Ubuntu :: Uninstall KDE 4 Without Removing Anything From Trinity?

Jul 7, 2011

I have Ubuntu running with GNOME and for fun I installed Kubuntu KDE 4. After that I installed Trinity and have fallen in love with it. But I am having an odd issue with the theming of various pop up appearing as KDE 4 rather than as Trinity. Can I uninstall KDE 4 without removing anything from Trinity? Can I isolate the two environments better so I can avoid removal of kDE4?

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Debian Configuration :: Removing Libcups2 Tries To Uninstall Every Other Package?

Apr 26, 2011

In an attempt to minimize my system when I mark for removal libcups2 using synaptic it asks to install 7 not authenticated packages, however if I choose mark for complete removal it asks to install the same 7 packages and remove every single installed package from epiphany to gimp to zenmap. Any ideas as to whats going on with that?

Squeeze 6.0.1
kernel 2.6.32-5-amd64
intel core i5


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Ubuntu :: Meaning Of Kubuntu Trinity?

Jan 25, 2011

What is kubuntu trinity? I google but did not get a specific website for it. I saw it in a download website: [URL]....

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Trinity - Desktop Device Icons Disappeared

Jan 7, 2011

I installed Kubuntu 10.10 Trinity, ran the updates, installed a number of programs, and somewhere along the line all the device icons disappeared from the desktop. I didn't notice exactly when it happened because I couldn't see the desktop most of the time. They're all still checked in Configure Desktop / Behavior / Device Icons; I can check or uncheck whatever I want there, but it has no effect. How I can get them back?

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General :: Uninstalling KDE 3.5 After Installing Trinity?

Jun 29, 2011

On my other Linux installation, every time I try installing KDE Trinity, I can't remove KDE 3.5 without making it impossible to start KDE. Can anyone give me some tips on how to safely uninstall KDE 3.5 after Trinity is installed? I uninstalled 3.5 by uninstalling all the components one-by-one in Synaptic.

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Software :: Use To Access Wireless Network In KDE Trinity?

Aug 6, 2011

What program should I use to access my wireless network in KDE Trinity? I'm used to using KNetworkmanager (KDE frontend for network-manager), but apparently, KNetworkmanager doesn't work in Trinity. What's the next best thing?

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Ubuntu :: Kubuntu 10.10 Trinity KDE 3.5.12 I386 Live Cd - Can't See Buttons Needed To Install

Dec 22, 2010

I would like to install to hardrive but screen resolution is too big, the required resolution is 1024x768. when i try to install i cannot see the buttons needed to install. my video card is S3 unichrome with 3D effects. default resolution is 840X600 is there a solution to this problem. all input is welcome.

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Fedora Installation :: FC11 On Tyan Trinity KT-400 S2495?

Jul 16, 2009

Has anyone successfully installed Fedora Core 11 on a system with a Tyan Trinity KT-400 S2495 motherboard? I have two systems with this motherboard. I tried to install FC11 from the live CD. Both systems have AGP video cards based on the Nvidia GForce-2, although the cards are of different brands. On one system, FC11 installed, but after the machine is booted and I log-in, it runs slower and slower until it is effectively frozen after about fifteen minutes. Somtimes a "Kernel Failure" window will pop up. A momentary press of the power butting will bring up a shutdown window and shut the machine down after a wait of 60 seconds.) By doing several reboots, I did manage to update the installation. (My complements to the developers on the fact that the package download will pick up where it left off).

However it still freezes. On the other system, when the Live Cd has booted, the keyboard and mouse don't work, so I can't do the installation. I tried a different keyboard and mouse, tried rebooting several times. When I boot the machine from SystemRescueCd (kernel 2.3.29) the keyboard works in the text mode. I used the "wizard" command to try various graphical modes. In the default Xorg graphical interface, the keyboard works but the mouse doesn't. In the "Vesa" graphical interface, neither the keyboard nor the mouse work. I tried the Ubuntu 8.04 live CD and the keyboard and mouse don't work. I tried an FC 8 install Cd, the keyboard works in the installation screens but the mouse doesn't. I replaced the Nvidia AGP card with a Voodoo 3dFx PCI video card. The system won't finish posting. It hangs on the second screen. This system formerly ran Windows 2000 OK and before that it ran Window 98. But perhaps it's now defective?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Removing Evolution From Synaptic Vs Just Removing The Applet

Feb 27, 2011

what i did was, remove evolution mail from synaptic, what i wanted to do was just remove the indicator applet from the task bar. i read a bunch of bad stuff about removing evolution from synaptic vs just removing the applet.

