Ubuntu :: Dockbarx Stopped Working As An AWN Applet

Aug 20, 2010

I thought for a second that maybe it was because i had added the unity ppa to the repository but i removed that and i still have no more dockbarx in the awn applets. i can add the applet but it won't appear in my AWN which is a shame because i was really liking the thumbnail window previews.

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OpenSUSE :: Update Applet Stopped Working?

Apr 18, 2010

Is it just me or your update applet also stopped working recently? I'm running Factory KDE-4.4.2 and openSUSE-11.2. It's always "Checking for updates..." without finding any, even though I can always see new ones through Yast - Online Update. And sometimes it asks me to accept some key, when I click OK it asks me for a root password but after I type in half of the password it simply disappears and starts "Checking for updates..." again without end.

And YAST doesn't show any newer packages anymore but rather has "Switch system packages" on the top. If I click on that, then it starts showing newer packages and wants to update them all. But what if I want to use Packman's packages for multimedia and Factory KDE for KDE? If I select "Switch system packages" for KDE then it will update, for example, Kaffeine to KDE's but I want to keep it Packman's. If I search for Kaffeine, it shows no newer packages, but if I go to Versions, there's clearly a newer version there!

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Ubuntu :: DockbarX - Unable Add An Activator For Guayadeque On DockbarX

May 12, 2011

I am trying to add a launcher for Guayadeque music player on my DockbarX, so I clicked on the icon of the running application (RMB) and chose the 'Create new activator' option. It does not work at all, creates no launcher. What am I doing wrong?

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Ubuntu :: DockbarX Previews Not Working?

Sep 29, 2010


Show previews is checked. compiz settings: KDE Compatibility and Plasma thumbnails are checked output when running in window:


# dockbarx_factory.py run-in-window
** (dockbarx_factory.py:1860): WARNING **: Trying to register gtype 'WnckWindowState' as enum when in fact it is of type 'GFlags'
** (dockbarx_factory.py:1860): WARNING **: Trying to register gtype


Edit: In all the threads about it, the selection Extras>Window Previews wasn't required. Selecting this under compiz-settings-manager worked for me.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Get Indicator Applet And Session Management Applet Working

Jul 9, 2010

After some updates I can't get indicator applet and session management applet working, I get these instead:

I tried to pull back any updates, but it changed nothing. I installed older (lucid) versions of these packages:



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Ubuntu :: Dockbarx 0.43 Not Working - No Window Previews - No Icons For Open Applications

Feb 24, 2011

I few weeks ago DockbarX upgraded tyo 0.43, and since then it hasn't worked at all; not just no window previews, but no icons for open applications - absolutely nothing. This also applies when there's an applet in a panel, not just AWN. I've been through the forums, tried going into Compiz Settings and unchecking, then rechecking KDE Compatibility etc, but it does nothing. Edot - installed awn-applet-dockbarx and gnome-dockbarx-applet from Synaptic but it doesn't help.

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Fedora Installation :: Noob. No Printing According To The Applet Says Its Stopped?

Sep 18, 2009

I just installed Fedora 11 KDE. Everything went pretty good. But...my printer HP OfficeJet 5780 does not print. According to the applet says its stopped. After some tinkering it says something as: "Not having permission".

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Suddenly Stopped Working AND Rfkill Command Not Working

Jul 13, 2011

When originally installing 11.04 I had problems getting my Ralink 5390 wireless card to work.

Today my computer froze completely and I had to turn it off via the power switch. When I turned it back on, wireless was no longer recognized! My iPod can connect to the network just fine, so it must be an Ubuntu problem. There are no problems with my ethernet connection either.

I researched this and found several threads about blocking and unblocking wireless devices using the rfkill command. Well, unfortunately for me the rfkill command doesn't work. When I type sudo rfkill list or sudo rfkill unblock all, nothing happens; it just returns me to my bash prompt. I even tried uninstalling and reinstalling rfkill...nothing.

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Ubuntu :: Get The Java Applet Installed And Working?

