Software :: Decent Boot Loader (startup Manager) For Ubuntu 10.4?

Jun 17, 2010

The Synaptec startup-manager for ubuntu 10.4 is horrible. It gives you a laundry list of kernels and operating systems and asks you to pick one. I had a gnome (?) boot loader app on another system and it had a slick gui which let you order the list, inspect the vmlinuz and initrd for existence, make suggestions for appropriate entries, had an advanced mode for chain loading, etc. It had ~40 features. This one has exactly 7 and looks like a high school compsci 101 homework assignment [ ].

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General :: Windows 7 - Make A Boot Loader Load The Existing Boot Loader From The First Partition?

Jun 14, 2010

I installed ubuntu using wubi and then I tried installing grub 2 but it failed. I need a way to reinstall the mbr sp it will load the windows 7 loader from the first partition.

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Ubuntu :: Bright Pink Boot Screen With Dodgy Text After Playing With Startup Manager In 10.04?

May 28, 2010

today while using 10.04 Lucid Lynx 64 bit I decided to do something about the low resolution boot screen, I've seen the bugs thread but I thought startup manager would be the way to go Anyway I changed the resolution and the bits to the highest they would go I rebooted and I got the normal coloured boot screen but no logo just text, then I tried disabling text and enabling the boot logo Then I rebooted and the same thing again Then I removed startup manager and the whole boot screen turned bright pink and still had a text logo!

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Ubuntu :: No Session Manager Under "System/Preferences", No Startup Programs Manager

Jun 6, 2010

Hello - installed 10.04 yesterday, Had previously dabbled, trying to switch over to Ubuntu full time now. Wanted to access the session manager, but when I scroll to System/Preferences, there is no entry for it, or for the startup programs manager. Also, I'm getting the following error when attempting to open the "windows" entry: Failed to execute child process "gnome-window-properties" (No such file or directory)

Did I somehow botch something in gnome which is now leading to the absence of the session manager as well as the inability to launch the "windows" manager?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot Using Windows Boot Loader, Not GRUB?

Nov 8, 2010

I'm trying to dual boot Win7 and Ubuntu WITHOUT using Grub. This is to support Bitlocker encryption.

I followed this guide, and now when I select Ubuntu I get a Grub> prompt and no ubuntu.

I feel like I'm halfway there, I just need to get Grub to load correctly or something.

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Ubuntu :: Dual Boot - Changing Boot Loader Between Disks?

Jun 17, 2010

Here's my current setup:

Disk 0 (500GB): Windows Vista
Disk 1 (1TB): Windows 7
Disk 2 (160GB): Ubuntu

My boot disk is Disk 0. Currently when I turn on the PC, GRUB loads from Disk 0. I can then choose either Ubuntu or Windows Loader. If I choose Windows Loader (also located on Disk 0), I can choose to load Windows Vista or Windows 7. I like this setup, but I would like to move the loaders (exactly as they are) to Disk 1 so that I can format Disk 0.

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Ubuntu :: Dual Boot - Remove The Windows Boot Loader

Apr 26, 2011

One thing I notice and hope someone here can steer me in the right direction. When I start up my computer I have the list of options to choose from, if I choose to boot into Win 7 I am the presented again with another boot menu from windows. I would like to remove the Windows boot loader.

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Boot 10.04 Via Windows XP Boot Loader

Jul 28, 2010

I have 2 HDDs:

HDD 1 (sda) with Windows XP installed on sda1 and four more partions.

HDD 2 (sdb) with three NTFS-Partitions (sdb1, 5 and 6) and Ubuntu 10.04 (sdb7) + Swap-Partition (sdb8).

I would like to boot Ubuntu using the Windows XP boot loader, i.e., having an entry there to choose Ubuntu and start my installation of Ubuntu 10.04. I have installed Ubuntu 10.04 on sdb7 and told the installer to install the grub2 boot loader to /dev/sdb (should it have been /dev/sdb7?). When using the boot selection option of my bios and choosing the second HDD Ubuntu starts without problems.

I used dd if=/dev/sdb of=bootsect.lnx bs=512 count=1 to copy the mbr of my second HDD and copied the file bootsect.lnx to my c: drive. Then added C:ootsect.lnk = "Ubuntu Linux" to my Windows boot.ini. When rebooting my computer I get the option "Ubuntu Linux" in the XP boot loader. Choosing it I come to a black screen with a blinking white cursor. All I want to do is not use Grub 2 as my primary boot loader but instead leave my WinXP installation untouched and start Ubuntu from within WinXP boot loader. This has been working just fine with my old Ubuntu installation.

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General :: Grub Boot Loader With Puppy - Cannot Boot From My Hard Drive

Nov 1, 2010

I'm trying out puppy linux, as I have an old system, and the new Ubuntus do not work on it.

