Ubuntu :: Dual-boot 10.10 And Vista Won't Always Boot?

Dec 7, 2010

I have an identical problem on two separate computers. The first is an acer aspire 5735z set up to dual-boot to either ubuntu 10.10 or windows vista. The second is an asus eee-pc 900hd set up to dual-boot to either ubuntu 10.10 or windows xp. This problem has consistently happened with both computers since original setup of dual-boot. Neither computer had this problem when windows was the only OS. This problem occurs at approximately 50% of boot attempts. Here's my description of the problem: when booting (turning on or restarting) the HDD and fan spin for a few seconds, the computer makes a 'click' noise, then the computer turns off. There is a blank screen the whole time. Once off, the computer will try again and again, in a loop, but never successfully boot.
My temporary solution: i unplug the ac, take out the battery and hold down the power button for one or two minutes. the computer will turn on and display my dual-boot menu. i've read about similar problems, and some were resolved by 'flashing the bios', which I gather is some sort of bios update. I've never done this before, but it sounds like something that could easily mess up my computers in a bad way.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Get To Boot Up / Show Menu On Dual Boot With Vista Initially

Jan 18, 2010

Have just installed 9.10, again, many failed attempts previously.Cannot get to boot up and show menu on dual boot with Vista initially,However when I delete the grubenv file the system boots ok and works fine.But does not show the grub menu to choose boot up choices.Got the information to delete the file on some posts elsewhere about booting problem, and tried a longshot and got into Ubuntu for the first time from trying to install now for 3 months!The problem is the file grubenv is created each time so on subsequent boot ups the sytem fails to boot again.The Grub version is 1.97 beta 4, most up to date for Karmic I think, I have seen a version 1.98 but dont think its for Karmic?

Is there a way to modify the grub.cfg file to stop this problem ( all posts say dont touch this file??Or install a script to delete the grubenv file on shutdown as a workaround for me, (I have no idea how to do this whatsoever, I'm not familiar with linux at all)I did read that this problem was fixed/patched in Grub version 2, but dosn't seem.so on my system afetr I updated it when I got into Ubuntu.I couldnt find the patch or fix, I got the information I am on about from this post:URL...It seems to say it was fixed or patched by Colin Watson reading through, but I don't really understand whats being said or how to get the patch on my system if indeed there is one?Sorry for being a bit thick about all this, its a bit beyond my brain now, hope somebody can help out as I have enjoyed my brief bit of fun in Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot - Vista Ultimate / 10.4 - Can't Boot Windows

May 7, 2010

I have just installed Ubuntu 10.4 x64 onto a machine with Vista Ultimate x64. When I boot the machine, the Windows option comes up in the GRUB menu. However, when I attempt to boot Windows, I receive the following error: No such device: de80ab9f80ab7d21. error: No such partition. Press any key to continue...

I looked around and found a similar issue at [URL] However, before trying to fix the issue by guesswork or via solutions that worked for a similar, though not necessarily identical problem. I've run the boot info script (see output below) mentioned several places on this site as a valuable input for boot problem tracking. how to get Windows to boot on my computer?


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Ubuntu :: Windows Vista Will Not Boot After Dual Boot Install

Sep 25, 2010

I have recently installed Ubuntu 10.04 on a Compaq Presario V3000.

To prepare the install, I freed about 15 GB of space, booted from an USB. I chose "use largest continous free space" when it got to that point and then proceeded with the rest.

Now when I choose vista it will not load properly, here's what happens:

1.Windows says loading windows files.

2.After a while, I have to choose a language.

3.Windows looks for operating systems to repair.

If I choose not to, it will take me to a menu where I can choose to fix boot problems, command line, etc...

Linux is running very well, vista is the problem here, I have a recovery disk*, but I wanted to ask you guys if that is the correct move. I really need to keep windows to run some windows only apps.

*This disk was burnt on another computer, an HP from a friend who has the same vista edition. Will this work? This computer's burner is broken..

This is actually something for my gf, she has an account on my computer(only ubuntu on it) and uses it often (Mendley, Zotero, and sciency things in general). She loved it and asked me to install a dual boot with her win system. She use SPSS for whatever kind of statistical analysis it does and she likes ms office better then open office, and I would like to leave her with the choice....

