Ubuntu :: Boot Parameter Meanings And How To Implement
Jan 23, 2011
There are several boot parameters shown when pressing the F6 key on the Ubuntu Maverick Alternate install CD. For example: ACPI=OFF
Where do I find a "complete" explanation of what these parameters do, when it is appropriate to select them and HOW to select them?
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May 4, 2010
I got the following modprobe scripts modprobe -k -q streams what does the -k parameter mean?. is it exist in older modprobe? I don't see -k parameter in recent modprobe.
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Aug 20, 2010
I am following an instruction on the Internet to set up a timer=1. "You can force use of the timer interrupt by using the timer=1 module arameter (or oprofile.timer=1 on the boot command line" When I type "modprobe oprofile timer=1" at the command line, I got a warning message saying that "Deprecated config file /etc/modprobe.conf" So i want to try other way by setting it at the boot command line.
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May 31, 2011
First off all, I'm booting from a large MEMDISK using PXE (900MB) . Due to our environment, I cannot decrease the size, nor move files to a nfs/iSCSI/... environment. Everything needs to be in that MEMDISK.
Now, when I try to run the OS, I get out of vmalloc space. How do I increase it to a number which allows such a large image to be mapped? I tried the parameter "vmalloc=1280M", but with that parameter, I don't get past the Booting the kernel screen.
Memory should not be an issue, since the machine(s) have at least 2GB RAM. (900MB MEMDISK + 256MB for other kernel stuff + 768MB for user stuff). The machine(s) have a Pentium 4 Extreme Edition processor, with hyperthreading and SSE2, but no EM64T.
How can I boot the system, and get past that message? Decreasing the MEMDISK size is not possible too. It is at the smallest we can get with our userland + kernel + modules.
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Mar 13, 2011
Computer boots up fine, but drops to commandline as it tries to go to the desktop. Just logging in and issuing "startx" brings up the desktop and all is well.
The Xorg logfile gives no fatals or clues (at least to me), but the "warn" file in /var/log gives the following at the end:
Mar 13 13:25:43 xxxxxxxx kdm[2328]: X server startup timeout, terminating
Mar 13 13:25:43 xxxxxxxx kdm[2328]: X server for display :0 can't be started, session disabled
Yesterday was fine, and never had it before; no harware changes (still same ATI 4770 and ATI 11.2 driver), nor BIOS changes/updates, for ages. First boot today this started. Does it continuously.
how I might slightly increase X's timeout parameter a bit, if this is the problem?
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Nov 4, 2010
I have an issue that is fixed by changing the lpfc driver to run using MSI interrupts. This is done by adding "options lpfc lpfc_use_msi=2" /etc/modprobe.conf.local file.
Is there a way to make this change using kernel boot parameters?
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Jun 26, 2011
I use subversion to check out some small projects and small games from time to time. Sometimes I see the 'U' which means upgrading coming in different places or even coming twice 'UU' . Now I always wondered if there is some specific reason why it comes out that. Here's an example of the check-out done from a game called dawn-rpg. As the name suggests its a role-playing game . dawn-rpg.sourceforge.net Anyway here's the checkout :-
Now see that all the deviations of U from third line as to how they appear ? Put simply 'A' is for addition of new files and 'U' is for upgrading/new version of somefile but do not undertand why it behaves/d that way. I have seen this in some others svn also.
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Feb 14, 2011
What does mangle table means in iptabels? Please express it easily so that I could easily understand it.
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Sep 15, 2010
Using NSsbackup on Ubunu 10.04 desktop. Generally all is successful - except for two things.First: If my USB WD Passport destination drive is not awake at the time the backup is started, the backup fails. But if I run ls -al on the drive, that wakes it up enough to take the backup. How to deal with this problem?Second, I have a question on the meanings of one of the commands: "format". In some examples I see "format = none", in others "format=1".What do these mean? Is this related to what type of compression might be being used after the tarball is created? Compression typethat name) is not mentioned in the/etc/nssbackup.conf file, for instance.
