Ubuntu :: Detect That Someone Had Used LiveCD On Mymachine?

Apr 30, 2011

Is can be detect that someone had used a LiveCD on my machine if even they don't make any change on my hard disk?

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Ubuntu :: LiveCD Will Not Detect Ext4 HDD That Had 9.10

May 4, 2010

I am trying to do a fresh install on the HDD that had 9.10, a 80GB ext4 drive. All that shows up is my other HDD, a 160 GB ext3 drive. Why is this happening? "ls /dev/|grep sd" only returns sda and sda1. My 80GB drive has a few partitions, one for swap for instance.

Edit for clarification:
2 harddrives in 9.10:
80 GB HDD /dev/sda
1 ext4 partition that has ubuntu installed (/dev/sda1)
1 extended partition (/dev/sda2) for swap (/dev/sda5)
160 GB HDD /dev/sdb
1 ext3 partition /dev/sdb1

Only the 160GB HDD is detected when using the liveCD (as /dev/sda and /dev/sda1). I can mount it just fine, but my 80GB HDD is not detected. After ejecting, I can boot my 80GB HDD just fine...

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Ubuntu :: How To Detect USB Devices With LiveCD 8.04

Jan 9, 2011

I'm trying to detect an external HDD drive, but I don't know how. My PC has a total of 6 USB ports, they're all being used, and the Computer File Browser lists only 4 USB ports and I can't open them.The ports could be detected in Windows Vista, except I've not tried the new HDD enclosure, but it crashed.

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Fedora Installation :: Dual Boot - Installer From F13 LiveCD Doesn't Detect Other OS - So Grub Conf Is Wrong

Oct 13, 2010

I've just installed Fedora (F13) for the first time, on a new HDD, to give myself a dual-boot system. So currently I have:

So, at the appropriate stage in the install menu, there is an option for where to install GRUB, and a drop-down to choose which drive is the primary BIOS boot drive.

However, in both cases, no other drive except my new sdc is visible. So, I can install GRUB to MBR of sdc, or to first sector of boot partition - but no option to put it to my primary boot drive MBR on sda.

Likewise, in the GRUB configuration page, if I go to Add another OS, the only option it gives me is my new Fedora install. It doesn't list the Vista OS on sda at all.

The result is that I can boot to either OS by changing the boot drive priority in BIOS.

I guess my question is this:
- is this expected behaviour from the installer, meaning that I'll need to configure GRUB manually somehow? (gulp ) or
- did I do something wrong in the install process? or
- is this some weird bug manifesting itself?

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Debian Multimedia :: XOrg Auto-detect Failing To Detect Max Screen Resolution

May 29, 2011

I've installed Squeeze 2.6.32-5-amd64 on my laptop (Alienware M17X R3, Intel i7 Sandybridge, ATI Technologies Inc Broadway [ATI Mobility Radeon HD 6800 Series])The screen is 17", with maximum resolution of 1920 x 1080. After a default install of the operating system, the maximum resolution I can select is 1280 x 1024.My research so far has suggested that I need to edit the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file and provide xorg with the necessary resolution.

Again, by default, the xorg.conf file is not created. This leads me to believe that xorg is scanning my hardware at startup and providing me with whatever it thinks is appropriate. I tried following these instructions to generate an xorg.conf file. This process created an xorg.conf file under /root/.

When I copy this xorg.conf file to /etc/X11, I get a blank (i.e. black) screen. Deleting this file restores the default resolution 1280 x 1024.This system is dual booting with Windows 7. Under windows I am able to get a 1920 x 1080 resolution, so I know my hardware is up to it.At this stage I have yet to install the drivers for the Radeon graphics card.What are my options regarding configuring xorg to give me a higher screen resolution?

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Fedora Hardware :: Endless USB Loop - Detect - Disable - Detect

May 2, 2010

I have a new F12 install, and my syslog is filling up with messages about USB. I have 2 USB devices plugged in directly to the mobo (bluetooth keyboard receiver, touchscreen), and it keeps redetecting them and then disabling the port for some reason.

A small sample of what keeps on repeating:


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Debian :: Where To Find The Fw-detect Command ? (for Firmware / Wireless Detect)

Jan 12, 2010

To find the appropriate firmware without knowing the make or brand of your wireless chip, you can use the command:


But apparently debian package do not offer this useful tool, well, certainly for sidux exclusively.

Is there a package of fw-detect eventually?