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Boot Into Vista (Was Previously A Dual Boot With Lucid)

Dec 26, 2010

I deleted 2 ubuntu partitions using Vista's manager, and expanded the unallocated space in to the Vista partition. when I restarted a screen came up saying error: no such partition grub rescue> Is there any way I can fix this ( by deleting grub, or something...)

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Installation :: Unistall Windows Vista From An Ubuntu / Vista Dual-boot?

Mar 18, 2011

I have a single hard-drive on a spare computer and I decided to try out Ubuntu on recommendation from a friend. I really like it now but at first I just dual-booted it, and now I want Vista gone. I know it's unnecessary to have just one OS but my hard-drive isn't particularly big and I'd prefer to have Ubuntu by itself. Can anyone tell me how to eliminate vista and leave Ubuntu as my sole operating system (I've all my files from computer on another computer so I don't have to worry about losing anything).

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Ubuntu :: Dual Boot Vista And U9.10 To Add U10.10 And Tri-boot?

Oct 8, 2010

Before today, a 4GB RAM 64 bit laptop with single 320GB HDD, Vista x64 primary NTFS partition of 60GB for C Drive, then Ubuntu 9.10 64bit on primary ext3 partition of 25GB, no swap partition but swap file I added, then what was an extended NTFS partition that contained the Vista D drive with all my app data, documents and media on 4 or 5 logical partitions. I boot into GRUB and choose Vista or U9.10, U9.10 by default, and access the NTFS D:drive to share media, documents,config profiles for Firefox and ThunderBird, etc.

The Ubuntu install came from my first try at 8.04, and has been upgraded to 9.10, so it's okay but not great. For example, suspend and hibernate are screwed up because there's no swap partition, I believe, and I would like a more optimal fresh installation of U10.04 without again upgrading it over top of 9.10/9.04/8.10/8.04... Today, I repartitioned the D Drive Data extended and logical partitions into one smaller 100GB NTFS primary partition, so its Vista C Drive, U9.10, then D Drive and then unallocated space. I attach an image of GParted to show it. The partitions aren't optimal but it works for now.

Install U10.04 or U10.10 clean into a new partition on the unallocated space. I thought if I used an Extended partition
can only have one?) with Logical partitions for the OS, my personal data, a swap partition, etc. that I could get a fresh install of the new Ubuntu and still have a working dual boot until I was happy and then either do a tripleboot and keep Vista and the 2 linux, wipe out the U9.10 partition and merge it into the Vista D Drive for data and shared data with the remaining Ubuntu 10.x.

Q1 - Should I create a ext4 extended partition in unallocated space and set up logical partitions for /root, /home, /swap and any other recommended?

Q2- Will the U10.x installer do that for me?

Q3 - Can I keep my working GRUB 1.5 with working Vista and Ubuntu 9.10, just add in the new U10.10 install until I get it set up right, and then move the GRUB or whatever boot loader to the new U10.10 intall as default?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Boot Vista After 10.04 Upgrade / Vista Ubuntu Dual Boot

Jun 30, 2010

I recently booted into linux from 9.10 and upgraded to 10.04. i was running a vista dual boot with 9.10 and everything worked fine. When linux asked where to install grub it said "if you dont know check all partitions "or something.so i did. i tried to boot back into windows and now it wont work, all i get is a blinking cursor.

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Fedora Installation :: Dual Boot / Windows Vista Wouldn't Boot Because "BootMGR Was Missing"?

Sep 4, 2010

I had installed Fedora 13 on an unused partition of my ATA hard-drive yesterday. The primary OS here was Windows Vista.

Anyway, everything was working fne for coupla hours after which I had to restart F13 for some reason. This is when all the trouble began ..

Fedora wouldn't boot cause of some "power issues" - there were none. Windows Vista wouldn't boot because "BootMGR was missing"

I figured if I removed Fedora using the live CD - format the partition, it would help. It didn't. Well, atleast the partition got formatted. I tried re-installing F13 from the live CD but it doesn't finish the process - saying a command, something to do with 'shutdown' is not valid.

I tried repairing Vista from the Installation DVD but it is unable to do so.

