Ubuntu :: Create A Batch File To Run At Startup?

Apr 9, 2010

I am use to microsoft products. In microsoft windows, I can make a batch file that says to delete a file on the desktop during startup. would like to create a "batch file" or command that runs at logon in Ubuntu. An example:f I wanted to delete a certain file on the desktop called "new.pdf" everytime I logon,Could I make some kind of file the has the commands "rm new.pdf" in it and run it as a file during login?

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OpenSUSE :: Execute A Batch Automatically Upon Startup Under KDE?

Mar 13, 2011

Skype works for me, but there is a small thing i like to solve.
For the x64 version i need to start skype with a bash command so that the video and sound works and i thougth that a simple batch in folder bin would solve it.
So that it gets executed automatically once the desktop loads. Seems it doesn't since i still have to do it manually.
How do i execute a batch automatically upon startup under KDE?

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General :: Convert Batch File Into A .sh File Will Not Work

Sep 16, 2010

I am trying to convert my batch file into a .sh file and i think i have it perfect but it just will not work, so obviously not perfect. This is the code for my batch file.


This works perfectly on my own computer without any problems. I want to host this on my Linux VPS (CentOS 5) and need it to be converted into run.sh. This is the code for my run.sh.


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Ubuntu :: Run A .batch File?

Jul 31, 2010

I am trying to run a .batch file, I was wondering if this edit would make it work, this is a java application-loader.

java -Xmx500m -cp .;Theme.jar Gui 0 1 lowmem members 32

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Ubuntu :: How To Make A Batch File

Feb 16, 2010

I want to quickly get to the Root directly (or whatever it's called).This is how I do it now; (the text in bold is what the computer spits out)

me@me-desktop:~$ sudo -s
[sudo] password for me: (then I enter my password)
root@me -desktop:~#

I'd like to just type one the new of the batch file and then hit enter. The batch file would then do the rest.

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Ubuntu :: Shift Command In Little Batch File?

Feb 11, 2010

I want to be able to enter multiple filenames after this bash file on the command line--- file1.rm, file2.rm by putting a shift command in this file?Or even better, for this bash file to take a line by line pipe from a text file. Excuse my atechnicalness.

file: rm2avi.sh:
cd /media/212EXT/data/download/convert


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Ubuntu :: Adding Multiple Users Using Batch File?

Oct 26, 2010

Idealy I want to create a batch file which would read the list and create a user and a password.

I know i need to create the file using the vi command and using the useradd facility to add the users however where i go from there i am lost.

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General :: Execute Commands Over SSH In A Batch File?

Feb 17, 2011

I'm looking to, all in the course of one batch file:

ssh into a remote computer execute commands (per the batch file) on the remote host.

What options do I need to add to the ssh invocation so that the batch file executes the lines following the ssh invocation over the connection?

e.g., with sftp it's simply adding a -b /dev/stdin and then << EOF at the end; how do I do this with SSH?

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General :: Batch File Conversion Command?

Sep 30, 2010

I just learnt to convert a video file into mp4 format so I can watch it on my PS3. However, I have dozens of video files from my video cam, and want to convert them all. They are all in the same folder. Please can someone explain how I might be able to adapt the code below so I can convert all my files in a batch. Perhaps keeping their same name or giving them some other name, I don't mind.

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General :: Batch File To Login To Putty?

Feb 2, 2011

I've created a .bat file with this line: start C:USERSPuttyputty.exe -ssh user@server.com -pw password

That opens a putty session and logged in it with the user and password i've already specified. But now, I want to enter a simple command like "ls -l" for example.. How can I do that?

I've also tried plink...The line in that case is this one:

start C:USERSPuttyplink.exe -v -ssh user@server.com -pw password -m UNIX_commands.txt

and in that file "UNIX_commands.txt" I've added the following lines:

cd /projects/test
ls -l

all works fine (the commands are executed) but i can't see the putty session... all i can see is the verbose in my DOS windows of the last line "ls -l"...

The putty session vanishes away. How can I have the session opened and list the mentioned directory.

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Software :: Launch A Batch File With Screen?

Jun 27, 2011

I understand SOME of how to use screen; attaching and detaching screens, etc.

for example:
screen -d -m links cnn.com

Then I can type
screen -ls
screen -r
and re-attach to that session.