Anyway,I cannot boot from my hard drive but only from the floppy.I'm just not too keen on always booting from the floppy.

Here is the file:

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Debian :: Grub Boot Loader On A Dual Boot System?

Dec 16, 2010

This is the third time I try unsuccessfully to install Debian as a second OS on a hard drive. When it gets to the end of the installation process the installer asks whether I want to go ahead with the Grub Boot Loader, I choose yes. The end result is however that I can't boot that partition within the hard drive -- i.e., Debian. Can someone tell me what is going on? Should I not use the Grub Boot Loader when I have more than one operating system on a machine? Should I not install Grub on the Master Boot Record (MBR)?

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Fedora Installation :: Repair To The Grub Boot Loader To Boot Into Win 7 ?

Oct 23, 2009

I have XP, Win7 Pro and F 11 installed. Before I installed F 11, Win 7 boot mgr was working fine. I then installed F 11 and I went to System/Admin/bootloader to edit it and it wouldn't bring up the boot loader. In the attachment was the error msg. Now my only option when I boot up is F 11.

I do not have access to the Win 7 DVD only the F 11 install disk since I am on a fishing trip and need to use Win 7. How can I repair to the grub boot loader to boot into Win 7?

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Fedora Installation :: Multi Boot System - Set Up The Boot Loader ?

Mar 18, 2010

I'm trying to install Fedora onto a computer that has Windows XP on the first of two SATA drives. Windows 7 is on the second drive.

I installed Fedora no problems on a 14 gig free space I created on the first drive and told it where and what my other OS's were. Fine so far. I didn't tell it to overwrite the MBR on the XP (first) drive. I took the second option which I "think" put the boot loader on the fedora partition.

All good - till I rebooted and I just saw my Windows 7 loader with my options for XP and Windows 7 but no Fedora.

So, if I overwrite the MBR on the first drive, will that mean I can't access my Windows 7 installation?

How SHOULD I set up the boot loader?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Boot To Grub Boot Loader

Feb 26, 2011

I can't boot to the grub boot loader now. It only boots into the grub command prompt. What should i do?I understand grub is the bootloader but I don't know what else to call the command prompt

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Ubuntu :: Grub Loader / Can Not See The Grub At Startup?

Jun 19, 2011

I use Ubuntu on his edition 8.10 and have always been very pleased, until 11:04 last version. Actually used a dual boot for constant use of certain programs that only work on windows. By installing the latest version, everything is as before except that I can not see the initial grub, show me out of range. My boot loader resolution is 640x480 and still I can not see the grub at startup.

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Fedora :: Boot Loader Won't Boot WinXp

Mar 2, 2011

i have a dual boot system running Fedora14 as the main OS and WinXp as a secondary OS. On the boot up screen i choose to boot windows XP and all i get is a black screen. i am assuming the boot-loader has a small glitch and won't boot WinXp. i am stressing because i need to use MS office Access to finish a crappy school project due tomorrow.

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Ubuntu :: Use Grub Instead Of Win 7 Boot Loader ?

Aug 26, 2010

Every dual boot guide and every dual boot I've set up I've done the same way. Always install Windows first then install Ubuntu. Well, this time Windows didn't let go of the bootloader it seems like. I have kind of an awkward setup for hard drives...32gb SSD /2X250gb raid1 /home 3gb(at beginning of 1tb HDD) swap

The rest of the TB is Windows 7 Home Premium. I installed Windows 7 without problems the installed Ubuntu 10.04 x64 without problems. It asked if I wanted grub to overwrite mbr I said yes. Computer rebooted... Straight into Windows. I downloaded EasyBCD and added grub to Windows boot menu. The option works great, goes straight into grub. Grub even has Windows listed.

Why is my computer using Windows boot manager and how do I switch it to grub?

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Ubuntu :: Boot Loader Is FUBAR

Dec 6, 2010

I've got a dual boot Ubuntu/XP system (two separate HDs) that I've really hosed up and Here's the sad tale:

1. When rebooting recently, the bios prompted me to confirm a change to my system configuration... the query you get when you add a new HD, for example. I didn't add anything to the system, but stupidly hit F1 to apply the changes in my haste.

2. I could then boot into Ubuntu, but not Windows. When I tried the latter, I got the "NTLDR is missing" message.

3. Based on reading some online help tips, I booted into the recovery console and tried fixboot.

4. Now, I can't boot into either system! I get something like this when I choose Ubuntu from the Grub menu:


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Ubuntu :: No Boot Loader Is Installed In The MBR Of /dev/sdb

Mar 26, 2011

My problems with Ubuntu seem to always be caused by a problem with Windows.

My laptop has two hdd's with Windows XP on the first and Linux Mint 10 on the second.

I had to reinstall XP on the first and now mint won't load at all.

