Ubuntu :: Possible To Upgrade Gnome On NetBook?

Jun 19, 2011

Here I use Ubuntu Netbook Remix Lucid Lynx, and my GNOME version is 2.30.2. From the GNOME official web, They have released GNOME 3.0. Can I upgrade my GNOME? How to upgrade it?

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Ubuntu :: Install Gnome On Netbook Remix 10.04?

Jan 11, 2011

I try to install gnome on ubuntu netbook remix 10.04

It doesn't install, comes up with an error everytime I try to install it.

Any fixes? I want my netbook to have the ability to install cool themes from gnome desktop

have a look at the screenshot provided

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Ubuntu :: Can I Switch Between Gnome And Its Netbook Remix On It

Mar 31, 2009

I want to set up Ubuntu on an Acer Aspire One but want to go with the Ubuntu Netbook Remix version. At times though I may want to use the standard Gnome interface.
Is it possible for me to use both? I don't mean with dual booting but since UNR is like another desktop is it possible to switch between UNR and Gnome on Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu :: Gnome-panel Is Locked Down In The Netbook Edition

May 1, 2010

I am starting this thread to get other folks opinions regarding gnome-panel and and Ubuntu Netbook Edition. This post is follows on from here: [URL] I cannot believe that the gnome-panel is now locked down in the Netbook Edition. I have read (via google) many ways to "fix" this issue but I am particularly disappointed with the situation. I use the Netbook Edition on an eeepc 1000. The first thing I do after installing is uninstall maximus, remove the Window Picker applet, and replace them with gnome-globalmenu and dockbarx. This gives me a pretty awesome experience that allows me to combat the low vertical resolution.

After reading this: [URL] I am even more disappointed. If gnome-panel is buggy and you don't have time to fix the issue prior to the release then why are we "swapping" bugs? This is total regression and calling it a 'design decision' does not change that fact one bit. What's next?.. Trash won't empty... we'll say its by design --- All nautilus windows are read only... Don't worry its deliberate, but GIMP is working! --- firefox burns your freaking house down while screwing your wife... (you get my point?)

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Ubuntu Installation :: GNOME Failsafe Works But GNOME Doesn't - 10.04 Upgrade

May 27, 2010

Older machine here that I upgraded to 10.04 after a clean install of 9.10 some months ago. When booting into GNOME, the desktop image flashes on the screen and the second the bars on top and bottom try to appear the system boots out of the desktop and returns to the log on screen. I assume this is a crash of Xserver, but just guessing. Per another page I ran: lspci | grep VGAand returned:

01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. KM400/KN400/P4M800 [S3 UniChrome] (rev 01)

I know - old machine Typing this from failsafe mode, would be great to hear from someone as to what I can do to get this working in normal mode again.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade To 9.10 And Netbook Remix?

Jan 19, 2010

i am currently running ubuntu 9.04 gnome and would like to switch to netbook remix before i do i just need to check my hardware will work:

512mb ram
sis 650 vga graphics
1.4ghz intel pentium 4 processor

is this ok to install and would any graphics run ok or could i switch them off so it would run smooth. is there a way to upgrade to 9.10 and netbook remix can i order a free ubuntu netbook remix cd? i am using a laptop not a netbook i want netbook remix as it looks and is very clean and simple and would be a really nice change from the boring gnome theme no offence. finally can you turn it off just if you need to use a normal gnome desktop.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade From 9.10 NBR To 10.04 Netbook Edition?

May 25, 2010

I am using 9.10 netbook remix and it only offers the 10.04 LTS upgrade option. Can I upgrade it to the 10.04 netbook edition instead?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade Netbook Remix From 9.10 To UNR 10.04?

Jun 20, 2010

is it possible to upgrade Ubuntu Netbook Remix from 9.10 to UNR 10.04 using ubuntu_netbook_remix_10.04 cd or iso? if yes than how?

as far as I know it is possible to upgrade from cd using Alternate cd's, but what I want is to stay with netbook remix so dont want to upgrade to desktop or anything else.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Netbook Won't Boot After Upgrade?

Aug 16, 2010

I have been using with dual boot on my netbook. All has been well until I went through the upgrade process from 9.10 to 10.04. After going through the process the netbook restarted went past the splash screen and displayed the message error: no such device:a0c6fc38-13ae-4af3-8fde-0a7e16bb6637 grub rescue>

I cant even go through the recovery options on the splash screen it just reverts to the above message.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade From 10.04 LTS Desktop To 10.10 Netbook?

Nov 14, 2010

I have been using 10.04 Desktop on my laptop. Now, I want to use 10.10 netbook. Can someone clarify me if I can upgrade from 10.04 LTS desktop to 10.10 Netbook?

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Ubuntu :: Upgrade Netbook Version To Desktop?

Jan 3, 2011

I am making the switch to Linux and I really love Ubuntu. My DVD player isn't working, so I'm using my flash drive. It was too small for the desktop installer, so I used the netbook. I'm installing it as I type this (having the browser thats available for browsing while installing is awesome!)