Right now, on rebooting the computing, I enter the 'grub' console. I tried using grub commands to boot "Windows" from the (hd0,0) partition like thus,

grub> rootnoverify (hd0,0)
grub> makeactive
grub> chainloader +1
grub> boot
But it still maintains that "BootMGR is missing" .

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Ubuntu :: Vista Dual-boot With 10.10?

Nov 2, 2010

A friend's Fujitsu Siemens Esprimo laptop was running Vista [slowly] from a 120Gig HD set up with 'him' and 'her' user-id's. I got him to try loading Ubuntu 10.10 from a LiveCD but when taking the 'install' command there was no option to install alongside Vista. I saw in the forum that you should use a Vista utility [after a de-frag] to shrink the Vista partition. We did this and freed up 40+ Gig. During the next LIveCD load we opted to use 'advanced' for partitioning and made a 35 Gig [/ Ext 4] and a 5 Gig [Swap] before completing the installation without any errors. Ubuntu now loads from the 1st grub entry but the sis graphics card limits resolution to 800 x 600 [I'll look into this further later]. Enties 5 and 6 on grub are for Vista and Vista Recovery options. Entry 5 goes through a few screens but will not load properly and loops back on itself. Entry 6 loads Vista o.k. but at a point where only one of the two users ['his'] is visible but it does run o.k.
Question 1: Is there something I can do to get the 5th grub entry working properly so that Vista loads as normal and displays the two user-id icons ? Question 2: As there seems to be a lot of issues with Ubuntu on this particular laptop would you advise running another distro like Mandriva or Mint that I've read may handle the sis graphics better ? Question 3: If we did install one of the above distros over the Ubuntu image on the 35 Gig partition would that have a good chance of creating a grub where Vista and Mandriva [or Mint] ran happily together.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Get A Dual Boot Set Up For Vista And 9.10?

Jan 13, 2010

I'm trying to get a dual boot set up for vista and 9.10

I already have 3 logical partitions


ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo fdisk -l
Disk /dev/sda: 750.2 GB, 750156374016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 91201 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x48000000


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Ubuntu Installation :: Vista Dual Boot ?

Jan 26, 2010

If I were to install windows vista shrink the partition to fit only the OS and dual boot Ubuntu over it would I be able to use windows programs on the Ubuntu install.

In a sense I am wondering if I can use Ubuntu as my primary OS and use my Windows Utilities through Ubuntu on the Ubuntu partition?

If not would it be possible to install them on the windows partition and launch them through Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Dual-boot Into Vista From Lucid

Jul 25, 2010

I'm using Lucid and trying to dual-boot into Vista.

All I see when I select Vista in the GRUB loader is in the .png image I have attached to this post.

Very confusing....I can get to Vista by inserting the install disk, but then it overwrites (I believe) the GRUB loader.


Is there any way to reinstall GRUB from the Lucid installation disk without installing another Lucid OS??

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Ubuntu :: Grub Error? Dual Boot With Vista

Feb 15, 2010

Here the other day, I decided to try out 10.04 Alpha. But after I had done it, I weren't able to boot Vista anymore. When I choose it in the grub boot loader, it changes to only showing the word "GRUB", and nothing more happens. As a desperate attempt to fix it, and because I weren't happy using the Alpha, I then decided to switch back to 9.10, but the problem with booting Vista persists.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Won't Dual Boot Vista But 10.04 OK

Mar 21, 2010

upgraded from 9.10 to 10.04 beta today.Ubuntu boots but not Vista boot info script info for my system as follows...Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010

============================= Boot Info Summary: ==============================
=> Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks on the same drive in
partition #7 for /boot/grub.
=> No boot loader is installed in the MBR of /dev/sdb


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Ubuntu :: 10.04 - Vista Will Not Load On Dual Boot System

May 2, 2010

I have upgraded to ubuntu 10.04 but now can't boot into win vista, ubuntu and vista are on grub but vista will not load, I have tried sudo upgrade-grub which seemed to work but had no effect on loading windows. I did think of using win dvd to fixmbr but only as last resort, I entered the commands suggested by nitstorm and got "command not found". Followed link to source forge.net and test disk, followed the instructions to install and run test disk which repaired the boot sector in the vista partition, I can now choose to boot into win or ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Uninstall Vista On Dual Boot

May 2, 2010

I just successfully upgraded to 10.04 on my Ubuntu-Vista dual boot SONY VAIO. I do have a separate Ubuntu partition for /home. I have decided I want to abandon Vista entirely and do a fresh install of 10.04 so I will be able to use GRUB2. How do I proceed, short of totally wiping out the drive?

