Ubuntu :: Zotero - How To Import PDF Library

Jan 28, 2010

I have looked at heaps of the citation software and have settled on using Zotero for a few months to really get a feel for it. One major barrier is how to import my (large) pdf collection into it in one easy step.

Goal: have zotero import my PDF library in one batch. (ubuntu 9.04)

1. I have tried to do it 1 at a time. The sun will explode before I get that done.

2. I have tried this work around without success: Drag and drop from Konqueror (KDE 3.5, opensuse 11.1) fails for me, too. A workaround to allow drag N drop is to use Firefox as a file browser (enter "file://<location_to_file>" as the URL), and to drag and drop from there. [URL]

Firefox cant find the directory

3. I have tried drag and drop as suggested on the Zotero forums (largely for windows users). No luck.

4. I have searched the web, with no other suggestions that have worked.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: RhythmBox Will Not Import To Library From XP Share

May 1, 2010

I am running the latest version, 10.04 and I am having problems importing music from my XP share. I can see my music in smb://squirrel/music The share on XP has full read/write perms. I then go Rhythmbox - Music - Import Folder and click on "music on squirrel" in "places" and I can see all of my dirs on the XP share. I then click on one directory and click "open" and Rhythmbox goes back to the main screen and there is nothing in Library - Music or anywhere else.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Import A CD Each Track Is Displayed Twice In The Library

Oct 1, 2010

Whenever I import a CD each track is displayed twice in the library (but only one mp3 file is made) with one track displayed as being a few seconds longer than its duplicate.

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General :: Why Can't The System Import Modules From The Python Standard Library In Ubuntu

Jan 22, 2011

The whole day was more or less spent reinstalling a basic Gnome Ubuntu system. Everything went swimmingly until I started with the XBMC part of the installation. After wrestling with PPAs and apt-get for hours I finally got it installed, but then it all turned awkward in a hurry. It simply refused to start up. I clicked the icon and nothing happened for a good few seconds. The screen then flickered black for an instant, but after that nothing. I started from a terminal and it showed an error message saying it couldn't import Python's os and shutil modules. I found that mighty strange since both modules are part of the Python Standard Library.

Finally, in a bizarre twist, it turns out this doesn't seem to be a XBMC problem, suddenly apt-get started complaining too. TL,DR: I (nor the system) can't import any Standard Library modules in Python in Ubuntu! Is this a path problem? Or have I actually managed to uninstall some vital python packages, if so which ones? I am running Ubuntu 10.10, but I don't think this is necessarily a Ubuntu specific problem. Here are some dumps to show the error messages: (I forgot to copy the XBMC error message, but it looked exactly the same as these below, i.e., it couldn't import the os module) First from apt-get:


tv@tv:/usr/lib$ sudo apt-get autoremove
[sudo] password for tv:
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree


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Ubuntu :: PDF Note Taking And Zotero?

Feb 28, 2011

So, I read a lot of PDFs and I would like to be able to take notes on it and export as a pdf so it can be read by other PDF viewers. I've read a few older posts about this and xournal sounded like a good option. I've tried whytboard a little and didn't really seem like what I wanted. I also like zotero for research stuff and the note taking they have for webpage SS and documents is GREAT but I haven't been able to get pdf to work for note taking or maybe it isn't implemented yet? If there was a way to make Zotero notes to work with pdf that would be perfect!

Also, its been a few years since the last pdf notes post that I could find, what are people using these days? any noteworthy programs?

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Ubuntu :: Zotero.oxt Proper Version For Ooffice 3.1?

Feb 8, 2010

I recently re-installed my OS to Ubuntu 9.10. I re-installed Zotero and downloaded the plug in for Open Office a Zotero.oxt file. When I try to get use the citation manager, it says that the version of the plugin that I am using (2.0a2) is incompatible with the Firefox extension 2.0rc.

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Ubuntu :: Create A Button To Open Firefox With Zotero In Fullscreen?

Mar 1, 2010

I want to create a button on my taskbar that does this operation

firefox -new-window zotero://fullscreen/

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OpenSUSE :: Zotero Bibliography Plugin Does Not Work In OpenOffice 3.2

Jun 9, 2010

I have to type a report and it would be nice not to have to do copy and paste with my whole bibliography. I am running.

