Slackware :: Unlock Xscreensaver It Just Meses My X And I Must Ctrl+Alt+Backspace?

Mar 2, 2011

I have problem with some applications in X. When I want to unlock Xscreensaver it just meses my X and I must Ctrl+Alt+Backspace. I installed slock and thought I solved the problem that way, but same happened with Xpdf.

01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RS690 [Radeon X1200 Series]
uname -r:


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Debian Multimedia :: Change Ugly Xscreensaver Unlock Dialog

Feb 18, 2010

I was wondering if there was a way to change the ugly xscreensaver unlock dialog.

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Fedora :: Enable Ctrl-alt-backspace In F10?

Mar 5, 2009

The default is forbidden in F10.

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Fedora :: Ctrl+alt+backspace Not Working In 11?

Aug 1, 2009

On fedora 10 and backwards you could use Ctrl+ALT+Backspace to restart X, this was massively useful in resolving any issues with hanging x processes and so forth... without losing session data.... it seems to not work in fedora 11...

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Ubuntu :: Can't Get Out Of The Crash With Ctrl-alt-backspace?

Feb 8, 2010

I am an Ubuntu/Linux noob, I installed Ubuntu a few weeks ago, and it sometimes gets extremely slow and crashes. I can't get out of the crash with ctrl-alt-backspace and I have even tried the key combinations suggested here to no avail.

Ubuntu 9.10
mem 500 MiB
Intel Pentium 1.70GHz

The crashes usually involve Firefox being open + another program ( could be pdf reader, calibre, or something similar). I try to keep the amount of open Firefox tabs below 5 as it gets very, very slow (that was one of the reasons why I decided to install Ubuntu, in the old windows XP installation Firefox was also excruciatingly slow).

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Fedora :: F11 Missing 'Restart X' Shortcut V. Ctrl+Alt+Backspace

Aug 19, 2009

used to use this feature alot in F10 ... not sure... but i can't find it in the keyboard shortcuts prefs

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Fedora :: Enable Ctrl Alt Backspace Command Line?

Jan 27, 2011

Since I wasn't able to figure out how to enable ctrl alt backspace in kde I thought I would explain how to do it from the command line. Open /etc/X11/xorg.conf as root. Then add this to the file.

Section "ServerFlags"
Option "DontZap" "false"

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Software :: Make Ctrl + Backspace Work In Bash?

Jan 18, 2010

I've tried without luck to get ctrl-backspace working to delete the previous word in bash. I edited my .inputrc and tried the following:

"C-": unix-word-rubout
Control-Rubout: unix-word-rubout

I can make it work if I change it to some other sequence (Control-j: unix-word-rubout makes ^j erase the word), but I can't make it work with backspace.

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General :: Ubuntu 10.04 Freezing And Ctrl + Alt + Backspace Does Nothing But Music Keeps Playing

May 26, 2010

I'm having intermittent problems where the screen will freeze in Ubuntu. I've tried using Ctrl + Alt + Backspace to restart the X-server, though this does nothing. When the freeze occurs, there's a small square of black dashes around the mouse pointer - maybe 1 inch in size. These dashes look a lot like a 2d barcode. The rest of the screen looks normal, but I can't move the mouse and none of the keyboard shortcuts work to do anything. However, music that I begin playing before the freeze continues to play, which seems to indicate it hasn't stalled up completely.

I've noticed a similar freezing problem when I'm using Windows 7. That is, I see the same barcode like dashes around the mouse pointer when it freezes up. So I'm guessing it's either a driver or hardware problem. I thought if it was a hardware problem though, the whole computer might stop working (i.e. music would stop playing)? The video card I am using is an Nvidia, and I believe it's in the 7600 range. In Ubuntu I have the drivers for the card set to the latest available (proprietary). Ideally I'd like to be able to continue using the proprietary drivers. Is there any known issues with the drivers for this model graphics card

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General :: Lenny Freezes - CTRL+Alt+Backspace Does Not Work - Diagnose ?

Apr 2, 2010

I recently switched from Windows XP to stable Debian w/KDE on my work dell B120 laptop. I have been trying to diagnose freezes. In the evenings I have been leaving an SSH connection to my home computer. I leave a command running that writes the current time to a file every ten minutes. The past two nights it has stopped writing the time after a couple hours (not at the exact same time), and I am no longer able to ssh from my home computer to my work computer.

