Ubuntu :: Speed Up - LiveCD By Adding A ToRAM Feature

Oct 22, 2010

Have you ever wanted the Ubuntu LiveCD to have a ToRAM feature like knoppix? I know I have. Looking around online, a HOWTO that focuses on this exact topic is [url] . [url] hasn't been updated since Ubuntu 9.10 was released however, and some things it mentions no longer work as it describes (especially things dealing with the bootloader). It also isn't the easiest HOWTO to follow (maybe that's just me) mainly because of the multiple things that need to be mounted and kept track of. This is why I spent a few days developing a script that will take an Ubuntu ISO, and add a ToRAM feature to it. I used [url]and [url]as my two main sources of information so thanks to the authors of both those pages for making this script possible.

What is a ToRAM feature?

A ToRAM feature is something that copies the entire CD to RAM before running the live environment. I first saw this done by knoppix, one of the first linux distributions I've ever tried, and now this can be done with Ubuntu as well.

Why do this?

There are several reasons:

Speed: A LiveCD environment is usually considered to be slower than a regular install of Ubuntu. This is because instead of running from the hard drive, the LiveCD runs right from your CD, and since CDs are slower than hard drives, this results in a slower Ubuntu then you may be used to. A ToRAM feature addresses this issue. This is because when the LiveCD environment runs from your RAM, it is not only faster than a regular hard drive install (due to RAM's insane speeds), it is also faster than any SSD.

Getting your CD Drive back: If you boot into a LiveCD environment from a CD, Ubuntu needs that CD to operate. If you have a single CD drive (like most of us do), you can no longer use that drive. If this is a problem for you, the ToRAM feature addresses this as well since it doesn't need the Ubuntu CD to operate, allowing you to remove it and replaces it with any other CD.

Fast Install: Although Ubuntu's install process is fast, it can still take a while before it finishes. If you install Ubuntu often, and don't have the patience to wait for it to finish every time, you can speed up the process by using the ToRAM feature. As an added bonus, if you are installing Ubuntu on many machines at once (like in a library or a computer room), the ToRAM feature allows you to do this in parallel since you won't need the CD for 99% of the installation (only to start it).

What will this work on?

This should work for Ubuntu 10.10 x86 or amd64, but keep in mind:


Originally Posted by [url]

The architecture (Amd64 or i386) to be stored on the LiveCD should be the same as the architecture used to perform the customization, or the LiveCD may not run. It is not trivial to customize an AMD64 LiveCD using an i386 operating system, for example.

Word of Warning

Although I try to build safeguards into any script I upload to the internet to keep them from doing anything unexpected, including this one, you may want to run this script in a VM where it's safe. You could also try running it from a live CD where, if it goes rouge for some reason, it won't kill anything.

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General :: Toram Or Not Toram - And The Memory Remains The Same ?

Jan 16, 2010

So I made a neat little fluxbox distro(another one?) actually its the latest incarnation of 503box

Anyway; with Debian Live (which its made from) one of the boot parameters is[url]

Boot in TORAM mode, as you see there above link..Specifically I used


Which isnt listed but actually works better as it only boots the compressed fs into RAM

Using just "toram" the whole cd/iso,etc is booted into RAM

Anyway; so for some reason the memory usages are about the same no matter whether booting toram
or not?

Heres Proof; using "free"

Environs- at each boot I am booting off 2GB fat32 usb on a Desktop PC.

Heres Debian's default live boot not toram, no persistent (usb mounted)


so it using about 80MB RAM?

Heres in toram/no persistent mode(no drives mounted...usb/cd removable)

How that be red?

The squashfs filesystem is 340MB shot into ram so why isnt the mem usage higher?

Heres some more pics- note that all the mem usage is about the same..

At boot it gives message when using toram mode


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General :: Adding Alternative Key Binding To Feature In Compiz?

Jun 3, 2010

I was wondering is there any way to add additional, alternative key binding to a particular feature in compiz? I am using Wall plugin and on my ThinkPad it is convenient to switch between horizontal workspaces with media buttons for browser navigation. But there just two of them, so I have to use completely different combinations to switch between workspaces vertically and that would be good if I can also use similar kind of combination to switch horizontally as well in addition to those media buttons. Is there a way maybe to send a message to the compiz to execute particular command?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Boot Speed In KDE LiveCD

Sep 6, 2010

I'm having very strange issues with OpenSUSE 11.3 KDE LiveCD, mainly performance-wise. Most noticeably, it takes 10-30 minutes to actually boot the system, and it doesn't matter whether the LiveCD is booted from the USB or if it's install into the hard disk. There aren't any noticeable errors during boot, though, except a few "timeout" errors and not being able to lauch VirtualBox Guest Additions (which I don't need since it's not run from VirtualBox anyway).