Linux linux-xu0v #1 SMP 2010-02-22 16:49:47 +0100 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
OpenSuse 11.1 with KDE 3.5.10 (rev. 89)
Zotero 2.0.3
Zotero OO plugin: 3.0.7a
Java: 1.6.0.u20-0.1.1
The paths of the plugin are set to:
Java UNO path: file:///usr/lib64/ooo3/basis3.2/ure-link/share/java/
soffice executable path: file:///usr/lib64/ooo3/basis-link/program/

I am getting the following error message when I try to insert a reference:
Zotero OpenOffice Integration could not communicate with OpenOffice.org because the soffice executable directory specified in the Zotero OpenOffice Integration preferences does not contain a "soffice" file. See the Zotero word processor plugin troubleshooting page for information on how to locate the appropriate directory.
The zotero page does not give a great deal of help. Did somebody make this plugin work with OpenOffice in OpenSuse? Especially: are the paths indicated correct?

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Software :: ./configure Problem For Libsf Library Due To Apparently Missing Libdb Library ?

Aug 4, 2011

./configure script fails to configure libsf. Please check the following last few lines of configure script error.

But find command shows the following;

It seems the file libdb does exist. man dbopen displays man page for dbopen. I also tried to ln -s /usr/lib/libdb.a and libdb.so /lib dir but all were in vain.

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Programming :: SDL Static Library - Shared Library ?

Apr 7, 2009

I'm reading about shared, static, and dynamic libraries. What is SDL? Is it static, shared, or dynamic?

I always thought a library would be a lot of .h and .cpp files compiled separately into .o files and then if you compiled your own program you could use the -l parameter to link the library and it was all compiled together. Now I'm not so sure.

I don't even see any SDL .cpp files in my system anywhere. All I have are lots of SDL .h files in /usr/include/SDL and I don't really understand the code in them.

I'm making a wild guess here: SDL is a shared library. SDL itself is NOT compiled into my program, therefore SDL must be on any system my program tries to run on. When I compile and link SDL all it needs is the header files to know what SDL function and objects it can use. And then on every system it uses an already compiled SDL shared library thingy somewhere.

So... where is that part of SDL? All I can find are header files.

I'm thinking the advantage of shared libraries is that someone could say update SDL on their own system and take advantage of the new features without having to download new executables with the new version of SDL compiled into them for every program that uses SDL.

So if I'm making an editor and a game engine and they both use a lot of the same .cpp and .h files that I wrote and I'm tired of updating one and then the other and I need to turn them into a library, then a shared library might be kind of a silly solution. I could just make a static library. Right? Because it's not SDL. Nobody else is ever going to use this library.

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Fedora :: Running The Zotero Openoffice Integration Plugin In F13 Under The Openjdk Plugin?

May 31, 2010

I',m having trouble running the zotero openoffice integration plugin in F13 under the openjdk plugin.It's known top be not working as per The problem lies in some permissions as reported here -fedora-linux/However i want to know if there's any progress on it, since i dont have privilege to install it in my lab computer. Also i found this old bug reportwhich seems to have something done.If anypone has any idea please post, else i think i need to file a new bug report.EDIT: I'd be glad even if someone can guide me to write local policy (.java.policy) to enable the plugin

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Fedora :: Can't Import RPM-GPG-Keys With The Command "rpm --import"

May 17, 2010

after I had to rebuild the rpmdb because of some errors within it, i can't import any gpg-keys with the command "rpm --import". All I get is this:


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Programming :: Convert A Dynamic Library (filename.so) To A Static Library (filename.a)?

Nov 18, 2009

How can we convert a dynamic library (filename.so) to a static library (filename.a) using gnu gcc . Can we get a static library form a dynamic library . I saw a few post in which the conversion form a static library to a dynamic library is mentioned but, unfortunately, not the other way.

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General :: Link Shared Library Against Other Shared Library?

May 27, 2010

I think that the solution is very simple, but I cannot reach this solution. I'm trying to build an B.so that uses A.so.

A.so is compiled using C;
B.so is compiled using C++;

Inside "Aso.h" file I'had declared:


#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {


There's no error to compile that, this library seems to be compiled correctly, but using the "nm" command the Aso.so functions appear with "U" of undefined. Trying to build an executable using the Bso.so library, I got this error: /lib/../lib/libBso.so: undefined reference to `foo(int, int, int)' I think that to solve this problem it's only link the Aso.so with the .o files generated at the compilation phase of my Bso. Using the "ldd" command I'm able to see that Bso.so depends on Aso.so, so what am I missing?

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Programming :: Add A Static Library To Own Static Library?

Mar 31, 2010

To create a static library, or to add additional objectiles to an existing static library, I can use a command like this:ar rcs my_library.a file1.o file2.oBut how to add an existing static library to my own static library. I have created my own static library using the command above and want to link against the library libuuid.a (placed in /usr/lib/).

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Ubuntu :: F-Spot Import Of A Directory?

