Ubuntu :: Weird Font - All The Characters Were Boxes ?

May 24, 2010

I noticed some programs, such as Terminal, would instead of having the default font, all the characters were boxes (as if they were undefined chars). Then I restarted and then ALL TEXT ON UBUNTU WERE []S. I can't even read what anything says. I'm in Windows now posting this because I can't read anything on Ubuntu.

How can I fix this font issue? (Preferably without reinstalling?) I noticed using recovery mode I can use a non-GUI version of Ubuntu which is basically Terminal as an OS in which I can actually see the font.

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Ubuntu :: Weird Beeping Weird Characters Upon Start-up?

Feb 11, 2011

So I just turned my computer on and it was beeping rapidly, and it would stop if I hit "Enter". Also this came on my screen: Cannot set Fray", something like that. It boots fine..just what is that?

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Ubuntu :: All Characters On Login Screen Are Boxes?

Feb 7, 2010

I got a new computer yesterday, a 64-bit Asus.I replaced the power supply and the graphics card immediately. I booted the computer up with a spare 20"idescreen monitor on a portable desk to install Ubuntu and make sure all was well with the newly installed power supply and graphics card.It worked perfectly.I moved my old tower out from its slot under my desk and put the new Asus tower under there. I plugged it into my 23" widescreen monitor and booted the computer.Ubuntu (9.10) boots just fine... but the login screen is all boxes!! There are no characters, just little white boxes. I can put in my password and log in. Once logged in the system is fine - all characters display normally from within Ubuntu.

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CentOS 5 :: Emacs Comes Up, But Characters Render As Empty Boxes?

Jan 22, 2009

My X-windows *server* is a Cygwin box. I installed the entire X11 packages. on the centos machine, I installed xterm and emacs.xterm comes up fine and the characters in the window are fine.with emacs, the characters in the windows are empty boxes.Do I need to install some things on the centos end to get the characters to render?

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CentOS 5 :: Emacs Displaying All Characters As Boxes - Fonts Broken?

Dec 30, 2010

In CentOS 5.4 (Final), emacs is displaying characters as little boxes. see attached screen shot. I searched the Web and found others have this same problem with emacs in CentOS 5.4 but have not found any solution. I installed emacs in a base CentOS Amazon EC2 instance as follows:

yum -y groupinstall "GNOME Desktop Environment"
yum -y install emacs
yum -y groupinstall emacs

This issue does not arise for me in Amazon EC2 instances running Red Hat, Fedora, or Ubuntu when I install emacs as I did here. I am not X font savvy

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 - Font Types Look Weird

May 12, 2010

Text in firefox (mainly) as in other applications in my system look as you can see above. I didn't touch anything in the configuration. It's started from the very first moment I finished installing 10.04 Has anyone had the same issue?

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General :: Firefox Text (font) Is Weird, Almost Unreadable?

Jan 17, 2011

Kubuntu10.10After installing a 6000+ font collection from KDE-Look.org, my computer had assumed a new font, though I restarted and it is now fine, generally speaking. My Firefox still has this crazy font, and it is so weird that it is almost unreadable.

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OpenSUSE :: Weird Characters And Missing Texts - Don't Show Any Text At All But Squares Instead

May 22, 2011

I am using a VRS for ftp operations. I have bought it with OpenSuSe 11.3 installed without any Control Panel installed. I have used NX and installed IceWM as windows manager. It works really great. Then system wanted me to upgrade. I did so. After upgrade to 11.4, my programs screwed up. They don't show any text at all but squares instead. I have tried everything i know to fix this but i could not manage to repair it.

My VRS has 512mb RAM , OpenSuse 11.4 (32-Bit) and has no control panel. I use yast through SSH Telnet client (Putty).

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Debian Multimedia :: Urdu Font Characters Appear Disjointed In Browsers

Oct 1, 2010

I'm on a Debian Lenny system. I recently installed scim to use the Urdu language and have gotten it to work by following the instructions on this website.

Everything works except that Iceweasel and Epiphany don't display the typed Urdu fonts properly. The characters are there but sometimes they don't join properly.

This problem doesn't occur with other programs such as OpenOffice, etc.

How fonts should be displayed (eg. OpenOffice): [URL]

How fonts are displayed in Iceweasel: ہ ا ں

How do I make Iceweasel and Epiphany behave properly? The characters remain disjointed even if I select the traditional keyboard method of entering text (i.e. via the Keyboard Indicator GNOME applet [India>Urdu]).

I have the appropriate locales installed:

locale -a

I've noticed that even though these characters appear disjointed in Iceweasel or Epiphany, they appear normal when I look at the entered text, via Firefox in Windows. That's strange.

