Ubuntu :: Klipper Not Working In Gnome On 10.10 Upgrade

Oct 29, 2010

I recently updated from 10.4 to 10.10, and klipper (KDE clipboard manager) stopped working?? It's buggy, ctrl+alt+V shortcut is not working anymore, sometimes it just crashes randomly - simply - it's not working.

On the other hand, Glipper (gnome clipboard manager), is working quite nice, but it crashes every time on the startup, which is painful, having to add "clipboard manager" every time on reboot to my traybar.

Can I somehow.. downgrade Klipper to earlier version which is more stable? Or can I make sure that Glipper is not crashing on every system startup? I tried clipboard manager for XFCE, but it's very modest to say the least, and doesn't have shortcut for opening menu with latest clipboard entries etc.

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Ubuntu :: Using Klipper In Gnome?

May 10, 2010

Glipper just doesn't hack it so I use Klipper on my Gnome desktop, however my clipboard entries are not saved across restarts of the window manager. I suspect that's because GDM just kills klipper rather than signaling it somehow to quit. I've tried all of the signals that I though might work hoping that one of them would cause klipper to save the clipboard but none worked. So has anyone figured out how to save the clipboard history in klipper when the window manager or system restarts like in KDE? I know I can quit klipper but I forget to.

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Ubuntu :: Klipper Not Starting?

Jul 20, 2010

I seem to have a problem with klipper on Kubuntu Lucid (amd64). used to start automatically on startup, but that stopped working. I then put it in autostart, but it still does not want to start automatically. However when I start it manually it works fine

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Ubuntu :: Klipper Hot Keys Lost On Reboot

May 14, 2011

I have a problem with klipper hotkeys. On reboot, they are saved in ~/.kde/share/config/kglobalshortcutrc but don't work anymore. they are visible in "system settings > keyboard and mouse > global shortcuts" in the klipper tab, but just wont work. However, they are not set if I try to access them by klipper menu "right click > configure klipper > shortcuts" It seems that shortcuts aren't even noticed by kde : xev's output from a successful shortcut ( alt+g) (notice the focusout/focusin instead of the keypress):


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OpenSUSE :: 11.2 And KDE W/ OpenOffice Writer And Klipper?

Nov 28, 2009

Open two different instances of OpenOffice Writer (two separate entries on the task bar). In one of them type the word test and highlight it and leave it that way. Now using the mouse pointer try switching between these two different OpenOffice Writers on the task bar. There shouldn't be much of a switching delay if any, going either way.

Now go to the OpenOffice Writer with "test" highlighted. Hit the <ctrl>C (copy) key about five times rapidly, then immediately click the mouse on the other OpenOffice Writer on the task bar. I am seeing up to a 5 second dead time delay between switching. There is no "busy" indication from the mouse pointer. The mouse pointer moves, but any clicks will not take effect during the 5 second delay, then any mouse clicks quickly take effect in a cascade after the delay is over.

Sometimes Klipper looses the <ctrl>C (copy) "test" text (Klipper still displays it its history) and refuses to <ctrl>V (paste) "test" any longer. When Klipper reaches this state a single <ctrl>C (copy) of "test" will cause the up to 5 second delay when switching.

The delay is only noticeable if you immediately switch on the task bar. If I do the copies and simply wait at least 5 seconds before switching, there is no delay. So, the switching itself isn't the cause.

I have reproduced this on PCs in a 32 bit 11.2 install and a 64 bit 11.2 install. Both installs are KDE 4.3.3 release 3 repos. Either this long delay shouldn't be happening or the mouse should at least do its busy indication thing and not act like everything is normal when it isn't.

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OpenSUSE :: Klipper Disappearing From Systray?

Jan 3, 2011

i have recently updated my KDE to 4.5.4.after the update i cant see the klipper systrayicon anymore. i tryed killing clipper and loading it from console. it will showup in systray for less than a second and disappear. i tryed deleting klipper config files but still no luck. what can i do?