But what launching a batch file? Said batch file contains 2 commands; a CD command, and a command to launch Python to run a certain Python script.

Whenever I use the batch file as the command for Screen, it always exits and terminates the screen session -- there are always "0 sockets". Even though the Python script in question is very persistent, and runs indefinitely.

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Programming :: Batch File To Run Unix Commands From Windows?

Nov 22, 2010

I need to write a windows batch file to run unix commands by logging onto a telnet unix server. For example , I might want the batch file to log onto the unix sever, run the ls command, collect the output in a file and ftp it back to my windows desktop

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General :: Need To Convert Batch File To Shell Script

May 3, 2010

Kindly help me converting a batch file with following commands into shell script..I would like to have the same functionality with shell commands.

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General :: Use Script To Batch Change File Names In Folder

Nov 9, 2009

I would like to change file names in two ways

1.jpg -> 0001.jpg
2.jpg -> 0002.jpg
x.jpg -> 000x.jpg
xy.jpg -> 00xy.jpg

5201.jpg -> 5001.jpg
5202.jpg -> 5002.jpg
5xyz.jpg -> 5(x-2)yz.jpg (where x >= 2)

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Programming :: Print The Current Time Of My System With A Batch File ?

Dec 25, 2010

How can I print the current time of my system with a batch file. My os is ubuntu.

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Programming :: Write A Batch File For Windows That Starts Cygwin Tool And Runs Unix Scripts?

Nov 17, 2008

I need to write a batch file for windows that automatically starts the cygwin tool in windows and executes the unix scripts.Previously we had these scripts in unix server.Now we need to migrate them to Windows server.For this reason we are using cygwin tool that allows the scripts to be executed on Windows server.We had written a batch file that starts the cygwin tool,but we were not able to execute the unix scripts.How can we write a batch file such that it executes all the unix scripts in cygwin.

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Ubuntu :: How To Create A Startup Daemon

May 25, 2010

I installed ActiveMQ, set up an init.d script and was able to start | stop | restart ActiveMQ from the init.d script. However, when I tried to use:

>sudo chkconfig --add activemq

upstart seemed not to like it. Having NO documentation on how to create a daemon that works with Upstart on the Ubuntu forums, I'm wondering if anyone has any idea why my init.d script doesn't convert.I'm using Ubuntu 10.x.x but this happens on 9.x.x also.

Here is my script..


# Provides: activemq


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Ubuntu :: Create A Custom Live USB Startup ?

Apr 22, 2010

What I want to do is create a custom live USB startup of ubuntu.

I know how to create a usb startup from the iso (any ubuntu iso), with the usb startup disk tool.

Is it possible to add some software to it, for example suppose I want it to have exaile and wireshark (or any software) already installed.
How can I do that ?

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General :: Ubuntu - Create Several Screen Sessions On Startup?

Oct 10, 2010

Firstly, what's the best way to execute commands on startup, cron? Can I use su in a shell script to switch between different users, if so how?

How do I create several detached screen sessions on startup? screen -A -m -d -S test ./script.sh seems like it should work but using it in a script started by cron doesn't show any screen sessions running after booting.

It looks like the screen session is closed after the command finishes executing, can I keep it open so I can see the output?

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Fedora :: Create New Service At Startup?

Dec 30, 2009

i want to start /usr/bin/brscan-key at startup. since i find it handy to push on the scan button , and the scanner is saving the scanned image to my pc.

can i add /usr/bin/brscan-key at /etc/rc.local on a safe way?

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Fedora :: Create A Startup Disk Of System?

Jul 9, 2011

I am currently in place where I get high speed internet connection. I am using F15 64 bit version. I've installed a lot of softwares and updated theOS completely. My question is is there any way that I can create a startup disk of my system so that I can install it in other system of same configuration.

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Software :: Create Startup Script In Angstrom?

Mar 31, 2011

I'm looking to run a program automatically on boot (but before login). I was think to add this to rc.local but it would appear that this file doesn't exist in Angstrom. Where should I put my script?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Create Startup Usb-flash Drive - Permission Denied

Jan 7, 2011

An uncaught exception was raised: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/media/e6f6ac46-4bfc-487b-9c81-aab706ead9e3/boot'

The above is the error message I get when I try to create an usb-flash boot drive. I downloaded the iso for Mint10 and use the "create startup disk" program to create the boot drive. I can see both the iso and the flash drive within the program, but when I click on "create disk" I get the above error message?