im worried. did i break anything or put my security at risk. after, i used a command (older) (sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop)to install ubuntu desktop. because i thought that it would fix evolution. then i went to synaptic and installed a package called evolution. i rechecked evolution in applications menu. however, i notice that i have both a checkable evolution and two evolution icons. nothing 'seems' broken. im not sure if it ever was. and evolution calender pops up as normal, as does the the installed plain evolution. they both seems to be an exact copy of the other.

all i really wanted to do was remove the indicator applet. did i make a serious mistake. since ive had ubuntu, ive reformatted a lot because i was worried i made a mistake of some kind. however now im into the more "make a mistake and fix it stage' as im pretty happy with my current desktop and have worked hard to customize it. the command, sudo apt-get remove indicator-messages removed the mail icon. i still am worried that i broke something, or put my security at risk. also, now i have two mail icons. evolution mail and calendar, and another just called evolution.

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Uninstall Firefox Nor Can Uninstall Chromium

Jun 19, 2011

I cannot uninstall Firefox, nor can I uninstall Chromium; one always stays if the other is uninstalled. For example, if I remove Firefox, Chromium will appear in its place and vice versa. This has got to be one of the weirdest bugs I've ever seen on Ubuntu! So, how can I uninstall both web browsers?

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Debian Multimedia :: Removing Epiphany Without Removing Half The System?

May 31, 2011

I know a bunch of commands and I am comfortable using the terminal, I even set a powerpc server but I can't figure out how to remove epiphany on this new computer I'm setting up. I didn't install anything with tasksel. I installed gnome and xorg afterwards... I load it up and 'startx' just fine. then I check around for the programs that were installed. I lik'em gimp, lot's of utilities. gedit. anyway I find epiphany, which I have already established that I dislike, I immediately go to the root terminal (another nice program that comes with gnome) and type apt-get remove epiphany-browser-data the output says it will be deleting gnome... however I have researched and found these are simpy meta packages that don't really matter.... however under the section that states all the packages that will be removed by autoremove there is a huge list... I doubt these packages are safe to remove. how to remove epiphany without removing a huge amount of probably needed software

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Fedora :: Removing Notifications And Safely Removing Drives?

Aug 25, 2010

These should be my last pleas for help with regard to Fedora 13. I've been unable to turn off the notifications that appear in the top right corner, despite a decent amount of searching on google. I can't remove any notifications package without removing a bunch of important software along with it. Also, F13 refuses to "Safely Remove" either of my external disks. I have to yank out the usb cord, touching wood each time.

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Software :: "lancelot Part" In KDE Trinity When Move A File From Somewhere To Soemwhere Else?

Aug 6, 2011

In KDE Trinity, when you move a file from somewhere to soemwhere else, one of the options along with "copy" and "move" is "lancelot part," which has a little goblet next to it. What does "lancelot part" mean? It didn't do anything obvious when I tried it to see what would happen, and I've googled it but not found anything so far.

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Software :: Installing Kde3 "trinity" On Lucid?

Sep 7, 2010

I've tried to install kde3 on ubuntu i followed the instructions on their page and i'm using it right now but it gives me some "broken packages" these are: kdelibs4c2a-kde3 and k3b-kde3 also when i try to go to the system settings it just crashes.

i tried to "fix broken packages" option in synaptic but it gives me an error as well: E: /var/cache/apt/archives/kdelibs-data-kde3_4%3a3.5.12-0ubuntu6+r1152788_all.deb: trying to overwrite '/etc/kde3/ksslcalist', which is also in package kdelibs-data 4

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Slackware :: Trinity Run On Ubuntu But Can't Run On Slackware?

Dec 13, 2010

For all interested in running kde 3 on slackware: now I am testing trinity installed on kubuntu maverick. I installed maverick using LiveDVD prepared by Timothy Pearsons. I must say that trinity really deserve its code name kde 3.5.12. Of course the main point is that it is running under newest ubuntu release with Linux 2.6.35.x kernel. Each kde 3 user will find here some new cool staffs. For example there are different system menus - classical k-menu, kbfx menu and... yes, kick-off menu - working in the same way as in kde 4. Honestly I don't understand why trinity can run on ubuntu but cannot run on slackware. Both are Linuxes, are they not? Finally a word about distribution prepared by Timohty: cool. Full suit of kde 3 applications. Full kde development suite (not that pathetic remains shipped with kde 4)

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Ubuntu :: Uninstall A 2nd HD With 9.04?

Jan 20, 2010

I have been searching through the web trying to find a way to install (mount?) and format a used 80G HD.I have installed GParted and it makes no sense to me. None of the tutorials on ..... have been helpful either (except to get me frustrated) I want to learn Linux and use it for my main os but, having these troubles makes it difficult.

