Ubuntu :: Way To Customize My Desktop

Feb 24, 2011

I'm trying to customize my desktop now and it says that i don't have permission to add or change the files

i went in to properties and it say root owns it!?

how do ya get to change it?
the screen shot Ive got attached!

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Customize Desktop?

Apr 25, 2011

I think this is the most commonly asked question.I'm unable to customize my desktop. It gives me error saying "cannot customize desktop".As far as I know i was able to customize when i was using ubuntu 9.04.Right now its Ubuntu 10.10 and its a clean install.I have Intel Corporation Mobile 945GME Express Integrated Graphics Controller. What do I need to do so that I can customize my desktop using visual effects.

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Ubuntu :: Customize The Desktop Menus?

Feb 12, 2010

How do I rearrange or otherwise customize the desktop menus and icons in the Netbook Remix? For example, I wish to combine the System Tools and System menus, and I want to rearrange the icons in the Favourites menu. There is no Control Panel (that I can find) which will let me do this.

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Ubuntu :: How To Customize Desktop Theme

Nov 3, 2010

I am using Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit, I am big on desktop customization, but the only things I can find online about customizing the theme is using the Ubuntu Themes Manager. I want to create my own theme. When I used IceWM I LOVED theming my windows and taskbar, but the window manager had little capability as far as functionality went.Does anyone know how to customize the desktop theme with a little more than just the themes manager or can someone refer me to a good resource for doing so?

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Ubuntu :: Customize Desktop In Natty (11.4)

Aug 3, 2011

I just upgraded to 11.4 and was surprised to find my desktop completely changed. The main reason I use Ubuntu is because I could customize the desktop environment how I wanted. Now I can't seem to move or adjust anything. Does anyone know how to move the menu and launch bars? The biggest thing I want to do is move the launch bar to the bottom of the screen.

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Ubuntu :: How To Customize Desktop Theme As MacOS X

May 13, 2010

I want to know how to customize my desktop Ubuntu theme as MacOS X, but I also want the panels to be transparent. How to do we use cairo-doc, do you have to delete the bottom panel for it?

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Debian Multimedia :: How To Customize Awesome 3 Desktop

Feb 14, 2010

I got awesome 3 desktop working and am in it right now, however I do not know how to customize it. It says theres a /home/.awesomerc file but when I go to nano it there is nothing there. What do I do?

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Ubuntu :: Migrating Home Dir With Desktop And Firefox Customize Configs?

Jul 11, 2010

I installed a new, larger hard drive and installed 10.04 with home directory encryption. Then I mounted my old hard drive's home partition to a folder and copied the entire home directory off of it onto my new hard drive like so:

chaz@brutus:~$ cp -ravv ../mnt/chaz/* ./
This seems to have worked and it looks like all my files are here on my new hard drive. However when I rebooted I expected my old desktop settings to apply, and my firefox to have my bookmarks, history, and add-ons. Apparently it doesn't work like that.

In the past when I reinstalled Ubuntu and kept my old home partition, all my program configs were saved and worked in the new installation, even if I had to install the program first. How can I duplicate that behavior in copying my old home partition to the new hard drive?

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Debian :: Customize Complete ISO With Desktop GUI And All Regular Features As In Distro

Feb 14, 2016

I tried to customized my new ISO according to this WIKI URL...Eventually I faced some problems:

1. I had no GUI
2. I could not log in regularly

How can I customize a whole complete Debian ISO with Desktop GUI & all regular features as in the distro?

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Debian Multimedia :: Customize Desktop Debian Squeeze Xfce?

May 11, 2011

I just a newbie.i want to try customize my desktop.i found a website shown linux desktop very greatfull, like this :but i don't know how to start it.any expert guys please let me know the guiding for me to start this.

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Fedora :: Customize Gnome Desktop To Kde Using The Fedora DVD?

Aug 21, 2011

When I first install fedora from my fedora DVD i was unaware of the fact that it also contained in it the KDE Desktop environment.The thing is I am new to fedora and since the default is GNOME, I installed it the GNOME desktop.Can any one tell me how to have the GNOME and the KDE environment both as option when i boot my PC using only the Fedora DVD and not the internet.---------- Post added at 08:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:28 PM ----------I more thing i would like to tell which i tried.I went to add/remove software and searched "KDE desktop". It showed me lots of KDE packages from my DVD. But I don't know which one to install so I didn't go forward to install any of those.

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Ubuntu :: Customize Panel In NBR?

Mar 3, 2010

How do I customize the panel in NBR 10.04?

Right click brings up the menu allright...

but all the essential options are grayed out. Same goes for moving, unlocking and removing existing applets and so on.

I tried all the standard config, looked in gconf, searched in ~/.gnome, found nothing. I can change the session to Gnome and customize Gnome panel just fine, but if I switch back to NBR (Maximus), the panel returns to default and the entries are disabled again with a truly microsoftish persistence...

