Ubuntu :: "add User" Interface Removed Rootaccess On Whole System?

Feb 24, 2010

I couldn't see any users in the "Users and Groups" menu, not even my own account. Then I tried to create a new (unprivileged) user, but it didn't show up niether. Then I quit the "Users and Groups" menu, and tried to open it again. This time, I could see a user, but only the root user. Then I quit again. Later I tried to gain root-access doing some other stuff, but all of a sudden, system told me, that I wasn't in the sudoers file anymore! Then I rebooted the whole system, and got stuck with this messeage:

mountall: mount /dev/pts [397] terminated with status 32
mountall: Filesystem could not be mounted: /dev/pts
fsck from util-linux-ng 2.16


All happened using the graphical interface in Ubuntu. I haven't been messing around with the terminal or the rootaccount or anything like that - just tried to add a new user to the system using the graphical inteface, and now I can't even access my system.

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Debian :: Jail A Process Without Rootaccess?

Aug 17, 2011

This is my first post, so bear over with me. I have a user that runs a process that controls servers. Every server has its own directory. The "server" is a .jar. The server gets started with a .sh script. I want the server to be jailed to it's folder, however it aint possible to run chroot because its not a superuser. What can I do? I've found out that jk_uchroot should do so I can run chroot as another user, however I cant get it to work properly and I cant find any good howto's or better documentation about it.

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Ubuntu :: Removed User From Sudo Group

Sep 23, 2010

I made a mistake on my friend's Ubuntu system when trying to get hard drive permissions right. I wanted to add a user to a certain group with usermod -G, but without realising I should also use -a, with the result that the user is now not longer in the sudo group. This is the only (regular) user on the system, which means I can not sudo usermod again to get it right. So what to do? The only solution I can think of is using a live disc to restore the group belongings, but I want to know if there's a quicker way. Also, I don't know what more groups the user was in. Is there a history? Or else, what are the default groups?

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Ubuntu :: User Removed From Sudoers / Get Back To Promised Land?

Jan 9, 2010

I managed without knowing to remove my user from the sudo users group. I did usermod -G fuse <username> and now I can't sudo anymore. How do I get back to the promised land?

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Ubuntu :: Prime User Suddenly Removed From Admin Group?

Mar 10, 2011

Twice today, and several times recently, I have had a sudo command rejected with the dreaded message "<user> is not in the sudoers file..." It's because my user -- which is the main user, the one you create on Ubuntu installation -- has "fallen out of" the admin group. I can fix it because there are other users defined which are still in the admin group and I can su to one of them and add myself back.But why is it happening? I'm doing software development, and use sudo mainly to do benign things like copying new versions of Perl programs into the application library: I'm not going anywhere near the security subsystem, for instance. I'm worried that one day whatever-it-is will choose to drop all the users out of admin and then I'll have to resort to live CD hacking to fix it.

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General :: Graphical Configuration Left By Removed User

Jan 31, 2010

I recently had a problem with one and only one user on an Ubuntu 9.10 desktop system.


The user who installed Ubuntu eventually could not log into the desktop (Gnome) without getting a small X-term appearing in the upper left-hand corner of the screen. I have since fixed the problem by reinstalling and using frequent logouts and reboots to see if the original problem could be re-created.

Other users, most of whom were also admin who could use sudo and were created after the installing user, could log into Gnome just fine. The installing user was fully deleted and re-created (home directory) and not installed with its backed up information. This still did not fix the problem.

My question is this. What could be left behind and possibly in which files by the installing user that would still affect this user even after that user was completely removed and re-created?

The only thing I have not done on the re-installation, is I have not installed Konqueror. I have installed konsole, which installs some KDE components, and that was done the first time.

I don't want to install Konqueror and have the same problem occur again at least without a place to look, so I don't have to re-install. I did make the classic mistake of not looking in the logs, specifically xsession errors. I won't make that mistake again.

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Ubuntu :: Removed Wine - Cannot Login To System

Jun 24, 2010

I was experimenting WINE in my Ubuntu machine. After a while I've decided to remove it. I uninstalled the application that I installed using WINE (Steam - Day of Defeat). And then I ran the following command:
sudo apt-get remove wine*
I checked (using tab) and only wine, wine1.2 and wine-gecko where there to remove. After doing this I shutdown my computer. When I turned it on again everything was fine until I had to pass trough the login page. I've inserted my credentials and then when I clicked in "Login" it appears a dark screen and then again the Login screen.

