Ubuntu :: Use Different PATH To Libavcodec.a While Running Compile?

Nov 28, 2010

I'm running the alsa upgrade script and I have ffmpeg installed so it finds the /usr/local/lib/libavcodec.a first when I want it to use the /usr/lib/libavcodec.so instead because otherwise make errors occur.

Can I point it to use the PATH to /usr/lib/libavcodec.a or should I just uninstall ffmpeg temporarily.

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Server :: Compile Ipt_route With Path-o-matic?

Sep 14, 2010

I have to load ipt_route into my iptables on Centos 5.3 . I found a document about this

But I see that I cannot download and install like the document.


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Debian :: Libx264-98, Libavcodec-extra-52 Etc Are Missing In Testing

Jul 1, 2011

I like to install kazam a screencaster, so added the ppa. But during installation I get following dependency issue


Obviously I like to ask the repo from where I can get those, but before that ; why debian missing those in its repo ( I am using testing ) and how ubuntu manage those to include in their repo ? May be a topic for debian decision maker, though interested to know.

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Debian :: FFMPEG (libavcodec) Install Lacks H264 - MPEG-4 AVC?

Apr 9, 2011

I am running 64 Bit Debian, 6.0 install with VLC and libavcodec52, libavformat52, and libavdevice52 installed. I also installed recordmydesktop which creates an ogv file, and I would like to use VLC to convert the file to an MP4. Then I can add it to a project under Open Shot Video Editor.

I get the following errors when I try to convert the file: Streaming / Transcoding failed: It seems your FFMPEG (libavcodec) installation lacks the following encoder: H264 - MPEG-4 AVC (part 10). If you don't know how to fix this, ask for support from your distribution. This is not an error inside VLC media player.Do not contact the VideoLAN project about this issue.

Streaming / Transcoding failed: It seems your FFMPEG (libavcodec) installation lacks the following encoder: MPEG AAC Audio. If you don't know how to fix this, ask for support from your distribution. This is not an error inside VLC media player. Do not contact the VideoLAN project about this issue. I've used Google to search for the error message, searched on the forum.videolan.org, and searched on this forum. So far, I've not found a lead to the solution. What am I overlooking/missing?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Correct Localhost Path For Running Php FTP Script

Feb 16, 2010

how to access a FTP server with php. I've written a script from a tutorial but I'm getting errors with the ftp_get function.

PHP Code:


Warning: ftp_get() [function.ftp-get]: Error opening /var/www/download.txt/ in /var/www/gwr/connect.php on line 11

I'm having trouble with the ftp_get function and I believe the problem is with the local server path. In this case var/www/download.txt I've also used a folder in that directory called download in the place of the .txt file and it gives the same errors. Is var/www/ the correct path to tell php where to download the files to? I've experimented with the files permission and nothing has worked. I'm running a standard ubuntu desktop install, Karmic Koala.

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Programming :: Change Running Path In Bash

Feb 5, 2010

We have a custom app that runs on boot on some older hardware running DSL linux, and their startup manager was quite simple. We purchased some newer Asus eeebox's which run xandros and things are quite stable and run nice with 1 exception.The application only runs from the root (/) location. This box auto logs in as 'user' and there is a /home/user/.kde/Autostart folder where you can stick scripts to run at boot. So I have a start.sh script, and with little bash programming tried things such as;
sudo cd /
sudo /startapp.pl

but the errors start spewing with the basic;can't find data/xyz as it's looking in the local.I thought there was a basic cwd (change working directory) but everything I try just forces the run from that location.Any ideas or suggestions are appreciated, but things like can you change the code, etc. can't be done, so it must be a programming thing. The only other thought I had but not sure, can you do a cronjob with @boot or something, that when the box starts, it can run this job as root and fire off?

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Software :: Determine The Full Path Of Sendmail Running On The System

Nov 16, 2010

Checking the process table for the running sendmail, I would like to know the full path to the sendmail binary a la the ps -ef on a Sun or other servers. How do I get ps to give me the actual path, or should I use a different tool on my Linux servers?

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General :: Difference Between PATH=$PATH:$1 & PATH=$1:$PATH?

Jan 16, 2011

I found the following function in /etc/profile file.


1. I dont undestand what "if ! echo $PATH | /bin/grep -qE "(^|:)$1($|:)"" this if statement actually comapres??

2. Also what is the difference between PATH=$PATH:$1 & PATH=$1:$PATH

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General :: Lame Compile - Failed Running ./configure - Error

Aug 1, 2010

I tried to install lame on Linux, but I failed running ./configure.

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Debian :: Compile Clanbomber In Squeeze But Get The Following Error Message When Running ./configure?

