Ubuntu :: XScreenSaver 5.08 - How To Either Disable Or Uninstall
Jul 29, 2010
I added XScreenSaver 5.08 to her applications list. We've had issues with XScreenSaver and want to either disable or uninstall the application. We cannot figure out how to disable XScreensaver and revert to the original screensaver app that came with the system. When I use Snaptics Package Manager to either 'completely' uninstall', or just 'uninstall' the message says that I will uninstall the 'desktop'.
Does this mean I will uninstall only the desktop version of XScreenSaver applilcation? Or, does this mean I will uninstall the system desktop (in this case Xfce)? I'm a little hesitant to punch the button in case I blow off Xfce desktop! Our goal is to either disable or uninstall XScreenSaver 5.08. Then be able to use the screensaver that came with the system.
as much as i am one for saving space and throwing out the trash. now my problem is the fact that I DO NOT WANT THIS program (localepurge) running on my system. i look and did everything i could. note : i am a noobie. when i config the program from the start i told it NO don't delete anything. and now that i have done some reading i do not want it working period. i could not find a way to disable or uninstall localepurge.
I cannot uninstall Firefox, nor can I uninstall Chromium; one always stays if the other is uninstalled. For example, if I remove Firefox, Chromium will appear in its place and vice versa. This has got to be one of the weirdest bugs I've ever seen on Ubuntu! So, how can I uninstall both web browsers?
I recently installed xscreensaver in order to change some settings on some of the screensavers I have. All is well until I lock the screen. I do not like the look of the password entry window. the one that came with the GTK2 theme I use looked great and I was wondering if there was a way to tell xscreensaver to use that one instead of the one that it uses by default. Also, whenever I restart my computer I have to open up xscreensaver and tell it to kill the gnome-screensaver daemon and then start the xscreensaver one. Is there a way to automate this process?
Although xscreensaver is much better and liked by many users, the Ubuntu devs replaced it with gnome-screensaver simply cause -
1) It's integrates better with the gnome-desktop. 2) It follows release cycles of Gnome.
Since the devs and admins won't listen, we users have to clean their **** up and this is the howto - In Ubuntu, the gnome-screensaver is running; but xscreensaver is better, so we need to replace it. The gnome-screensaver runs as a daemon...removing this gnome-screensaver package will remove this executable also -
I just installed Xubuntu 10.10 after killing my previous one w/ manual changes. Anyway, a moment after starting XScreensaver, the screen will blank. When i move my mouse, the cursor is visible, nothing else. the only thing i've been able to do is unlock, move cursor to the logout button, and logout.
I recently installed Xubuntu on a 5+ year-old Acer Aspire laptop. In spite of how the root, swap and home are volumes in an LVM2 group on top of a fully-encrypted harddisk, it's quite swift this computer isn't for me, however; it's for my old man. It's been my pet project for the past few weeks, as an exercise in making Linux both highly secure and user-friendly, so that even a technophobe like him could use it without fear of identity theft if it ever gets lost or stolen. I recently shipped it off to him...
The weakest part of security, however, I fear may be the screensaver, which is why I ask. I've searched and searched and cannot manage to find any information on security hardening practices (apart from banal advice such as "always choose a secure password" and "never log in to an X-session as root"). What I want to know is, just how safe is a locked screen? Also...is it technically possible with the right tools to get a core dump of a running computer and thus extract the block device encryption key from memory? I know that your run-of-the-mill thief will just try hitting the power button and throwing in a livedisk, but hey, you never know. Edit: found. [URL] I guess I need to tell him how to set the BIOS password to thwart that sort of thing next time I talk to him on the phone...
How to set xscreensaver as default I just enjoy xscreensaver, but I like to have it as default, when f12 start. I am not very deep in details of Fedora, but still, can anybody guide me to set this as default ?
have you ever tried to type into xterm ? (output of 5-11.1): Code: xscreensaver-command -lock xscreensaver-command: no screensaver is running on display :0.0 If it is working for you, which version of xscreensaver do you have?
For some reason I cannot figure out, xscreensaver does not have permission to control my screen. It's present in memory, so the settings app thinking it is not present and asking if I want to start it is odd. Could the the necessity of using VESA BIOS controls to get around bugs in the VIA/S3/Unichrome chipset be the source of the problem? Are there other Linux screensavers that might work differently and might still be able to blank my screen?
My supposedly stable system was crashing. The problem was one or more specific screensavers--xscreensaver, the display manager (lightDM), and X itself are innocent as far as I can tell.
I'm on a Thinkpad T400 with Debian Jessie (8.4)/MATE/lightDM. I have libreboot and not proprietary BIOS. I like variety, so in addition to installing xscreensaver itself (the unofficial patched jessie version without the "out of date" nag, which I got from https://angband.pl/debian/pool/main/x/xscreensaver/), I also installed some extras from the official repository (xscreensaver-gl-extra, xscreensaver-data-extra, xscreensaver-screensaver-bsod). I enabled all the installed screensavers and asked xscreensaver to randomly cycle through them.
To my dismay, after variable lengths of time (usually within 20-60 minutes), when a random screensaver has been on for a little while (I'm guessing as it's about to go to the next random one), X crashes to a black screen. The only way to make the black screen go away is to kill X (which I mapped to Control + Alt + Backspace) then log back in. There are no useful logs anywhere except some cryptic IO error 11 entry in ~/.xsessionerros.
Now for the troubleshooting:
1) First I tried installing a more up-to-date version of xscreensaver (5.34-2), which I grabbed from the sid repository. This didn't work--same problem as described above. Therefore, I went back to the patched version for jessie (5.30-1 from angband.pl).