It takes the most time during the "scanning USB devices" section if I boot from the USB, and during the state where it detects the network card/assigns an IP. In both cases, every dot that appears there takes around 2 minutes. During the boot, the PC seems to be mostly idle, and appears to do something only occasinally, when certain parts of the boot sequence are passed, so that makes boot up feel "jumpy" - nothing happens for 10 minutes, then the PC starts accessing the HDD, then nothing happens for 10 more minutes.

There are other performance problems, noticeably during installation to HDD (through the Install option from the CD startup menu - it's quite a bit faster when started from the running LiveCD). For instance, it takes around 5-10 minutes to make the screen where you need to choose the language and keyboard layout responsive. The performance, in both cases, seems to be inconsistent - sometimes it starts booting and responding quickly, the other times it's really slow, up to the point of outright hanging.

System specs:
CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 925
HDD: WD Caviar Black 640 GB
GPU: ATI Radeon HD 4890

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Fedora :: Multiseat Feature That Had Been In The Feature List At One Point?

Mar 9, 2010

Does anyone know what happened to the Multiseat feature that had been in the feature list at one point?To briefly summarise, a single machine with multiple graphics cards, sound cards, keyboards & mice provides multiple seats for users. Each user gets their own monitor, keyboard, mouse & perhaps audio. The rest of the machine resources are then shared.

The last I saw on the topic was this discussion, although I have a recollection that there was going to be support in a newer version of X.Org. I've googled around quite a bit, but can't seem to find anything.

Anybody know anything? It would be a great feature to have and it's frustrating to have had such an omission since F8 :-o

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Ubuntu Installation :: Casper Boot Toram Multiboot Squashfs Images

Aug 18, 2011

I've just created a bootdisk (ssd) with multiples Squasfs images I can choose to boot at the Grub2 menu.No I tried to put the sqfs-images into a ramdisk. Therefore I edited the script '/usr/share/initramfstools/ scripts/ casper'. I used the 'dirty hacks'in the ubuntuforums.org/boottoram howto but I suited them for my needs.Now the Systems stops after the kernel and doesn't find a root system.

The sqfs-image without the modification of the 'casper'-script still boots but doesn't load into ram completely.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Trying To Playback At Double Speed - VLC Will Play The Video At Normal Speed But With No Audio

Jul 23, 2011

Ubuntu 64bit. The sound system works and plays noises correctly when I test the speakers in sound preferances. The internet BBCi player(Radio) plays sound correctly. Banshee & Rhythmbox try to play music files at double, or more, speed with no sound output. Spotify Linux version also tries to playback at double speed with no sound output. Media Player attempts to play music files at high speed. Media player plays the Video and audio tracks at high speed. VLC Will play the video at normal speed but with no audio.

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Ubuntu :: Cd Burner Goes To 16 Speed Burning And Up: Cannot Burn At 4 Speed

Dec 20, 2010

i both have the same problem, i'm trying to burn my images at 4 or 8 speed, but ubuntu 10.04 says that the hardware does not support that kind of speed and switch up to 16 speed and more. i know it can burn at low speeds, at least in windows, it is a bit strange that fast burning is okee, and slow not, what can i do to prevent this? i don't wanna burn to much errors on my discs

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General :: Turn Turtle-speed Browsing Into Penguin-speed Browsing?

Oct 17, 2010

I've just installed Slackware 13.1 in two different laptops for first time. I have some strange internet browsing behaviour in one of the laptops. I've installed 2 internet browsers(firefox,opera) using the directions from Slackbuilds.org and there is also konqueror pre-installed. Moreover I installed Wicd network manager.

I can browse some pages e.g. ..... with firefox very slowly but NEVER facebook. I can browse almost any page, even facebook, with OPERA but very very slowly. The same goes with konqueror... Wicd shows that i am always connected with my WPA wireless network

Laptop details:


Toshiba sattellite a100-209
Processor Intel Celeron M 370 / 1.5 GHz
Databus-Speed 400 MHz
Installed RAM 512 MB
Technology DDR2 SDRAM - 533 MHz


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Ubuntu :: Disable XF86Search Feature / Key?