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Ubuntu :: System Hangs Whenever Module Is Inserted Or Removed?

Jun 26, 2010

After the updates about a week ago I noticed my system was hanging (screen and mouse frozen, unable to switch desktops, trl+Alt+SysRq+B still reboots) frequently. Though sometimes the system would not hang but become extremely sluggish and unresponsive. I've been able to determine that the problems occur whenever a module is added or removed. I can cause this problem with such commands as:

sudo modprobe aes
sudo rmmod raid0

I've tried multiple kernels but the problem persists. I've run memtest on the system but no errors have been found. I wonder if this could be some other sort of hardware problem but I'm suspicious that this began after a set of updates. I've seen message such as this in the kern.log:


Jun 25 22:35:48 localhost kernel: [ 240.480059] INFO: task modprobe:2672 blocked for more than 120 seconds.
Jun 25 22:35:48 localhost kernel: [ 240.492925] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.
Jun 25 22:35:48 localhost kernel: [ 240.506918] modprobe D 00000000ffffffff 0 2672 2650 0x00000004


I've tried using strace but that was not helpful. This is becoming a serious problem as I cannot load any encrypted volumes due to the inability to load the aes module. dpkg is currently in an interrupted state as the system hung when upgrading virtualbox-3.2 when it attempted to remove the modules. So my system is barely functional and I cannot see any way to fix things.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Update My System Without Having Efi-grub Removed?

Jul 15, 2011

I'm running Kubuntu natty on grub-efi-amd64. I've just received notification of a bunch of new packages to install, I believe part of it is a kernel update. When I click on "apply" a window comes up which says "Additional changes are required to complete the task". "2 packages to remove" lists "grub-efi" and "grub-efi-amd64". It lists 5 packages to install 3 of which are linux kernel and 2 of which are the bios version of grub.

How can I update my system without having efi-grub removed?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Not On System After Hard Drive Removed

Jun 16, 2010

I have 6 hard drives that have 9.10 and 10.04 on them. Not as a dual boot, but some hard drives have different versions on them. When I have plugged the drives in a couple of weeks later, the grub is gone and system will not boot. I get like a grub 1.5 error and that is all the options I have. Does anyone one know why this happens? Nothing on the drives but the O/S to get rid of windows. All drives worked perfect until they were removed and installed later.

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Fedora :: Removed Tomboy Notes From System Startup?

Oct 20, 2009

I've removed Tomboy notes from the startup applications by accident :-( I've tried to re add it again by typing in tomboy in the command area, but when the system starts up, the main window for tomboy notes opens up & when i close the main window tomboy shuts down.How can I get it the way it was before, just a icon in the notification area on system start up?take a look at the system start up command for Tomboy Notes and post it I know the command tomboy notes use in the applications menu * it's Tomboy* but I can't remember the code in the start up applications or system start up command to get it just a icon in the notification area without the main window opening up every time I start gnome,

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Ubuntu :: No Login / Password User Interface?

Feb 11, 2010

My desktop won't come up automatically now on a hard disk of mine (see below for the Ubuntu version history). It does boot up with Grub etc; then the Ubuntu load up bar thing with the timer spinning around [I hope you can understand this technical language!] goes through ok but then instead of getting the user interface with the little boxes to enter my login and password, the whole screen is in black (as if it's in Terminal mode). This black screen then asks me for my login and password: when I entered them, it said:

Starting up......loading, please wait
19 + 0 records in
19 + 0 records out
kinit: [followed by a load of technical stuff and a series of numbers]
kinit: trying to resume from /dev/disk/ by-uuid/9b [then a whole series of numbers]
kinit: no resume image, doing normal boot.


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Ubuntu :: User Interface Dead When Logged In (10.04)?

Jul 5, 2010

when I log in, I can move the mouse, but nothing else. The whole user interface is unresponsive and absolutely no keystroke works. It is probably not because of my hardware (hp 2710p) because logging in as root (with only slightly different Gnome configuration) does work well. I assume it is because of some error inside the Gconf. There is always an error when starting Gnome that an entry could not be read, including some bunches of ~30 question marks. If it is useful, I can give you the whole message literally.

