Ubuntu :: Live Cd Does Not Boot PC

Sep 5, 2010

I am running windows 7 ultimate... I have changed the boot order to CD 1st... I have tried at least 3 times and it always goes on to the Windows logon screen... I have Phoenix bios version 6... I have an Asrock mother board with an AMD Athalon 2600-- 1 gig of DDR ram-- ATI XL vga card... I downloaded the newest Ubuntu release to my desk top... I tried the suggested Burning software (no luck) I tried CDburnerXP (no luck) finally I used the Windows ISO image burning software and (success) the CD was created... But no joy... The PC will not boot to Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Boot A 10.04 Desktop Live From An Iso Image In /boot Partition?

Nov 9, 2010

My laptop can't boot from cdrom becouse it is broken and it can't boot from USB becouse it has never been able. Ubuntu 8.10 now run in my laptop withgrub 1.I've just try the following trick.1) I put grub4dos in /boot2) I put iso image in /boot3) I add the follwing entrt in source.list

# =========== GRUB4GOS ===================================
title == Use grub4dos for the following entries: ==


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Ubuntu :: Live CD - Automatic Boot From CD - No Asking For Language & Livecd|hdd Boot

Dec 30, 2010

i do software (learn keyboard) for blind people. I selected ubuntu and festival and TTS. Please i NEED (mandatory for disabled people) live cd what can be inserted into cdrom and everything is done - automatic boot, settings done, software is on start-up... created own distribution, programed software, done settings, but what kills me is : How i can run AUTOMATIC (without asking, no enter) boot from CD-ROOM. Now CD asking :

- 1) What language want you (here is only czech) - need ENTER (killer for disabled people)
- 2) Boot from CD or hdd - need ENTER (killer no. 2 for disabeld people)
- after 2) I m ok, i can handle it myself, works.

I edited file in isolinux menu.lst etc - I can edit text but i do not know how run defalut choice automaticly. timout 0 does not work I spent a lot of hours reading tutorials grub/isolinux and have nothing ...

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Boot From Live CD

May 7, 2010

I have a laptop I don't seldom use, which I want to reformat. I decided the best way to do this was to put Ubuntu on it, since I really just need it for web browsing and a bit of downloading, but I can't seem to do it.

Every time I put in a Ubuntu Live CD, it doesn't load at all (which I assume is an issue with the laptop), so I mounted the ubuntu ISO onto a flash drive, and tried to run it off there.

That worked fine to start with, but I could only get as far as the first menu, I couldn't actually get into the live CD to install it, and I can't think of any reason why.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Boot From Live CD

May 27, 2010

From some reason I cannot boot from a livecd. I was able to load the vmlinuz and the initrd.img from the cd. The CD even got to "ready.".Nothing happened after this. This is with a liveCD and a liveUSB.

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Ubuntu :: Live CD Won't Boot?

Jul 2, 2010

I downloaded the most recent version of Ubuntu (10.04) and burned it to a CD to be used as a live cd. While it attempts to boot during startup, it does not get far. I get a maroon colored screen with a diagram at the bottom that looked like a stick of ram (although it could have been something else, I guess), an equals sign, and then a man in a circle.

After that, it goes to a black screen with a flashing underscore at the top left, until it turns completely black forcing a restart. The monitor has not lost signal.

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Ubuntu :: Live CD Does Not Boot

Sep 20, 2010

I recently downloaded Ubuntu 10.04.1.The thing is that as i have a VAIO notebook with Nvidia GeForce 310M graphics, the Nouveau driver does not recongize it and so it gives me a black screen (Actually it's more as if the display is off)The thing is that I think that if I disable Plymounth, the computer should boot normally.

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Ubuntu :: Won't Boot From Live USB

Jan 7, 2011

I've only been checking it out for the last day or so. Got 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat), and I thought I'd boot from live USB cuz in theory I'm led to believe that I would use less RAM being a solid state and all.

So, I tried like 2 programs to create a live USB with persistence, including the one that comes with Ubuntu 10.10 that I found in "System > Administration > Startup Disk Creator". When I boot from the USB it shows the Ubuntu loading screen thingy, and when I press.. anything I think, it displays the error:

(process:365): GLib - WARNING ** get pwuid_r(): failed due to unknown user id (0)

(Don't know if I got all the spacing in that right, but I'm sure you get the gist of it) And it doesn't get any further that that. So I burned the ISO to a DVD and it works perfectly. I want to be able to use the USB though cuz I need my DVD writer for anything that involves CDs or DVDs or the like.