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Ubuntu :: Way To Cut A LiveCD ?

Jun 11, 2011

I have Ubuntu installed on my pc and it's just the way I like it setup. I want to make a LiveCD.

There was a tutorial (sorry can't remember URL) for remastersys but it was obviously obsolete as the lines to add to the repository were no longer live.

What is the absolute easiest way to create a LiveCD, hopefully something that is GUI based.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 LiveCD Will Not Run

Apr 4, 2010

I have a Ubuntu, Kubuntu 9.10 live CD which I know work because I have installed on my other computer, (HP Pavillion ze2000), and also linux mint 8 and openSUSE 11.2, which also run/work. However when I put them in my current computer and restart, the computer simply ignores them and carries on with vista. I have been testing out the live CD's on VirtualBox and on my second computer and they look pretty nifty But the computer just ignores them as if they weren't there.

Specification :
Hp Pavillion dv6 notebook PC
Windows Vista service pack 2
AMD athlon X2 Dual Core
2.00 GB RAM
32 bit
X86-based PC

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Ubuntu / Apple :: How To Get Livecd To Run

Apr 29, 2010

I'm trying to run Ubuntu off the Livecd but when I start my imac it ignores the cd in the superdrive. Any suggestions?

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Ubuntu :: Using 9.04 LiveCD But Cannot Connect To Net?

Jul 14, 2010

I'm using kubuntu 9.04 live cd to see how it works but cannot connect to the internet. I've put in the proper WPA passkey, although it calles it password, ame thing i hope, and added the ip address along with everything else and still cannot connect. Btw, this is on an Acer Aspire 5610 laptop.

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Ubuntu :: LiveCD Customization On A Mac?

Jan 24, 2011

I can change the bootup screens, but is it possible to unsquash the filesystem on a Mac?

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Ubuntu :: Install Over SSH With A LiveCD?

Apr 7, 2011

how do you install Ubuntu over SSH with a liveCD? OpenSuse allow you to do this (well, they used to - maybe it was browser based).

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Boot Into 9.10 LiveCD?

Mar 20, 2010

Recently I got a new computer:
Intel core 2 duo E7500 chipset
Gigabyte s-series GA-G41M-Es2l
Intel G41 express chipset.
I inserted the ubuntu 9.10 disc in and I clicked on livecd option and few seconds latter I got a trace back report. Is it that my motherboard doesn't support ubuntu or what is wrong. Why can't I boot into livecd?

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Ubuntu :: Low Level Format Via LiveCD

Mar 9, 2010

I have an old office PC that I need to shred the drive on. Problem is, I have no monitor for it. I do have the 9.10 LiveCD however. Can anyone walk me through how to do a format without actually seeing it? And to have it shutdown after?

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Ubuntu :: BT LiveCD Wiped 9.10 Install?

Mar 13, 2010

As with almost every time I try to simultaneously install two operating systems, I have incurred the wrath of GRUB. It's probably more to do with my laptop's terrible hard drive, but here's my problem: I had a 9.10 install and a swap space on this hard drive, then I used GParted from the BT live CD to resize shrink the Ubuntu partition to make space for a BT install. I booted into Ubuntu just to make sure it was working fine. it was. Then I went back in to the BT live CD to install it on the free space.

When I booted up after install, the GRUB screen had changed (obviously), but now only the BT installation (which appeared as Ubuntu 8.10 for some reason) would boot, The previous Ubuntu installs had stopped working, and now came up with "file missing" or "file not found" (cant remember). I tried fsck -v /dev/hda1 (where my 9.10 installation was), and it didn't seem to have any errors. What's wrong with my computer (or GRUB)?

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Ubuntu :: Installing Over Network From LiveCD?

Mar 14, 2010

I've asked this in another forum, but I'm not sure I phrased it very well. I have a desktop and a "server" at the house. The "server" is sitting across the room, with no keyboard or mouse. If I were to boot the server from a LiveCD, could I then get in with SSH and kick off the setup remotely? I'm getting "Connection refused" when trying to ssh in, so I'm guessing that the service is probably not turned on.

I checked into Reconstructor, and I think that may be the way to go, if I can figure out what I need to do. I'm thinking all I need to do is install an SSH key and start the service, then I can get into it from my desktop and proceed with the install.

Is this possible to do? Or is there a better way? I know I could lug the keyboard, mouse and monitor over to the other machine to do it, but that would mean that I couldn't do anything on my desktop (since that's where the keyboard, etc. would come from).