I haven't changed data inside Gconf, but I did have it open when I was installing a program, and then the console did show the message with the question marks for the first time (while processing some "trigger" post-install). I think the program I was installing was drapes (for changing desktop wallpapers in Gnome). Strangely Gnome did startup correctly afterwards for a couple of times (always showing the above-mentioned error). I have no idea what change made it suddenly stop working yesterday.

The differences in Gnome configuration between the working root and the unresponsive user account are, as far as I can tell from memory: changed theme (elegant-brit), wallpaper, fonts, globalmenu in the panel, installed - added to panel - uninstalled drapes.The rest is the same for the root account. I can still log in to the shell as the normal user, but "startx" leads to the disabled graphical interface. As I said, the graphical interface works well when I use the root shell. I can't access the internet from the user shell unfortunately (if I need to, I will figure out how to set up wlan in the shell).

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Ubuntu :: Connect To Server User Interface In 11.04

Apr 13, 2011

i usually use the connect to server GUI under places in previous versions of ubuntu. I am not able to see the application in ubuntu 11.04

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General :: Improving Ubuntu With Pretty User Interface

Mar 11, 2010

Mac and Windows Vista have such pretty user interfaces with all the transparencies and stuff. Is there anything for Ubuntu Linux to improve the way it looks?

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Install Graphical User Interface In 10.04

Jan 5, 2011

I have installed ubuntu server 10.04 sucessfully. But I'm new to ubuntu so I need graphical user interface(GUI). How can I install gui in ubuntu server 10.04.

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Ubuntu :: Connect To Server User Interface In Xubuntu?

Mar 20, 2011

Where is the connect to server interface in Xubuntu that is present under places menu in ubuntu?

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General :: Change The User Interface Language In Ubuntu?

Jul 4, 2010

My default install language is chinese, now I want to change it to english ,how can I do it ?

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Software :: When Removed CUPS Some Other Files Were Removed Too?

Jun 24, 2011

I've been having trouble with CUPS.I uninstalled it and I wanted to re-install it. When I removed CUPS some other files were removed too. I don't have an option of installing the software or updating a system, in the Control Center.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: VLC HTTP Interface: No Sound When No User Is Logged In

Dec 20, 2010

I have a pc where I run ubuntu 10.10 and on this pc i have installed vlc and on boot i start the vlc http interface. Therefor I created the file /etc/init.d/vlc. The file seems like this:


and I also updated rc.d. Vlc starts on boot as desired I also can send commands like in_play the file (a playlist) is loaded and reguarding the status.xml the file is played. But when no user is logged in I hear no sound. When I perform a login on the machine there is first still no sound but when I send e.g. the pl_next command or call in_play again then there is sound. Sadly the pc shouldn't be attached to a monitor and therefor I can't perform a login everytime so I need sound, when noone is logged in. Why is there no sound?

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 - User Interface (UI) Disappeared + Compiz & OpenGL - Cannot Control Anything Anymore

May 19, 2011

I blew my UI (Unity) and dont know how to get it back. I wanted to set my Desktop cube using Compiz and selected OpenGL, but this blew my whole UI away and I cannot control anything anymore. From the empty screen I opened the application console using crtl + F2 There, a Login shows up but I do not know how to login (yeah LOLing here too). Username and my Password didnt make it. I could also not setup any new root password there. What data is needed here? Root, Username? Ubuntu 11.04 ubuntu ubuntu Login:

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Server :: Unable To Access Graphical User Interface

Jun 20, 2011

I have a Linux mail server (Fedora). This server was set up long before i joined this organization. Now I have these issues I would request assistance:

1. I am not able to access the Graphical User Interface(gui) on this machine. Startx does not work. I have also tried using combination keys alt+ctrl+f...keys but no progress. As a result am not bale to do some tasks.

2. The clamav that is on the machine has since become outdated. Efforts to update it to latest versions have failed. How do i get to update clamav and protect my system?