2) To exclude that the lightDM middleman was the problem, I disabled it and was logging in with startx. Problem did not go away. (I then rigged systemd to log me in automatically and for startx to run automatically once I'm logged in--who needs middlemen?)
3) To exclude screensavers butting heads, I uninstalled mate-screensaver and disabled anything from X that could be interfering (by running these commands in a startup script: xset -dpms; xset s 0 0; xset s noblank; xset s off). Problem did not go away. I kept this startup script nevertheless.
4) Finally, to exclude individual xscreensaver module(s) being the problem, I unchecked them all. Then I wrote down the names of my 20 favorite modules (which include some from gl-extra, some from data-extra, and bsod) and tested them in small batches, running xscreensaver with only 5 favorites checked at a time. After testing four batches of 5 and witnessing all 20 favorites both display and load without any X crashes, I went ahead and selected all 20 favorites. I left the laptop on overnight and in the morning (about 12 hours later) it's still going strong.
One or more particular xscreensaver modules are crashing X, probably at the time they are being loaded to be the next one to show. I think I already spent enough time on this, so don't really care to identify +/- troubleshoot the offending modules.
I'm having some problems getting my screensaver to work automatically.If I start the screensaver config program then it gives me this message: "The XScreenSaver daemon doesn't seem to be running on display ":0.0". Launch it now?" If I click yes then my screensaver works exactly as expected.How can I get the XScreenSaver daemon to start automatically?
Can someone please tell me why I have 2 screensaver programs? I have screen saver - KDE Control Module and XScreenSaver. What is the difference between them?
Sometimes my screen-saver crashes, showing a blank screen with "render error detected ..." message.This message is displayed only short time <1s, then login screen appears.Due to short time, I'm not able to read the complete error message on screen. Is there a way to delay the displaying of such errors so I can read it properly?In the /var/log/messages I have found the following: Code: Jul 9 09:22:33 dc7100 kernel: render error detected, EIR:
I recently upgraded to zenwalk 6.2 and xscreensaver now starts automatically so i have to input my password whenever i shut and reopen my laptop lid. how can i stop it from auto-starting.
Im running ubuntu 10.04 lts. Ive been struggling with automating a screensaver to come on and off at shceduled times. all is working fine except I cannot seem to get xscreensaver to start from cron. when i run it manually i need to use:
xscreensaver & and then hit enter. I'm not sure whats happening as i only get the line that it ran in my logs but no error. i am using xset to turn the display power on and off, then xscreensaver-command -activate and deactivate, after loading the xscreensaver daemon. everything automated works fine except starting xscreensaver daemon. if i run the same commands manually it works fine. if i leave the xscreensaver daemon running and shutoff display with xset it will come on again unless i kill xscreensaver. fyi what im trying to do: my linux file/web/music server is on a tablet netbook and i flipped the screen around and am trying to also use it as a digital picture frame. which works fine, i just dnt want to run it needlessly 24/7
So I'm using xscreensaver on Fedora 13 and was wondering if I could use a different screen-saver on each of my monitors (I have two). I don't know how or if I can do so, but I'm confident that someone here will.
I'm having trouble trying to make a script. What I want to do is check if xScreenSaver is running in my user account. If not, run it. If it's running, kill it.
So this is the script I've made:
The problem is that I've echoed the output of $(pgrep -u $(whoami) xscreensaver) and it always seems to add 4 numbers to the pid, even if the pid doesn't exist. What do I mean by "doesn't exist"? That no xscreensaver is running in my user, and if I run pgrep -u $(whoami) xscreensaver in bash, I get not output, but if I run the command though the script, I get (for instance) 4050. If I run it again, I get 4054, and again 4058... etc. What the hell is going on with that?
I'm using SolydX, based on Debian Jessie. XScreensaver is installed and disabled, but it still locks my netbook screen after some minutes and suspend mode. Waking the netbook up brings XScreensaver login window. I'd like lightdm login window to appear instead.
I have set up minimal debian installation with pekwm, tint2, xscreensaver and friends. When I press Fn+F4 on my thinkpad or run pm-suspend from root terminal, it suspends just fine (yay), but when I resume, I get instantly logged in into my account. What I'd like to have, is that xscreensaver locks my session after suspend, so that I have to type in my password in order to continiue working.
PS. In /etc/default/acpi-support I have LOCK_SCREEN=true
I am trying to get the X screensaver gltext to monitor my system temp and maybe some other stats. Writing a script that puts together the stats periodically is no problem, but the main thing I'm running into is that gltext doesn't refresh - whatever text I feed it stays there.So, for example, I run this command:$ /usr/lib/xscreensaver/gltext -text "`cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THRM/temperature`"and get a gltext window showing:temperature:60 CI can manipulate it and format it as necessary, but as my CPU heats up and cools down, it doesn't update, even if I include time variables that do.I have a script that feeds gltext the time as the first line and the temp as the second line - and although the time updates continuously as the time changes, the temperature value remains the same as whenever the screensaver started.
I have xscreensaver installed and configured. I have it set to turn on after 5 minutes, cycle every 5 minutes. I have acpi setup to blank my monitor after 10 minutes and power off after 15 minutes. The problem is, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I haven't figured it out. The service from what I can tell only runs when the screen saver is active. So checking ps -e doesn't tell me much, and since there isn't a true problem it is not recording anything in the logs.
how to set up the Xscreensaver to start automatically, when the KDE starts? I use Mandriva 2008 and every time I log in, the Xscreensaver is off and I have to start it up from the 'run' menu.
I have problem with some applications in X. When I want to unlock Xscreensaver it just meses my X and I must Ctrl+Alt+Backspace. I installed slock and thought I solved the problem that way, but same happened with Xpdf.