I ran the boot info script and her it is:


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Ubuntu :: Can't See Boot Loader Menu

Jul 7, 2011

Just installed ubuntu 11.04 for the first time and it works fine except when i start the computer up the screen goes to the no signal adjust to 1600 x 900 screen. if i wait 30 seconds or so it boots into ubuntu or i can hit the down arrow 4 times and hit enter to load windows so grub must be running but isn't sending out a video signal or at a resolution the monitor can't display so does anyone know how to solve this?

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Ubuntu :: Boot Loader Not Loading Xp?

Aug 27, 2009

after installing Xp i recover boot loader. but it not boot Xp. it seen Xp but not going to it. only load Ubunto (9.04) here is my grub loder file

# menu.lst - See: grub(, info grub, update-grub(
# grub-install(, grub-floppy(,
# grub-md5-crypt, /usr/share/doc/grub
# and /usr/share/doc/grub-doc/.


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Ubuntu :: What Is Default Boot Loader

Jan 31, 2010

I installed hardy heron in my system recently.I wonder what is the default boot loader that is shipped with installation.Because I could not find LILO installed and saw GRUB in my update manager?Then there must be some other boot loader that was used to dual boot in my system?What is the default boot loader that is shipped with ubuntu?

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Ubuntu :: No Appearance Tab In StartUp-Manager?

Mar 29, 2010

I am creating a custom distro of Ubuntu for a company, changing a few things to meet their needs. One of the things I would like to change is the splash screen, but for some reason the "appearance" tab does not appear in StartUp-Manager.

Splashy still has the bug where it can't be installed due to a conflicting package in Ubuntu, so I believe that this is the only way to do it.

Running 9.10 (the system i'm trying to change) on a dual boot configuration with 10.04 as my main OS.

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Ubuntu :: StartUp Manager Won't Open?

Oct 29, 2010

I click StartUp-Manager from the System menu password prompt the "preforming pre-configuration tasks" starts up then... nothing. no startup manager window.

here is the terminal output


ry@ry-desktop:~$ startupmanager
Searching for default file ... found: /boot/grub/default
Testing for an existing GRUB menu.lst file ... found: /boot/grub/menu.lst
Searching for splash image ... none found, skipping ...


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Ubuntu :: Installed Sabayon And It's Boot Loader?

Jan 7, 2010

I installed Sabayon Linux and it's bootloader, but I did not like it. How do I remove it and its bootloader so only Ubuntus remains?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Remove The Boot Loader?

Jan 7, 2010

I have my ubuntu removed but not the boot loader. How can I remove it ?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Boot Windows 7 From The Grub Loader?

Jan 14, 2010

i've a little problem with the grub loader. I've two OS in my laptot: Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala 64bit and Windows 7 64bit. But i can't boot Windows 7 from the grub loader. The grub still load the /dev/sda1 partition that is the recovery partition of the laptot, while windows 7 is in the partition /dev/sda6. I tried to modify the path in the grub.cfg, but still load the wrong partition, how i can do?

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Ubuntu :: How To Clean Up The GRUB Boot Loader

Mar 9, 2010

How do I clean up the GRUB boot loader version 1.97 Beta 4.

At the moment I have the following items listed:

And the list just gets longer with every update. Why doesn't it clean itself up and only display the latest version.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Boot Loader Is Missing?

Jun 20, 2010

I recently upgraded to Ubuntu 10.04 and everything was working fine. Last week I was away from home and when I returned, my wife told me that she cannot boot in Ubuntu. We have used dual boot for Windows Vista and Ubuntu. Now only Windows was working. So I created a LiveCD from Ubuntu website and tried to boot.

I can boot using LiveCD. Then I tried to install grub. I forgot exact commands I found online, but something to do with /dev/hda1) and now everything is messed up. It does not show boot menu (to select OS) at all. It only shows grub> window. I believe that the OS on the computer is alright, just the boot option is gone. I do not know how to get back the grub.

When booting from LiveCD,df /boot shows filesystem as aufs (no idea what it is). If I go through File browser, I can see the windows files and my Ubuntu installation. So I believe OS is okay, just not the boot loader.

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Ubuntu :: How To Restore Grub Boot Loader

Jun 29, 2010

I installed Mandriva today, but it got rid of my GRUB boot loader. So I need to know how to fix this, I have Ubuntu 10.04 installed, but am currently running the Live CD from 9.10 to get me online.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Boot Loader Does Not Appear After Installing 10.04?

Aug 3, 2010

I dual boot WinXP SP3 and Win 7 64bit.

C - win xp D - win7 E- data F - data

Today I installed Ubuntu to C or win xp partition.

I can access the other partitions but when restarting I cannot see the boot loader. It directly boots to Ubuntu. My Win7 partition is still there , but I cannot boot into it.

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