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Ubuntu Installation :: GNOME Failsafe Works But GNOME Doesn't - 10.04 Upgrade

May 27, 2010

Older machine here that I upgraded to 10.04 after a clean install of 9.10 some months ago. When booting into GNOME, the desktop image flashes on the screen and the second the bars on top and bottom try to appear the system boots out of the desktop and returns to the log on screen. I assume this is a crash of Xserver, but just guessing. Per another page I ran: lspci | grep VGAand returned:

01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. KM400/KN400/P4M800 [S3 UniChrome] (rev 01)

I know - old machine Typing this from failsafe mode, would be great to hear from someone as to what I can do to get this working in normal mode again.

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Debian Configuration :: Klipper Icon Has Disappeared From The System Tray

Jul 2, 2010

I'm running squeeze. The klipper icon has disappeared from the system tray and I can't figure out how to restore it. The service is running. Stopping and starting it has no effect. Changing the display options for the system tray has no effect. I can bring the klipper dialog up with Ctrl-Alt-V but there are no options available regarding the system tray.

It's obviously a user configuration issue since if I login as root the klipper icon is displayed. I tried to copy the klipper configuration file contents from root to user, but that also had no effect, except to alter some non-relevant options. I haven't been able to locate any other configuration files that might be relevant. This seems to be a not uncommon problem with klipper, but the causes seem to differ. I haven't found any solutions vi Google.

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CentOS 5 :: 5.2 (native) - Gnome Dektop Munged Slightly Due To Attempted Gnome Upgrade

Mar 11, 2009

Against all advice in Centos docs, I built and installed several gnome packages in order to upgrade to the latest Gnumeric. Among them were: fontconfig, pango, gtk+, cairo, glib. goffice, pixman, tiff, and atk. Afterwards, I got missing fonts with some apps, but the biggest problem is interference with my Vmware Workstation GUIs. Yesterday I removed all the libraries I installed hoping to recover. Now things are better, but when I open a terminal on the desktop it opens jammed in the upper-left corner with the top grab bar out of reach of the mouse. Before I remove the ~/.gnome* directories, how to restore things?

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Slackware :: Klipper Doesn't Always Store The Latest Clipboard Contents In Its History In Kde 4.3.5

Apr 10, 2010

klipper doesn't always store the latest clipboard contents in its history in kde 4.3.5. I have "ignore selection" and "separate clipboard and selection" set in Klippers settings. When i open a new program, for example - kwrite, type some text in it, select some of it and hit ctrl+c - copied text doesn't show up in klippers history list. It seems that klipper misses the first copy operation done in newly launched applications, only by copying the same (or some other) text again klippers menu entry shows up. This seems to happen with only newly launched application, when i had kwrite window already open, opening a second window and performing copy worked fine with klipper.

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Ubuntu :: How To Upgrade To Gnome 3

Apr 11, 2011

i am using ubuntu 10.04, how can i upgrade to gnome 3?

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Ubuntu :: Upgrade To Gnome 3 On U10.10?

May 18, 2011

I use maverick meerkat but want to upgrade my desktop interface to the gnome 3 that is used on natty narwhal.
How would I go about getting gnome 3 on my 10.10.

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Ubuntu :: Upgrade To 11.04 But Keep Gnome Desktop?

Apr 29, 2011

I would like to know if I can upgrade to 11.04 but I dont want the untiy desktop. I want to keep the Gnome desktop.

I have used a netbook for 6 months, 10.10, with the unity desktop and i feel it is crap.

How do I upgrade my 10.10 and keep my Gnome desktop?

Also is it possible to change my netbook from unity to Gnome?

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Ubuntu :: Possible To Upgrade Gnome On NetBook?

Jun 19, 2011

Here I use Ubuntu Netbook Remix Lucid Lynx, and my GNOME version is 2.30.2. From the GNOME official web, They have released GNOME 3.0. Can I upgrade my GNOME? How to upgrade it?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade From 10.10 To 11.04 But Keep Gnome?