Apr 21, 2010

I have my data on an NTFS drive. When I try to import pictures from this drive, I only get an option for the drive. That is, I cannot choose a sub-folder from which to import. I understand I can tell F-Spot to use sub-folders, but I have many sub-folders with pictures, and I do not want all of them in F-Spot. Is there any way to import a single folder with F-Spot?

I have also tried drag and drop, but I have a hard time getting that to work as well.

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Ubuntu :: ImportError: Cannot Import Name Cluttergtk

Jul 25, 2010

Tried installing and running entertainer and when I try and run it i get this error:

mike@mike-laptop:~/entertainer/src$ ./entertainer-frontend.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./entertainer-frontend.py", line 25, in <module>
from frontend.frontend_client import FrontendClient


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Ubuntu :: How To Tell Rhythmbox To Import All Your Music

Aug 1, 2010

All I want to do, is import all my other music files to Ubuntu, so I can play them on Rhythmbox music player. The other files are on my Windows hard drives though. Is there some way that I can just click a few buttons and import all my music?

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Prompt To Import From XP?

Oct 15, 2010

v10.10 installed fine on my laptop (dual boot with XP) but why is there no prompt to import documents and settings from Win XP?

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 - Cannot Import Raw Images From Camera

Nov 29, 2010

I'm using U10.04 and have installed all sorts of photo apps, but nobody can see the raw (*.RW2) files on my Panasonic DMC-FZ35. I borrowed a Win7 machine and Windows sees them. I put them on a stick and come back home and thenGimp with UFRaw sees them. How can I get U10.04 to see them right when I plug in the camera with USB?

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Ubuntu :: Import Appliance VirtualBox OSE From 10.10 To 11.10?

Jan 20, 2011

Id like to know if I can import my VirtualBox OSE from Ubuntu 10.10 to Ubuntu 11.10 coming up in April? I will hold off and wait until April, before purchasing my new computer, if I have to build the VirtualBox OSE from scratch, as I have spent a lot of time on it.

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Ubuntu :: Get Firefox To Import From Chromium

Mar 6, 2011

Is there a way to import bookmarks from chromium into firefox at all?

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Ubuntu :: How To Import Contacts From Thunderbird

Apr 16, 2011

How to export contacts from windows - outlook express and import it in ubuntu - thunderbird 3.1.8?

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Ubuntu :: Import Torrents From Windows?

May 5, 2011

I have Ubuntu and Win 7 on my desktop machine. I use utorrent and deluge for torrent clients because i upload on lot of trackers. I want to import the settings and paths for the torrent to some linux client. I have 700+ torrent now and it would be real pain to add them one by one in linux. Is there any way to do that?

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Ubuntu :: MSOutlook Import Into Evolution?

Jun 1, 2011

import mails and contacts from MSOutlook in windows to Thunderbird. It worked and even kept the folder hierarchy of the emails, as well as the contacts. My only task now is to find the /.evolution folder in ubuntu and past everything.

But was disappointed that thunderbird has no calendar, no ToDos and tasks so I'm wondering how could I import these great Outlook features into evolution, too.

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Ubuntu :: Import Cd Cache In Apt-cacher?

Jul 18, 2011

I am running ubuntu 10.10 server edition as apt-cacher server. How ever we have both 10.04 and 10.10 editions in our office. I have imported the cd cache of ubuntu version 10.04 and it is working fine. Now i want to import the cd cache of ubuntu version 10.10, for that i have to setup different server or i can import the cd cache in same server in different location? If in different location, how to import the cd cache?

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Ubuntu :: E-mail Import Into Thunderbird

Jun 6, 2011

After reloading my OS my e-mail backups are all in Sbd and msf files, but Thunderbird 3.1.10 seems to only import e-mails from Communicator. Is there a solution for this to :enable me to import my e-mails?

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Ubuntu :: Users/Groups Now Showing After Import?

Feb 10, 2010

Imported users and groups (UIDs 500 and above) from Redhad to Ubuntu 9.10 by appending users to the passwd, shadow and group files. Users and groups appear to work, but they do not show in the Users/Groups GUI. Is that because they do not start at a UID 1000 and up? What are my options to make them visable?

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Ubuntu :: Import Outlook Mails To Thunderbird?

Feb 21, 2010

I searched in forums but I couldnt solve my problem. I copy my pst files of outlook on windows then I completely remove windows and set up ubuntu. I made all my configuration on thunderbird. I can send and recieve mails but I could not import my old mails from outlook to thunderbird.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rhythmbox Won't Import Smb Shares?

May 5, 2010

I've recently installed 10.04 and everything is fine except Rhythmbox.It merely won't add to media library any music file on smb shares I'm using Ubuntu almost all the time and deadly won't to be able to listen to my music on the server

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