The Character Encoding is the same in the browsers on both OS s - UTF8. So clearly this isn't a character encoding issue I guess. There appears to be a problem with the way Urdu fonts are rendered in the Debian version of Firefox (gecko engine issue maybe?).

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Ubuntu :: Delete All ASCII Characters In File - Leave Chinese Characters Only

Jul 8, 2011

What command could I use in terminal to delete all ASCII characters? That is, delete a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and all punctuation? I have a file containing Chinese characters, and I want to remove everything else and leave just the Chinese.

I can use grep to leave only the lines that have Chinese in them, but this still leaves a lot of non-Chinese stuff on those lines. Does anyone know how I could actually remove everything that isn't Chinese?

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Fedora :: Emacs 23.1.1 Bizarre Font - Additionally All "" Characters Are Displayed As A Bizarre Horizontally Barred "W"

Dec 12, 2009

Just done a yum update and emacs's fonts seem very strange. Additionally all "" characters are displayed as a bizarre horizontally barred "W". Edit: I think it's nothing to do with emacs but with the fonts update. The default fonts are now "Baemuk Gulin", by changing them (SHIFT-LEFT_MOUSE) to, eg, Arial I can display things correctly. But I think the times fonts are now missing. Very strange.

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General :: Does Non-printing Characters Escape Characters Still Needed For PS1 Definition?

Aug 28, 2011

While modifying the definition of my PS1, I saw that "[" and "]" markers should be added to help bash to compute the right display lenght. Many exemples on the web do not use them or even mention them.I searched for a solution to add them automatically, like with sed, but I didn't find any example.Are they still needed and is there a recommandation not to use sed to define PS1?

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OpenSUSE :: UTF-8 Characters On Vi / Can't Handle Those Characters Properly

Jun 16, 2010

I have my OpenSuse 11.1 box set up with utf-8, however, every time I try to open a file with utf-8 characters with vi it can't handle those characters properly.

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General :: Create And Install All Relevant Font-metrics And Fontmaps Of A TrueType Font For (pdf)TeX?

Jul 9, 2010

Essentially I have found this guide, but it is for miktex, i need a guide for texlive on Debian/Ubuntu which will not pollute dpkg installed texmf.

I'm interested in converting TrueType font to be usable in (pdf)(La)TeX.

All the power google turn up just stuff f relating how to install microsoft fonts or do stuf on MikTeX.

I CANNOT USE XeLaTeX!!! I use pstricks and the font must be available in plain TeX! Otherwise my document looks inconsistent!

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General :: Missing Glyphs In Terminus Font - Setup A Fallback Font?

Jul 8, 2010

Most of my work happens in a terminal, so I need a clear, readable font. I've settled a while ago on Terminus [URL]..., which works wonders for me. I added XTerm*faceName : Terminus in my ~/.Xdefaults, and I do get the Terminus font. Unfortunately, a lot of Unicode glyphs are missing (mathematical symbols, greek and hebrew letters), displaying as little square blocks instead.

If I remove the faceName entry, the default configuration seems able to display most of the glyphs (including math, greek, hebrew, runic, and whatever else), but the default font is much harder to read.

A google search hints that it should be possible to use Terminus as the default font, and fallback to (an)other one(s) for missing glyphs, but provides no further explanation. I've seen documentation that recommends Bitstream Vera Sans as a fallback, but it lacks the glyphs I need too; I don't know how to identify the default font used by xterm either, I had a look at /usr/share/X11/app-defaults/XTerm, but all I can find are generic references to old pre-fontconfig font names.

Using Gentoo Linux, fontconfig and xterm are up to date, USEs trutype and unicode enabled, X.Org server 1.6.

Edit: I alternate between Ratpoison, Awesome and XMonad, without a desktop environment.

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OpenSUSE :: Can't Change Font - Font Size FIrefox 3.6.8

Aug 16, 2010

I can't change fonts in Firefox preferences (Content).

My OS is openSUSE 11.3, KDE 4.4.4. release 8.

Any type and size of font I use, nothing happens. It's still same font which I choose for the first time I've started Firefox afer installing openSUSE 11.3.

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Ubuntu :: By Default Pango Is Choosing AR PL UMing CN As Font To Render Japanese Text When Current Font Doesn't Have Japanese Glyphs

May 4, 2010

Actually I want to log a bug but I don't really know what package to log it against. The problem is that by default Pango is choosing the AR PL UMing CN as the font to render Japanese text when the current font doesn't have Japanese glyphs. But AR PL UMing CN is a Chinese font, so Chinese glyphs for kanji characters (e.g., 覚) are displayed. This is jarring and confusing for Japanese readers.