When I get back to work, the work laptop is frozen. CTRL+Alt+Backspace does not help, neither does CTRL+ALT+F1. Ctrl+Alt+SysRq works sometimes. It has not yet frozen while I have been present.

I tried disabling the screen saver and monitor power controls in KDE, thinking that those only come on when I am away, so they might be the cause. But it did not help.

I took the last time recorded by my ssh connection and looked through the logs trying to find something that happened at that time, but the only event occuring around the time the SSH connection dropped was a chron job that runs every hour. As far as I can tell, the chron job does not actually do anything but write to the log each hour.

So obviously I need to post more information. What would be helpful? Which log or configuration files might contain clues?

I see these lines in my logs:
kernel: Kernel logging (proc) stopped.
imklog 3.18.6, log source = /proc/kmsg started.

It appears at 6:25 AM each day between when the SSH connection drops and when I arrive in the morning. Do I need to restart logging?

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Fedora Installation :: Xorg Failure On Bootup \ Can't Use Ctrl-Alt -backspace To Killl X?

Nov 6, 2010

After loading all the apps I use last night with a working FC14 x86_64, I powered up this morning and nothing happened after starting atd.1 try an alternat kernel same effectstart in init 1, OK go to init 3 OKran startx .. failedlook for xorg.conf.. no fileNow if Iwas still running mandriva , I would have typed mcc and bought up the control panel so I could have sorted out the Xorg problem, or tried. There really needs to be something like this.I found that gdm was not installed so installed it.It will now boot up to the login screnn, but wont accept my passwd.restart in init 3, login as root and add another user and set the password for that user.I also rest my passwd as welll.boot up again and get authentication failure on both users, and I cant login as root as someone removed that feature.

Also I can't use Ctrl-Alt -backspace to killl X so I have access to CLI so I can login there and run startx.I suspect several gnome packages have been removed/lost as I use lefthand mouse settings and the mostsetting are back to default.All I have is a live CD to gain access to the forum, and I only have one computer.There really needs to be a fallback to one of the smalll DMs on fedora so in situations like this you are nt forced to use CLI, thats if a new user would know how to access it. As there is no bootsplash, you have to already know to hit return and wait for the bootsplash.

IMO this a is a seriouss flaw, in what otherwise is a good OS.In the meantime I'll try and install XFCE to get X running, but I will need some help getting gnome back.I'll load gnome-panel and see if yum will pick up the rest as depemdencies.I hope this isn't a bug, as to lost the DM after the first machine power cycle is fairly drastic---------- Post added at 08:52 AM GMT ---------- Previous post was at 08:18 AM GMT ----------I resorted to yum install gnome-*which loaded 255 packages, including gnome-desktop, gnome-common, all the gnome applettsThis wasn't just one or two packages corupted, it was removal of the DM altogetherSimilar effect to running "rm -rf gnome-* "

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Slackware :: Get Webcollage Working On Xscreensaver?

Mar 15, 2010

While I will not dispute this is not for everyone, I was wondering is there a trick to get webcollage working in Slack 13?

It works from the command prompt with something like this: /usr/libexec/xscreensaver/webcollage -vvv -size '800x600' -imagemap crazy

Just wondering why the Xscreensaver portion seems to be defunct.

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Slackware :: Ash Segfaults On Second Backspace 64-current?

Feb 4, 2010

I've found what seems to be a reproducible problem with 'ash' on slackware64-current (updates to and including Jan 31st)

Open a console
ash <enter>

type 2 or more characters, doesn't matter what.

press backspace
press backspace
**seg fault**

occurs under xterm, konsole, gnome-terminal in both kde4 and xfce and on a virtual console.

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Slackware :: Push The Backspace To Continue To Complete The Path?

Apr 9, 2011

has anyone the same problem with bash in -current? Everytime I use the commandline completition with TAB , it adds me a space, so I always need to push the backspace to continue to complete the path.So the whole thng get's a bit unuseable.I'm using bash-4.1.010-486-1 and bash-completition-1.3-noarch

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Ubuntu :: Map Ctrl+W In Hebrew Layout(which Is Actually A Ctrl+') To Be A Ctrl+w?