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General :: Which Mirror Image - Create A USB Startup Disk?

Jun 13, 2011

At the Get Slackware page at the Slackware website it gives a list of addresses which when I click one of the addresses it redirects to another page with a list of mirror images. Which address and which mirror image do I need to work with Kubuntu 11.04 on my netbook so I can create a USB startup disk? With my connection speed these mirror image downloads take about an hour and a half and I cannot just be guessing which mirror image to download.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Create Trashing Info File: Read-only File System

Jul 21, 2010

I plugged in my USb drive into my computer yesterday and tried to delete a folder. I was unable to do so and got the following message

Cannot move file to trash, do you want to delete immediately? The file "my file" cannot be moved to the trash. Show Details Unable to create trashing info file: Read-only file system

So when I click on delete I get another error message:

Error while deleting.
There was an error deleting Case Study Database. Show Details Error removing file: Read-only file system

At this point I can only click on Skip, Skip All, or Cancel.

I have not changed anything on the stick recently so I dont know what is causing the problem.

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Ubuntu :: Is There Any Program / Script That Can Create Torrent File For Each File In Directory?

Apr 14, 2010

Is there any program/script that can create a torrent file for each file in a directory? I have been looking all over but can't seem to find anything of the sort. I have 700+ files I REALLY don't want to make my self.

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Ubuntu :: Logon Script - Create A File (if It Doesn't Already Exist) And Checks The File For Some Info

May 24, 2010

I want to create a logon script (or somesuch) that creates a file (if it doesn't already exist) and checks the file for some info otherwise. If it finds a given trigger in that file, it logs into a local database and does some operations.

Now my problem isn't with creating that file or even getting it to function as a logon script -- it's with permissions. After the logon script creates the file, I want that user to have read access on it ONLY. Further, I don't want to give the user any kind of root access so that they could do the database operations in question or chown/chmod the file.

What's the best practice here? I'm noticing that whenever the script runs (in .bashrc right now) the script runs with the current user's permissions. Ideally, I'd like to make it so the login script can run at a higher level of permissions, (higher than the user has). Is this even possible? What's the best way to do this?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Failed To Create File '/root/.local/share/recently-used.xbel.AC7YXV': No Such File Or Directory

Jun 22, 2011

I have iMac 2.4GHz with rEFIT installed. I installed Unity on one of the partition. Kernel is still I am getting error message when I run the command
sudo gedit /etc/x11/xorg.conf

The error message is

(gedit:2139): Gtk-WARNING **: Attempting to store changes into `/root/.local/share/recently-used.xbel', but failed: Failed to create file '/root/.local/share/recently-used.xbel.AC7YXV': No such file or directory

(gedit:2139): Gtk-WARNING **: Attempting to set the permissions of `/root/.local/share/recently-used.xbel', but failed: No such file or directory

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General :: Limit On File Size - Doesn't Allow User To Create File Which Are Greater Than 100Kb

Jun 13, 2011

I was just testing specifying limit on file size to a user and have added the following to /etc/security/limits.conf bob soft fsize 100 This basically should have said not to allow bob to create anyfile greater than 100Kb in size.

But the interesting thing is, if bob already has any file which is greater than 100Kb in size, it even doesn't allow to log him into the system both from console and SSH. Also nothing is logged in logs.. How do I configure it so that, bob can login to the system even though he has any file greater than 100Kb (but doesn't allow him to create file which are greater than 100Kb) ??

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Debian :: NTFS Backup - Create Ever Expanding (to 320Gb) TAR File That Will Retain All Original File Permissions

Sep 20, 2015

I want to back up an entire Linux system on a 3Tb external Western DIgital USB3 drive.

I do not want to reformat it from what it is, apparemtly NTFS.

Is there a utility that can act like a file manager like mc, that will permit me to create an ever expanding (to 320Gb) TAR file that will retain all the original file permissions. I have had nothing but disappointment with Linux backup utils with a FAT32 external drive, and I am concerned if I just try an tar the entire drive at once, with around 3 million files, I might run out of memory.

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