Jan 13, 2011

if there is someone who asked the same question, but I have the Ubuntu 10.10 net-book remix version, and every time that I go to try to download and install the Java applet, it will download Ok (I think), but when I try to open the file, there are no errors, but it won't open. When I try to re-download, it does nothing again.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Java Applet Not Working Properly

Jun 8, 2010

I have tested Icedtea and sun java on 10.04, but I'm not able to play [url]

Sun gets closest, but still fails. I use ver. 1.6.0_20. Is there any way I can download/save the java applet from the web-page and open it with sun java 6 web start ?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Is NetworkManager Applet/widget Working In Kubuntu 11.04

Apr 29, 2011

Until 10.10 the NetworkManager applet/widget has not been able to:

- edit the default "auto eth0" network profile

- create/edit system wide network profiles (wired, wireless, mobile broadband)

The networkmanager itself can do it, of course, since long. The GNOME/XFCE counterpart also used to work flawlessly since long.

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Debian :: Java Applet On Squeeze - Not Working?

Apr 10, 2011

How to get Java applet running on Squeeze, jre-6u26-linux, is needed to be installed, but I counld not do it, is there any alternative way to get Java applet working ? It works on Lenny, but I am moving to Squeeze.

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Ubuntu :: DTA Has Stopped Working?

May 14, 2010

resubscribed to Rapidshare and in the past could easily download my friend's discussion papers using the file manager called DTA that integrates into Firefox. I have taken out a new subscription to RS and instead of getting the files I am receiving small html referer files. In theory this should be corrected by ticking a direct download setting on RS, but it is making no difference. I can manually download the files so I am certain the files are on RS in full form. I am also successfully auto logging into RS and this means the name and password are being handed over correctly

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Ubuntu :: Use DockbarX Without Compiz?

Jun 14, 2010

I can't use compiz because my computer doesn't support it.

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Ubuntu :: Make Dockbarx More Like AWN?

Dec 14, 2010

I've been using AWN for awhile but with the latest news surrounding dockbarx I'd like to return to gnome-panel. Unfortunately certain applets like time and session control look terrible when the panel is to the right (you have to read the text vertically). Does gnome-panel have any icon based appllets for time and session control? much like awn?

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Ubuntu :: DockBarX Not Installing Via The PPA On OMG?

Dec 14, 2010

I installed DockBarX via the PPA on OMG Ubuntu. However, when following instructions, the only thing I can access is the preferences for the app, and not the app itself. What's up with that?

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Programming :: Java Applet - Network Printing Isn't Working ?

Jan 28, 2010

Our Company is using a ERP solution in linux platform, now we are facing a problem with remote printing Linux to Linux, Linux to windows and windows to linux

I have an EPSON LX1050 printer setup via parallel port in linux machine .Recently we purchased RTextPrinter driver (Text mode printing for the Java platform)

I can print java app via Linux Local system, windows local system and windows to windows .But Network printing isn't working

The following the java class path of local and network printer setup

Local printing code : it's working

Note: /dev/lp0 Linux local printer

Remote Pronting code: not working

Showinf error:

They are providing one example code is:

This is a very simple example:

Command set

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Ubuntu :: Grub Stopped Working / Fix It?

Mar 29, 2010

After I installed Windows XP on my leftover partition, I decided to reinstall grub2.

Now when I reboot grub throws me in the grub shell, if I then type configfile /grub/grub.cfg it starts grub like its supposed to. Tho I cant seem to be able to go straight to the grub menu and no to the shell.

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Ubuntu :: Crontab Stopped Working / What To Do?

Apr 20, 2010

Have just started to use look at crontab. I could use Scheduled Tasks as well as crontab -e in terminal.

I must have changed something because now Scheduled Tasks just seems to load then dropout. Loading a task through terminal is accepten (crontab -e) but doesn't work.

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Ubuntu :: Pandora App Stopped Working?

Jun 2, 2010

It was working fine. Now, when I boot the computer(9.10 32 bit), I get the message asking me about the certificate. But Pandora never seems to load. I tried to reinstall the AIR app, but it tells me that it is running. I can't find it though. If I try to open Pandora again, nothing ever happens

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Ubuntu :: Nautilus Stopped Working In 9.10?