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Ubuntu :: How To Customize Wmii

Aug 14, 2010

Does anyone know of a beginners guide to wmii? I saw this picture, and thought it looked pretty cool. I was wondering if someone knew how to make the currently playing last fm song to show up on the bar like it does in that picture. Also, does anyone know of a way to display the amount of charge left in my laptop battery?

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Ubuntu :: AWN Customize Icon Bug?

Sep 22, 2010

I have Ubuntu 10.04 with AWN 0.4 I have two applications that I have given custom icons because they have no default icon. I have both icons' .png files stored in an icons directory in my home folder. At first everything seemed to work fine, but then I noticed one day that one of the apps icons had changed to the same icon as the other app... So I tried switching it back, but when I changed the icon of one app, the other one changed also! Now I can't seem to assign more than one custom icon to multiple AWN launchers. What is the deal?

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Ubuntu :: How To Customize The Appearence

Oct 5, 2010

is there any way we can customize like we can customize in xp (desktop properties > appearance > advanced)i want to customize things like title bar height etc.

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Ubuntu :: How To Customize Unity Bar

Apr 1, 2011

I upgraded from 10.10 to natty(11.04 alpha-beta). I am using russian translation and will change menu name.

Unity is usefull for me.

But my childrens and my wife have a questons:

1. Childrens so cartoons or films Click on MainMenu->Bookmarks->Cartoons( this is bookmark for folder with avi files). Chose file and see film.

On Unity bar all folders avialble only by Home or Find Files.

Can I add link to folder on unity bar? Or Desktop?

2. How use two or more profiles in firefox?

on desctop edition I use to shortcut
firefox -p profile1
firefor -p profile2

now from unity firefox start with default profile

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Ubuntu :: Customize The Installation For Distribution?

Jan 17, 2010

How to customize the Ubuntu Installation for your Distribution - TUTORIAL I have looked a lot in almost every page in Ubuntu, Google and some other Linux Distributions Forums, Help Guides and Tutorials, and have never been able to customize, or even find a valuable source on customzing the Ubuntu Installation, also known as Ubiquity. Now if you are planning on creating a LiveCD or Ubuntu-based Distribution using Remastersys or some program like that, then you will love this tutorial, as do I. First of all, make sure you have Ubiquity installed.Quickly goto Synaptic now, and check. Once you have that, go inside a terminal and type sudo nautilus.Then goto /usr/share/ubiquity. You will see some system files which I will now mention again in this tutorial for the sake of my tiredness.

Here you will see the images that are presented when you select your region in the installation process. You may customize it, but I hardly recemmond it as the areas I tell you to customize are far more rewarding. Now, just go inside the "ubuntu" folder and see the "logo.png". Customize it to have your own Logo and Distribution Name. After you finish that come out of it, all the way back to /usr/share. Now we go inside the big area, where we customize a LOT. Go inside "Ubiquity-Slideshow" folder. In this folder you will see the images and text that pop up during the installation of Ubuntu. Do you remember?

Now just go into Slides/icons and here you will see the beautiful icons of all the slides. You may notice the extroadinary graphics and input the Ubuntu team has put into most of these, and so I have decided not to customize this, but you can surely go ahead. However, for legal sake, I had to customize the logo which I have changed it to be mine (that is I deleted the Ubuntu logo and replaced it with a High-Quality version of my logo). Once you feel you have done enough, please go out of that folder and scroll straight down to customize the writing on the slides in the installation.

Here you will see 13 .html files. HTML is simple, you do not have to know anything in HTML to customize these files, however you must understand to not go out of the boundaries. Stay in the templates, because saying too much will look un-Professional and dodgy when it comes to size issues. I prefer Cutting huge paragraphs of writing in between the "" and starting to type about the subject in My Distributions way. Making sure that I do not exceed the previous 3-4 sentence that Ubuntu already had. Ok, to customize these .html files I will quickly show you one of them and customize it before I fall asleep on my keyboard. Right-click "accessibility.html". Click OPEN WITH and select GEDIT.

You will see something like this, however where it says Gosalia, that is my operating system, it used to say Ubuntu. CAUTION - Do not copy my work, there will be severe consequences, considering I took 5 minutes to write it and the rough work your Operating System installation will look...


<h1 class="title">Accessibility in Gosalia</h1>
<div class="main">
<div class="content"><ul>


Enjoy, do this to all of them remembering to only write in between the <li> and the </li> Remember one thing, where it says "UBUNTU" you can change it, unless it is a file name, then DON'T CHANGE IT! Oh yes, and now when you create your ISO with Remastersys (or equivalent) then you will have your customized Installation ready in the LIVECD process, check it out! It worked for me, and it is spectacular. Making a Video about this now...

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Ubuntu :: Customize Colors For One Application Only?

May 10, 2010

I was wondering if it is possible to specify a custom color theme that Ubuntu should apply to one application only. Specifically, I want to customize the tooltop color for Eclipse.