3. Because of not being able to access the gui as well as the inability to update clamav have led to my server apparently sending spam mail which in turn have led to my public ip being black listed in a number of sites. Now how can i secure this server so that it stops sending the spam mail and hence avoid future blacklisting?(NB am using postfix and the server sits behind a router which connects to the Internet)

4. I have observed that the server has some iptables rules set but everytime the server restarts the rules stop. I have to manually restart them again to run. How do I sort this?

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Software :: Web Interface To Add / Delete User And Change Password

Feb 1, 2011

Any program that has a web interface and has a features such as adding, deleting users as well as changing password. If none, does anyone knows a program that can interact with a script. A java page or apache+php perhaps? I can create script for those features but my problem is how can I integrate it to a GUI.

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Programming :: Use Firefox As User-interface For Shell Script?

Mar 29, 2010

In Windows, I was able to use IE as a user interface because I could code a WSF (Windows equivalent to shell script) to respond to events in IE.Now that I've moved to Linux/Firefox, I'd like to use Firefox in a similar way. Specifically, I would like to write a bash script to run lsdvd with XML output, use XSL to transform the XML for Firefox, then take an action (encode a selected track on the DVD) based on the user's selection. I would be happy if I could make Firefox write something somewhere that the script could read, but I suspect that security measures would prevent that.

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Red Hat :: Booting Successful But Failed To Display User Interface

Jul 16, 2010

Ii successfully installed RHEL 5 on my HP pavilion tx200 (tablet) I reboot the system and the booting was successful but failed to display the interface that will allow me to supply my user account, I installed it using custom layout and default layout but the result was the same.

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Ubuntu Installation :: User Interface Looks Basic And Multimedia Buttons Dont Work

Aug 12, 2010

I updated Lucid yesterday, and when I restarted the user interface was changed to a more simple feeling display. This makes me think I'm stuck in a "basic" mode or something. I attached a screen shot, but to give you an idea ill describe some issues. For one thing the minimize buttons are now on the right. The volume control, which used to appear on the top right of the screen, is gone and my multimedia volume control buttons on my Inspiron 1420 no longer work. Furthermore, the command terminal is now white and the keyboard shortcuts for copy and past don't work.

Immediately after updating I also got an error message at login (which also appears different and gives options on bottom of screen like gnome Failsafe) which said something like "gnome default power management installed incorrectly...". I followed the advice of a forum thread that involved the purge command and that seemed to remedy that message.

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General :: Find Out How To Load Graphic User Interface In Jaunty

May 20, 2011

I am a newbie to Jaunty, so please forgive my descrip. terminology. I am experiencing a great amount of grief with my Jaunty install. I can no longer get a login screen in Jaunty. When I try to boot normally for this install I get an unclean shutdown screen & it goes into the "checking drive" mode. I uninstalled some applications such as has to do with touchpad, remote desktop, xorg-driver-fglrx etc. I reinstalled xorg-driver-fglrx, which I later found out that I do not need. I have an AMD64 HP system with ATI graphics onboard.

I need to find out how to load graphic user interface in Jaunty. Some of the necessary files have been completely removed by me & I need to reload the repositories and update my current install.The partition is encrypted but I have been able to login with the username & password for THIS encrypted install using the "repair broken system" part of the GRUB screen.

How do I go into the terminal and load repositories, and maybe the kernel so I can do an update/upgrade? I do not know if upgrade is part of what I need to do I wanna keep my Jaunty install so I can access 50G of data that is on this install. I have made no backup of this data!!!

I am able to login to my install using my username & password after I get to the "#" prompt, (option "fix broken system" in GRUB) so I know login can be done under username of install. I just need to know what to TYPE into the terminal to restore the necessary files in the right place to make it run. (Is it called terminal at that point?)

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General :: Disable Root Login To The Graphical User Interface?

Apr 15, 2010

Does any body knows how to disable the root login to the GUI , like i am running my redhat server on runlevel 5 and i dont need tht root to get login to the GUI , i ma talking about redhat 5.

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Software :: Configure Redhat Squid In Graphical User Interface?

Jun 21, 2011

how to configure redhat squid in graphical user interface and uses of squid

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Software :: Make A Web-based Interface For User Configuration Program?

Feb 9, 2010

I currently doing a network emulator program and the features must includes the web-based interface for user configuration. I able to run my program through command line. But I would like to ask how to associate my program to web-based interface for user configuration?

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