Ubuntu :: Get A Link/source For A Decent Cpu Stresser App?

Feb 7, 2010

anyone got a link/source for a decent cpu stresser app? did a search and didnt really find anything :/

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Ubuntu :: Any Link To Get Source Code For PThread Library?

Aug 27, 2010

Can anyone please let me know of a link where I can find the source code for Linux pthread library?

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General :: Grub2 Source Code Download Link Not Working

Mar 16, 2010

I am very curious about updated graphics in GRUB2. So I want to compile and load grub2. Where can I get the grub2 source code. While browsing I got two links [/COLOR]
First one has upto 1.98. Second link is not working. Can someone point the link where GRUB2 is available.

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Ubuntu :: Looking For Decent FTP Program?

May 20, 2010

I am looking for a Ubuntu program to take the place of the windows application WinSCP. What I am looking for is the following:

1) Able to handle FTP and SSH (SFTP)

2) Able to have an explore view for the remote file system. (Directory Structure on left, files on right, and no local files).

3) Able to edit files and auto update them on saving the file (not on closing gedit).

4) Able to edit files without being prompted every time an edit is saved/uploaded.

5) Works reasonably well on slow connections.

So far I have tried sshfs, gftp, and filezilla.

sshfs satisfies (1-4) but becomes unbearable on slow connections, but works great over a local network. gftp satisfies 1, and 5. filezilla satisfies 1, 3, 5. If anyone out there knows a program which satisfies all 5 of my requirements or knows hows to configure the stated programs into meeting my requirements I can live without requirement #2 if the other 4 are met.

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Ubuntu :: Get A Decent PSX Emulator On System?

Jul 3, 2010

K theres nothing online for PSX or ePSXe on ubuntu 10.04. i have the 32 bit os installed, but my processor is 64 bit, idk if that matters... but is there anyway i can get a decent PSX emulator on my system?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Get A Decent Download Of Kubuntu 10.10?

Nov 12, 2010

I an setting up a kubuntu system for my parents and I downloaded and I went to the site and downloaded and burnt the ISO to a DVD and booted the computer from it. I chose to look at the distro first but every time I tried to boot it up the live CD hangs.

I tried to install via text mode and this went through okay and then I tried to boot up and the computer hung. I tried this several times and the same thing happened.Is it a dodgy ISO or is there something else I should be concerned about?

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Ubuntu :: Found A Decent Alternative For Freecorder?

Feb 24, 2011

Has anyone found a decent alternative for freecorder on Ubuntu? If you dont know what it is it records sound directly from your soundcard to a mp3. I tried mp3mymp3 with wine but it doesnt seem to work.

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Software :: Decent GUI Svn Client?

May 18, 2010

Does anyone know of a decent GUI svn client? I tried to use KDESVN. Their install steps include using cmake, but I never get any makefiles. I tried a few others, but they don't work at all.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Need Decent Internet Radio / Music App

Apr 12, 2010

Is there a decent Internet radio/music player application for Ubuntu? I am currently using Rythmbox and it's terrible! It frequently crashes when streaming, and won't even play some streams.

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Ubuntu :: 448MB RAM - Running Machine At Decent Speed?

Sep 1, 2011

I'm installing (X/Lubuntu) on a machine with only 448 mb RAM and a 2GHz processor. I'd definitively prefer Xubuntu, but if it'll be very sluggish I'll go for Lubuntu, because it is important that the machine runs at a decent speed. So which should I go for? Is 448 mb RAM enough for Xubuntu?

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General :: How To Get A Decent Emacs Setup

Mar 11, 2011

I am currently interested in switching from vim to emacs.One of the more compelling reasons for this is the smooth integration with a unix environment. The most experienced emacs users I have seen have a bash prompt at the bottom of their window, with stdout going to a buffer right above it. They then interact with the output of programs such as grep in interesting ways.I am on Ubuntu 10.04 and the default emacs environment does not seem to do much for me in the way of integration. For example, in the M-x shell mode, output from basic commands like ls produce lots of strange characters and hitting the up arrow does not go to previous commands.

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Hardware :: Looking For A Decent USB Wireless Adapter?

