Ubuntu :: WordPress - Choose An Image To Insert Into The Blog?

Sep 30, 2010

I use WordPress. If I want to choose an image to insert into the blog, the file browser window (unlike even the most basic version of Windows) only gives me a "list view" option and no other options. This.Is.A.Huge.Limitation. I can't choose an image visually - only by name. Is there a way to remedy this? Will a different file browser (instead of Nautilus?) get me what I want?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Ultra-lightweight Webserver For Wordpress Blog?

Aug 11, 2011

I have small home atom-server on netbook (with damaged screen) with Intel Atom N450 1.6Ghz CPU and 1GB of RAM. I am looking for web server, that would not eat much resources when hosting wordpress blog (up to 50-100 readers at once in veeeeeery far future) - posts in most cases will be only text based, without big images or archives (I'm not sure if it is important).The brain of my atom-server is latest 32-bit ubuntu server, without X's, I access it from ssh console only. It is already:

- proxy gate for my internal network (squid)
- my gmail backup/IMAP (dovecot & getmail)
- file server for my internal network (samba)


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Ubuntu :: When Insert A Movie On Dvd, It Mounts And Gives Options To Choose A Dvd Player?

Aug 21, 2010

When I insert a movie on dvd, it mounts and gives me options to choose a dvd player. The cd/dvd/bluray icon in Places shows a dvd in the drive. I can eject the dvd from this screen too.When I load a data disc or an empty dvd the cd/dvd drive disappears from Places and the drive spools down. It just refuses to mount at all. Please see screenshots of Places.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Get Wordpress To Work With Lighttpd And Wordpress Hostname

Jun 27, 2010

I'm trying to get wordpress to work with lighttpd and my home test server... <name>.dnsalias.org as my IP is not static... When I install wordpress ( via apt-get ) and set it up through install script like this:

bash /usr/share/doc/wordpress/examples/setup-mysql -n wordpress <name>.dnsalias.org It is accessible from outside of my network but not from local one where the sever ip is From outside it is using correctly domain <name>.dnsalias.org but from inside when I try to use ip from other pc on net it will not work..a s it still using <name>.dnsalias.org in all links... Also I would like to have it in <name>.dnsalias.org/wordpress as I have another test site in <name>.dnsalias.org/<test_Site> which by thee way works from inside and outside of my network.... its just wordpress ...

I have followed this guide: [URL] but its for apache... I spend whole night searching for some solution and now I'm dead tired and you are my last hope ...( ....Obi Wan Kenobi ) So does someone running wordpress in setup like I described above, if yes

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Ubuntu :: [11.04] Can't Choose Which Kernel Image It Loads?

Apr 26, 2011

In Ubuntu 11.04, grub skips directly to booting Ubuntu. I can't choose which kernel image it loads. Why is that and how can I fix that?

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Ubuntu :: Insert Image Fields In Reports Using OpenOffice.org Base?

Jun 14, 2010

I tried to create a report from a table which contains text and image fields. The created report show text fields well but only empty fields as Images. How can I do that?

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Software :: Insert An Image Inline With Mutt By Using Attach?

Jan 23, 2011

I can insert an image inline with mutt by using attach, then using ctl+d to make the image appear inline. However, it appears below my signature. If anyone knows of a way to make the image appear above the signature, I'd be grateful for their input. (This is with mutt 1.5.21--usually sent from a Fedora 14 machine, but I haven't found the behavior to change with the platform.)

Unfortunately, it's necessary to do this at work, for a particular daily email. The workaround is to use Thunderbird for this particular email, but I'd much prefer to use mutt.

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Ubuntu :: Error: Eval: Unbound Variable: Gimp-image-insert-layer

Feb 14, 2011

Errors received when trying to use drop shadow plugin..

"Error while executing script-fu-drop-shadow:
Error: eval: unbound variable: gimp-image-insert-layer"

"Plug-In 'Drop Shadow' left image undo in inconsistent state, closing open undo groups"

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Ubuntu :: How To Choose Winrar Prompt To Choose Action

Feb 16, 2010

I was extraction some file through command line then I encounter on notification from winrar. This file exist what u want to do
I don't want that winrar will prompt me to choose action. Everytime whenever this situation occur it will overwrite / skip that file
Syntax I am using for unrar
rar e -pmypassword filename

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Ubuntu :: Offline Blog Making Software?