This situation mostly arises when you have mixed English and Japanese text. Some applications (for instance Firefox) will allow you to select a font for Asian text. Thus if the text contains only Asian characters it will use the font you select, rather than what Pango would have selected. But if it is a mix of English and Japanese, you end up with the wrong glyphs.

Other environments (like gnome-terminal, or a gedit) have difficulties as well. Since the primary interface requires mono spaced roman characters you run into difficulty selecting fonts. Most Japanese fonts only have proportional roman characters. This means that if use a nice roman font and use Japanese text (for instance file names), you end up with Chinese glyphs. What I want is a mechanism that will work across all of Gnome for selecting the font I want to use for Chinese characters. That way I can choose either Japanese or Chinese glyphs.

I realize this is low priority. It only bugs me a little, but many of my Japanese colleagues are put off from using Ubuntu because they are confused by the Chinese glyphs that pop up on my screen from time to time. As I said, I'd like to file a bug, but I'm not sure against what package...

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Fedora :: Upgrade To KDE 4.4 And "Configure Kmail" Displayed In The Default Font No In Console Font

Feb 25, 2010

In all previous versions of KDE I had Console8x16 set as KDE font for all cases (Settings->Appearance->Fonts). After tonight upgrade, this (only!) font is not working. I can see it in font manager, I can set it in ...Appearance->Fonts, but actually remains default font. Two of about 30 attempts somehow (can not reproduce) succeeded to set "console 12" font, but it disappeared after restart.

1. What can be the problem in 4.4?
2. In /usr/share/fonts tere are 3 files named console8x16.pcf, console8x8.pcf and console9x15.pcf, but in the font list in Appearance->Fonts I can see only 2 - one named "Console" (seems to be 8x16 and "console" (8x8). File 9x15 does not appear at all. Why?

Last results of attempts: cannot use console font in part of areas, while part works OK. For example: kdevelop editor, kmail message body text works OK. But kmail other parts - does not. The most interesting is that although setting the kmail body message text to console displays the message body text correctly (with console font), but the example message in "Configure kmail" dialogue "The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog" is displayed in the default font, as if there is no console font!

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Programming :: Small "?" Next To Font In Xlib Font Used As A Graphic?

Mar 16, 2011

I am seeing a weird error in a font display. I see a small question mark next to a font that I am using as a simple graphic. Does this mean that some function call in xlib is being passed an invalid paramter?

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Ubuntu :: No Fonts, Just Boxes When Boot?

Jul 28, 2010

When I turn on my computer running Ubuntu 10, everything works fine except there are no fonts displayed anywhere, and instead i see boxes (like when a character is missing). If i go into a terminal, i see that i have plenty of fonts installed. I noticed a pango error earlier, but I can't reproduce it right now because I am not near that computer. I tried reinstalling libpango to no avail. I have never heard of something like this, can anyone shed some light, or offer some suggestions on what could be wrong?

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Ubuntu :: Eee PC 4g - Dialog Boxes Too Big For Screen?

Nov 25, 2010

I am a total novice to Ubuntu OS. I am running 10.10 on a Eee PC 4g.

Some dialog boxes are too big for my monitor. I have tried re-sizing using mouse's middle button but there seems to be a limit to the amount you can reduce, which leaves them still too big??

I have hidden both top/bottom bars.

I am prevented from setting up a wireless connection. 1. Because the 'Editing Wirelss Connection' box/window is too long to be able to click apply?? 2.Because all the tuts I find are for older versions and don't seem to apply now?

I starting to think maybe Ubuntu is not for me, I am not a programmer?

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Ubuntu :: Eliminate The Blank Boxes When Using Fcitx?

Apr 30, 2010

when i installed the fcitx, strange things occurred,there are blank boxes every time i type using it.

And i found this link [URL] might be useful and i did what it suggested,nevertheless ,it did not work as i expected.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Nfs And Sharing Users Between Boxes

Oct 18, 2010

Ubuntu 9.10 So I have four boxes. One has all the users on it and it is the nfs-server. The other 3 are nfs-clients. I need to be able to share all users between the boxes. I have mounted the /home directory from the server onto the three clients as well as the /usr/local folder, however I am still unable to log in as anybody but the root on the clients.

I am not even sure how to search for this (I keep getting results on how to mount the home directory, and information about adding multiple users to a single box).

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setup Boxes For AD Authentication

Nov 4, 2010

To begin, this is the thread that I always use to set up my Ubuntu boxes for AD authentication:


I've had this 10.04 server running for about three months with AD authentication running on it perfect. I have multiple Samba shares that authenticate from AD as well. For some reason, this week it decided to completely stop accepting any authentication from AD.

I checked all of my config files, they are all untouched. I have restarted the machine multiple times. I have unjoined and rejoined the domain on the Ubuntu server. I have no audit failures in my security logs on the domain controller.