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Ubuntu :: Skype Usabel From LiveCD?

Apr 8, 2010

Is skype available and usable from the live CD/DVD? Before meddling on the hard drive with anything, I'd like to see if my mom's aging PC is up to Skype at all, worth upgrading, or needs completely replaced. She has Win98SE on it, I think it's some breed of Athlon but can't remember and it's to far away for me to look at it right now...

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Ubuntu :: Installing Gnome From Livecd

Apr 15, 2010

I managed to mess up GNOME on my ubuntu laptop. Now, I can't connect to the internet because the network manager applet is removed. Is there anyway to reinstall gnome from the livecd of ubuntu? Also, I want to uninstall GNOME and install LXDE, is there anyway to do this without uninstalling any of the applications that are installed by default with gnome, such as openoffice.org or firefox?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Boot From USB LiveCD

Apr 18, 2010

I'm trying to boot off a USB LiveCD of Ubuntu 9.10 in order to save some data off a botched UNR install. However when I try to boot off said USB drive, I get this error:

process 2425: arguments to dbus_pending_call_set_notify() were incorrect, assertion "pending != NULL" failed in file dbus-pending-call.c line 596 The error repeats constantly until I turn off the netbook (EeePC 1008HA).

I've tested the USB drive using the "Check disk" option in the boot menu, and it comes up clean.

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Ubuntu :: No LiveCD Options On Lucyd RC?

Apr 25, 2010

I just downloaded the Release candidate, for 10.04, and as I was testing it on VirtualBox, I notice that the LiveCD option, (or Test ), is missing? Should I re-download, or it's an error from VBox?

I don't have unlimited bandwith, I was lucky enough to download 2 ISO's yesterday, cause there was nobody where I live, so I could use the WiFi all I could. What do you think, bad ISO, or problem with VBox?

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 LiveCD - No GUI (Blank Screen)

May 3, 2010

Last week I very eagerly downloaded Ubuntu 10.04 and burnt it to a CD. I just want to try out the new version using the Live-CD. I tried it on both my home desktop and my work notebook. I was able to get the initial screen where I can select the language and keyboard, etc.. But when I tried to start the program I ended up with a blank screen one both computers.

So I just thought, I will wait until they get these problems fixed then I will download and burn a new cd. Question, have their been fixes to the ISO file since it first was released that would fix these kind of problem? How does one know if the ISO file has been upgraded; is there something after the 10.04.01 or something like that?

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Ubuntu Security :: Sealing Off The LiveCD?

May 9, 2010

I'm rolling my own version of the LiveCD (directly, not using the apt-based tools) and I'm trying to lock it down. I'm doing things like setting up iptables to only allow network activity with tor and whatnot, but I can't figure out how to lockout root. I've set the password for root and commented everything out of sudoers, but when I boot from the resulting iso, the sudoers file suddenly has "%admin ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" appended to the end, which tells me that somewhere is in the boot process the file is modified to have that.How can I disable this process? I really want to lock down the system so that root is impossible to reach.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 LiveCD Just Fails On 25 Percent

May 11, 2010

One year ago I decided to give it a try with Ubuntu. I used the 9.04 Live CD, but it didn't perform as expected - it gave randomly errors on boot up, the interface was disappearing and reappearing, applications closed themselves randomly and in the end it usually froze and I had to do the magic SysRQ or hard restart. I installed it then through Wubi - and it was somewhat more stable. It behaved sometimes excellent all the time until I restart, but sometimes it just crashed with an error when I boot up. When 10.04 came out, I wanted to try it out, so I burned the CD.

It was the same as the 9.04 when using the Live CD and when installing it using Wubi it just fails on 25%. I don't have any problems with Windows 7 and another distribution like Knoppix (6.2) runs just fine and smooth from the Live CD. No problems what-so-ever. I haven't did any clean installation on my hard drive because I don't know if this would persist and leave me with a not working system. I still would like to address the problem from a Wubi installation or the Live CD before going for a full installation.

Here is my machine:
AMD Sempron 3300+ @2.0GHz
NVidia GeForce 7300LE 384MB
1 GB RAM DDR1 (2x512MB)

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Ubuntu :: Fix GRUB From LiveCd Won't Work?

May 23, 2010

I have a Windows / Ubuntu dual boot system and I recently upgraded my system to 10.04 from the package manager. I ran into what seem to be not an unusual issue with the new version of GRUB2 being installed hosing up the MBR. When I try to boot now I get a message stating: the symbol 'grub_puts_' not found.

