Ubuntu :: Any Application To Join Files Downloaded From Rapidshare?
May 30, 2010
Is there is any application to join files downloaded from rapidshare??Generally i use hjsplit to join these files in windows.. what application i have to use to join those files in ubuntu.They have an extension like 001,002,etc.
I've got a collection of comics on my computer which consist of single images in .jpg. I am trying to join them all to a big .pdf, so that I end up with one e-book per comic instead of a bunch of single images. I already tried importing it to Open Office, but that way I will have to rescale every single image to fit a page, which would take ages.
How to use ffmpeg or memcoder to join two .ogv files into a single .ogv ??Let's suppose the first .ogv video file is named as "01.ogv" and the resolution is 800*600;the second .ogv video file is named as "02.ogv" and the resolution is 720*576.I'd love to join two video files into a whole one, with the resolution 320*240.
I want to join .ogv files that have been encoded with my all time favourite encoder 'thoggen'? I know cat will join VOB files. The cat command is making very strange noises in my terminal and sending out screwed up letters that i have never seen..)
I want to use the command line join utility on two files. Unfortunately, they're gzipped. Because they're both gzipped, I can't use gzip -cd. Is there a slick way to do this without having to unzip them?
Searching Google on how to join/merge many mp3 files, it suggests that I should just cat them together.That might "work", but clearly it is not the correct way to do it, as each header and set of IDv3 tags will also be concatenated.Does a Linux program exist that can be scripted to join/merge many mp3?Can mplayer/mencoder/ffmpeg do it?
15 this is a sentence containing various words and spaces 34 this is a another sentence containing various words and spaces
cat file2.txt
2 this is sentence1file2 6 this is sentence2file2 54 this is sentence3file2
I would like to join these 2 files. The result should look as follows :
cat joinedfile.txt
2 this is sentence1file2 6 this is sentence2file2 15 this is a sentence containing various words and spaces 34 this is a another sentence containing various words and spaces 54 this is sentence3file2
==> so the joined file must be sorted on the first number. Any ideas how this can be achieved ?
This should be easy but despite all the hints and tricks I've read, I cannot make this work. I have 130+ files with the names filename.avi.001, filename.avi.002, filename.avi.003 all the way up to filname.avi.132. How do I join them? A simple cat command does not work, neither does avimerge or any other utility I can find. I'm guessing because the file extension is a number and not .avi. Is there and easy way to rename them all and then join them? I can't be the only one with this issue but I've scoured the forums and found nothing.
How do you join multiple MP3 files into one? "cat" and "mp3wrap" are no good as they produce non standard MP3 files. I know I can use audacity, but when you have 1000's of MP3 files to join into one, it takes too long.
I am downloading a set of files that were split by a program called ffsj
The Fastest File Splitter and Joiner.
I have been googling it, but I am not finding anything that is telling me how I might join these files using my CentOS Linux. How can I join these files using CentOS?
The other day, I needed to send the bank few signed documents (~40 pages). Scanned the signed documents in jpg format and wrote up this script to make a bound pdf. I find it quite useful- have fun.
i have started using linux for less than 6 months. now i have come across a problem with pdf files in linux. i want to join different pages from different pdf files into single pdf file.i have come across softwares that do this but they perform this using page numbers from pdf files.but i need to do this based on keywords in different pages .for eg there 3 pdf files
now i have to create a pdf file langunage.pdf ,combining the topic languanges from three pdf files america.pdf,india.pdf,china.pdf how can i do it?? whether there is any open source software for doing this?.
I have a bunch of files that contain a date, then data. When I use join, I get exactly the output I need. But manually joining the first with the second, then that output with the third and so on would take days. I have thousands of files. Can any of you folks help me write a script that would do this?To put it another way, for clarity's sake, here is what I am currently doing
If I were to repeat that 3000 times the final output would be what I need. I know a simple script would do this for me, but I can't figure out how to write it.
I downloaded, through the torrent, the Pink Floyd's Live in Gdansk concert. It first downloaded as an ISO and when I unzipped I now have 5 CD folders with bin files in them. I've searched and followed many different instructions to open the bin files but nothing is working. How to be able to listen to the music?
A few days ago I installed a fresh ubuntu 10.04 LTS without the X-Server (only cli) and I'm looking for a good Download Manager for rapidshare and megaupload free account that work with WebUI. I tried a some software :
- FatRat (doesnt work without X-Server) - Slimrat (doest have actualy a web ui) - Plowshare (no WebUI)
I've been searching this forum and the rest of the web for days now for a good software for a CLI Debian installation that will take links to file sharing sites such as Rapidshare, Megaupload, Uploading, DepositFiles etc and download them when possible (wait for timer to run out and so on).The only thing i've found so far is Slimrat but i dont seem to get it working with WWW::Mechanize even after trying to update it through CPAN
I switched from 9.10 to 10.10. In 9.10 there was a folder where the temporary flv ..... video files were downloaded, so I could capture them before being deleted. Now with 10.10, which is the folder? /tmp isn't, I'm watching videos but no flashxxxxx files there.
Just installed Ubuntu 11.04 32-bit on an older Dell D610 laptop. Everything was running a little slow but all in all running fine except one thing - I downloaded the Chrome deb file and also the deb file from Moneydance. When I double-click on either of these deb files, it opens up the Ubuntu Software Center and shows an 'Install' button for the app. I click Install and then enter my root password, then nothing happens. A short while later the Install button turns from grayed out to clickable again. So I click it again, and it says that the deb file is not packaged correctly.
I've tried it with multiple deb files now and get the same thing. Installing directly through the Ubuntu Software Center works fine, but unortunately Chrome and Moneydance aren't in there (I prefer Chrome to Chromium). What could be causing this?
Also - due to the slowness of the Ubuntu install I did a clean install to Xubuntu and I like that much better and it is running perfectly except for this issue of not being able to install any 3rd-party downloaded apps.
Whenever I download a file using Firefox or Google Chrome and it has a ' character on it's filename, the file is renamed and a is added before the '. It's really annoying and I'd like to know how can I solve this issue.
So I downloaded a bunch of movies on Ubuntu, which work fine. They are on a shared drive, so when I look at them using Windows 7 they are displayed as a 'file' rather than an .avi
They can still be opened and played in VLC and play fine
I've downloaded 4 versions of Ubuntu and Kubuntu but I've had no success in making a CD. Downloading them at the same time should not have been the problem as I've done it before. This was done after a fresh install of 9.04 Jaunty I had a problem with previous installs I have of an upgraded lucid 10.04 Could several partitions cause a file corruption, I know I had a file problem with Ubuntu one across several partitions.
Does anyone know where the files downloaded from the Ubuntu One Music Store are stored?They are not in the Music folder or anywhere else in my home folder that I can determine, yet Rhythmbox sees them. I noticed that in the Rhythmbox preferences I can no longer specify one specific folder as a watch folder (it defaults back to "Multiple Locations Set"). I'd like to transfer the files I bought to a flash drive, but cannot find them.
I just switched to a faster isp with monthly usage limits. When I install a program using Synaptic, where are the install files stored? I'd like to save them for future use. Also, I'm downloading Conky right now to monitor usage.