Feb 5, 2010

I want to disable the XF86Search feature in my system. I will try anything.

One of my mouse buttons, when pressed, triggers this XF86Search no matter what I disable or change. (This feature opens up my browser and goes to a search page.) Strangely the mouse button is being interpreted as a key, not a mouse-button press. (This actually may be a bug in Ubuntu...)

How do I disable this feature?

I am running KDE 4.3.5 with Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic (Kubuntu). Though I use BTNX to configure my mouse buttons, this feature has absolutely nothing to do with that. I have tested by disabling BTNX completely and clicking this special button on my mouse still loads a search page.

Here is the xev command output:

KeymapNotify event, serial 36, synthetic NO, window 0x0,
keys: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0


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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Shutdown Confirmation Feature-bug

May 4, 2010

When shutting down 10.04 you are forced to deal with a confirmation window. In previous releases it was possible to switch this off, e.g. right click shutdown button or using gconf-editor. I can't remove this feature bug in 10.04.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 On USB Stick - Persistence Feature

Jun 18, 2010

The Pendrive Linux site states the following in regards to a USB Flash Install using their Universal USB Installer:
"Once finished, you should have a Live USB Ubuntu 10.0 that can be run directly from your Flash Drive, just as it does from a Live CD. Ubuntu's casper-rw feature IS ALSO utilized for persistently saving and restoring your changes on subsequent boots."

The part that confuses me is the second statement that the Casper-RW feature is utilized. Isn't that incorrect for the case of a Live Install using their Universal USB Installer? I later discovered that a Persistent Install can be created by downloading and using Version 2.5 of the Linux Live USB Creator. In this case, a second partition is created on the Flash drive for the casper rw feature. Is my understanding correct, or can the Pendrive Linux Universal Installer somehow create a persistent USB drive that will save data and settings?

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Ubuntu :: Turn Off The Authentication Feature?

Aug 3, 2010

How do I turn off the authentication feature? I am the only person who uses my computer and it is frustrating always having to type in my authentication password. Can I turn off the authentication feature permanently so I am never asked for authentication ever again?

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Ubuntu :: Looking For Equilivent Of Windows Feature?

Nov 9, 2010

You know the windows vista/7 feature that puts try icons in that box that opens when you click it
i am basucally looking for a drawer applet for try icons
i want to put rhythmbox,touch-freeze, and fusion-icon in it

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Enable 3D Feature With Cube

Nov 18, 2010

Upgraded to 10.10 yesterday, something I noticed is that I cannot enable 3D feature with cube? Loaded all of Compiz and drivers, downloaded latest nvidia, but option still "greyed" out. Worked fine with 10.04..

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Ubuntu :: Reporting An Amazing Feature?

Dec 22, 2010

UBUNTU 10.10.This is almost funny but maybe useful: As I am working around my desktops, at times I was getting a sudden changes where shorter screens of my open programs and workspaces appeared. I pressed Esc and all went fine again.Since this was happening frequently I tried to find out what triggers it.I discovered that when I move my mouse pointer over the right bottom corner on my desktop all workspaces will be shown in reduced size in my desktop. When I moved my mouse in the left bottom corner, all open program in the active workspace where shown reduced in size (even the auxiliary pop up toolbars. Esc works fine to return to normal. When I move my mouse over the top right corner then all open programs in the open workspace will get minimized, Esc will not bring them back, you have to click in the task bar. When I move my mouse over the top left corner, unfortunately nothing happens.

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Ubuntu :: Turn Off Or Adjust Lockout Feature?

Jan 30, 2010

anyone know how to turn off or adjust the lockout feature in ubuntu.I am running the new 10.04. With this feature after I am idle for time til I am brought back to the login screen, this is very annoying for me and I have to keep unlocking multiple times a day.Hopefully there is a way to configure this behavior.I am note sure if this is something specirfic to 10.04.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgraded From 9.10 To 10.04 And Lost These Feature(s)?

May 31, 2010

I recently upgraded to 10.04 Lucid a while ago. I don't know if anyone else needs this feature but I use it a lot.