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Apr 2, 2010
I'm trying to get this rather troublesome (and poorly made, I might add) game to work correctly, and right now it has frozen to a black screen with a frozen cursor. I can't figure out how to shutdown X, but while this game is frozen as it is, I might as well figure out what the process status SL+ means. If anyone has a link to a list of process status codes and their meanings
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Mar 4, 2010
Let's start with some context: About a week ago, I saw in the university computer that the text mode consoles(ctrl+alt+f[n]) worked with a great resolution on a 19" wide screen (I think it is 1440x900) running fedora 11. So I wondered if I could make the text consoles at home to work with a good resolution also.So I started to search for that and found the kernel parameter vga= . The problem: it doesn't support 1440x900 or any other 16:10 resolution for my graphic card. Then I thought that maybe fedora uses some module that allows that, because the livecd allows a good resolution (by default) on my desktop computer.
What I thought so far is that fedora is not using vesa for the virtual console (which i think is the driver that ubuntu uses) and I want to know what driver it is and how to use it in ubuntu (either compiling the kernel or simply installing something).I don't even know if my guesses are right or not. But I've gathered some info so far:From /var/log/messages (fedora 12 livecd) I got this part, which I think is the really interesting one.Quote:
Mar 2 22:37:18 localhost kernel: [drm] Initialized drm 1.1.0 20060810
Mar 2 22:37:18 localhost kernel: [drm] radeon defaulting to kernel modesetting.
Mar 2 22:37:18 localhost kernel: [drm] radeon kernel modesetting enabled.
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Apr 16, 2010
I have not dug into Ubuntu for almost a year now (Since Jaunty, really). I am trying to come to grips with Grub2, but have just now encountered it in Lucid. I am having a terrible time with the graphics chipset, and it may well be that Ubuntu cannot be used on this computer (an older laptop with the dreaded Intel 82845G graphics chip). There are a number of older bug reports that it is unsupported, but some success in more recent versions.
Anyway, one suggestion has been to add i915.nomodset=1 to the kernel boot line. Now, this was a cinch in Legacy Grub, but I have been reading Grub2 wikis and tutorials for two days now, and I know about the config files, but I cannot find anything which tells me specifically how to add a parameter to the kernel boot line.
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Jul 31, 2010
dirname $a
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Aug 12, 2010
I just installed LXDE on my PC to try it out. I can't figure out how to implement file sharing. I used the Synaptic Package manager to install LXDE.
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Jan 5, 2011
I am trying to set up an automatic backup using rsync and a publickey SSH, which requires using an empty password on the private key. I would like to lock down the key on the server so that it can only run rsync, but my attempts to use a forced command (or any other option such as no-port-forwarding) do not appear to have any effect when I run ssh -v.
I am currently debugging using the following line in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
But when I connect, it opens up an interactive command prompt and does not display the "goodbye world" that I expect.
I am running an OpenSSH server on Ubuntu 10.04
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Mar 10, 2010
I have followed following steps to implement, ftp upload by test1 user.
1. Add group ftp-users
# /usr/sbin/groupadd ftp-users
2. User test1 has been added to the group of ftp-users with /home/ftp-docs as home directory
# /usr/sbin/usermod -g ftp-users -d /home/ftp-docs test1
3. Ownership and permission of /home/ftp-docs has been changed to provide read/write access to user test1 and group ftp-users
# chown test1.ftp-users /home/ftp-docs
# chmod 770 /home/ftp-docs
But My intention is for the user who login with test1 user privileges, he should not be able to browse any other directories say /, /var /etc etc. Also he should not be able to change to any other directory. How can I accomplish this ?
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Apr 15, 2011
How can we implement HMIPv6 in ns2? Can we adapt it directly by implementing MIPv6 or we need any ,for example HMIPv6.cc?
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Feb 16, 2010
Is there any function like mkdir() or link() for command ls? If not, how is ls implemented?
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Mar 21, 2011
I need a simplistic explanation of positional parameter. Have read all I can get my hands in, I kinds of understand to an extent, but I want to get. Full grasp of it. Oils like to know what is does, its functions, when to use it, and all its functions. Thanks in anticipation. Distro Red hat.
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Mar 7, 2011
I have a partially completed interpreter that has first-calss functions and can store scopes in variables. That way it is possible to implement a simple class like this:
MyClass = func () {
value = 0;
setValue = func (x) value = x;;
But what about inheritance, and what if I want to know the type of the object?
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Sep 25, 2010
I want to implement CBQ in my RHEL5 server so that i can manage my BW.
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Oct 22, 2010
Hey,everyone! I've got Ubuntu 10.10 , when loading I see the following message:
"atk: Resources not safely usable due to acpi_enforce_resources kernel parameter"
What does it mean and do I need to fix it?