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Ubuntu :: How To Uninstall The V. 11.04

May 1, 2011

the upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04 has proved to be an unmitigated disaster for my netbook. I have no menus! Nothing at the top (i.e. the usual Gnome desktop with "Browse and run installed applications," "Applications," "Places," "System") and no Unity buttons available wherever I put the cursor.Plus, when the system goes to sleep and I press the power button to revive it, it reboots! I don't understand how v. 11.04 is an improvement over v. 10.10.

how I can uninstall v 11.04 -- bearing in mind I have no menus -- so I can reinstall v. 10.10?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Uninstall / How To Do

Jan 17, 2010

I have messed up Kubuntu due to the updates messing up. When I try to uninstall from Windows control panel i get an error message.


System cannot find the specified file

How do I uninstall?

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Uninstall Steam?

Jan 29, 2010

I am having a bit of a problem with Wine as I cannot remove any of the programs that I have installed in it, namely Steam. Even if I try to uninstall wine via "sudo apt-get remove wine" I can still navigate to Steam through Applications - Wine - Programs - Steam. I don't know what to do. I've even tried the "Uninstall Wine Software" option to get rid of Steam but that has also failed.

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Ubuntu :: Uninstall On Partition?

Jan 31, 2010

ok so i installed the full installation of ubuntu on its own harddrive,while i have windows 7 on a different harddrive.'m trying to uninstall ubuntu from that harddrive and install my xp on there but cant seem to do it, tried different suggestions but i have problems doing it, if someone could please explain in good detail and easy for a newbie of computers to understand,

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Ubuntu :: Can't Uninstall XnView

Feb 3, 2010

I followed the directions from this page, the first post


I don't like the program, but I can't seem to uninstall it. It says it doesn't exist.

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Ubuntu :: How To Uninstall Handbrake

Feb 7, 2010

I have Handbrake on my computer and as I don't use it, I want to know how to uninstall it. GUI terms, that would be great, as I don't know how to use command line (I find it confusing and complicated).

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Ubuntu :: Is It Safe To Uninstall HAL In 10.04 And 9.10

Mar 4, 2010

can I uninstall HAL from Ubuntu 10.04? i tried it on 9.10 2 weeks ago and unfortunately the dependencies also uninstalled the entire gnome desktop and many other essential things leaving me with a bulky half broken mock arch linux. if this is safe let me know I am dying to try out Device Kit to see how fast it really is.

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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Uninstall DNS

Apr 4, 2010

I'm anew user to ubuntu... can i know how can i uninstall the DNS server from network settings? i want to remove it so no one can put the DNS back and access the INTERNET

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Ubuntu :: How To Uninstall Firefox

Jun 6, 2010

How do I uninstall Firefox?

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Ubuntu :: How To Uninstall The A Package

Jun 30, 2010

i downloaded a printer driver called snx-100 which was installed correctly, i now need to uninstall it, i ran it's uninstall.sh script which it said it's done correctly, but now to every package i want to install i get the following message which i have attached

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Ubuntu :: Can't Uninstall Packages / Fix It?

Jun 30, 2010

For some reason, whenever running any apt-get command, I receive the following error code...

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Ubuntu :: Is There Any Wat To Uninstall Last Updates?

Jul 9, 2010

I installed the latest updates last night (It came up automatically on the screen and I clicked the Update). Now I am having problems mainly my wireless network keeps connecting/disconnecting then sometimes asks for the password/key for the router etc.The system also got hung today and had to hard boot.

I am pretty sure one or some of the updates is responsible for this rather annoying problem, but I do not know how to undo the latest updates?The original install could not even pick up the wireless bcs it is a RealTek RTL8191SE NIC and this particular NIC had problems with Linux drivers! It started to work by itself after the 2nd or 3rd update.

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Installation :: How To Uninstall Ubuntu

Jul 18, 2010

I installed Ubuntu 10.04 LTS together with my Windows 7... My Question is: How do i uninstall Ubuntu without affecting my Windows Partition

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Ubuntu :: Can't Install Or Uninstall Anything

Jul 23, 2010

Ok, so I tried to run the .deb package to install the Facebook chat plugin for Pidgin, and something got all messed up with that, and now nothing will install or uninstall. Synaptics won't run, Update Manager tells me to try a termianl command that doesn't work, and the Software center doesn't work either. I've attached screenshots of the problems. I've tried to download and reinstall the .deb file, and it still doesn't work.

I wanted to upload one more picture, but it only allows five. The last picture was of the terminal window. Here's what it said.

"Sudo apt-get install f
reading package lists... done
building dependency tree
reading state information... done
E: The package pidgin-facebookchat needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it"

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