Jan 5, 2010

I have 3 layouts: USA, Russian and Hebrew. In Hebrew the W key is mapped to apostrophe, so Ctrl+W in Hebrew layout doesn't close tabs in Firefox. There is no workaround for it as I see by now, so I am trying to get it work this way:I want to map Ctrl+W in Hebrew layout(which is actually a Ctrl+') to be a Ctrl+w. Here is what I got from xmodmap:Code:$ xmodmap -pke | grep 25keycode 25 = w W Cyrillic_tse Cyrillic_TSE apostrophe WAs you can see, there are pairs for each layout, each pair tells what happens without and with the Shift key pressed.

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General :: Disable Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V, Ctrl+X In Rdesktop?

Dec 27, 2010

I am doing a project on rdesktop. My aim is to setup a write/copy protected session. I have made rdesktop connection between two Linux machines using Xrdp.Next I want to disable the ctrl+x,ctrl+v keys and the cut and copy option in mouse right click at client side

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Programming :: Recognizing Ctrl+c,ctrl+l,ctrl+d In C Programs?

Aug 19, 2009

i am using gcc 4.3i need to recognize ctrl+c,ctrl+l,ctrl+d in my C program without terminating the program when i get a ctrl+c...

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Slackware :: Ctrl+up|down Don't Change Screen Brightness Any More

Jul 16, 2010

i had slackware 13.0 on my dell vostro 1320 and it was all good, but since the upgrade to 13.1 i cannot change the screen brightness with ctrl+up and ctrl+down keys..i'm not even sure how to start with this problem. from what i understand these keys 'call' a bios function...? so that would mean that some kernel module is not being loaded?or has the desktop environment lost the key mappings and that is causing my trouble?

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Slackware :: Ctrl+Space Not Work On SCIM Or IBus

Mar 7, 2010

The magic key Ctrl+Space doesnt always work with SCIM. Too tired with SCIM, I decided to remove it and install ibus, ibus-qt, ibus-unikey (for typing Vietnamese).

Then, I start it with:


Then I try press Ctrl+Space to trigger but it doesnt work, even it quits itself sometimes.

The hotkey problem also occurs with KNotes. I have set Global Shortcut for some functions such as New Note, Show All Notes. And it works only once in that session. If restart machine, those shortcut is useless.

My system is Slackware 13.0 with KDE.

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Slackware :: Reset Default Keymap Then Switch Ctrl>>Capslock Not Working?

Jan 8, 2011

I'm running through an Emacs tutorial and I was trying to figure out how to exchange CTRL and CAPSLOCK.

1. From the Emacs Wiki, i saw


As super-user:

$ loadkeys emacs
$ echo "loadkeys emacs" >> /etc/rc.d/rc.local

so, maybe stupidly I tried this. Which seems to have changed nothing.

so then I try


loadkeys -d

to try and get back to the default. Which doesn't seem to work. so then thinking i should reset everything, try to go in /usr/share/kbd/keymaps/i386/qwerty and do



Finally, I go into /etc/X11 and edit xorg.conf-vesa to uncomment


# If you'd like to switch the positions of your capslock and
# control keys, use:
Option "XkbOptions" "ctrl:swapcaps"
and restart.

To no avail...

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General :: Vim:ctrl+v Command To Select Some Data.But When Push Ctrl+v.It Doesn't Work?

Nov 28, 2010

" Mark the start of the text with "v", "V" or CTRL-V. The character under the cursor will be used as the start.""With CTRL-V (blockwise Visual mode) the highlighted text will be a rectanglebetween start position and the cursor."I can mark the start with "v" or "V".But it doesn't work when I push ctrl+V.

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Ubuntu :: Keyboard - Can Not Copy/paste Ctrl+C Or Ctrl+p From One Folder To Another With Mouse

Sep 5, 2010

I can not copy/paste ctrl+C or ctrl+p from one folder to another with the mouse. i was trying to move an item to another folder.

I looked in the keyboard short cut and it was not there. i tried to add it and it put it in custom as disabled and I could not enable it.