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Ubuntu :: Live CD Won't Boot

Feb 1, 2011

I am trying to repair my wifes Gateway laptop, model# MT3707 with vista on it. Vista won't load, it hangs at crcdisck.sys. I was going to try and fix the problem by booting to my Ubuntu 8.04 live CD but it starts to load and hang just like the windows OS. My live CD has worked just fine on other computers. I don't know alot about computers but have been researching this problem and I find this is a common problem with some of the Windows OS with few solutions. Some think the problem is in the .....crcdisk.sys but I believe the problem is in what loads next, and I have no idea what that is.

My believe the problem isn't in the harddrive because it happen to my live cd which is using the cdrom drive. Could the problem be in the BIOS? Some History. I have a Compaq laptop that has a dual boot Windows Vista and Ubuntu 8.04. I did remove the harddrive from the Gateway and was able to mount the drive using Ubuntu and an USB cable. I saved all the files my wife needed off the Gateway harddrive. This is leading me to believe the problem could be a hardware issue.

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Ubuntu :: Cant Get 11.04 Live Usb To Boot Up

May 22, 2011

I created a live usb ubuntu (11.04) system on my usb drive. I set it to have some persistant space. I set the home directory to be encrypted (this was a mistake).

Anyway, this was about three weeks ago. Since then I have been doing some very important work on it that I cant afford to lose.

Yesterday when I booted up it asked for my password as usual but then came up with a load of errors about not being about to mount various directories. There was a word beging with ice. It finished booting up but there were no menu items or task bars or anything. Just a blank ubuntu background graphic with the cursor. I shut the machine down and tried again. Same problem. Panicing a bit I tried rebooting again. This time it asked me to create a pass phrase (a step I had foolishly skipped when I first set the machine up). I typed in a passphrase It then booted up but again no just an empty background with a cursor but nothing to click on. So I rebooted again. THis time it again asked for a passphrase which I again entered. Same problem. Empty background with nothing on it.

I decided to give it one more try at booting up. This time i get to the screen where you select if you want to install or live boot. If I live boot I get the 11.04 booting splash screen with the four dots underneath and it gets no further. This is the state it is currently in.

I decided to try something different. At the screen where you get to choose between booting from the live usb and installing it I decided to install the system on my laptops hard drive. This went OK, and botting from the laptop hard drive is fine. So the linux image on that usb is OK i thought.

I then put the usb drive into my ubuntu 10.04 desktop (i idn't trust the 11.04 copy I had just installed on my laptop's hard drive). I used the ubuntu disk utility to check the usb filesystem and it comes back as having no errors. I can look at the folders on the usb drive just fine. But obviously cannot access the home directory as it is encrypted.

Anyway, I ran fsck and it comes back with "there are differences between boot sector and its backup." about 500 differences are then displayed. I tried the option for copying the backup to the original but it comes back with "Leaving file system unchanged". I tried this several times. I tried running fsck in automatic mode but it came back with "not auto fixing this"

Now I guessed that I probably cant load up this encrypted file system without a passphrase. But I gave this: a try [URL]

it fails on the line # mount -o bind /dev $D/dev with the message

mount: mount point /media/chroot/dev does not exist

why am I getting that message when I have followed the instructions to the letter?

Anyway, I wondered if perhaps my usb port on my laptop was messed up so i tried booting the usb from my desktop. Same again. 11.04 splash screen and hangs there.

I think the only thing for me to do is trying to find out how to mount the encrypted home folder without the passphrase. Is this possible. That link I posted above seems to just require the username and password which I have.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Boot My Live Usb / Do That?

Feb 22, 2011

I got a new laptop today, i bought it just to use linux. i but the iso on my usb and it works fine on the pc, but when i try it on my new laptop i am getting 'boot error' and must restart and remove usb.

iso: ubuntu-10.10-desktop-amd64.iso
laptop: http://www.ebuyer.com/product/237739

pretty concerned considering i bought this just for linux

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Ubuntu Installation :: Boot Live CD From DOS?

Jan 6, 2010

Hey I have a laptop thats being stubborn and refuses to boot the xubuntu live cd like it cannot read the disc, while it will boot a FreeDos live cd. I can put the xubuntu CD in while in freedos and view it in as the X directory, is there anyway that I can try and boot the live CD from the FreeDOS interface

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Ubuntu Installation :: Live CD - PC Won't Boot From Any CD

Feb 17, 2010

I tried installing Ubuntu 9.10 on an older computer. I figured since it was not that powerful, I'd try running it from the Live CD to see if it was acceptably fast. Of course, I forgot that I had put in a pair of unformatted 40 GB hard drives, so the Live CD didn't like those because there were no file systems to access. So I figured I would just reboot and install it. One problem: my PC acted as if there were no CD in the drive. So I tried a Windows XP CD, but I got the same result.