May 11, 2010

I was wondering if there are any programs out there that allow me to write a blog offline in ubuntu and then upload it when its done?

also I have never written a blog before and dont know where to get started, I own my own web domain and hosting and was wondering if anyone can direct me to basic information on how to get started as well.

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Ubuntu :: Post Blog OpenOffice Writer?

Feb 28, 2011

I've OpenOffice v3.2 installed on my ubuntu lucid lynx. I've recently installed the Sun Weblog Extension on it. It should help me post to my blogs, but as I tried searching the internet I came to find out that I had to install some sort of update. I don't know what that update is. The place where I got that info is from the following online pdf document.[URL].. I also tried looking at some blog posts which tried to explain how to do the setup for the extension. But the settings screen turned out to be blank. The place where I got this info was here [URL]..

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Ubuntu :: Show Terminal Commands On Blog?

Apr 20, 2011

I mean, obviously I can just type them out and italicize them or something equally boring, but what I'd like to do is make the code look like it does on these forums.Code:sudo apt-get install html-knowledgeI've been Googling like a mad man (not a euphemism) for the better part of an hour and can't turn up any pertinent results. I thought maybe somebody here could point me in the right direction. I'm tired of my blog posts looking ugly and disorganized when I start typing commands.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Embed Flash Video In Blog

Feb 16, 2010

i have this blog, and i want to embed flash vids in it like videos. however, i want to do this from my apache2 web server, partly for bragging rights among my non-techie circle of friends, but mostly because i cant get videos to do what i want (which is private viewing of vids by non-..... members). any tips on how to do this?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Use Server On The Web And Actually Host A Website Or Blog

Nov 23, 2010

building your own with perhaps LAMP. It appears the purpose of one is to test websites? Is it not possible to use your server on the web and actually host a website or blog or whatever?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Accessing Blog On Local Network And Internet?

Jun 29, 2010

i have php5 and mysql on ubuntu server which is hosting a WordPress blog. i activated it remotely over the internet and it works fine still over the internet. now im home and using my local network again and now when i try to go into it with its local IP, it just shows some text (blog title, posts and so on) with NO pictures.

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Programming :: Module In Cpan For Creating A Blog?

Apr 2, 2010

Exist it a module in cpan for creating a blog?

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Fedora Servers :: Run A Server With Multiple Blog With Worpress?

Dec 19, 2010

I want to run a server with multiple blog with worpress, is there a tutorial ?

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General :: Website - Administrate Own Blog Using Apache Hosted By GoDaddy.com Or Some Other Host

Jul 17, 2011

Where would I go to find a guide on a how-to for Linux website administration? I want to learn how to create a simple site dedicated to my blog. I already have a blog hosted by wordpress. I want to learn how to administrate my own blog using Apache hosted by GoDaddy.com or some other host.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Wordpress Can't Be Seen From Internet?

Jan 13, 2010

I have a problem with my Wordpress installation.It works from inside of my LAN but not from Internet.I have opened for the port on my router and the default html page works from Apache2 from Internet.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Wordpress Won't Load

Apr 9, 2010

I have my own personal web server with xubuntu on it, but after I upgraded to 9.10 my wordpress blog stopped working.

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Installation :: Install WordPress On Ubuntu 10.10?

Nov 7, 2010

Can anyone tell me how to install WordPress on Ubuntu 10.10?

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Ubuntu :: Make An Automatic Wordpress Installer?

Mar 17, 2011

New to bash and I'm trying to make an automatic Wordpress installer . Gives the following error:

./wpinstall.bash: line 119: syntax error near unexpected token `fi'
./wpinstall.bash: line 119: fi'

Here's the script:

echo -n 'Enter website (with .com etc...)> '
read SITE
echo -n 'Enter website (without .com)> '
read DIR


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Ubuntu :: Cannot Take Screenshots In Firefox Of WordPress Websites

Jun 3, 2011

I sometimes take screen shots of websites in Firefox. The easiest way is to use one of the many extensions, e.g. Screengrab. However, I have discovered that, when trying to take a screen shot of the entire web page, the lower part of the page is not captured. This happens on WordPress sites and, curiously, on Mozilla's own results pages. Other pages seem to be unaffected. However, on Chromium, it works perfectly.

System: Ubuntu Lucid 10.04.
Firefox: 4.0.1

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Software :: Installing BITNAMI (wordpress) On Ubuntu 10.04?