There are a few posts and solutions out there about the issue... but the most promising ones, using the Ubuntu 10.04 liveCD don't work for me. The GRUB changes don't seem to stick. It's almost like I'm doing all the grub command line work in a virtual system that gets wiped out as soon as I reboot.

For reference, here is one of the posts I've been working w/, some links in there seemed very promising, but again nothing seem to stick for me from the liveCD:[URL]..Should I be using some rescue disk of some sort? Or is there a way to boot directly to a command line from the Ubuntu CD menu?

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Ubuntu :: Change User From Livecd?

May 25, 2010

I-m running the livecd, I open a terminal, it appears as user


I want to change to my Ubuntu user


so that i can upgrade a package that i broke via dpkg. how can I switch to my user?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can Only Boot Into A LiveCD

Jun 23, 2010

I am currently triple booting between Windows, Mac, and Ubuntu. I was having problems booting earlier and somehow Grub2 got replaced by Grub 1.5 command line. I can't boot into Ubuntu anymore, I can only boot into a LiveCD, but I can't figure out how to re-install Grub2.. I tried using Terminal to install Grub, but it still did 1.5 command line. I did sudo apt-install grub and everything. Nothing worked..

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Ubuntu :: No Partition Available In LiveCD Install?

Jun 25, 2010

I am attempting to install Ubuntu 10 from LiveCD and when it comes to the partition part there is nothing in the box. I am running Windows 7 Pro with 2 partitions (C and D), with more than 200GB free on each partition.

If this is a common issue and already another thread topic I couldn't find it.

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Ubuntu :: Lucid / LiveCD Will Not Boot

Jun 28, 2010

Ubuntu Lucid Lynx 64bit, HP ZV6000

I've boon doing a lot of reading on booting problems in 10.04 and it seems as though there are a lot of booting issues after the upgrade or, in my case, out of the blue. I've only been using Ubuntu for about 6 months now, dual-booting my WinXP box, and for the most part haven't had any issues. I upgraded to 10.04 via the update manager (or whatever it was that said: there's a new version of Ubuntu out there, please update) sometime in May and never had a problem (although I did choose a wrong setting for the dual boot but that just meant I couldn't get into WinXP).

Out of the blue one day, after being on the laptop for a few hours I decided to shut down and go outside. I did the same normal shutdown I always do and shut the computer down. I came back to it a couple of hours later and it wouldn't boot. The HP splash screen pops up (as normal) giving me the opportunity to go into the BIOS if needed and then the GRUB 1.98 loader shows the available versions: Ubuntu kernel, ubuntu kernel and Win partition. If I choose either of the two Ubuntu kernel's my screen goes blank and I get a flashing curser in the top left corner. And that's it. I've let it sit for an hour and nothing.

I tried to boot from my LiveCD (9.10) but the computer will not boot from the LiveCD. I took out the HDD and slid it into a USB connector and plugged it into another computer and only the WinXP partition shows. I can't even look into the non-OS partition I created specifically for circumstances like these. I tried the "GRUB> find /boot/grub/grub.conf" command from the GRUB menu and nothing. It comes back with a "find is not a valid command" notice. I have some music and videos on there I'd really rather not lose. Unfortunately, the laptop is too old to boot from a USB (BIOS isn't being updated anymore) and I can't think of any other options. As far as I know, my only other option is to format the drive and start over.

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Ubuntu :: File Recovery Using Livecd?

Jul 21, 2010

I did a search through the forums but couldn't find another post specific to mine so I hope I'm not repeating something old when I ask this...I'm currently using ubuntu livecd to recover files from a dead windows machine. And when I say dead I mean windows itself won't boot, after several attempts at troubleshooting. All hardware is tested and passed. BIOS is up to date. Ubuntu itself opens up and operates just fine, accessing all drives and peripherals.

My problem is this, I want to recover my music and photos from the hard drive before I restore and re-install Windows. Easy enough. But the hundreds of gigs of music and photos that were on my HD are missing when I file browse to them in ubuntu.Every other file on the HD is there, in tact, from windows system files to downloaded movies and tv shows. The "Music" and "Photos" folders on my drive are there, and inside each of them is only a few files from thousands that should be there.

Is there a function I am unaware of in ubuntu to show all contents of the drive? Surely a windows boot error wouldn't selectively delete only my music and photos...?

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