folder using cd. I cd into ~/.local/share then try the following command.cd Trash I get this message. bash: cd: Trash: No such file or directory When I type ls in the share folder I get the following.
gsettings-data-convert gvfs-metadata Trash
So the trash folder is in there but i can't access it. Why? Also I want a computer shortcut in my desktop like in windows where I can access all the folders from.
When ctrl alt d or the icon on the bottom left corner is pressed, it sometimes doesn't show the desktop and instead restores hidden windows. Is there a way to access the desktop directly, without only one shortcut ? I was also wondering how useful are these hidden windows (sometimes, the icon in the application bar is bar after being idle for a while).