Jun 9, 2009

I am using Debian Linux with 2.6.28 kernel. I was wondering if anybody can point a website which properly shows all the USB wireless adapter that are being supported by Linux natively (without using ndiswrapper).

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Decent Video Editor - Really Allows Slow-motion

Dec 7, 2010

My friends and I are into freerunning/parkour (look it up if you don't know it : D) and we like to make videos sometimes. Slow motion is a MUST.

The problem is, I haven't been able to find any good video editors for linux. I've just been using windows movie maker when it comes to editing, but I haven't been able to find anything on linux that really allows slowmo.

I tried Openshot video editor and LiVES video editor, but they've both been no luck. Open shot allows you to play a clip at half speed. This is fine, except it doesn't adjust the timeline accordingly, so clips get cut off when they're only part of the way through, and I can't seem to adjust the timeline to get it to work. And as far as LiVES, I haven't been able to find the "effects" button, or anything that allows you to do stuff to clips.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Does A Decent Video / Audio Player Exist

Dec 15, 2010

Coming from windows one of things I miss the most is a decent video player and an audio player. For audio I use foobar2000 and I continue to do so on ubuntu with wine since I didn't find anything comparable. Video is worse because I can't use the same with wine. On windows I have used The KMPlayer since ages. But on ubuntu I only a few cumbersome players. The built in is very basic. VLC's subtitle/playlist management is very lame in comparison with kmp. Also seeking sucks with wmv's most of the time it jumps backwards when I want to jump forward. Mplayer doesn't even have gui and the frontends aren't too good either.

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Software :: Decent Boot Loader (startup Manager) For Ubuntu 10.4?

Jun 17, 2010

The Synaptec startup-manager for ubuntu 10.4 is horrible. It gives you a laundry list of kernels and operating systems and asks you to pick one. I had a gnome (?) boot loader app on another system and it had a slick gui which let you order the list, inspect the vmlinuz and initrd for existence, make suggestions for appropriate entries, had an advanced mode for chain loading, etc. It had ~40 features. This one has exactly 7 and looks like a high school compsci 101 homework assignment [ ].

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Software :: Unable To Find A Decent Hex Editor For GNU

Jun 22, 2010

I'm unable to find a decent hex editor for GNU/Linux -- let alone a really good one. I don't really care if it is GUI or console based, but it has to work properly, the curses-based ones that I've tried somehow manage to corrupt its own display by merely scrolling through the file being edited.

So, my question is, what is a good hex editor for GNU/Linux? If possible I'd gladly like to know both the name of a console based one and another GUI-based one.

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General :: Is Decent Music Player Really That Hard To Find

May 13, 2010

I have a pretty straight forward (I thought) request for a music player and I'm hitting problems EVERYWHERE
So what I need:

1. Plays music on my computer
2. Can transfer music & playlists to my Creative Zen
3. Can burn cd's within the player (and make auto convert to .wav's so I can play in my vehicle).

I'd like to have lyrics and a wiki page (like songbird and amarok do) but I'll sacrifice them for the other features....which all seem so basic

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Ubuntu :: Send A Link For Download And A Link With The Installation Instructions?

Aug 16, 2011

I was looking for live link to download ubuntu mobile but unfortunately I don't find anything... Can someone send me a link for download and a link with the installation instructions ?? All the links that I found are dead.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Mount To Vista Needed For Apache - Symbolic Link Not Allowed Or Link Target Not Accessible

Apr 26, 2010

I have a problem where I'm using Ubuntu linux to mount a Windows Vista machine's USB drive and access it on the web using Apache. I did have the USB drive plugged into the Linux machine directly and that was working via the web. FollowSymLinks is on in httpd.conf


The mount works and I can see the files (see above) from my regular linux user account. If I make a test file in /mnt and soft link to that, I can see it on the web. So it's just the mount to the vista machine that seems to be a problem. It's supposed to be a simple read-only mount and the apache login should (I think) be able to see the same generic root access permissions.

log from apache: [Mon Apr 26 20:39:42 2010] [error] [client] Symbolic link not allowed or link target not accessible: /home/user1/pub_html/Music, referer: https://xx.xx.xx/~user1/music.html

The credentials have a login and password that matches a special read-only account on Vista. I can see the files on the system from Linux, but not via the web. As mentioned above, a different link to the same /mnt area works fine via the web. I've tried several different mount options with no success.

