Ubuntu :: Where To Get Good Programs?

Mar 30, 2011

i am using xubuntu and love it so far! fast and stable, but i have a question. i am not a big gamer, just a few casual games, i am also not an office document user. i do not use openoffice.org or libreoffice, i just have my basic text editor. i do not do any web developing or anything. basically i reply to and send a few emails a day. i use gmail for that, not an email program, i use facebook a few times a day. i watch a few tv shows online. i videos occasionally, and i post on these forums. but my computer feels empty, is there any good programs i can just play around with. conky was one, its alright, a little confusing though. is there just any fun programs to play with. i don't care what they are, work processors, or web browsers, just some oddball programs or something? heck i don't know, i am just bored on my pc and looking for some entertainment.

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Ubuntu :: Need Good Time Recording Programs

May 29, 2010

Does anyone know of a good time keeping/recording program for Ubuntu that I can use to log hours spent on a project for billing purposes? I'm getting back to doing some web work to make some extra cash, and would love to have a program that does this.

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Ubuntu :: Good Text-To-Speech Programs On System?

Sep 22, 2010

Any good TEXT-TO-SPEECH programs on linux?

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OpenSUSE :: Can't Open Other Programs Or Install New Programs

Dec 29, 2009

can open the programs pe-install, but can't open other programs or install new programs

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Ubuntu :: Looking For Good GUI SSH?

Apr 26, 2010

Is there any good gui ssh for Ubuntu x64?

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Ubuntu :: Need Good Web Browser

Jan 16, 2011

I tried a lot of web browsers, but I can't find a good one.

I want a web browser that:
- can open most webpages and show all content including javascript, flash and whatever (unlike elinks which is text-only)
- is controllable entirely by keyboard and preferably with vim-like controls. (unlike firefox, google chrome).
- works out of the box (unlike uzbl)
- is fast
- is bugfree (unlike firefox and uzbl)
- is configurable

So please recommend a good web browser and tell me what features would make a web browser good.

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Ubuntu :: Good Backup App For 10.04 LTS

Mar 15, 2011

I heard that Simple Backup 0.10.4 has bugs that doesn't allow it to create backups or replace them well.

I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS.

Is it true?

If so, what do you advise me to run in my Server to create regular backups of my shared folders with Win7 machines? I want it to make full backups not incremental ones if possible. and it has to be free, because i have to use it in a small enterprise.

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Ubuntu :: What's A Good Alternative To 11.04

Apr 12, 2011

Been playing around with the new Ubuntu 11.4 and really don't like it. The previous versions were much better. How long will Ubuntu 10.10 be supported and what would be a good alternative to eventually switch to?

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Ubuntu :: Good SQL Management Tool

Jan 28, 2010

I was wondering does anyone here know a good SQL management tool for ubuntu? I just want something with a nice GUI that doesn't require much hassle to add remove or even migrate databases.

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Ubuntu :: Get Good FTP Index Script?

Feb 18, 2010

Does anyone know a good script that would automatically generate an index.html file for an FTP server?

I just uploaded quite a bit of my music and files to my FTP server, and I really dont feel like having to go through and manually add links to a page so that I could browse them from anywhere.

I was looking in to using a script originally written for dropbox- here: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/02/share...lder-with.html

But it doesnt work on the remote server. I could only create the index for files residing on the drive here.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Get Good Ftp Program?

Mar 11, 2010

Anyone know of a good ftp program or best way to do this on ubuntu 9.10?

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Ubuntu :: Command On Startup - Good Or Bad?

Mar 14, 2010

Relative newbie here - seeking advice on having a command run on start-up. Specifically, I want to have a chgrp and chown execute on a specific directory, subdirectory and associated files. I'm not looking for advice on how to do it (I'd like to muddle through it on my own - I learn better). And, I'm not looking for alternatives. Background - I think this is the easiest way for me to have two users on the same PC upload photos that each user can have full access to, and do things like back-up etc.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Good DVD Burner In 9.10?

May 4, 2010

good DVD burner in ubuntu 9.10

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Ubuntu :: Good OS Backup Program?

Jul 16, 2010

Ok, Noobe to Ubuntu, recently installed Lucid, did all the updates, Got my UT 99 loaded and working natively with TeamSpeak 3 (yea, even the sound works now) ... I really like the setup I have now. Can some one recommend a good backup program to use that will "completely" backup my current system "as installed"? I have installed "Back in Time", and it seems really easy to use, but I'm looking for something similar to (sorry have to say it "Windows System Restore").

I've tweaked and tweaked, updated my ALSA drivers, working openAL and got the latest ATI driver installed for my ATI 5770 ... even got a Xfi linux beta working from Creative (that was fun).. Something user friendly too, I'm learning, but still very new to Linux/commandline/Ubuntu.