Oct 31, 2010

I am trying to install wordpress using a BITNAMI stack as this will install all the required dependencies in one go but I am stuck at the first part of installation. I have downloaded the BITNAMI stack installer and following the tutorial in Linux format am supposed to enter 'chmod a+x bitnami-wordpress-3.0.1-0-linux-installer.bin' into a terminal window (pointing to where the installer was saved) to make it executable then follow the graphical installation steps but I get the following error when I double click on the installer: 'Could not display "/home/den/bitnami-wordpress-3.0.1-0-linux-installer.bin". The file is of an unknown type'.

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General :: How To Install Wordpress

Apr 8, 2011

i havea server linux ubuntu 10.04, i want to install Word press on it. how can i do it, i need step by stepguide please, from downloading relevant softwares to installing them.

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Server :: Wordpress Asking For Ftp Credentials?

Jun 19, 2011

I host a number of sites and recently migrated to a new server (both old and new are running Ubuntu 10.04 [I only upgrade my web server when there is a new LTS release]). After the migration, Wordpress is asking for ftp credentials to update plugins, which it never used to do. I'm certain this is user/group/permissions related, but because of the new setup, I'm not sure what these should be set to.

On the previous server, each site was a subdirectory of /var/www/ and everything was owned by www-data. This wasn't the best setup, since it meant my users didn't have direct access to their own sites. In the new setup, each page I host is in /home/username/www/. Consequently, all the files are owned by 'username'.

My guess is that Wordpress' request for ftp credentials stems from a conflict between the apache2 user and the usernames that own the sites. Is this accurate? If so, how do I rectify this?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Security - Creating A Photoblog On Wordpress

Feb 5, 2010

I am interested in creating a photoblog on Wordpress. Before I jump in I thought it would be wise to ask a few questions here first rather than getting into trouble and then firing absurd questions left and right. I am not very experienced regarding servers but not afraid either I was reading How-to's online reagarding installing Wordpress on Linux [url] and few questions came to mind :

1) Like any other server, does the computer that will run Wordpress have to be up and running for 24/7?

2) Since I will install Wordpress on a desktop, should I be concerned about my machine being compromised? I am not an expert on internet security so this is a big concern of mine.

3) Is it a good idea to install Wordpress on a personal desktop at all? Does running Wordpress from a different partition of the hard drive (if it is possible) help at all.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Wordpress Plugin Upgrades Failing?

Jun 3, 2010

I'm not certain that my problem is due to an Ubuntu upgrade, but I'm running out of options.My private Wordpress installation was working fine, including being able to upgrade plugins and WP versions within the application. I've been doing all of the Ubuntu updates as I'm notified. I'm still on 9.10, but was planning to upgrade to 10.04 shortly - as soon as I get the Wordpress installation upgraded in fact.

But the plugin upgrades, and the Wordpress upgrades, are both failing with fopen errors, like so:Download failed. Could not open handle for fopen() to [URL]..After checking everything else I can think of (including temporarily making the wordpress directory hierarchy 777), and looking at the php.ini file, I wonder if some Ubuntu update is messing things up. Or if I've somehow changed something else that is causing the problem.

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Ubuntu Security :: Wordpress Permission To Write To Files?

Nov 9, 2010

I am having difficulties assigning permission for wordpress to write files. I am having problems with the permalink within wordpress and I think it might be because of the level of permission wordpress has. Currently on my system I need to set permission to 777 in order for wordpress to write to the .htaccess file.

I am running my website on a Ubuntu machine. Version 10.10 Apache2 2.2.4

However, when I leave the permission level set to 777 I still cannot get the permalink to point to the corrent page......See my discussion on this here. [URL]

I think what I need to do is change wordpress to use a user permission or a group permission and not "everyone". I would rather have wordpress setup to login as a specific user before it can write over a file.

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Ubuntu :: Open Local Install Of Wordpress Through Firewall?

May 25, 2011

I have a local install of Wordpress and I've added a port forward rule in my firewall to share our site with family and friends (we're using a members only plugin). I have a DYNDNS account and my router automatically updates with this account.The problem I'm having is when I test accessing our local site from outside my network. I use my dyndns account name and port number to access my local Wordpress, I can see the login screen but once I login, the url changes from my dyndns name to the IP Address of my local server and then I never see any pages on my site.

I'm thinking it has something to do with either the WordPress address (URL) or the Site address (URL) since they currently have the ip address of my local ubuntu server that hosts our Wordpress site.So what have I configured incorrectly here?

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