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General :: Lightweight Word Processor With Decent Features And Few Dependencies - Exist

Mar 18, 2010

Using Arch Linux. I am looking for a good word processor. I don't need a lot of file format support. Only RTF (for WordPad on W$). I want one that it is easy to use. I've been searching on Google and these are the ones that constantly show up. I have tried them, and don't like them. (Abiword was OK, but I couldn't get spell-check to work...)Just something light and easy to use, with just the usual features. I don't want a billion features. All I want is something I don't have to fight against to get a nice looking, presentable document. Emacs, Vi and *TeX* are not very easy to use, so don't mention the 'advanced' ones like that.

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OpenSUSE :: Symbolic Link Not Allowed Or Link Target Not Accessible: /srv/www/htdocs?

Apr 28, 2010

i only need localhost for testing some phpnow i get[Wed Apr 28 18:44:57 2010] [error] [client ::1] Symbolic link not allowed or link target not accessible: /srv/www/htdocs

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Programming :: Link Directories - Symlink Not Updated / Hard Link Not Supported?

Sep 6, 2010

In the ordering of files I keep I need links to directories. Sometimes I even need to move directories to new locations. I have tried using symlinks, but they become dead when I move the directory they point to. I have tried hard links, but I haven't found any Linux file system that would support hard linked directories. How can I achieve that a complex structure of directories (currently with symlinks for directories and hard links for files) keep symlinks live when directories are moved?

- is there any utility that updates symlinks when a directory is moved?

- is there any Linux filesystem that supports hard linked directories?

- is there any good Linux interface to the new NTFS (the only file system I know to support automatically updating directory links, called directory junctions)?

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General :: View CD Shortcut Link / List Link Name By Using Any Command?

Jun 8, 2010

Whenever we insert CD,it creates a shortcut link in desktop.Can we list this link name by using any command? I am using Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.0.

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Server :: Create Soft Link And Hard Link In RHEL5?

Sep 8, 2010

how can we create soft link and hard link in RHEL5 when am using in command it is giving format error

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General :: Difference Between A Hard Link And Symbolic Link?

Jun 20, 2011

I have searched around and am trying to understand the difference between a hard link and symbolic link (soft link). I found this link is quite useful. But I am still not very clear. I understand soft link is not a copy of original file, but is a hard link a copy or not?

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Ubuntu :: Lucid Apache2 Directory Symlink Error "Symbolic Link Not Allowed Or Link Target Not Accessible"

Jun 2, 2010

There is a symlink from /var/www to a personal directory. FollowSymlink and chmod 755 are all set. It works perfectly until each morning I will get a "Symbolic link not allowed or link target not accessible" error. When I do a "sudo service apache2 restart", the problem will go away.

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Ubuntu :: Link To File On The Host System - Error "Invalid Cross-device Link"

Oct 25, 2010

I installed 10.10 using wubi (Host system is Win XP). I want to create a symbolic link of a file on the host system (Windows c:abc.doc file) in my Ubuntu home ~/ directory.
When I type command ln /host/abc.doc abc.doc It gives me following error ln: creating hard link `abc.doc' => `/host/abc.doc': Invalid cross-device link

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Ubuntu :: Open Source Virtual Machine - Study The Source In Order To Create My Own?

Jun 28, 2011

Is there any open source virtual machine so i can study the source in order to create my own? i'm gonna write my own, so it doesNT matter if license does not allow further development of the code.

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Ubuntu :: Source Code Of The Krnel From The Kernel.org - Source Trees Organization

Apr 11, 2011

i am already a little bit familiar with linux and now i want to know better the linux OS. i have downloaded the source code of the krnel from the kernel.org and i dont understand the linux source trees organization, so can somebody do me a favor and give me a link to some internet page (or at least a book) that explains that?? i have searched in the internet with the tag:::linux source trees organization and i have not found nothing interesting

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Ubuntu :: How To See Source Code Of Open Source Software

Sep 12, 2010

I want to see the source code of smplayer software.from where i can see source code of open source softwares?

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