Aug 23, 2010

I got a call from a friend who did the distrubution upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10 and all was well for about 2 weeks and then his desktop icons disappeared. He kept running it that way and never looked for help until a couple of days ago he tried to plug in a card reader to get some pictures from his camera and nothing happened. that was when he discovered that he couldn't run Nautilus at all. I had him purge nautilus and reinstall it but then he couldn't even log in to Ubuntu. Very strange indeed. Anyone else experience this? After going over all the settings and finding them what they should be, I just installed 10.04 and all is well except that he lost a few photos.

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Ubuntu :: Keyboard Stopped Working?

Sep 19, 2010

Ubuntu 9.04Dell desktop pcKeyboard stopped workingI was in the middle of an emailwhen my keyboard stopped working.I rebooted.Keyboard worked for Windows Vista.Keyboard worked for Ubuntu login.But once in Ubuntu no keyboard.Mouse works fine. think I may have accidentally touchedthe control key when doing the email

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Ubuntu :: Ctrl + Alt + D Stopped Working?

Oct 14, 2010

I have been using Ubuntu for many years now and pressing ctrl + alt + d used to minimize all windows and show the desktop, but this stopped working with 10.10. I checked keyboard shortcuts but don't see a way to turn it back on there.

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Ubuntu :: FTP SSH And Samba Stopped Working?

Oct 18, 2010

I was SSHd into my laptop which is right next to me, then it lost battery power and turned off. When I switch it on, I can't FTP, SSH into it and the Network Drive (Samba) won't work.

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Microphone Just Stopped Working

Oct 21, 2010

I installed 10.10 on release date and the microphone has worked great until now. It just stopped working. I'm on an hp pavilion dv9620 running ubuntu 10.10.

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Ubuntu :: Tweak Stopped Working?

Nov 9, 2010

I have a computer running 8.04.4. After a large number of updates, I can no longer run ubuntu-tweak correctly. The program states "This feature is only available in Gnome Desktop Environment" on most of the items.I am POSITIVE that I am running the Gnome desktop.Also, when I reload the repositories I receive the following error:Code:W: GPG error: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available NO_PUBKEY (then a hexadecimal number)

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Ubuntu :: Touchpad Stopped Working 10.10?

Nov 25, 2010

I have been using Ubuntu 10.10 for about a week now, I have had many, many problems, but usually figure them out by searching through this forum, except this time:I have an HP touchsmart tx2 1025dx laptop. When I installed it, everything worked great, sound, mouse, and even the touchscreen. Right now I noticed that when I press the button on by laptop which toggles the touchpad, it works but after it would freeze the menus, so that they would not drop down, I have confirmed this after many restarts. Now the touchpad has stopped working completely. Although if use the toggle button, it will still freeze by menus. It also somehow stops my keyboard from typing things into programs, like firefox, but still somehow the control-alt delete still lets me restart it.

My question is how can I reset the mouse settings/preferances to how they were when I installed? I found something a while back that was xorgconfig??? but it has since been taken out of ubuntu 10.10 (I read this somewhere, please correct me if I'm wrong.) I hope this is enough information for someone to point me in the right direction.Recap:Laptop Touchpad not workingWhen I press the toggle Touchpad button, messes up the menusUsing HP Touchsmart Tx2 1025dx LaptopLooking for a way to reset/restore sound preferences/settings or enable touchpad/ps: I was able to come here because the touchscreen is still working I ended up doing this:rm -rf .gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gconfd .metacitywhich reset ALL of my settings back to when I installed it, without deleting my programs or files.I found this here: http://linuxfud.wordpress.com/2007/0...re-installing/

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Ubuntu :: USB Drives Stopped Working?

Jan 10, 2011

USB Drives show up in the Disk Utility, but no where else. I cannot mount any USB drive. They all mounted fine up till a week ago.

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Ubuntu :: Tab Autocomplete Stopped Working?

May 4, 2011

I did a bunch of uninstalls and reinstalls lately, trying different distros. Now I'm back to Ubuntu but tab autocomplete in terminals doesn't work anymore. It is quite less convenient now to use the terminal. I tried changing interpreter to /bin/bash and it doesn't work. I use guake.

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Ubuntu :: Sound Has Stopped Working / What To Fix It?

May 5, 2011

I just installed Xubuntu on my old ThinkPad T40, and everything worked flawlessly until last night when I rebooted, and the sound stopped working. I'd rebooted it several times before with no problems.

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