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CentOS 5 :: Why 'ctrl+a, K' Nor 'ctrl+a Kill' Doesn't Work For Screen Windows?

Oct 3, 2010

anyone has a clue why 'ctrl+a, k' nor 'ctrl+a, :kill' doesn't work for killing one of screen windows? Other screen's commands invoked with 'ctrl+a'seem to work.

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Ubuntu :: Freezes Mouse After Changing A Tab (with Ctrl+tab, Alt+#) Or Closing It (ctrl+w)?

Nov 11, 2010

I just installed Ubuntu 10.10 x64 and already am really annoyed by Firefox, which freezes my mouse after changing a tab (with ctrl+tab, alt+#) or closing it (ctrl+w). After about one second, i can continue working as usual. Changing Tabs by just clicking on one does not freeze anything...Maybe some of you would think now if I am crazy because of complaining about such a little thing, but it is really annoying if you are used to work fluently with ff.Edit:I today noticed, that not only shortcuts in firefox, but all Hotkeys freeze my mouse for a second. For examle ctrl+c, ctrl+v, super+e or anything else.Do you have any Idea what causes this behaviour? Reinstalling ubuntu didn't change anything

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OpenSUSE :: Ctrl+z And Ctrl+c Do Not Work Without A Third Keystroke

Feb 3, 2010

I just spent a few days ripping out all the broken/buggy apps that are in the opensuse 11.2 official repos so I can finally get working software(openoffice, thunderbird, wine, eclipse, rubygems, rails, and a few others required getting the "official" versions from their respective websites to avoid strange behavior and outright broken functionality).

All of which makes updating more annoying and time-consuming. Why are opensuse packages so different anyway? Anyway, the last thing that I have noticed to fix is Konsole. For some really bizarre reason ctrl+z and ctrl+c do not work without a third keystroke: enter.Maybe this is something new with the KDE team, since they seem bent on making simple things that already work more complex, but given my experience with crappy packages in the suse repos, I am thinking this is the problem. I have looked over all the config settings that I can find and nothing fixes this affront to productivity.

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OpenSUSE :: Konqueror Can't Cut'n'paste With Ctrl C, Ctrl V?

Mar 7, 2010

I've been using Kaggregator in KDE-PIM, which uses Konqueror as the browserto go to links from Kaggregator.Unfortunately, Konqueror no longer seems tobe able to Copy highlighted material with Ctrl C, the way we've done it forever.Is this a setting I've missed? Or is this a new "feature" in Konqueror?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Writing Init Script - Signals To Kill The Process (Ctrl-C) From A Bash Script And Exit Dtach (Ctrl-`)

Dec 5, 2010

I'm trying to write a init.d script to daemonise a sagemath notebook server. Here's what I've done so far, I've copied /etc/init.d/single for the structure, and tried to use dtach to provide a handle to access the process. However, my main problem is issuing the signals to kill the process (Ctrl-C) from a bash script and exit dtach (Ctrl-`)


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Fedora :: How To Set Xscreensaver As Default

Feb 6, 2010

How to set xscreensaver as default
I just enjoy xscreensaver, but I like to have it as default, when f12 start. I am not very deep in details of Fedora, but still, can anybody guide me to set this as default ?

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General :: Run Xscreensaver Whenever The Lid Is Closed

Apr 24, 2011

How can I run xscreensaver whenever the lid is closed? I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 with the awesome window manager.

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Ubuntu :: XScreenSaver 5.08 - How To Either Disable Or Uninstall

Jul 29, 2010

I added XScreenSaver 5.08 to her applications list. We've had issues with XScreenSaver and want to either disable or uninstall the application. We cannot figure out how to disable XScreensaver and revert to the original screensaver app that came with the system. When I use Snaptics Package Manager to either 'completely' uninstall', or just 'uninstall' the message says that I will uninstall the 'desktop'.

Does this mean I will uninstall only the desktop version of XScreenSaver applilcation? Or, does this mean I will uninstall the system desktop (in this case Xfce)? I'm a little hesitant to punch the button in case I blow off Xfce desktop! Our goal is to either disable or uninstall XScreenSaver 5.08. Then be able to use the screensaver that came with the system.

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