I reset the configuration data in my BIOS and I set the drives up correctly in there, made sure the boot order was right, and all of that. I was wondering if anyone has experienced something like this before, and if there's anything I can do before I try replacing the CD-ROM drive with another one. Computer info: Gigabyte 7IXE4 mobo with Athlon 1.2 GHz, 512 MB RAM, 2x 40 GB Seagate Barracuda HDs, not sure what the video card is (I'll worry about that one when I get there)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Boot From Live CD?

Feb 23, 2010

I cannot get past the login screen. I tried entering through it but that fails, it keeps returning me to the login. Is there a generic login for the Live CD to test drive UBUNTU?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Boot From 9.10 Live CD

Feb 24, 2010

I had issues installing Ubunut 9.10 on my Asus UX50 laptop but it installed perfectly on my tower. When installing 9.10 on my laptop I would get the live disc menu to try or install etc. Whenever I installed I got a big black screen for long lengths of time (each time varied from 15 minutes to 5+ hours), then on occasion I would get the glowy white Ubuntu logo, then if I was lucky, I would get scrolling code. It would scroll and scroll then stop. After the code stopped I would get the nice little blinking curser. I can type all types of fun things at this black screen but nothing seems to work.

I have tried 4 different CDS to no avail, my tower had the OS installed by one of the same discs.

I am successfully running 9.04 on this laptop.

a command of : lspci
gives me
00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Memory Controller Hub (rev 07)


From what I understand, my nVidia card may be the issue. So I have tried to boot in safe graphics mode and this also does not work. Safe mode directly delivers me to my black screen with my blinking curser.

I have also checked my drivers and I have no proprietary drivers installed.

Since I have 9.04 installed successfully does any one think that upgrading from Upgrade Manager would be successful?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Boot To Live / (9.10 And 10.4)

Apr 9, 2010

My notebook is an HP Envy 15 (Core i7 720QM, Intel DMI Host Bridge, PM55) I have 2 ISO files, Ubuntu Karmic 9.10 and Ubuntu lucid lynx 10.04, both have correct md5sums, i burned each on cd's and flash usb disks ( using unetbootin and lili usb tool ). However i never had a successful boot, i always reach : (initramfs): Unable to find a medium containing a live file system.

Bios of notebook has no settings to tweak regarding HDD Could this be a sata issue anyway ? I tried searching for this issue on the forums but all the posts were having burn problems, I also tried the flash usb disks on a desktop machine and they boot properly with no problem.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Boot Without First Using Live CD / Enable This?

Apr 30, 2010

I installed Lucid (clean) after being v. satisfied w. Karmic.

Lucid has presented problem after problem, including the most irritating one thus far: I can't boot (system disk error) unless I put the Live CD in (the Karmic version, yet) and select "boot from first disk". Once that is done the boot proceeds normally.

Is there anyway out of this? I have installed and reinstalled w/ the same problem. Should I reinstall from the Net and not the Live CD?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Get Live Usb To Boot

May 4, 2010

I'm trying to get a persistent live usb of ubuntu lucid, with usb creator. When trying to boot, it will just display "boot error". So I clean the USB key, re-installed everything. Still the same. Then I try on laptop, and surprise, it works. So i restored default on the desktop's BIOS. And updated BIOS.No changes.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Boot Live CD

May 23, 2010

I am trying to boot the latest Ubuntu/Kubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx but im facing the same problem. The scrolling dots appear but then when its supposed to load X, no display on my monitor.. My monitor shows no signal.I am getting this bug on ubuntu, kubuntu and even linux mint which is a spinoff of ubuntu. Is there no way for me to boot the live cd using safe graphics mode or something? Same error when trying to install using wubi.

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Ubuntu :: Won't Boot - Using Live CD To Recover

May 27, 2010

I'm not at all sure what happened, but now Ubuntu won't boot. A program just froze (as programs often do), so I shut down and rebooted, only to find pages and pages of gibberish about ATA sectors and stuff when I tried to get GRUB to load my usual Ubuntu platform (Karmic Koala). I tried "recovery" platforms and older ones, but no luck. I'm now using the Live CD and I've found an error saying "DISK HAS MANY BAD SECTORS" about my '160GB ATA Hitachi HTS542516K9SA00'. It apparently has 109 bad sectors, and the Live CD's assessment is that I "replace the disc".

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Ubuntu / Apple :: How To Boot From Live CD

Jun 9, 2010

I keep running into things that say "Boot from the live CD" and I'm trying to expand one of my hard drive partitions right now using gparted, and I need to boot from the live cd.... but I can't seem to figure out how to do that.