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Ubuntu :: Initial Dual Boot - Cannot Load Into Vista

May 20, 2010

I had karmic koala installed a few months back, but wasn't using it cause i didn't have time to properly configure it. Last night, i was thinking of probing around with it a little and found an update for it and went ahead and installed it. After rebooting, GRUB refused to load any of the OSes, but i was still able to access ubuntu with a reduced graphics option (safe mode?). Tried reinstalling etc etc but nothing worked. In my frustration, i whipped out my windows CD and deleted the partition for ubuntu.

Now, after the loading of bios, i get "error: no such partition. grub rescue>".Is there anyway i can get delete grub and get my vista to boot normally? or would i need to reformat everything again? maybe someone can point me in the right direction if a similar thread had been posted before.

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Ubuntu :: Removing Windows Vista From Dual Boot?

Jun 25, 2010

Today I've decided that I would like to remove my useless, freezing windows install from my Ubuntu laptop and only use Ubuntu... booting windows XP from a virtual box whenever I need to use a Windows application with poor Wine support. Any safe way I can go about doing that? I tried googling this, but all I found was the opposite, remove ubuntu from windows... which is quite sad. Anyway, windows is using up a ton of space that it doesn't need to. It takes me 5 minutes to even get it booted and after using Ubuntu, I have no patience left for the program. What should I do?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Trying To Dual Boot Using Two HDDs Vista And 10.10

Dec 5, 2010

I'm new to the world of Ubuntu 10.10. My PC had windows Vista running on an 80GB HDD, and on Friday 03/12/10 I decided to install Ubuntu 10.10 on a second 160GB HDD. Wrongly I assumed I could simply have 2 HDD's in my PC and it would magically allow me to chose between Windows Vista and Ubuntu 10.10. Well that was 50 hours ago and I still can't get it to work. As you can see I have the results of my boot_info_script055.sh below.

PHP Code:
Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010
Boot Info Summary:
Grub 2 isnstalled in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks on the same drive in partition # 1 for (,msdos1)/boot/grub. 
=> Windows is installed in the MBR of /dev/sdbsda1:
File system: ext4 Boot sector type: - Boot sector info: Operating System: Ubuntu 10.10
Boot files/dirs: /boot/grub/grub.cfg /etc/fstab /boot/grub .....

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Ubuntu :: Vista Dual Boot - Partition Size Not Enough

Jan 6, 2011

Trying to boot alongside windows (just in case!). I downloaded the ISO from Ubuntu website before I saw the windows installer. After which I downloaded the windows installer! Now each time I try to load either one it tries to download the iso again. I'm only on a PAYG connection ATM so downloading again is not really viable this month!

I've tried to make a new partition using:
my computer/ management/ shrink

But the size that windows allows is 140MB which obviously is not enough, I tried burning the ISO to a CDROM and booting this way but windows did not bother booting the disc. I entered F2 BIOS and changed the boot order to my CDRW drive 1st but still UBUNTU did not boot. Windows recovery manager or something booted.

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Ubuntu :: Add Windows XP To Dual Boot Setup With Vista?

Mar 7, 2011

I 'm currently using grub to dual boot Windows Vista and Ubuntu 10.10.These are some of my partitions:

- one NTFS partition for Vista
- one NTFS partition for my Vista Data (shared with Ubuntu)
- one ext3 partition for Ubuntu (mounted at /)
- one very large ext3 partition for my Ubuntu home folder (mounted at /home)

I would now like to add Windows XP to this setup, but I am not sure where to start.I know I need to somehow shrink the large ext3 partition so I have an extra partition for XP, which should be NTFS.Then I assume I need to install XP on this partition, and somehow make XP appear in grub.how to do these things. Can anyone help? Please keep the instructions very basic, do not assume that I know anything.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot, Win Vista - Only Recovery Env?