In previous releases, one of my favorites about RhythmBox was the fact that if you need to control things such as volume or check presently playing track, you can do so just by a mouse-over action and a scroll mouse over the Top-panel tray icon. It's all gone. Need to say the new click-on is good too but it's without the mouse scroll or Mouse-Over INFO

How can I re-enable it please? Why should I click on RhythmBox player each time just to control volume


Since upgrading to 10.04, only external mics work

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Ubuntu Installation :: 8.04 - 10.4 Update Manager Bug Or Feature?

Jun 8, 2010

Is this a Bug or a Feature? I have 8.04 LTS installed on several systems. "/etc/update-manager/release-updates" contains "Prompt=lts" In the Graphic menu "System->Administration->Software Sources" under the "Updates" tab for the "Release Upgrade" option I have "Long Term Releases Only" Both of these indicate to me that "update-manager" should show me new LTS releases. Then why doesn't "update-manager" notify me that a new LTS release is available? "ATL-F2" "update-manager -d" shows the new release.

All I can conclude is that in order to show new releases "update-manager" requires the "-d" option but the default menu doesn't include it. That seems like a bug to me for software that is supposed to "just work". Is there any way to add that option to the "launcher"?

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Ubuntu :: [lucid] Disabling The Autorun Feature?

Jul 2, 2010

I have an external WD hard drive on which I have created several partitions to facilitate data arrangement. Whenever I plug it in, all partitions are mounted. That is okay. I want it to automount all partitions. But the annoying thing is all partitions opening and popping up and cluttering my desktop (which I, very dearly, keep very arranged and clean...)

I hate it and want to edit the settings so the folders will not automatically open and pop up into my face..

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Ubuntu :: Evolution Autocomplete Feature (Like Outlook NK2)

Jul 10, 2010

I use evolution a lot during my working day, I work in IT so my work is heavily email driven. I have used ubuntu on my personal computers for a while now and last week decided to migrate my work computer from Windows to ubuntu. For my work email, contacts and calendars I use google apps for business (highly recommended by the way!) and evolution syncs all 3 brilliantly. As outlook uses the nk2 file to autocomplete email addresses when you begin to type them into the to, cc or bcc bar.

I can't seem to enable the same feature in evolution. I have gone into Edit > Preferences > Mail Preferences > Automatic Contacts. I have then put a tick in the check box "create address book entries when sending emails" and I have selected the ubuntu one address book (don't want my gmail contacts being clogged up). After sending some emails it doesn't seem to store the addresses in the 'history'.

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Ubuntu :: IDE With Intelligent Code Completion Feature?

Jul 17, 2010

I want an IDE such as phpDesigner or dreamweaver that has intelligent code completion feature built-in. If it's complete such phpDesigner; It will be prefered.


Syntax highlighters in phpDesigner
Intelligent syntax highlighting, switch automatic between PHP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript
PHP (both version 4 and 5 are full supported)
SQL (MySQL, MSSQL 2000, MSSQL 7, Ingres, Interbase 6, Oracle, Sybase)
CSS (both version 1 and 2.1 are full supported)


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Ubuntu :: Disable Tilde Key Press-twice Feature

Aug 7, 2010

I have noticed quite often that the tilde key only works when I press it twice. I've searched a while and found out that it can be used for accented characters like with the n (can't do that on Windows here anyway). I only know of the tilde-n from Spanish, I've never seen all of the other tilde-characters. And I do not need any of then ever. But I do need to type in my home directory (~) quite often and I want that to work the first time I press that key. Especially when it works through a PuTTY/SSH shell from Windows, but not directly in Gnome Terminal. The system preferences for the keyboard mapping don't help me out.

So how can I disable that double-press feature for the tilde key? It's allright for the accent keys, the � and ` accents alone are invalid characters and should never be used anyway (there's real quotation characters for that) (except for shell backtick expressions) and I don't need the ^ symbol (for coding only) often on Linux.Using Ubuntu 10.4 with German keyboard mapping (de), directly at the machine or via NX/VNC.