Fwiw, the reason I want to do this is that karmic's ambiance theme provides black tooltip backgrounds with white tooltop text, but eclipse (stupidly) uses the black tooltip background for content assist boxes while ignoring the tooptip text color and instead applying its own sytnax highlighting rules, which specify black text. This results in black text on a black background -- ugh!

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Ubuntu :: Customize Things Running 10.04?

May 12, 2010

I've installed Ubuntu 10.04 and I wanted to customise it a little (splash screen, login screen, window theme) - problem is, all of the tuts on the net have been written for 9.xx or lower and none of them seem to work with the version that I am running (I can't remember why right now because I looked this up a few days ago but there was a tab missing in 10.04 that was there in 9.xx and below). how to customise these things running Ubuntu 10.04?

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Ubuntu :: Customize The Login Screen On 10.04?

May 21, 2010

I am trying to customize the login screen on Ubuntu 10.04. I know about that way of running:

sudo cp /usr/share/applications/gnome-appearance-properties.desktop /usr/share/gdm/autostart/LoginWindow/ then logging out, changing the wallpaper, logging back in and running:

sudo unlink /usr/share/gdm/autostart/LoginWindow/gnome-appearance-properties.desktop

But that only lets me change the wallpaper, so now I have my own wallpaper but the login window (where you choose the username and enter the password) is in the middle of the screen covering my image. I would need to move it a bit to the side/corner, would this be possible? I took a look at the file /usr/share/gdm/gdm-greeter-login-window.ui, however it doesn't seem to be allowing you to change the position of the window.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Customize Orta Theme?

May 1, 2011

I've just installed Ubuntu v11.04 and Orta theme. The problem is that when I make changes in Orta Settings Manager they have no effect at all, even after I save them and unselect and select Orta Theme in Appearance Preferences. For instance, I never get the dark panel, but only the light one.

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Ubuntu :: Customize Login Screen In 11.04?

May 2, 2011

I used Ubuntu Tweak to change the background of the login screen, but the highlighting on the names and buttons is still orange. I want to change this.Does 11.04 support GDM themes? Will GDM themes from gnome-look.org work properly in 11.04? Is there another way to do this without GDM themes?

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Ubuntu :: Customize The Sidebar To The Left?

May 4, 2011

how can I customize the sidebar to the left? Like changing icons, rearranging programs.

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Ubuntu :: Can Customize The Abiword Toolbar

May 13, 2011

Is it possible to drag and drop the icons you want from the standard and formatting toolbars onto just one toolbar? then I can claim some more vertical space?What do most people here use on ubuntu? Abiword or Writer?

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Ubuntu :: Customize The Login Screen?

May 30, 2011

i would like to know how to customize the login screen with the picture of my choice and fonts.

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Ubuntu :: Customize The Panel Bar ( The Top Menu)?

May 1, 2011

I tried the ubuntu 11.04, the desktop is different from the gnome,I want to customize the top menu, for example, adding a button to close it or auto hide it? In gnome I just need to right-click to get the preferences

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Ubuntu :: How To Customize Live CD Manually Without GUI

Feb 18, 2011

How to customizing our Ubuntu Live CD (manually, without a GUI- Ubuntu Customization Kit). Shall I use .iso file (which I have) or should I download the .iso file from internet.

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Ubuntu :: Customize Karmic Boot Process?

Jan 5, 2010

I would like to customize my bootprocess on Karmic Koala.on <= jaunty i have been using the bootupmanager but on karmic it does not list all the processes and their state properly. so i think the internal changes within the karmic bootprocess have made bum inoperable. which is not that bad since karmic boots much faster but still i would like to make some changes to karmics boot.

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Ubuntu Servers :: MediaTomb - Customize Streaming To The PS3

Feb 9, 2010

i have a Ubuntu 8.04 Server, with Media Tomb installed for streaming to the PS3. Works fine, its just a little buggy and you cant really customize it. For instance the web interface looks feels and works like it was made 10 years ago, and it dousn't give any feedback of directroys being scanned, so you have no idea what's being scanned and what's isn't!. Is there another WEB gui for managing MediaTomb? or is there another way to steam to the PS3? i have Webmin installed if theres set-up methods through that.

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Ubuntu :: Customize File Folders In Karmic?

May 27, 2010

Is there a way that I can download either a new folder management system for Ubuntu Karmic or at least customize the current one so it works better? I don't like when I'm trying to find a certain file such as a .mp3 and I can't sort it by the name of the artist or the name of the show? I know that the actual MP3 file as the meta data embedded into the file but with Ubuntu Karmic I can't seem to set it so it will display in the List Columns. When I tried to go to List columns to change the preferences it only gives me limited options of what I can display and most of them our useless such as MIME type, Octal Permissions, SELinux context, etc.. I want to have columns such as Name, artist, author, album, etc...

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