Is there a way to upgrade to move to the desktop version after I finish? Also, what's the difference between the two. Links are fine. I tried google, but my google-fu must not be too strong today.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade To 11.04 From Netbook Remix 10.10?

Apr 10, 2011

I want to upgrade to Ubuntu 11.04 from Ubuntu netbook remix 10.10, When I go to the update manager and check for updates it says that no updates were found, It also doesnt say that there is a new version available, I've checked my settings and its set to normal upgrades.

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Ubuntu :: Netbook Edition 10.04 - How To Change To Gnome Desktop And Back

May 2, 2010

I just downloaded Ubuntu Netbook Edition 10.04 and am running it from a usb flash drive on my Acer laptop.
At times I'd like to use the Gnome desktop. I know with the previous version there was a way to change to Gnome. Is there still a way to change to Gnome on the 10.04 version and if so how do I change to Gnome and back to Netbook Edition desktop?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade From 10.4 Dopeskt To Its Netbook Edition?

Jun 4, 2010

Couldn't find the answer anywhere, and here is the thing :
I got a Sony Vaio VGN-TX3 XP, from 2006.
I have installed 10.4 desktop edition, as usual, but it is really slow.

I was wondering :
1. woudl i gain to install the 10.4 Netbook edition ?
2. how to updgrade from one to the other without doing a fresh install ?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install 10.10 (upgrade From 10.4) And Keep 10.4 UI Instead Of Junk That Is 10.10 Netbook?

Oct 25, 2010

Is there a way to install 10.10 (or upgrade from 10.4) and keep the 10.4 UI instead of the junk that is the 10.10 netbook UI ?

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Fedora :: Gnome Soft On Small Monitor (netbook)

Oct 28, 2010

I am using F13 on my netbook for a week so far. Its worth mention, I am completely new new to Linux. Want to say many thanks to Fedora developers for such a great OS, it makes me really happy.
Now, on the subject, I have a very small monitor 1024x576, this is causing difficulties with GIMP, and more, I found that GIMP is too much 'overfeatured' :-( . Searching on this forum , I found posts about 'Kolour' for KDE desktop. Maybe you can recommend a similar simple image editor for Gnome desktop? Crop/resize and pencil tool where i can pick up color and draw pixels will suffice most of the time.

Also I am using Firefox a lot and thought whether it possible to get a small feature , I will try to describe it: when the window is maximized I want to hide the window's header and menu, which would give me extra 40-50 pixels height to the contents of the window.
Yeah, I know I can hide navigation bar, but how then I will type the page location?

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CentOS 5 :: 5.2 (native) - Gnome Dektop Munged Slightly Due To Attempted Gnome Upgrade

Mar 11, 2009

Against all advice in Centos docs, I built and installed several gnome packages in order to upgrade to the latest Gnumeric. Among them were: fontconfig, pango, gtk+, cairo, glib. goffice, pixman, tiff, and atk. Afterwards, I got missing fonts with some apps, but the biggest problem is interference with my Vmware Workstation GUIs. Yesterday I removed all the libraries I installed hoping to recover. Now things are better, but when I open a terminal on the desktop it opens jammed in the upper-left corner with the top grab bar out of reach of the mouse. Before I remove the ~/.gnome* directories, how to restore things?

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General :: Upgrade / Move To Jolicloud From Ubuntu Netbook Remix?

Mar 25, 2010

I have a Dell Mini 9 running Ubuntu Netbook Remix. I would like to switch to Jolicloud (which is based on UNR.) I would like to know if it's possible to easily upgrade/move from UNR to Jolicloud, or if I must do a fresh install.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Natty Upgrade Breaks Unity On Netbook

Apr 15, 2011

X is working, I get a desktop, all updates are current, just no Unity menus/window/widgets/whatever, blank desktop with single mapped network folder and no working keyboard shortcuts after initial login. I upgraded on Alpha 2 and it ate my desktop, never has given it back for 3 months. I assumed eventually the upgrades would fix it. Looked into ditching Unity and doing GDM, but thought I'd wait it out, ran dpkg-reconfigure unity and it did nothing, can't find any relevant errors in the logs, where should I be looking and/or what should I be doing? Running lots of servers on this box and have dual-boot, otherwise I'd probably torch it and start over.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Natty Netbook Upgrade Hides Unity?

May 1, 2011

I was running Ubuntu 10.4 netbook version (with Gnome) on my Dell Inspiron 910 and yesterday it told me there was an upgrade available, to Natty. I followed the links, did the download, and left it to install overnight. When I got up today, it said it had a problem, because an application was using a file it needed. I thought I had closed everything before I started the process. I acknowledged the message, and proceeded to restart.

I ended up with the standard 10.4 Ubuntu screen, but with no tool bars, status bars, or anything. Just the wallpaper. Keyring login came up and I signed in, wireless said it was connected. So it looks like things are working, just no UI as such. Poked all the screen edges with the mouse, but nothing popped out.

Ctrl><Alt><Del> brought up the logout screen, and if I clicked on Help, I could ultimately get Firefox to run. (Note: the Help screen talks about Gnome, but it had the new popout scroll bars).