Is this an easy thing?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Boot Live CD - 10.04

Jul 21, 2010

I download and burnt Ubuntu 10.04 and trying to run the Live CD. It shows up black screen after displaying the red progress dots and nothing happens after that. No CD drive activity is noticed. How can I resolve this problem? I have been troubleshooting it for days!

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Live CD Boot Hangs?

Oct 14, 2010

With Mythbuntu 10.10, the Live CD hands before it can fully boot the OS to a GUI. I'm running an IBM ThinkCentre (P4 2.6Ghz, 512mb RAM) with an NVidia 6200, and I'm using an HD LCD TV for the display.

I've tried to use nomodeset but that hasn't helped it boot. I've tried disabling dmraid also but I end up getting this error: 'General Failure Mounting File Systems'. I've had no such problems with the previous 3 versions of Mythbuntu. Although I didn't have this TV when I installed those ones... could that be the issue perhaps?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Do A Live Boot From CD

Dec 23, 2010

Two days ago Ubuntu crashed and I had to reformat my computer (I don't know what happened and I couldn't fix it). I'm running Window XP right now and am having trouble booting/installing several distros of linux.

I've tried Kubuntu, Ubuntu, Xbuntu, Puppylinux, and Fedora live CDs and continue to get the same thing.

When I boot, after the bios, I get a flashing "_". I don't get a boot and have to reboot and remove the CD.

I would like to get Xbuntu running as soon as possible.

EDIT: Also, In windows, when I go to my computer I cannot see the Live CDs. I don't know if this is related in some way.

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Boot From Live CD With Installed

Feb 20, 2011

I have Ubuntu 10.10 fully installed on my laptop, I am trying to get my main drive partitioned so I can install windows as well, only problem is that I can't do that without using my live CD to unmount the drive. Heres the big problem, my CD just wont boot. when I try to boot from it nothing happens and my computer just starts up as normal as if there was no CD in the first place. I have set my CD drive as my main boot device in BIOS so I know thats not the problem, and I have also tried using an external USB drive to boot from with the same results. I used the same drives and CD to do the install just a few days ago so I'm fairly certain that they are not the problem. The only thing that I can think of that might be causing trouble is that when I installed I got a black screen on my first boot (caused by my nvidia drivers apparently)and had to edit my GRUB a little to fix it.

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Ubuntu :: Live CD Won't Boot From BIOS ?

Feb 21, 2011

I have a recent ACER laptop that I used to use with Ubuntu only, but Ubuntu has crashed and won't boot anymore. I tried booting it via the live CD to try and recover my files before re-installing everything, but the CD won't run automatically.

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Boot From Live Usb?

Feb 21, 2011

I've created a live usb with Startup Disk Creator on my desktop running Ubuntu 10.10. The live usb is Mint 10 (Julia). I wish to overwrite Ubuntu 10.04 running on my Dell Inspiron 6000 laptop. The reason for this is that Mint requires fewer resources and is better suited for my laptop duties.

I have used the live usb solution for several installs and never had a problem. Following protocol, I shut down the laptop, inserted the live usb and restarted. Nadda.

I made sure that the USB is the 1st boot device in the BIOS.

Upon restart, a line comes up with this:

vesamenu.c32: not a COM32R image

It just repeats itself every 10 seconds.

I'm using a Verbatim 8.0 GB usb.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Boot The Live Usb

Feb 22, 2011

i got a new laptop today, i bought it just to use linux. i but the iso on my usb and it works fine on the pc, but when i try it on my new laptop i am getting 'boot error' and must restart and remove usb.

iso: ubuntu-10.10-desktop-amd64.iso


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Ubuntu :: Overclocked PC Won't Boot 10.10 / 10.04 Live Cd

Feb 24, 2011

I got a problem with Ubuntu 10.10/10.04 x64 I can't initial boot. I get kernel machine check exception error (kernel panic not syncing reboot in 30 secs)My pc is overclocked to 4.4, speedstep, CxE,Execute Disable Bit -disabled, Hyperthreadin -disabled, Turbo Boost Enabled aka multiplier -enabled Vt-enabled.Weird stuff: Ubuntu works fine under vmware 7.1.3 build-324285 and show cpu clock 4.2 without multiplier(which is fine with me even though the multiplier's enabled)I disabled multiplier and Ubuntu boots fine; however,it won't show overclocked speed instead it shows 2.6mhz.

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Ubuntu :: PC Won't Boot After Using Live Cd / Get It To Work?

Apr 4, 2011

I'm having a problem with my Vaio laptop after using an Ubuntu live cd, when I turn it on it doesn't boot, a black screen is displayed and it beeps three times (one long , two short), I think this has something to do with the video card. The last time I used the live cd I didn't wait for Ubuntu to shutdown completly and removed the cd when it was still on the process of shuting down. What can be causing this problem?

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