Mar 8, 2011

Firstlyi want to specify that i read many threads and guides before posting this, tried to follow some advice and solutions but nothing worked (but I am a beginner user, and maybe i did something wrong!)My laptop is a Lenovo SL410 (i bought it in China) which came with pre-installed Windows Vista.I had many trouble with resizing the partition in order to make room for Ubuntu but i finally managed. I successfully installed Ubuntu 10.04 and everything works fine.My problem is that Grub shows"Windows Recovery Environment (loader) (on /dev/sda1)" instead of normal Windows Vista (which is on /dev/sda2)If i choose Windows Recovery Env. i can load Vista but is not stable, keeps crashing, or giving me warning about low memory

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General :: Uninstall Ubuntu From A Dual-boot To Vista?

Jan 1, 2010

I want to uninstall ubuntu from a dual-boot to vista. I couldn't figure it and I also had to wipe my machine in general so I just reinstalled vista. But when I did that I assumed that ubuntu would get included in my "wiping". But of course...it's still there. Now that odd ubuntu uninstall option which was actually for some strange odd reason in the vista/control panel/uninstall options is no longer available. So how to uninstall ubuntu? Do I just delete i and insert the vista cd to recover the boot? Is that correct?

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Fedora Installation :: Dual Boot F10 With Vista

May 6, 2009

I have a PC with two 40 Gb hard drives. Vista is currently installed on drive 0. Nothing is installed on drive 1. If I switch cables to the drives, Vista will be installed on drive 1. Nothing will be installed on drive 0. If I then install Fedora 10 on drive 0, will it automatically detect Vista on drive 1 and allow me the option of using Grub or something else to boot it? I want to avoid having Vista overwrite my MBR, but I don't want to piss my wife off because she can't access windows for two weeks while I figure out how to customize Grub or install something else. If I need to customize Grub, (or some other boot loader), I would need step by step instructions. Is there a book or online tutorial?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Can't Dual Boot Vista?

Jan 12, 2010

Been trying this by the guess and error method for days.I know about the "Swerdna" post but it is way to difficult for me.I do this every other output from Microsoft, so it is very difficult to rememberwhat transpired. Bedsides it changes with each new distro.I'm tempted to use the VM program that Dedoimodo recommended but I don't knowhow it handles Email and urls. If they are permanent or not.

HD1 - Vista - sda
HD2 - Opensuse 11.2 - No boot to MBR - sdb


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Red Hat / Fedora :: Vista - Setup To Dual Boot?

Jan 8, 2011

I have a laptop running windows vista already and I need to run Red Hat 7.2/7.3 or Fedora Core 1 on there as well. I am in the process of downloading Red Hat 7.3. I haven't done this before so I'm wondering if there are any guides out there that detail how to set this up to dual boot? Is Red Hat 7.3 a better option over Fedora Core 1?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Increasing Partition On Vista Dual Boot

Jan 17, 2010

I downloaded Ubuntu about 5 months ago and love it.Problem is, I didn't know if I wanted to make it permanent on my computer, so I used the option which allowed me to download it as an application on my Windows Vista Control Panel.How can I increase the partition (I think I only have 9 GB left on my home folder) without loosing all of the preferences, applications, and hardware solutions that I have put on there?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Vista - Which OS To Install First In Dual Boot Setup

Apr 16, 2010

I have always use dual-booting vista--ubuntu, I am getting bit tired of windows, so I want to install ubuntu, specially lucid is coming soon. I want to have the possibility to install windows in case I will need it in the future, like working with Visual Studio, ubuntu always detect if windows is installed, if windows is installed first, does windows also detect if ubuntu is installed ?

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Ubuntu :: Upgraded - Dual Boot To Vista No Longer Working

Apr 29, 2010

I upgraded today to 10.04, everything went fine and was working fine. I went to boot back into Vista via grub2. I immediatly get the PXE-E61 Media Test Failure, check cable PXE-M0F Exiting PXE ROM

I first checked my boot order, and lan is very last. Also, through Ubuntu I can view everything on the hard drive so it is not that. I think it may have to do with during the update process, it asked about grub2 update preferences and asked about different drives and such (I am not exactly sure what it was called). I didn't select all of the choices, and I believe this may be the cause, as this was the only thing I had control of that I could have screwed up.

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