If I hold down <Shift> on startup, I get the GRUB menu. I am running linux generic 2.6.38-8 , but I am not sure where to go from there. Running dpkg didn't help.

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General :: Upgrade From 9.10 To 10.04 On A Netbook With A 4GB Root Partition?

May 13, 2010

I have an Asus EeePC 901, running Ubuntu 9.10. I'd like to upgrade it to 10.04. I don't want to reinstall, since I have a bunch of scripts and programs all set up.However, when I attempt to upgrade using sudo do-release-upgrade, I get an error asking me to free up another ~600MB on /.

My / is mounted on sda0, which is a 4GB SSD. I do not have 600MB worth of deletable stuff on /.I've emptied my trash, and done apt-get autoremove and apt-get clean.I do have plenty of space in /home, mounted on sda1 (a 16GB SSD).Is there some way I can tell apt-get to use a different download/temp directory?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Defaults And Start-up Apps On Maverick Netbook Upgrade?

Oct 11, 2010

I've upgraded my netbook from Lucid to Maverick, and have a couple of questions:

1. My start-up apps don't appear to be running. In particular Tilda and Gnome-Do don't start up - and removal of the "Alt+F2" shortcut to run programs makes it hard to start them manually.

2. I'm still getting the old launcher as the desktop, with no search box in the top bar. (In many respects having the old launcher isn't so bad, as I'm Not Friends with the new Unity side-panel.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade From Netbook Remix To Desktop/laptop Version?

Jan 14, 2011

Upgrade from netbook remix to desktop/laptop version?

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Ubuntu :: Installing 10.10 Netbook Remix Edition Onto A Acer Aspire One Netbook?

Jan 18, 2011

I am having trouble installing Ubuntu 10.10 netbook remix edition onto a Acer Aspire one netbook. I am attempting to install the OS from a 16GB PNY usb drive w/ the usb-universal installer and ubuntu 10.10 netbook remix .ISO

The reoccurring problem that I am encountering is that when I boot from the USB-drive and begin to install everything seems to be working, and then it is stuck at the menu where it asks who are you?; and of course i have filled in everything asked and at the bottom where you can look at what its doing in the terminal/detail section all it says is ready when you are, and the forward tap is unselectable.

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General :: Resolution Overclocking Using Ubuntu Netbook Remix 10.04 On An Asus Eee 4G Netbook

Aug 30, 2010

Why i cant change from 800x480 to 1024x600, that this model of EEE pc doesnt support anything higher than 800x480 at the 10:1 ratio...

Firstly my question is, is it ACTUALLY possible to 'overclock' this type of netbook to run a higher res?

Im running ubtuntu netbook remix 10.04 and am new to linux (again, so sorry) so be nice, and ive tried getting my head around this 'sudo' stuff, and the xorg.conf file (which is nowhere to be found) and ive even tried a program calld astray but im pretty sure ive exhausted my patience as trying to self-teach . . .

And ive also tried to much around with xrandr or whatever that command was.. but i cant really get my head around it, and it kept telling me the resolution didnt exist ect...

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Ubuntu :: Can't Remove Plams-netbook From Kubuntu Netbook Remix 9.10?

Mar 7, 2010

For the past 2hrs I have been struggling to make KDE launch plasma-dekstop instead of plasma-netbook, but all in vain.I removed, then purged plasma-netbook and plasma-netbook-default-settings packages but after logging out and re-logging in the Netbook UI was back! After restarting the system now I can't even seem to get the KDM. I am greeted with a black screen.--- I restarted the system again and the nasty little bugger is back again! This is so frustrating. How do I get plasma-desktop to load instead?---- Great now I can see that plasma-desktop and plasma-netbook both are running simultaneously! netbook on top of desktop. So my final Q is how do I stop plasma-netbook from loading?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Switching From Kubuntu Netbook To Netbook Remix?

Mar 20, 2010

i would like to change my OS to Ubuntu netbook remix, but I already have installed Kubuntu netbook package.

Is there any easy way to make switch from Kubuntu to Ubuntu? Without need to delete all my data?

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Ubuntu Installation :: ASUS Netbook Heating Up When Using Netbook 10.04

Apr 30, 2010

I installed Ubuntu Netbook 10.04 and immediately noticed the keyboard of my eeepc 1000HE was abnormally warm. Since I dual boot XP I booted to XP and found the fan running faster to compensate for the previous heat. This did not happen on Ubuntu-the fan just was barely running. I had to place the side of the netbook in order to feel the fan running. I issued "sensors" in terminal and it showed 67 degrees C for the cpu temp. Is the latest Ubuntu such a resource hug that it heats up the CPU?

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General :: Using A Netbook Nb305 Toshiba With A Intel Atom Processor With Netbook Os?

Oct 28, 2010

my play on linux wont work i go to download a game and it just freezes then it asks me to force quit or wait is because of the computer im using a netbook nb305 toshiba with a intel atom processor with ubuntu netbook os?

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Ubuntu :: How To Upgrade To Gnome 3

Apr 11, 2011

i am using ubuntu 10.04, how can i upgrade to gnome 3?

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