Ubuntu :: Using Sed Or Awk To Find And Delete Lines In A File?
Dec 21, 2010
I have a bunch of text files, all of them have a .txt extension. They are all located in subfolders of the /MyTextFiles folder (but could be anywhere, no idea what depth). If any line in any of the text files has the word "hello" I want to delete that entire line. I know sed and awk are made for this problem but I can't seem to get the syntax correct.
I need to find a string in a file ... then delete the line it is on, as well as the next 6 lines. Or, delete the line the string is on and all subsequent lines until the search finds the character "["
filename = test.txt
contents: [foo] test>test test>test test>test
so, in this example. I'd like to search the file for string 'foo' and delete all lines from that line until [bar] (not deleting the line with [bar])
I have a file that contains 100 ligns, i need to write a script that read 70 lignes and redirect those 70 ligns to another files and these 70ligns have to be erased in the first file
when i write this command head -70 somefile.txt>test.txt or
sed -n 70p somefile.txt>test.txt
i have these 70 lines in the text.txt files but these 70 lines have to be deleted inthe first file somefile.txt
i've got a file with sorted words - one on each line.How could it be possible to delete thouse lines that have words of length 1 or 2 (1-2 letters). I guess a good way it will be with AWK, n its fuction length(), but getting it, i dont know how to delete those very lines.
I need to chop of the top 30ish lines of several log files until a line starting with "Initialization completed."The trouble is that it's not always the same amount of lines that need to be deleted, and they don't always contain the same information, which is why I would need to delete everything priorhe line starting with "Initialization completed."Right now I have a little script I wrote based on looping each file through several "grep -v" commands with each known pattern of lines I want to ignore, but it is tedious and I have to inspect each file afterwards to make sure nothing is left from above "Initialization completed
Order of these lines are random... So I cannot delete line #19, for example... And you can see that top four lines I want to delete are pairs. So there might be some clever way to detect the lines, if a line has both "1.9" and "1.11", then delete the line... I am new to perl language. The following is the code I have now... I think I just need to write some code inside the while loop checking if I want to delete the line $dotline before I write to a NEW file.
I have a file with three consecutive blank lines. I want to delete two and keep one.Also, if anyone could direct me towards a guide on regular expressions particularly as they apply to sed, I would be grateful. I am having a hell of a time figuring out the syntax.
I've come across an unusual requirement for a service in my Ubuntu system.Simply put, I need to find a way to search for all instances of a term in a file, delete lines containing containing that term, and delete four lines below each instance of that term. ither that, or copy the entirety of a file to a new file and skip over all lines containing the term plus four below it.This sounds kinda weird, I know. Without going too far into detail, I either have to change the logfile format for a server I'm running which is a huge pain in the butt, or I can just run a script to edit an HTML report generated from said logs. (Said report is really just for managers to peruse, and I like my log format, so I'm pursuing option 2.)
Many folders within a subdirectory some of which have lots of data in and some of which have only one specific file called produkt.fil inside.I need a command to find and delete those folders that contain ONLY the file produkt.fil - if other files exist (doesnt matter what they are) then they should be left alone. Note: produkt.fil exists in all of the folders always.
I am trying to find and delete a file using this Code: find . -type f -name ph2964781400100954291.jpg -exec rm -f {} ; It does not work, I think because by default on my distro rm is iterative.
Code: [root@station3 ~]# seq 10 | sed -e '1,2d' -e '1,2d' 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 We can see that sed just deletes the first three lines. How "seq 10 | sed -e '1,2d' -e '1,2d'"works?
I have this massive table file with some data in it and I want to replace some lines that are wrong with the correct ones that are in another table file of the same format. The wrong lines are not all together in a block but randomly distributed so I need to make a loop checking if the line is in the other file and if it is, replace it. I want to try and do it with sed or awk but I don't really know how to....
My problem is like this I have to delete all lines between two pattern match example- suppose below is the content of the file then i have to delete all lines between text1 and text2
I am trying to delete any blank lines within two patterns e.g.
Address: 53 HIGH STREET Cred Id : MYTOWN MYCOUNTY MM12 6MM Pay Method : Crossed Cheque
The start of my pattern is "Cred Id" and the end is "Pay Method" and I want to delete the blank lines between county and post code. I did find the code below but it doesn't seem to change anything:
sed -ne '/Cred Id/,/Pay Method/!bp' -e '/^$/b' -e -e p ll.out
I can get it to print just the range I'm interested in by doing sed -ne '/Cred Id/,/Pay Method/p'.
i try do modify BASHRC and ENVIRONMENT files on directory ETCthen all the command don't work, such as:SUDO, GEDIT, NAUTILUS, NANO and some others!now i want to edit the 2 files and delete the insert lines
how to change (rename, delete) lines from boot list in grub 2, Ubuntu 10.04? For example, when I boot my pc, I have a boot list with options "Ubuntu 10.04", "memtest" and "Windows 7". I want to delete "memtest" line, as I don't need it, and rename "Windows 7" line to, for example, "Windows 117". How can I do that? Where I should look and edit? In old grub it was enough to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst, but in Ubuntu 10.04 there is no such file and other grub2-related files (like grub.cfg) do not contain this info to rename or delete lines. So, I can't figure out what to do.
I used awk "'!x[$0]++' test.txt > file.new" ,but it deleted #1 also.I tried using uniq command but i didn't work. Can anyone Please let me know is there any way to do this using shell script.
Why is there no Delete when I right click like there is with Windows in ubuntu? Pretty much everything else is there like new folder and so on Is there some way to add it? Also why when i delete something does it not ask me if I am sure that i want to delete that file?
HI am facing the strange issue in netbeans on ubuntu 9.04. whenever the file contains more than 3000 lines the characters overlap on each other and the file is not readable, where as if the file is less than 3000 lines it works fine. what may be the reason ?
Is there a convenient method to find a text pattern that extends over several lines? In this case:
Empty line LineConsistingOfSingleWord
Preferably to return the line number where the pattern occurs to determine the first such after a known line number. In other words, in order to extract a block of text from within a file.