Output of /var/log/auth.log whenever I try to log on via an AD user:

Nov 4 11:58:50 caribbean sshd[1869]: Invalid user justin from
Nov 4 11:58:50 caribbean sshd[1869]: Failed none for invalid user justin from port 54738 ssh2
Nov 4 11:58:51 caribbean sshd[1869]: pam_winbind(sshd:auth): getting password


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Ubuntu :: Can't Run Evolution: Overlapping Dialog Boxes

Dec 8, 2010

I can't seem to run Evolution. Whenever I try to open it, I get a box asking for the password for my email account as well as a box asking whether I want Evolution to be the default mail client. The answer in either box is not acknowledged, and the only was I can figure out to close it is to "killall evolution". I'm having a hard time searching for bug reports--nothing seems to come up with the terms that I have used.

How can I reset this? I kind of want to try out the Contacts manager feature and the MS Exchange compatibility, but I use Thunderbird for my main email and I don't want Evolution to be the default. Incidentally I'm actually using Fedora 13 but I imagine most of the commands I might need are the same.

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Ubuntu :: Share Files With Windows Boxes?

Mar 5, 2011

I am having trouble sharing files between Ubu and Win boxes. We have seval boxes hooked up to the same router. XP and Vista boxes are part of the same workgroup (lets call it FOO). No domain. It is a simple home network. Each Win box has its own name. Win boxes can see each other (by clicking Network icon from control panel). Shared resources can be accessed by providing user name and password. Now I need to make Maverick box a part of the the same workgroup. All group members should be able to access Maverick's shared recourse by providing user name and password and vice versa.

I installed samba (is that what I need?), but couldn't get things working yet. Official docs aren't very clear. What is the server name and domain? Win boxes don't need any of that. I can just click network icon and go into any computer I want. What are the steps to setup Ubu box similarly? Samba docs say edit smb.conf file. I have 2 in my box :


Which one is for editing. Where do I put FOO (our work-group name)? How to set permissions?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Ping Boxes On Windows Network

Jul 6, 2011

I'm setting up an Ubuntu-based kiosk for my organization, and I can't seem to ping it by its hostname. The network is an Active Directory domain.

I tried editing /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf (I filled in the hostname where it said <hostname>), but no dice.

I also tried editing /etc/network/interfaces (the machine authenticates via DHCP but its network configuration is manually specified -- can't have users messing with NetworkManager):

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp
hostname <the computer's hostname here>

Finally, I tried joining it to the domain using likewise-open, and while it shows up in Active Directory, I still can't ping it.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Samba - Box Will Not Open On Windows Boxes?

Feb 19, 2010

I've been trying to fix this problem for over a month, on irc chats and searching google for forum threads, all leading me in different directions all bringing me nowhere. In trying to connect from my Windows machine I get the following error:Quote: Windows cannot access \ubuntu

Check the spelling of the name. Otherwise, there might be a problem with your network. To try to identify and resolve the network problems, click Diagnose. Well, clicking "Diagnose" is a huge waste of time.I've paste binned by /etc/samba/smb.conf file and it can be found below -[URL]... Also, when I am on the Ubuntu machine attempting to browse the machines on the network and go to Places >> Network >> Windows Network I get the following error: Quote: Unable to mount location Failed to retreive share list from server

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Ubuntu :: Crazy Length Text Boxes In Web Browsers?

Jun 16, 2010

did a search and I can't believe I seem to be only person reporting this. It's been a bug since I did a fresh install of 10.04 UNR, but it's only gotten to the tipping point where I actually HAVE to do something about it today. I finally cracked.As you can see in the screen shot attached the one line text box (ie, search bars mostly, but the thread title in this case) stretches way beyond length it is supposed to. For the first screen shot I have "zoomed out" to give a better idea of the full effect, the second screen is what I see during normal browsing.If anyone could help me fix this error it would be greatly appreciated. I've tried both Firefox and Chrome (and Chromium) and the same issue occours. The screen shot is taken from Chrome 5.0.375.70

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Not Visible In Dialogue Boxes

Oct 12, 2010

I've set up Samba under Ubuntu for windows SMB file sharing (currently unauthenticated but soon to be backed off against A.D.) This is great within Windows where l folders are available as mounted in all applications but from my Ubuntu desktop and Ubuntu laptops, we can only access network folders and files from the File browsers and bookmarks one finds in the "Places" menu. Our issue is that most (but not all) dialogue boxes don't have any options for viewing non-local files and folders. i.e. when I'm in my web browser and I go to upload a file from our local network file server to an internet location, the "Open" dialogue box cannot see any of our local network locations.

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