Jul 3, 2011

I'm not a fan of unity. Is there an advantage in upgrading or should I stick with 10.10 ? If I go with 11.04 should I upgrade or do a fresh install? Is there a way to make the gnome desktop the default, or do I have to select it every time.

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Ubuntu :: Will It Be Safe To Upgrade To Gnome 3

Aug 5, 2011

will it be safe to upgrade to gnome 3? will i lose any data.. the xact steps to do it..

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Ubuntu :: Gnome Slow To Start Since Upgrade

May 22, 2010

Since upgrading from Heron to Lynx (64 bit) Gnome is slow to start. It seems like it is waiting for some sort of automated timeout, since the harddrive stops in the middle of Gnome startup (after login) for around 10 secs or so. Is there a logfile of the startup-sequence somewhere that I could look at and/or post here?

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OpenSUSE :: Upgrade To Gnome 3 In 11.4?

Apr 12, 2011

How do i upgrade to native gnome 3 (not the shell)?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Session Gnome Kde How To Upgrade?

Mar 19, 2010

is ther someone so gentle to tell me if the two desktops i have installed on my machine, which are the hardy heron gnome and kde are two separate identities? i need to know this as today i was offered by the update manager in kde to upgrade to the new release. i do not know if upgrading the kubuntu side, will affect and perhaps mess up the ubuntu side too. can i upgrade to the new release or have i better to wait for the next long term release of ubuntu?

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Ubuntu :: Lost Gnome Panel Transparency On Upgrade To 10.04

Jul 25, 2010

I recently upgraded from 9.04 to 10.04 and things went pretty smooth. The only real issue is that I lost the transparency settings for the menu & indicator applets on my top knome panel. I simply don't remember how i did it last time, and i've been searching the net for an hour for a solution with no luck. Many results suggested the use of the Compiz Settings Manager's opacity settings, but that opacity applies to everything, including the text & icons. I thought i used the "gnome color chooser" package to do it last time, but I cannot find the option in the gui. how to make the background of the menu (applications/places/system) and indicator applet have transparent backgrounds while retaining full text/icon brightness?

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Ubuntu :: Gnome - Does Not Seem To Be Able To Fit Windows Properly On The Screen After Upgrade

Oct 13, 2010

After I upgraded last night, it does not seem to be able to fit windows properly on the screen. Windows maximize to fill the top half of the screen. Windows which I drag to full size, after I close them and reopen are reduced to fit in the top half.

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Ubuntu :: Upgrade 10.10 Fail - Black Screen Gnome

Nov 2, 2010

Yesterday I attempt to use update-manager to do a distribution update. all was going good. i went to the kitchen to get a coffee and returned to a black screen with no cursor. the install couldnot have finished as it was still downloading updates i believe.

on reboot gnome did not respond so my last resort was to use kde for the time being. by running update-manager through kde I successfully updated to ubuntu 10.10. After completion of the update i restarted and gnome still had a non respinsive black screen on login.

Kde is still working fine.

Or at least how can I completely reinstall gnome.

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Ubuntu :: Gnome-do Broken On Upgrade - All Plugins Disappeared

Dec 30, 2010

I installed gnome-do v0.8.2+dfsg-1 while I was on 9.10. Today I updated gnome-do while on 10.10 to v0.8.3.1+dfsg-1. All my plugins disappeared, and browsing new plugins to install only lets me see those up to letter 'F.' Better yet, any workarounds to this? Possibly just download the plugins myself (although I can't seem to find any direct links?)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Does The Upgrade Replace Gnome With Unity?

Apr 28, 2011

I am running Maverick Meerkat now, and will think about upgrading to Natty next week. I have a question--I run GNOME as the environment now, and if I do upgrade, will Natty replace it with UNITY?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade Manager Wants To Remove Gnome

May 3, 2011

Upgrade Manager wants to remove 'gnome' & 'gnome-desktop-environment,' and doesn't want to replace it with anything else. It appears that this will completely hose my Gnome UI and 'force' me to use Unity.