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Ubuntu :: Window Restore Feature In Nautilus

Aug 9, 2010

suppose an Ubuntu or Linux user is using GNOME and he/she has opened too many folders , suddenly he/she has to shutdown/ switch off machine due to power failure or some other unexpected reasons , now when he/she reboots the machine he/she can't remember the folders he/she had opened earlier so there should be a window restore feature for nautilus in Ubuntu or Linux in general

Ubuntu or Linux should implement the same window restore feature in nautilus similar to the one existing in Mozilla firefox

See the screen shot here:- [url]

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Ubuntu :: How To Disable Hide Windows Feature

Nov 18, 2010

I installed macbuntu on my laptop. I love it except for one thing. Whenever you mouse over the left bottom corner the windows hide. How to disable that feature?

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Ubuntu :: Need Another File Manager Feature / Add-on Or Replacement?

Nov 30, 2010

I'm running Nautilus in standard Ubuntu 10.10, but it lacks a feature that is very important for my usage. If there is a modification for Nautilus, that would be best, if there is another Linux file manager that provides the feature,When I save a file in a directory by starting to type what I want to name the file in the Windows file manager, at least from XP to current, then a list pops up below the typing line with a list of the files that match that string of characters. I don't know if or how Nautilus can be made to do this.

Why important: I use a Firefox add-on to download songs from some internet radio websites. Because I download so many, I follow the naming convention ARTIST- ALBUM- SONG. Because I've already got over 4000 songs so downloaded, I usually don't know if, when I hear a song, whether I've already downloaded it or not. By having the feature, I just start typing to name the file, and I quickly discover if I already have the song so I can skip the song until I get to one I have not downloaded.

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Ubuntu :: Vim Latex - Autoindent Feature Not Working

Feb 1, 2011

I installed the vim-latex suite. Syntax colors are working great, but the autoindent feature is not working like it works for .html and .f90 files. My .vimrc file is, as far as I can see, correct:

syntax on
" REQUIRED. This makes vim invoke Latex-Suite when you open a tex file.
filetype plugin on
" IMPORTANT: win32 users will need to have 'shellslash' set so that latex
" can be called correctly.
set shellslash
" IMPORTANT: grep will sometimes skip displaying the file name if you
" search in a singe file. This will confuse Latex-Suite. Set your grep
" program to always generate a file-name.
set grepprg=grep -nH $* .....

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Ubuntu :: Gnome Doesn't Support A 'reboot Into [OS]' Feature?

Feb 5, 2010

Since Gnome doesn't support a 'reboot into [OS]' feature, one has to use a script. Such a script would be used in both windows (probably batch file) and linux (maybe python?) to replace the GRUB menu file and by that select the OS in which you want to boot on reboot.Both OS's should run another script on startup to put the default menu file back.

Problems:- Ext4: there are no windows drivers available (yet)(they would have to support reading and writing)- GRUB2: the old GRUB menu was very easy, one had to edit just one file (!or replace it!). In GRUB2 things got complicated. I think you can edit grub.cfg and that it will still work, the reason why you should not edit it is just because it gets overwritten by running update-grub2. But I'm not sure. If - The script I found is used to edit the Grub file, not to replace it with another one. (This is but a minor problem.)

Solutions:- Ext4 is mountable with Ext2fsd (not with Ext2ifs because of the inode size), it has been reported to work with extent enabled, but I haven't tested it yet.Here is a tutorial to mounting Ext4 drives in windows (which require disabling extent)- If editing the grub.cfg would really be a bad idea, downgrading to GRUB (legacy)- If I couldn't mount Ext4, trying to put Grub on a separate FAT/NTFS partition (is this possible with Grub/Grub2?) or else downgrading to Ext3 (= slower)

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Ubuntu :: Official Way To Make Suggestions And Feature Requests?

Feb 23, 2010

What is the official way to make suggestions and feature requests? I have a few!

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Ubuntu :: Gedit Wildcards In Find / Replace Feature

Feb 27, 2010

I am cleaning up some text files to put on a website and am using the find/replace feature of Gedit extensively. The only problem I am having is that I can't find a way to use wildcards. For instance, I want to use the "?" and "*" in the same or similar way you do in bash. I already know that:

Represents a carriage return, and that is great, but I want to do something like: "?." to replace "A.", "B.", "1.", "2." with just plain spaces. The document in question is written in narrative, but has a bunch of outline markers in it, and I want to remove the outline markers.

I tried "escaping" the characters in a similar way as by using "?.", but that didn't work. Google was not very fruitful, and the Gedit help seems to be Gnome help and includes all kinds of useless info (for my problem) about wildcards in other programs.

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