Dec 4, 2010

I am trying to compile Clanbomber in Squeeze but I get the following error message when running ./configure:

checking for DirectFB... found
checking for FusionSound... configure: error:
*** FusionSound 1.0.0 or newer is required. The latest


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Mencoder Error: "libavcodec.so.51: Undefined Symbol: FaacDecDecode"

Aug 6, 2010

I'm trying to use mencoder and get these errors:


mencoder: /usr/local/lib/libavformat.so.52: no version information available (required by mencoder)
mencoder: /usr/local/lib/libavutil.so.49: no version information available (required by mencoder)


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General :: Libtool Has Syntax Errors When Running After GLib-2 Cross Compile For PPC Using LTIB?

Jun 10, 2010

First, I'm trying to cross compile mono 2.6.4 so that it will run on Freescale Embedded Linux for a PowerPC CPU. My host machine is running Fedora 13 on an x86. Freescale provides a copy of the Linux Target Image Builder (LTIB) that has been pre-configured for the particular board I'm using, and LTIB seems to be able to help with the cross compilation of other stuff--you can add in your own packages to be built and included in your newly-built Linux image.

Mono depends on pkg-config and glib-2, so I have selected them in the LTIB package selection config. I've also added a new package for mono that builds mono-2.6.4 from the source tar (after the other deps have also been built).

I'm having a problem getting the glib-2.24.0 package libraries created. Basically they appear to build and link ok, but then libtool runs and errors out claiming it has a syntax error! (numerous wths followed...)

Here is LTIB's temporary build script for only the glib2 package:


Here is the output when building the glib2 package (configure + make):


Build path taken because: directory build, build key set, no prebuilt rpm,

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General :: Move A File To Some Path And Create That Path When It Doesn't Exist?

Oct 8, 2010

I use this command:


find ./ -atime +360

to figure out the files that haven't been accessed since 360 days. The command above will return results like this:


... etc

I'm taking here about tins of directories, thousands of files. I'm looking to find a command that makes me able to move the results above to another path, and to create that path once it doesn't exist like below:


mv /uploads/2010/02/some-file-name.ext /old-files/uploads/2010/02/some-file-name.ext

But I want the executed command to create this path



If it doesn't exist.

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Programming :: Java Applet Not Loading Image With Relative Path But With Absolute Path / Resolve It?

Jul 17, 2009

Java applet not loading image with relative path(e.g. images/1.jpg) but loads image with absolute path(i.e. from /root/user/images/1.jpg) . This is a problem when i want to host the applet on web server

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Fedora Servers :: NFSD Won't Compile In Kernel - FATAL: Error Running Install Command For Nfsd

May 24, 2010

I'm runing FC11 and have compiled the vanilla kernel to support Dazuko. It has broken my NFSD server in the process, and I can't figure out why. I get these errors on boot. FATAL: Module nfsd not found. FATAL: Error running install command for nfsd


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General :: Forcing An Absolute Path Where A Relative Path Is Expected

Feb 21, 2011

I have a program that takes a relative path as input appends it to a some path string to get the actual path.

Now all I can input is the relative path. So if I want to go one level above my input will be ../mypath.

If I know the depth of the path used internally, I can use .. as many times to go to the root directory and then give the absolute path. But suppose I do not know the depth of the directory, can I construct a relative path string such that it considers it as a relative path. One way could be to have enough .. in the path string so that I can force an absolute path for some maximum depth of path.

Is there some path string syntax that I am not aware of but can achieve this?

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General :: Deleted Path Variable - How To Return To The Original Path Value

Apr 26, 2011

Experimenting with shell variables, accidentally deleted the path variable how could I return to the original path value. What kinds of problems will I have if I don't have a path variable.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Appending A Path To PATH Variable Permanently?

Oct 21, 2010

how to add a path to PATH variable permanently so that it remains persisent even after closing shell and rebooting the system when i added a path, to variable it remained there as long as i didn't closed the shell. but when i reopened it ,changed were undone.

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General :: Change Windows Path To Unix Path?

Sep 14, 2009

I have a path c:windowsackup I need this string to be changed into /windows/back/up I used the command -bash-3.00$ echo windackup | sed 's/\//g' but the output is windbackup

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General :: Change Absolute Path To Relative Path?

May 31, 2011

Current script:-

find . -depth -type d -name .git -printf '%h�' | while read -d "" path ; do (
cd "$path" || exit $?


How shall i go about changing the absolute path to relative path, so that /home/git/mirror/android/adb/ndk.git gets converted to /mirror/android/adb/ndk.git //echo <command> "$prefix$PWD.git" ?? - anything for relative path?

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SUSE / Novell :: Add Path To $PATH Variable?

Apr 19, 2009

I am trying to figure out how i can add the path /usr/sbin/ into the $PATH variable. I want this to be used from the normal account. I am bored settinh this manualy each time my computer starts.