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Security :: Good Firewall To Use With Ubuntu?

Aug 13, 2010

I am new to the Ubuntu/Linix world (less than a week).

I have tried the search, but have had difficulty finding threads on this.

Can someone recommend an excellent firewall to use with Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu :: Dun Good'd Up X11 Mouse Theme?

Aug 26, 2010

I just upgraded to Ubuntu 10.04, and was doing some visual tweaking. One of the things I was doing was changing my mouse. I was having trouble so I played trying to get it to work. I've since found what the problem was here;But when I was trying to fix it, I installed bunch of other themes and tried them as well.When I did this I lost the theme that I wanted from the pointer menu. Thinking that maybe there was a limit to the number of X-11 mouse themes allowed I deleted all the ones that I had installed, and tried to install the theme I wanted again.

The issue seems to be that I can't install this theme again. The error window says "Failed. Can't move directory over directory". I assume that the computer made a copy of the file somewhere. I just can't find where. I tried the home directory and ctrl + h but I can't see anything there.

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Ubuntu :: Get Good System Turorial?

Nov 21, 2010

I'm new to Linux and really interested in learning more about it. Are they're any good tutorials on how linux works, or just unix commands?

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Ubuntu :: Where To Purchase Good Car Charger

Dec 27, 2010

I am looking for car charger. Sometimes while driving my phone battery runs down and I am very upset with this. So that's why I want to purchase a good quality charger which I can use to charge my cell phone while driving. the best website where I can check out new latest car chargers and easily purchase it.

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Ubuntu :: How Do I Get Rid Of Option On Start Up For Good

Feb 27, 2011

I uninstalled wubi from my laptop, but there is still an potion to load ubuntu on start up. i uninstalled ubuntu properly and deleted all residual files from the computer. i also tried using a hdd partition utility to get rid of the grub. how do i get rid of the ubuntu option on start up for good?

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Ubuntu :: Is There A Good C Compiler Programe

Mar 5, 2011

is there a good c compiler programe in ubuntu

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Ubuntu Servers :: Get Good Apache GUI?

May 12, 2011

Can anyone point me to a good apache GUI?

Ive read online about webmin, ebox etc but are there any others? I'm using gnome on my server and i did a search through the Ubuntu software Centre but nothing came up.

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Ubuntu :: Does Anyone Know Good Gui / Frontend For Crontab?

Jul 17, 2011

I know the crontab format and editing is pretty easy, but I always forget the format. So I would like to have a frontend/gui. As far as I can tell a good one doesn't exist anymore.kcron - what I used to use, no longer exists (and I switched to ubuntu from kubuntu)gnome-schedule - does not show all users, does not allow for fine control that kcron had.Does anyone know a good gui/frontend for crontab? I guess I'm just going to have to get in the habit of researching the file syntax, how to edit it, and editing manually.

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Ubuntu :: Want A Good Database Program

Sep 1, 2011

Best one I've found so far is Glom, but it's extremely hard to use, anyone know of one better?

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Ubuntu :: Need Good GUI Encryption Program

Jan 22, 2009

I am running Ubuntu 8.04 and 8.10. I want a good GUI encryption/decryption program.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Can Anyone Suggest Good Vps Service

Jan 1, 2010

Can anyone suggest a good vps service please!

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Ubuntu Security :: SSH Keys Only Good For Specific PC?

Feb 11, 2010

I have enabled ssh key based logins for one of my servers and disabled normal password based logins. It just occurred to me that the public key which I generated on my pc, and uploaded to the servers authorized_keys, may in fact only apply to my local PC / user account. So basically if my system crashes I would have no way to login to the server...? Is it not possible to "share" public keys so other people (PCs / accounts) can use them?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Does Anyone Know Of Good Claymation Software?

Mar 1, 2010

Does any one know of a good claymation software that will allow me to take pictures and add them as one frame at a time, edit them, add in an audio track, and then export it?

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Ubuntu :: Good Sidebar - Similar To The Vista

Apr 2, 2010

whats a good sidebar(similar to the vista sidebar) for ubuntu? Not talking about panels here.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Good Port For Webmin ?

Apr 11, 2010

I was wondering if I can use a different port for WebMin down below 1024 where I forward ports to my Linux box, rather than the current 10,000.

The reason is I forward higher ports to the Windows machine at present.

The goal is to keep Linux services down in the low port range. Suggestions?

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Ubuntu :: Good Software For IPod Touch?

Apr 16, 2010

I am looking for some software for my Ipod touch. I Looked in the software center but I don't No witch one to use.

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