Is this what's going to happen?

This could hose my whole OS... What can I do?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unity/Gnome Does Not Start After 10.10 To 11.04 Upgrade?

May 18, 2011

I recently upgraded to Ubuntu 11.04. Most of the upgrade went well except for one package (mpd). Ubuntu rebooted and went into a sexy-ish minimal grub. I launched Ubuntu, everything went fine. The only thing I can't seem to get working is Unity/Gnome. When I log on with kdm and choose 'default' or Ubuntu Classic, everything loads fine except for the taskbar/whatever interface. (I usually run wmfs instead of kde/gnome and I'm not sure which interface is currently installed right now. I have both kubuntu-desktop and ubuntu. )

I can still, however, right click and see my desktop/desktop icons. The only thing that does not load is the gnome/unity interface itself. I need it to manage my fonts to fix my wmfs fonts that got screwed up. (I'm using a bitmap font and it doesn't work unless I activate whatever settings I have to activate. )

I am not home right now and this was written on a phone. I apologize if this whole post seems confusing/total blabber. edit: Ubuntu Classic works fine, but Ubuntu/Default does not automatically launc the Unity interface.

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Fedora :: Gnome 3 Freezes After F15 Upgrade

Jun 1, 2011

I just upgraded from F14 to F15. My gnome3 freezes everytime I open an application. I am new to linux.

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OpenSUSE :: No Gnome Desktop After Upgrade From 10.1 To 11.3

Jan 6, 2011

After upgrading the distribution from 10.1 to 11.3 I was not able to start the GNome-Desktop. The first error message I received was "maximum number of x display failures reached". I figured out that there was a problem with the ATI Display driver. I guess I fixed this one now, since I do get a Login-Screen.

But after login, I only have a completely empty Desktop (no Icons, no Taskbar, etc.). Also Keyboard-Shortcuts don't work. I tried it with different user-logins, but always the same result. Then I found information regarding gconftool-2 and the recursive -unset switch. Tried this one for /apps/panel and /apps/nautilus. But still no Desktop. Below is some information from .xsession-errors, which I don't know how to resolve.


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Ubuntu :: Gnome Session Does Not Save Application After Upgrade To Maverick?

Jan 14, 2011

after the upgrade to maverick, gnome-session-save doesn't save applications on shutdown or logout as it did on Lucid.I've noticed the following things:

On Lucid, if I had a stopped job in a shell, the system refused to logout or shutdown, showing a confirmation window. On Maverick, the CPU goes to 100% and then the computer shuts down; on reboot, no application is saved

On Maverick, if there are NO stopped jobs in a shell, I can logout cleanly but only a few applications are saved (eg. terminal, firefox) but others aren't (eg. empathy,evolution) I've checked "Automatically remember application on exit" in "Session management" menu.

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Ubuntu :: Gnome Broken After Upgrade To 11.04 - Can't Move / Resize Windows

May 19, 2011

Though I am Linux user for sometime I only recently started using Ubuntu (starting from 10.10). So far so good. Last week I was suggested by the update manager to upgrade to 11.04. I went for it. After the upgrade it worked nicely; I was so happy. It provided Mac like menus and stuffs. An auto hiding side bar. With overwhelming interest, I started paying around with it. In that process, I turned on the Compiz cube. It warned me that it was going to disable the compiz wall; I confirmed that. And that was it. I lost everything.

Now no keyboard shortcuts (like Ctrl+f4, Alt+f4, Alt+f1, Alt+f2, Alt+tab) work. No Window borders; no task bar. There was a blank desktop. All I could do was right click and get a context menu. With that I created a shortcut to run gnome-terminal, started the terminal, typed google-chrome and then typing this in the forum. As I said earlier, I do not have any short cut keys. I f I want to go back to the terminal, I have to close this browser. I can't move/resize windows.

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