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Fedora :: Add Path In .bashrc By Commenting Out Old Path And Adding New One - Command Source ~/bashrc

Jun 14, 2011

When I add some path in .bashrc by commenting out old path and adding new one like this:

#EXPORT HOME_PLAY=/home/gem/old_play
EXPORT HOME_PLAY=/home/gem/play

After saving above changes, I enter the command: source ~/.bashrc Now if I do echo $PATH, the path shows both the old PLAY_HOME and new PLAY_HOME. This is really bad and messes up a lot of things in my project. This problem only goes away if I logout or reboot, a rather very long process. What is happening is that the old path is added to new path element and the old path includes the old path element you want to remove.

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Programming :: Can I Get Absolute Path Without Giving A "path" But Inode Number By C

Aug 13, 2010

Does anyone know how to get the path with a inode number by C programming?
Or can I get the absolute path without giving a "path" but a inode number by C?

like this: get_path(unsigned inode);
not such this function: getcwd(".", xxx);

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Fedora :: 12 And VMTools - The Path "" Is Not Valid Path To The Gcc Binary

Mar 23, 2010

running Windows 7 64bit with VMware Workstation 7.01-build 227600. I have some knowledge of Linux, I have installed f12 and have updated the system as of 03/22/2010. All updates completed successfully.

1) How do I install VMTools on the f12 (after mounting the CD/DVD tool package)

2) How do I update the gcc files it says are dependencies?

Here's what I get on installation:Before you can compile modules, you need to have the following installed...

kernel headers of the running kernel

and then I am prompted for this input from the install script:

Searching for GCC...
The path "" is not valid path to the gcc binary.
Would you like to change it? [yes]

and this is where I get stuck. How do I get around this or satisfy the requirements for the install?

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General :: Command Path Is In PATH But Bash Does Not Find The Command

Jul 12, 2011

kernel, slackware 12.0
GNU bash 3.1.17


As you can see, /usr/local/bin is in the path. However, bash does not look for nasm in /usr/local/bin.

If I am root, things go well:


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Software :: Nucleo Doesn't Compile (Nucleo Now Compiled But Metisse Doesn't Compile)

Mar 19, 2010

I wanted to try installing the Metisse window manager, and it depends on Nucleo. I got Nucleo from the AUR, but it fails to compile:

PNGenc.cxx: In function �void nucleo::png_memory_write_data(png_struct*, png_byte*, png_size_t)�:
PNGenc.cxx:38: warning: �png_struct_def::io_ptr� is deprecated (declared at /usr/include/libpng14/png.h:1125)
PNGenc.cxx:38: warning: �png_struct_def::io_ptr� is deprecated (declared at /usr/include/libpng14/png.h:1125)
PNGenc.cxx: In function �void nucleo::png_memory_read_data(png_struct*, png_byte*, [Code].....

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot See Network Icon - Nm-applet Running - Notification Area Running

Dec 25, 2010

Hi. I have Ubuntu 10.04, nm-applet is running in the background, my battery icon and sound icon are showing but my network icon has been missing for the past 2 days. It was working fine before but now it's not. How can I fix this issue if I don't have an ethernet cord? Is there a way to roll back the recent updates or do I need to reinstall my network manager?

I've tried restarting the system and I've tried killing nm-applet and reloading it using Alt F2. I get some Debug error.

When I try to run nm-applet --sm-disable

It says an instance is already running and then gives me a warning.

I tried removing "iface eth0 inet dhcp" from /etc/network/interfaces and then tried restarting by "sudo /etc/initi.d/networking restart"

It says:

What can I do to connect to the internet? I have a flash stick if its possible to download a .deb package on this mac and transfer it over to my other laptop to fix the problem. If its possible.

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Ubuntu :: Processor Running At 100 Percent - Fan Is Running At Max Speed

Apr 5, 2011

I can't figure out why but my processor is running at 100% on all four cores, and the fan is running at max speed. All I did was double click an a.out file created by g++, and it is running at full speed now.


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Fedora X86/64bit :: Running Emacs 22.3 Under An X86_64 Running FC10 - Stops Responding ?

Jul 19, 2009

After "yum install emacs" & "yum install emacs-ess", I was able to install emacs on my X86_64 running Fedora 10.

If I run one session of emacs everything works fine.

Once I start a second session and try to resize or move the emacs window, the system stops responding.

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General :: Why Does Running A Program In Bash Work, When Running It In The Menu Doesn't?

Jul 26, 2010

I presume there is something in the JWM window manager - or Puppy Linux Lupu 5.01 itself that is conflicting with the normal loading of GMPLAYER....

I would like to know how to troubleshoot, and fix this problem if possible (even a workaround would be great).

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