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Feb 21, 2011
I am putting a php contact form on my webpage that sends messages directly from the page to my email address. This script has worked in the past, but unbeknownst to me that is because my previous server was running a mail transfer client that handled php's mail() function through smtp. The web server I am using now is a home machine configured with ubuntu running php/apache but there is nothing to handle mail. My contact form says the message has been sent, but it never arrives to my inbox.
Following forums, I installed sendmail and verified that smtp was running on port 25, but the form would then hang for over a minute upon submission(and messages still would not be delivered). I then tried exim4 as a mail transfer agent which solved the hanging, but messages still werent delivered. From my reading it appears this could have something to do with my hosts file, but I am unsure how this needs to be configured (pretty new to all this and I seem to have bitten off more than I can chew).
I eventually configured exim4 to use the smarthost feature for outgoing mail, using my gmail account's smtp server (following a tutorial). My exim log file produces no errors, but messages from my contact form still are not delivered. This has turned out to be a huge, hair tearing situation and I'm at a loss on what to do next.
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Jul 28, 2010
I am doing real time programming in C++, under Linux. I have two processes, let me say A and B. A process is being started periodically, every 5ms. B process is being started every 10ms. The process A is doing data processing. The process B is reading that data and displays it. I am confused about how to run periodically processes. The problem is that the period of process A should be as much as it is possible accurate (5ms). For the process B it isn't so important. I have created independent processes, each in one .cpp file, and I am starting them from bash file. Is that OK? I don't have to make child processes in order to have parallel processes?
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Apr 1, 2011
i have 2 front ends that receive traffic (http server) and should run some scripts in crontab, some of the scripts should just being running by 1 server at a time (active one) and others should run on both. Regarding the http like is load-sharing i think i cant use heartbeat, right? heartbeat is just for active-stanby or can we use to a active-active as watchdog? i have a cisco css to load sharing the http, and i can make a watchdog script to the apache. Regarding the cron crontrol i was thinking to make a script that replaces the crontab file to whatever is the correct one.
When the heartbeat start what parameter is sent to the script that are resources? a start if active node and nothing if is the standby?allways start?how should i config the haresources to do it? what is the best way? i have other situation that is making a nfs server in solaris 10, i have 2 servers with shared disks ( sun array), can i use heartbeat to this too? it is possible to make it in such way that if i had i failover in nfs server the clients doesn't need to reconnect?
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Dec 28, 2010
It looks like the -t parameter is no longer available when using the shutdown command. What I'm trying to figure out is how to send all the daemons the kill signal, but wait a certain amount of time before actually halting or rebooting. I can't be the only one wanting to do this, but for all the searching I'm doing I can't find an answer.The following only warns, then waits 1 minute before sending the kill signal and immediately halting, correct? Or am I getting this completely wrong?
Code:# shutdown -h +1
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Oct 11, 2010
i m using following kernal.
# uname -r
According to security manual i need to incorporate following changes into kernal parameter but i m not sure when and how these changes will be implemented.
net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_source_route must be set to "0"
net.ipv4.ip_forward must be set to "0" (zero)
icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts must be set to "1"
net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies must be set to "1"
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Nov 24, 2010
How would I ensure that whenever any user changes the password it should meet following.
1)It should be more than 7 Characters.
2)Atleast one Upper case character,digit and special character present.
3)Password is not same as username or dictionary word .
4)User should get email after changing his password(I have already setup mail account and tested the setup).
Distribution Detail
# lsb_release -a
LSB Version: :core-3.1-ia32:core-3.1-noarch:graphics-3.1-ia32:graphics-3.1-noarch
Distributor ID: EnterpriseEnterpriseServer
Description: Enterprise Linux Enterprise Linux Server release 5.2 (Carthage)
Release: 5.2
Codename: Carthage
# uname -a
Linux OFSMUW-VMGR-51 2.6.18-92.el5PAE #1 SMP Fri May 23 22:26:05 EDT 2008 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
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Feb 26, 2011
as $1 $2 represent first and second argument..for example- in a shell script..../commfile file1 file2 file3 now in commfile i want to receive files by running a loop...like
for (i=1;i<$#;i++)
cat ${i} //help me here
echo do u want to proceed
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Oct 26, 2010
Does anybody know how to implement packet reordering in NS2? I would be very glad if someone provide me with appropriate tcl script or give a link.
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